grindeldore · 7 years
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“Glory & gore go hand in hand, that’s why we are making head lines.” 📸 @atinyfoxviking
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grindeldore · 8 years
Behind closed doors. Part II.
And continue…
Tom drew away from Gellert fast enough to almost call it a jump. The two young men stared towards the door and the intruder that had just interrupted them. In the door stood no one else but Albus Dumbledore who stared at them in sheer surprise, his mouth wide open. There were a few moments of silence in which they all just stared at each other. Albus surprised, almost not believing what he had just walked into. Tom in utter shock, panic rising up in him drowning the colour from his face. And Gellert, a little surprised maybe, but still grinning amused. “Well, I suppose we should have locked the door”, he then said almost cheerful. His words broke the weird silence and it was as if a spell was broken. Tom sprinted towards the door, almost knocked Albus over and disappeared. Albus cleared his throat and said “I suppose I should go now”, but before he could turn around Gellert had stepped closer to him. “I’m going to have to ask you to forget what you just saw. I have my doubts about my uncle being all to open-minded about this”, he said in a surprisingly serious tone. Albus frowned “You know that it’s wrong though”. “Wrong?”, Gellert laughed “What should be wrong about two people having some fun? The only thing that’s wrong is society and their wish to control us. But you don’t see that, do you? Because you still believe everything your parents and the oh so perfect ministry tells you. I have news for you, that thing in your head, your brain, you can use that, you know. And not just to memorise and learn your little textbook in school. But here you stand trying to tell me, me, how to live my life, when it is you who is wrong. What do you want to do? Tell my uncle? What do you think will happen, with all of them being just as understanding as you are? I am not ashamed of who I am, but are you going to risk to be responsible for whatever they will do to that Riddle-boy? Because I can guarantee you it won’t be nice”. While he was talking his blond locks had fallen into his face, his eyes glistened with passion and his voice was showing his suppressed anger, revealing an accent he was usually very good at covering up. Albus didn’t know what to say, which didn’t happen often, he was smart, very intelligent even and he knew it, never before had anyone called him stupid. Of course he hadn’t used this exact word but it was essentially what he thought. And even though he wasn’t right when it came to him, Albus, Gellert was right when it came to what would happen to Tom. And was it really his business? Even if he didn’t agree, they didn’t hurt anyone. He cleared his throat once more and said to the obviously angry young man next to him: “I won’t tell. It’s not my job to run around telling other people’s secrets”. For a moment it seemed like Gellert wanted to break into another lecture, but he decided otherwise, said “Good” and left the room leaving Albus alone with his thoughts. He followed the blonde with his eyes and had to admit to himself that he knew why Tom had been seduced by him, there was something about him. In a very heterosexual way of course. He would never. He wasn’t Tom. And this was obviously wrong.
“Tom, listen to me. Let me in. Or I’ll have to apparate into your room!”, Gellert was furious. After the terrible incident with Albus, Tom ran off to his room. He locked himself in, wishing to be left alone. “Tom, I spoke to that boy. Please let me in now. Come on, Liebster. I won’t hurt you. You know that.” On the other side of the door Tom Riddle was shaking. “Leave me alone, Grindelwald! I told you to stay away from me! Go now. I don’t want to see you.”, Tom was crying. “How can something that feels so amazing, be so wrong? It’s wrong. Albus is right. It’s so wrong.”, he muttered to himself while sitting down on his bed. His thoughts drifted away, back to Hogwarts. The only place he truly feels at ease. Well it was the only place until he found Gellert. Being in Gellert’s arms made him feel at home. “Tom Riddle, open this verdammte door or I’ll break it in! I mean that.”, Gellert growled in front of his door. His German accent showing so strong it nearly made Tom smile. He got up with a sigh, opening the door to his room carefully. Gellert glared at him, but his eyes turning soft when he saw the tears that were still dropping from Tom’s eyes. “Liebster, I didn’t mean to scare you. Come here.”, he said opening his arms. Tom hesitated for a second, but his heart’s desire to feel warm and secure again was stronger than his brain screaming to get the further away from his charming devil. Gellert closed his arms around the shaking boy. “Now, now, mein Liebster. Everything is okay. You’re fine. He won’t bust us. We’re fine, Liebster. It’s fine.” “His name is Albus Dumbledore”, Tom muttered absent-mindedly and then proceeded: “We should not have done that, Gellert. It is wrong. Mr Slughorn will not be happy. I broke his rule. Gellert, he will punish me for what I have done.”, Tom started sobbing into Gellert’s cloak. “Tom, breathe. Mein Liebster, please breathe. It’s okay. He won’t find out. Look at me.”, he said softly. Tom lifted his face from Gellert’s shoulder, looking up into his grey eyes. Suddenly their lips were connected again. Their previous kiss was feverish and all over the place. This one was gentle and reassuring. Gellert’s lips moved to Tom’s cheeks kissing them softly to make him forget about the tears that were there only seconds ago.
„What fools those two are indulging in such sin.“, Albus muttered to himself standing on the spacious veranda of the Slughorn mansion. The Dumbledore’s weren’t a particular religious family. None of the wizard he ever met cared about religion in any way, but what Gellert and Tom did was simply terrible. It wasn’t okay. A man and a man should not do those things. Those things were predestined for a woman and a man. Of course he heard his fellow students talk about those terrible things in Hogwarts. How Emerald McKinnon snogged Eric Yaxley after a successful Quidditch game but they both blamed it on the fire whiskey they consumed. No, a man kissing a man was just wrong. Everyone knew that.
“Albus, are you alright? You look like you have just seen a ghost.“. Horace Slughorn laughed next to him. “Ouh, no Horace. I just ouhm, I am okay. I just needed some air I guess.“ His lie wasn’t great. Albus knew that very well but he also knew that Horace wouldn’t see through it due to the amount of fire whiskey he must have consumed. “Are you very sure, Albus? Was something wrong with the food? I will send for some water.“ Albus only nodded, still unable to process the things he just interrupted. “It’s for the greater good that I found them. Who knows what terrible things they would have indulged in. Even though I cannot imagine how that would work.“, Albus thought to himself. Horace must have left. “It will be okay, Albus. It won’t ever happen again. I will never be involved with these things ever again.“
  At the same time, Gellert was still comforting Tom who started to cry again. “Liebster, please. It’s okay. I promise you with all I have Dumbledore won’t tell on us. He isn’t that cruel.“ Tom just kept on sobbing into Gellert’s shoulder. „It’s all my fault. It’s my fault that you will get kicked out of the house. It’s my fault you’ll get into trouble. I just lost everything within a matter of minutes. Just because I did this terrible thing. I am so sorry, Gellert.“ „Tom, look at me. Mein Liebster, I swear it will be okay.“ Tom lifted his head off of his lover’s shoulder. „I’m so sorry“, he mouthed at the beautiful man in front of him. „Let’s forget about it for today. There’ll be enough time tomorrow to worry about this mess. Let’s just be together for tonight. This might be all we get.” Gellert kissed the smaller man’s forehead softly. „It’ll be okay, Liebster. Everything will be okay. Together we are stronger. Stronger than Dumbledore. I mean why would Uncle Hans believe him anyway? Honestly, I think we are safe.“ „It can’t happen again“, Tom cried, stepping out of Gellert’s arms. „We can never do that again. It’s so wrong. You and I are not supposed to do that. We are unnatural.“ The boy was shaking obviously terrified of what he and Gellert had done. „Tom, Liebster, how can this feel unnatural to you?“, Gellert whispered and stepped closer to Tom again, giving him enough space to run for the hills. His hands were holding Tom’s face softly. „How can making love be wrong?“ Gellert kissed Tom softly. „How can affection be wrong?“ His lips wandering to Tom’s jaw, nibbling at the soft skin. „How can you and I be wrong when this feels so perfect? When you are so perfect?“ Tom was leaning towards him now. The bodies fitting together perfectly. „Kiss me, Gellert. Make me forget the sin I am indulging in.“ „Your wish is my command, princess.“ Gellert chuckled. Their kisses were feverish; feeling like they were running out of time Gellert moved their bodies towards Tom’s bed. It was small, but the two lovers didn’t need a lot of space anyway. Tom was getting braver and braver, his hands moving towards Gellert’s hips, squeezing them carefully. Gellert sat down on the bed pulling Tom on top of him; the older man’s hands now wandering towards Tom backside. „You’re so beautiful, Liebster. So precious. So perfect for me. Such a good boy.“ In an act of bravery, Tom started to open up Gellert’s robe. Soon the older boy was down to his underwear. „It’s not fair to be unequally dressed, is it, Liebster?“ Tom nodded softly. „I am scared. What if you find me ugly? I am not in my best shape.“ „If there’s one thing I am sure of it’s that I could never find you ugly. You are beautiful. Perfect in fact.“ Gellert kissed Tom again. „Trust me“. The blonde then slipped his fingers under Tom’s shirt and began to caress his skin. „Let’s end this inequality, shall we?“, with those words Gellert started to lift up Tom’s shirt. In this moment all bravery left Tom, sheer panic took over. Before he knew what he was doing he had grabbed Gellerts hand and blurted out „Stop!“. The other one halted in the moment. „What?“ „I…I can’t do this. I just can’t. I’m sorry. I thought I could, but…“. Tom was on the verge of crying again. „Hush, Liebster! It’s okay!“ Gellert removed his hands from the other ones body. Tears were running down Toms face now, making it impossible for him to see the twitch of disappointment flickering over Gellerts face. „Would you mind to… to just stay here?“ „Certainly not! How could I possibly mind to spend the night with a gorgeous boy?“ His usual smirk was back on his face as he adjusted himself comfortably on the pillow. Tom lay down next to him slowly. „Thank you“, he whispered. „Nothing to thank me for, Liebster, apart from my great kissing skills maybe. And now come over here“, with those words Gellert pulled Tom closer to him and they both closed their eyes.
The weeks passed and going back to school was coming sooner than Gellert or Tom wanted. Their summer has been a perfect tale of hidden smiles and stolen kisses in broom closets. The bond between the two teenagers grew stronger. The night before Gellert had to leave was spent cuddled up together sharing sweet kisses and softly spoken promises about them sending letters every day. „My time with you was like a dream, Liebster.  You are my dream.“
„Goodbye, Gellert. It was nice to meet you.“ Tom was back to being his formal self the day Gellert left. Albus could only see a bit through the crack in their garden wall. Gellert was standing in front of the Slughorn mansion dressed in muggle clothes that didn’t seem to fit him properly. His shirt was too wide, it was hanging low exposing his sharp collar bones. “Goodbye, Tom”, Gellert said. There was a moment of silence, before Gellert leaned closer and whispered something into Toms ear. Albus crawled towards the garden fence until his nose touched the rough wood, however he was still not able to hear even the slightest sound, let alone what exactly Gellert said to Tom. Whatever it had been, Gellert seemed to have said everything he wanted to say, he leaned back, but not without letting his long slender fingers run over Toms jawline one last time. Gellert had just dropped his hand as the Slughorn family stepped outside. They said stiff goodbyes, before Gellert turned his back on the Slughorn mansion, pulled his backpack up on one shoulder and started to make his way out of town.
It was in this very moment that Albus Dumbledore, his nose still pressed against his garden fence, watching the whole scene through the little crack, realised what he was doing. He quickly jumped up and stepped away from the fence. “You are not a stalker, Albus. This was simply a funny coincidence. You were in the garden just reading, when they stepped outside, it’s not like you purposely watched them, you just randomly caught sight of them and when they were so close to each other… it was only natural to be curious. After all they could still be doing… doing what they did the other day. No it would be completely normal to want to know. This certainly was just concern for Toms immortal soul”, he muttered to himself.
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grindeldore · 8 years
Behind closed doors. Part II.
And continue...
Tom drew away from Gellert fast enough to almost call it a jump. The two young men stared towards the door and the intruder that had just interrupted them. In the door stood no one else but Albus Dumbledore who stared at them in sheer surprise, his mouth wide open. There were a few moments of silence in which they all just stared at each other. Albus surprised, almost not believing what he had just walked into. Tom in utter shock, panic rising up in him drowning the colour from his face. And Gellert, a little surprised maybe, but still grinning amused. “Well, I suppose we should have locked the door”, he then said almost cheerful. His words broke the weird silence and it was as if a spell was broken. Tom sprinted towards the door, almost knocked Albus over and disappeared. Albus cleared his throat and said “I suppose I should go now”, but before he could turn around Gellert had stepped closer to him. “I’m going to have to ask you to forget what you just saw. I have my doubts about my uncle being all to open-minded about this”, he said in a surprisingly serious tone. Albus frowned “You know that it’s wrong though”. “Wrong?”, Gellert laughed “What should be wrong about two people having some fun? The only thing that’s wrong is society and their wish to control us. But you don’t see that, do you? Because you still believe everything your parents and the oh so perfect ministry tells you. I have news for you, that thing in your head, your brain, you can use that, you know. And not just to memorise and learn your little textbook in school. But here you stand trying to tell me, me, how to live my life, when it is you who is wrong. What do you want to do? Tell my uncle? What do you think will happen, with all of them being just as understanding as you are? I am not ashamed of who I am, but are you going to risk to be responsible for whatever they will do to that Riddle-boy? Because I can guarantee you it won’t be nice”. While he was talking his blond locks had fallen into his face, his eyes glistened with passion and his voice was showing his suppressed anger, revealing an accent he was usually very good at covering up. Albus didn’t know what to say, which didn’t happen often, he was smart, very intelligent even and he knew it, never before had anyone called him stupid. Of course he hadn’t used this exact word but it was essentially what he thought. And even though he wasn’t right when it came to him, Albus, Gellert was right when it came to what would happen to Tom. And was it really his business? Even if he didn’t agree, they didn’t hurt anyone. He cleared his throat once more and said to the obviously angry young man next to him: “I won’t tell. It’s not my job to run around telling other people’s secrets”. For a moment it seemed like Gellert wanted to break into another lecture, but he decided otherwise, said “Good” and left the room leaving Albus alone with his thoughts. He followed the blonde with his eyes and had to admit to himself that he knew why Tom had been seduced by him, there was something about him. In a very heterosexual way of course. He would never. He wasn’t Tom. And this was obviously wrong.
“Tom, listen to me. Let me in. Or I’ll have to apparate into your room!”, Gellert was furious. After the terrible incident with Albus, Tom ran off to his room. He locked himself in, wishing to be left alone. “Tom, I spoke to that boy. Please let me in now. Come on, Liebster. I won’t hurt you. You know that.” On the other side of the door Tom Riddle was shaking. “Leave me alone, Grindelwald! I told you to stay away from me! Go now. I don’t want to see you.”, Tom was crying. “How can something that feels so amazing, be so wrong? It’s wrong. Albus is right. It’s so wrong.”, he muttered to himself while sitting down on his bed. His thoughts drifted away, back to Hogwarts. The only place he truly feels at ease. Well it was the only place until he found Gellert. Being in Gellert’s arms made him feel at home. “Tom Riddle, open this verdammte door or I’ll break it in! I mean that.”, Gellert growled in front of his door. His German accent showing so strong it nearly made Tom smile. He got up with a sigh, opening the door to his room carefully. Gellert glared at him, but his eyes turning soft when he saw the tears that were still dropping from Tom’s eyes. “Liebster, I didn’t mean to scare you. Come here.”, he said opening his arms. Tom hesitated for a second, but his heart’s desire to feel warm and secure again was stronger than his brain screaming to get the further away from his charming devil. Gellert closed his arms around the shaking boy. “Now, now, mein Liebster. Everything is okay. You’re fine. He won’t bust us. We’re fine, Liebster. It’s fine.” “His name is Albus Dumbledore”, Tom muttered absent-mindedly and then proceeded: “We should not have done that, Gellert. It is wrong. Mr Slughorn will not be happy. I broke his rule. Gellert, he will punish me for what I have done.”, Tom started sobbing into Gellert’s cloak. “Tom, breathe. Mein Liebster, please breathe. It’s okay. He won’t find out. Look at me.”, he said softly. Tom lifted his face from Gellert’s shoulder, looking up into his grey eyes. Suddenly their lips were connected again. Their previous kiss was feverish and all over the place. This one was gentle and reassuring. Gellert’s lips moved to Tom’s cheeks kissing them softly to make him forget about the tears that were there only seconds ago.
„What fools those two are indulging in such sin.“, Albus muttered to himself standing on the spacious veranda of the Slughorn mansion. The Dumbledore’s weren’t a particular religious family. None of the wizard he ever met cared about religion in any way, but what Gellert and Tom did was simply terrible. It wasn’t okay. A man and a man should not do those things. Those things were predestined for a woman and a man. Of course he heard his fellow students talk about those terrible things in Hogwarts. How Emerald McKinnon snogged Eric Yaxley after a successful Quidditch game but they both blamed it on the fire whiskey they consumed. No, a man kissing a man was just wrong. Everyone knew that.
“Albus, are you alright? You look like you have just seen a ghost.“. Horace Slughorn laughed next to him. “Ouh, no Horace. I just ouhm, I am okay. I just needed some air I guess.“ His lie wasn’t great. Albus knew that very well but he also knew that Horace wouldn’t see through it due to the amount of fire whiskey he must have consumed. “Are you very sure, Albus? Was something wrong with the food? I will send for some water.“ Albus only nodded, still unable to process the things he just interrupted. “It’s for the greater good that I found them. Who knows what terrible things they would have indulged in. Even though I cannot imagine how that would work.“, Albus thought to himself. Horace must have left. “It will be okay, Albus. It won’t ever happen again. I will never be involved with these things ever again.“
  At the same time, Gellert was still comforting Tom who started to cry again. “Liebster, please. It’s okay. I promise you with all I have Dumbledore won’t tell on us. He isn’t that cruel.“ Tom just kept on sobbing into Gellert’s shoulder. „It’s all my fault. It’s my fault that you will get kicked out of the house. It’s my fault you’ll get into trouble. I just lost everything within a matter of minutes. Just because I did this terrible thing. I am so sorry, Gellert.“ „Tom, look at me. Mein Liebster, I swear it will be okay.“ Tom lifted his head off of his lover’s shoulder. „I’m so sorry“, he mouthed at the beautiful man in front of him. „Let’s forget about it for today. There’ll be enough time tomorrow to worry about this mess. Let’s just be together for tonight. This might be all we get.” Gellert kissed the smaller man’s forehead softly. „It’ll be okay, Liebster. Everything will be okay. Together we are stronger. Stronger than Dumbledore. I mean why would Uncle Hans believe him anyway? Honestly, I think we are safe.“ „It can’t happen again“, Tom cried, stepping out of Gellert’s arms. „We can never do that again. It’s so wrong. You and I are not supposed to do that. We are unnatural.“ The boy was shaking obviously terrified of what he and Gellert had done. „Tom, Liebster, how can this feel unnatural to you?“, Gellert whispered and stepped closer to Tom again, giving him enough space to run for the hills. His hands were holding Tom’s face softly. „How can making love be wrong?“ Gellert kissed Tom softly. „How can affection be wrong?“ His lips wandering to Tom’s jaw, nibbling at the soft skin. „How can you and I be wrong when this feels so perfect? When you are so perfect?“ Tom was leaning towards him now. The bodies fitting together perfectly. „Kiss me, Gellert. Make me forget the sin I am indulging in.“ „Your wish is my command, princess.“ Gellert chuckled. Their kisses were feverish; feeling like they were running out of time Gellert moved their bodies towards Tom’s bed. It was small, but the two lovers didn’t need a lot of space anyway. Tom was getting braver and braver, his hands moving towards Gellert’s hips, squeezing them carefully. Gellert sat down on the bed pulling Tom on top of him; the older man’s hands now wandering towards Tom backside. „You’re so beautiful, Liebster. So precious. So perfect for me. Such a good boy.“ In an act of bravery, Tom started to open up Gellert’s robe. Soon the older boy was down to his underwear. „It’s not fair to be unequally dressed, is it, Liebster?“ Tom nodded softly. „I am scared. What if you find me ugly? I am not in my best shape.“ „If there’s one thing I am sure of it’s that I could never find you ugly. You are beautiful. Perfect in fact.“ Gellert kissed Tom again. „Trust me“. The blonde then slipped his fingers under Tom’s shirt and began to caress his skin. „Let’s end this inequality, shall we?“, with those words Gellert started to lift up Tom’s shirt. In this moment all bravery left Tom, sheer panic took over. Before he knew what he was doing he had grabbed Gellerts hand and blurted out „Stop!". The other one halted in the moment. „What?“ „I…I can’t do this. I just can’t. I’m sorry. I thought I could, but…“. Tom was on the verge of crying again. „Hush, Liebster! It’s okay!“ Gellert removed his hands from the other ones body. Tears were running down Toms face now, making it impossible for him to see the twitch of disappointment flickering over Gellerts face. „Would you mind to… to just stay here?“ „Certainly not! How could I possibly mind to spend the night with a gorgeous boy?“ His usual smirk was back on his face as he adjusted himself comfortably on the pillow. Tom lay down next to him slowly. „Thank you“, he whispered. „Nothing to thank me for, Liebster, apart from my great kissing skills maybe. And now come over here“, with those words Gellert pulled Tom closer to him and they both closed their eyes.
The weeks passed and going back to school was coming sooner than Gellert or Tom wanted. Their summer has been a perfect tale of hidden smiles and stolen kisses in broom closets. The bond between the two teenagers grew stronger. The night before Gellert had to leave was spent cuddled up together sharing sweet kisses and softly spoken promises about them sending letters every day. „My time with you was like a dream, Liebster.  You are my dream.“
„Goodbye, Gellert. It was nice to meet you.“ Tom was back to being his formal self the day Gellert left. Albus could only see a bit through the crack in their garden wall. Gellert was standing in front of the Slughorn mansion dressed in muggle clothes that didn’t seem to fit him properly. His shirt was too wide, it was hanging low exposing his sharp collar bones. “Goodbye, Tom”, Gellert said. There was a moment of silence, before Gellert leaned closer and whispered something into Toms ear. Albus crawled towards the garden fence until his nose touched the rough wood, however he was still not able to hear even the slightest sound, let alone what exactly Gellert said to Tom. Whatever it had been, Gellert seemed to have said everything he wanted to say, he leaned back, but not without letting his long slender fingers run over Toms jawline one last time. Gellert had just dropped his hand as the Slughorn family stepped outside. They said stiff goodbyes, before Gellert turned his back on the Slughorn mansion, pulled his backpack up on one shoulder and started to make his way out of town.
It was in this very moment that Albus Dumbledore, his nose still pressed against his garden fence, watching the whole scene through the little crack, realised what he was doing. He quickly jumped up and stepped away from the fence. “You are not a stalker, Albus. This was simply a funny coincidence. You were in the garden just reading, when they stepped outside, it’s not like you purposely watched them, you just randomly caught sight of them and when they were so close to each other… it was only natural to be curious. After all they could still be doing… doing what they did the other day. No it would be completely normal to want to know. This certainly was just concern for Toms immortal soul”, he muttered to himself.
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grindeldore · 8 years
Where the Grindeldore squad at?
Do Grindeldore shippers still exist?
Someone i should follow?
Some fics i should read?
Is the ship dead?
99 notes · View notes
grindeldore · 8 years
Behind Closed Doors
Triwizard Tournament AU. Let’s ignore all logic of generations. We just put them all together.
Year 1
Marauders, Lily Evans, Alice & Frank Longbottom, Sybelle Trawlney, Narcissa Black & Severus Snape
Year 2
Molly Prewett, Arthur Weasley, Lucius Malfoy & Bellatrix Black
Year 3
Andromeda Black, Crabbe Sr & Goyle Sr, Rubeus Hagrid
Year 4
Xenophilius Lovegood, Aberforth Dumbledore, Myrtle Warren
Year 5
Poppy Pomfrey, Amos Diggory, Cornelius Fudge, Dolores Umbridge
Year 6
Minerva McGonagall, Tom Riddle, Albus Dumbledore, Julius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout
Year 7
Horace Slughorn, Elphias Dogde  
Headmaster of Hogwarts: Phineas Nigellus Black
Beuxbatons: Kingsley Shaklebolt, Brendon Urie
Durmstrang: Gellert Grindelwald, Rudolphus Lestrange
It will all make sense in the end. Believe us, it’s for the greater good. (It’s a Grindeldore fanfiction, just stick around for an extraordinary adventure)
Chapter I
In fair Godric’s Hollow, we lay our scene. It was a dazzling hot summer’s day, 1st August 1920. The sun was blazing down on a young wizard searching for his uncle’s home. His blonde locks were sticking to his scalp, his backpack's straps were cutting into his bare shoulders. He used his hand to shield his eyes from the sun as he looked up to the quite impressive residence of his uncle. He was going to spend the summer with Hans Slughorn, his wife, Lavina Slughorn, his cousin Horace and an ominous other boy they had apparently adopted. He took a look around and his eyes caught sight of a young man his age with extraordinary blue eyes who seemed to have been watching. The young man blushed when he saw that the blonde stranger winked at him. Suddenly the door to the Slughorn mansion opened. “Gellert, why are you lurking around in front of my house? We have been waiting for you.” The blonde man walked up the stairs into the house of his uncle. His parents send him here to spend time in England while they were searching for something Gellert didn’t exactly care about.
He followed his uncle into the living room. In the corner sat an approximately 16 year old boy with a stunning jaw line, perfectly styled hair and eyes a shade of brown he had never seen before. He seemed sunken into a book and barely looked up as the visitor entered. Other than Horace or his aunt who greeted him friendly but in their usual cold way. Only after Hans Slughorn asked the boy in the corner to introduce himself did he stand up, looked at the stranger and introduced himself: “Tom Riddle.”
“Hello Tom, it’s nice to meet you.”, Gellert smiled, letting his eyes trail over Tom’s body while biting his lip. Tom shied back into his corner hiding his face behind his book again.
“Cousin, let me show you your room.”, Horace suggested breaking the awkward silence. Gellert only nodded, having his eyes still glued to his prey. He turned around slowly following his cousin up the stairs into a spacious room. It was nearly empty; a bed by the window facing the garden, a cupboard way too big for the few clothes Gellert owned, a record player and a desk. The room felt like no one ever lived in it. “Thanks, Horace.”, Gellert muttered. “I shall let you settle in then.”, Horace said and started to walk out of the room. “Wait!”, Gellert said louder than expected. “Horace, cousin, please, tell me about him. Tell me about that beautiful boy sitting in the living room.” “Well, if you insist.”, Horace walked over to the bed, sat down on the edge and looked out of the window. “Tom, you see, comes out of a very unorderly family situation. I do not want to bother you with all the details, but let us just say his father was never on the picture and his mother passed away early in his life. I do not want to gossip, as it is not my style, but as far as I am concerned he grew up in a muggle orphanage. Just imagine! Anyway, I met him in Hogwarts and a little later my parents wanted to meet him, he is a Grade A student, a prefect for Slytherin as well. Very impressive, really. Not a shame to have him in the family. And you know my mother, she was all into charity and being a good person. It was pretty much her idea to take him in. And here we are now.”
“So he’s your mum’s ticket into heaven? Not the best way to be a good person, if I’m being honest with you.”, Gellert started laughing. “Do not talk about my mother like that, Gellert! You are very lucky my father is taking you in while your bunch of mentalists that you call your parents are haunting for some fairytale.” Horace was furious; if he hated one thing, next to unpunctuality or bad cups of tea, it would be people talking negatively about his precious family. He exited the room leaving Gellert wondering why on earth his parents left him here and not home alone in Germany. Lazily, he sat down on his bed looking out into the garden. It was beautiful, filled with colourful flowers of all kind. ‘I might be able to get used to this.’, he thought to himself. His eyes wandered over the bushes and trees until they came to hold on a familiar jawline. Tom was sitting on a bench, still reading his book. He looked so sweet and innocent, so unaware of his oh so obvious beauty. Raised by muggles this wizard obviously didn’t know his worth. But Gellert was gonna change that, he was going to show this beauty his worth.  
It was late evening of the same day and the three Slughorns, Riddle and Grindelwald were sitting in the living room. Horace and his parents were having a conversation about Hogwarts and his excellent performances in school. Gellert only listened with half an ear. His mind and eyes were occupied with Tom, who sat in an armchair and seemed lost in his book once again. Every so often his eyes narrowed a little bit and a few wrinkles appeared on his forehead, like he’d disagree with something the author had stated in his work. Gellert wondered if Tom ever did anything else but read. He was quite and very reserved that much he had figured out up until now. During the dinner and all throughout the day he hadn’t said very much, but when he did his voice was clear and deep and his words well chosen.
The old big grandfather clock on the other side of the room stroke 9 o’clock. Tom closed his book and got up from the arm chair in one smooth move. “Goodnight”, he said as he walked towards the door. His adopted family wished him a goodnight, as he stepped out of the room.
Gellert didn’t think long, he stretched his arms and yawned very audible. “It was a long day, I should probably just go to bed”. He, too, got up from his seat, wished everyone a good night and left the living room. The moment he had closed the door behind him, he rushed up the stairs in the hope to get a hold of Tom.
“Tom!”, Gellert spoke once he reached the top of the stairs. “Tom, please wait!”. Tom stopped in his tracks and carefully turned around to face Gellert. He seemed nervous; his hands were clutching onto the book he held. “Gellert, I do not want to be rude, but your uncle told me to stay away from you as much as I can. You are always up to no good. I am sorry, but I will go now”, Tom spoke, nearly shaking. Tom tried to turn around, but Gellert held onto his arm. “Tom, you sweet boy, listen to me before you push me away. I know you are pretending to be the perfect adoptive son, but I know you’re not. You’re nothing like the picture you have painted of yourself. You don’t need to keep it up for me!”, Gellert whispered to Tom. Tom shuttered as Gellerts warm breath hit him. Gellert was right. Of course, he wasn’t like he pretended to be, but he had to be, didn’t he? “You don’t know-”, Tom started, but he stopped mid-sentence when he looked up and his eyes met Gellerts. The look he gave him was intense, it was like he stared right into his soul. Time seemed to stand still for a second. Tom didn’t know how to speak anymore, words wouldn’t form in his mouth. His heart raced.
He took a sudden step back and tore himself out of the moment. He heard his own voice shake as he said “You don’t know me”. Then he turned around and more or less ran to his room and shut the door behind him.
‘Calm down, Riddle! It’s just a guy! It’s wrong! Mr. Slughorn would not be amused. It’s just Gellert’, Tom thought to himself. Nervously, he started walking up and down his room; his hair getting messed up by his hands. Why did Gellert make him lose control so badly? Tom tried to calm his breathing. He had to calm down. After a couple of deep breaths, he walked over to his desk, pulled out a blank black book and began writing:
‘1st August
Note to self: Don’t engage in any kind of conversation with Gellert Grindelwald. In fact, just stay away from him in general. Mr. Slughorn was right: that boy is trouble. It took him about two seconds and a couple of words to make me lose control completely. I never lose control. It’s not my style, not who I am. And this never happened to me before. I’m not even sure what it is about Gellert. He’s just a guy. Of course, he is very handsome and I guess Poppy and Minerva would describe his accent as “adorable” but it’s not like this would affect me… I guess.’
At the same time Gellert was fuming in his holiday room. He was a bad influence! He never harmed any of his family members and they didn’t know what he was up to in school. Of course, he had a bad reputation in school. Yes, he did have a reputation for seducing boys into Durmstrangs secret rooms. But his family wasn’t allowed to know that. If they found out about his romantic interests, well he might as well go to live with vampires.
He threw himself on his bed, looking up to the ceiling. ‘This is gonna be the longest summer of my life.’, he thought to himself. ‘No, I won’t let that get me down. Tom may push me away now, but he will want me. I just have to work on it.’
Over the course of the next week Gellert did his best to be around Tom as often as possible. It amused him how nervous Tom seemed every time he looked at him. He had tried to find him alone, but Tom was very careful not to let this happen.
Meanwhile Albus spent most of his days in the garden in front of his house, reading and studying with the hope to get another glimpse on the beautiful stranger who seemed to live with the Slughorns for the summer. He wanted to know who the boy was, he had never seen him before and there was just something about him that made it impossible for Albus to forget him. He couldn’t even tell what it was, his golden hair shimmering in the sun, the intense look he gave him, those muscular arms… Albus shook his head and focused on his work again. Just when he had written the last word of his essay about the use and making of felix felicis, he heard voices coming over from the Slughorn’s mansion. From the point where he was sitting he had a good view on the big house. He glanced over and noticed that the doors had opened and the blond boy had stepped outside with a broom and a red ball under his arm. He used his hand to brush his blond hair out of his face before he swung one leg over his broom. The stranger elegantly raised into the air and started to practice. Albus couldn’t take his eyes off him. He wondered who that boy was and what he was doing here. He had never seen him before, which was quite unusual considering that wizards and witches his age would be going to Hogwarts, just as he did. ‘He could be from another school, though. Beauxbatons, for example, or Durmstrang even’. It suddenly came into his mind, that Horace had mentioned once that he had family in Germany. If they would have been better friends Albus would have gone over to ask of course, but since the only reason they spent time together in Hogwarts was the simple fact that they shared mutual friends, he didn’t dare. Maybe there would be an opportunity at Horace’s party. His parents decided to have a dinner party because Horace was gonna be Head Boy of Hogwarts in his last year of school and they kindly invited Albus.
“Gellert, I need to speak to you.”, Tom said to the tall blonde and also half naked guy shakingly. “Mr. Slughorn, well your uncle, he told me to tell you that there will be a dinner party tomorrow and he and Mrs. Slughorn went out to get supplies. He also said and I quote that ‘if you don’t behave, he will send you back to Germany’.” “Sent me back to Germany. He wouldn’t even dare. He knows that my dad would kill him on the spot. And now that I think about it I kind of want to stay here, now that I found something nice to look at.”, Gellert winked at Tom, who squirmed uncomfortable. The summer heat was blazing down into the Slughorn’s garden. The broom Gellert had just sat on long forgotten, he walked over to Tom. His breathing hitched nervously. Tom knew Gellert was trouble, but he was just too good looking. He had always known that something just wasn’t right with him. Whenever a girl flirted with him and they tended to do that, he wasn’t interested whatsoever. It was like he just couldn’t fall in love with them. Minerva always said that he just hadn’t found the right one yet, but Tom didn’t really understand why her eyes always sparkled cheekily whenever she said that. He was so lost in his train of thought that he didn’t even notice Gellert’s hand on his hip. “What are you doing? I told you to stay away from me, Grindelwald.”, Tom said angrily and quickly walked back into his home. “Don’t let him get into your head. Don’t let him get into your head.”, Tom repeated to himself on his way to his room, his palms sweaty and his heart beating like he just ran a marathon. How was he gonna survive sitting next to Gellert at the dinner party tomorrow when he couldn’t even stand next to him for longer than 30 seconds?
The following day was hectical. The house elves rushing around the house trying to make everything look perfect. It was planned out to be a little party for Horace’s friends and family, but Hans decided to make it more extraordinaire by inviting many important people from the ministry. Horace should have a position save for future days to come. Gellert eyed the chaos around him carefully. His eyes wandering to Tom telling off a house elf for dropping a plate. Tom was angry, fuming with rage really. He was put on house elf duty even though he told Mr. Slughorn multiple times that he did not want to deal with them. But his wish was not granted and now he found himself staring angrily at a little house elf. “Tom, don’t be so upset. They are just little creatures that don’t deserve your anger.”, Gellert spoke softly into Tom’s ear, his hands on Tom’s hips. “Let me be, Gellert. I told you to stay away from me.”, Tom said trying to calm himself. “Oh my dearest, I told you that I won’t stay away from you. You’re just too alluring.”, Gellert chuckled. He loved how nervous Tom would get around him. He loved how he would squirm away from him. But Gellert knew how to fight, he knew he’d get his way into Tom’s heart and pants eventually. “For now, I’ll let you go, Tom. I don’t want Uncle Hans to beat you up.” Tom swallowed heavily. He watched Gellert walking into the garden again, taking off his shirt halfway out.
The party was in full force when Albus Dumbledore walked through the door. Everyone was sitting by the long table. “Ah, Albus. Hello. It is very nice to see you. Elphias is here, too.”, Horace came up to him and smiled coldly. Albus wasn’t exactly fond of Horace but he knew that the Slughorn’s had amazing house elves who make a great pudding. Who would Dumbledore be to say no to great pudding? He also noticed Tom Riddle by the end of the table sitting next to the mysterious young man he saw in the garden the other day. He waved at Tom as if he wanted to acknowledge his existence and then proceeded to sit next to Elphias.
“Come on, Tom. Don’t be so perfect all the time. One drink won’t hurt.” Tom was sweating. For some reason he was sat next to Gellert who made it his personal goal of the night to make Tom drunk. “What if Mr. Slughorn sees this? He won’t be amused at all.” “He is way too busy being important and rich. Don’t be so prude, Tom.”, Gellert said pushing the glass of fire whiskey towards Tom again. “Just so you shut up already.”, Tom murmured, took the glass and drank it in one go. Now he understood why fire whiskey had it’s name. His body was burning, but in a good way. It tasted like cinnamon and warm nights. ‘I might actually like this.’, Tom thought to himself. “Yes, Liebster, that’s how we do it. You chose just the right partner to have a nice drink with.”, Gellert bit his lip and took a shot of fire whiskey too.
On the other side of the table Hans Slughorn got up from his chair, tapped his glass of wine with a fork and looked around the table in his usual boastful manner. After everyone stopped talking and focused on their host, he began to talk: “I am very glad all of you could make it today. It is such an honor to be here with you all and have a hopefully outstanding meal. But our coming together tonight has a reason as you all know. Our splendid son Horace will be head boy in his last year in Hogwarts.” Hans had looked over at Horace, who had already put on his badge and now that everyone’s attention was on him, seemed to grow a little in his chair. After a few moments of silence in which his son enjoyed the attention Hans began to speak once more. “I don’t have to mention what kind of achievement this is. He has always been an extraordinary student, only getting the best grades and being the best of his year not only last year but also the years before. In his fifth grade he became prefect and he has now managed to round all his achievements up with this great honor. You will guess how very proud my wife and I are to have brought up such a splendid boy, who has a great future ahead of him. We are sure he will do marvelous during the next year, even or maybe especially with all the exciting things that are going to happen. Some of you will already know about them”, he looked over to his important friends of the ministerium. “And to those who don’t know yet, you will find out soon enough, but I would violate the trust the minister has given me when he put me in my current position, if I would tell you know, so you will have to have a little patience. However, I now want to toast my wonderful son, because of whom we are all here tonight”, with those words he grabbed his glass of wine and held it up high. His guests raised their glasses as well and an unisonous “To Horace” was uttered.
“Oh, to our wonderful wonderful Horace, who just managed to save the world. Isn’t he such a great guy, almost holy, our lovely son”, Gellert whispered imitating his uncle to Tom, who almost spit out the sip of wine he took at that very moment. It was true, the Slughorns were very very proud of their only son and never left out an opportunity to tell other people about him. And his nephew had gotten his tone just right. “A little too excited about their son, aren’t they?”. “Mmhh”, muttered Tom. Gellert was obviously right, but he felt bad when he thought negatively of the Slughorns, they had taken him in, even if it wasn’t for the right reasons maybe. He was well aware of the fact that Mrs Slughorn constantly talked about ‘the poor little orphan’ they took in and cared for ‘like nobody else has in his life before’ with her female friends, when they sat in the living room on Tuesday afternoons, drinking their tea. But nevertheless it was far better than to go back to this muggle orphanage he had spent his childhood in. There was no way, he would ever go back to that place again.
The meal was simply excellent, the house elves had done an amazing job. But Albus couldn’t quite focus on the food right in front of him. He had to look over to the beautiful stranger again and again who kept giving Tom shots of fire whiskey. He leaned over to his best friend Elphias and asked him if he had ever seen the boy. Elphias looked up from his roast for a second, looked at the blond boy next to Tom Riddle and then concentrated on his food again, “I heard Mrs Slughorn call him ‘Gellert’, but I don’t know him, Albus. Could you hand me those potatoes? Thank you. You should honestly try this asparagus. I have never eaten anything like it. Do you think Hogwarts could buy some of the Slughorns house elves? I wouldn’t complain to eat this every day.” But Albus just wasn’t as hungry as he should have been, given the fact that he hadn’t had lunch. The only thing he was hungry for was information. At least until the pudding appeared before him. He wouldn’t have been Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore if pudding wouldn’t have caught all of his attention.
Tom had excused himself to use the toilet. When he left the bathroom a hand grabbed him, seemingly out of nowhere. The surprise had made him stumble, when he had found his balance again, he looked up to see who the hand that had grabbed him belonged to. He wasn’t surprised at all when he looked into the grey eyes of Gellert Grindelwald. “I thought this was a great place to find you alone”, he said. Tom got aware of how very close Gellert was to him. He could feel his breath on his skin. Gellerts hand started to slowly move up Tom’s arm, while Gellert took another step towards him. There was now barely an inch between the two boys. Tom knew that he should turn around and run as far away as possible. Gellert was trouble, more than trouble really. And still, there was something about him that had gotten under his skin the very minute they had met. “Are you scared of me, Liebster?” Gellerts words weren’t much more than a murmur. “You are ridiculously good-looking, has anyone ever told you that, Tom?”. Having said this he leaned in closer until he almost touched Tom’s lips. Tom’s heart raced and his brain couldn’t grasp any clear thought. At any other time Tom would have pushed Gellert away and left, but not so now. He wasn’t sure if it was the nice prickling feeling the fire-whiskey had left in his stomach or a weird spontaneous reaction, but he kissed Gellert Grindelwald. It was as if time stood still, there was nothing but the two of them.
Gellert’s mind was spinning. Tom’s lips molded against his, moving ever so slowly. Suddenly he pulled away. “Oh Merlin, I shouldn’t have done this. I have got to go.”, Tom said quickly turning around to move away from Gellert. “Don’t you dare to go now, Riddle.”, Gellert growled towards Tom, grabbing his wrist. Tom didn’t budge.  “Come back. Now.” He still didn’t move a bone. Gellert slowly moved towards Tom pushing him back against the wall Tom was holding on to. His face moved closer to Tom’s again. “Finally, you have given into me, mein Liebster.”, Gellert murmured against Tom’s neck. “Finally, you’re mine.” With that Gellert smashed his lips onto Tom’s again. Their first kiss was careful. This kiss is different. It’s full with fire and passion. Gellert’s lips moved fast, they made Tom’s head spin. Lips clashing, tongues intertwining, teeth looking for lips to bite into. The blonde man knew how to drive boys like Tom crazy. He knew how to kiss, he knew where to touch Tom, he knew that Tom loved it. Tom was a quivering mess underneath Gellert’s touch. He was aching for more, but it was all too much at the same time. The couple broke away to breathe. “Well now, that’s nice. You’re loving this, aren’t you? You love being kissed by a guy. Oh, if only my uncle would know about this. Good thing that this is our little secret now.”, Gellert whispered into Tom’s ear. Tom was only able to nod carefully. He knew that if he would open his mouth the only sound he would make would be beyond degrading. He wouldn’t let Gellert have the power to make him moan just yet. Tom refused to lose his dignity just yet. He wasn’t even able to talk to Gellert anyway since Gellert’s lips were already pressed to his again. Gellert’s hands were already making their way to Tom’s hips, squeezing them softly. Tom gasped. “You like this, Liebster?”, Gellert whispered. “Do you? Answer me.” Tom nodded, his eyes fixed on Gellert’s. “Well done, Liebster. You learn quickly.” “Please, Gellert, kiss me.”, Tom started to beg. They kissed quickly as if they didn’t want to waste any time.
A door behind them creaked.
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grindeldore · 8 years
The Pensieve
Harry was waiting in Dumbledores office. Waiting for Dumbledore to return. Waiting to be stared at with disappointed eyes because of something he had done. Waiting to get into trouble. ‘How come’, he asked himself ‘it is always me who gets into trouble. This school has hundreds of other students but somehow it is always me who gets into trouble. And not only into a little trouble, but the kind of trouble that forces me into a very long and serious conversation with Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster himself, every year. Every damn year.’ Sometimes he asked himself if it was some kind of joke. Maybe the whole wizarding world was plotting against him. Trying to make his life difficult only because he was famous. Maybe it was some sort of gene he inherited from his father. He had gotten into a lot of trouble in school. But not headmaster kind of trouble, he supposed. Or maybe his whole life was only a story written by some stranger. Or maybe Dumbledore just really liked him and this was his way of keeping in touch with him. And while Harry was contemplating life waiting for Dumbledore (who certainly took his time) he noticed some blue light shining out of one of the cabinets. Dumbeldores Pensieve. Harry had used it a couple of times already, while waiting for the old man to arrive to his office (he sometimes wondered how it was possible that he had to keep waiting here, when every single time he took a look at the Marauders Map the headmaster was in here. Was it some sort of challenge to Harrys patience?).
He got up and walked over to the cabinet, opened it and stared at the sleek surface of the Pensieve. There was something almost hypnotizing about that blue light. Harry stepped closer and leaned slightly over the liquid that contained memories of his headmaster. Maybe, just maybe. Harry turned around to look at the door and listened closely for a few seconds, when he was sure that no one was walking up the stairs, he took out his wand and carefully tipped the sleek surface, that immediately started to swirl and move. Harry could now see blurry figures moving. But he couldn’t make out who it was and what was happening. He glanced back at the door. The last time he had had a look into Dumbledores memories he hadn’t gotten into trouble and if he was fast enough. Harry turned around and put his face into the liquid. The room around him seemed to push him completely into the Pensieve and he fell through a whirl of colours. He suddenly crashed into green grass. It took him a while to sort out his legs and arms, but he finally managed to stand up and take a look around. He was standing on what seemed like a small meadow in a forest. It was warm, the sky blue, no cloud in sight and in the distance he could hear birds chirp. It was hot, must’ve been a summer day. Harry looked around him and to his right he found multiple books randomly scattered around the grass. Close to a big old tree there was a young man lying in its shadow. He was studying a book while sucking on the back of a quill, parchments of pergament surrounding him and an inkwell standing dangerously aslope on his right. After a second and third look Harry realised that this would have to be the younger Albus Dumbledore. But why on earth would he put a memory of him studying into his Pensieve? He had expected some exciting fights or quarrels or discussions. But this was a Dumbledore, probably in his own time as a Hogwarts student, reading a book on a summer day. Harry was a little disappointed, until he heard a voice, he had never heard before.
“We can’t be this soft, Albus! No one is going to just hand us world domination on a silver platter. When it comes to this point we will have to pull through with it. Put them where they belong and take our rightful places.”. The young man that had spoken was about the same age as Dumbledore. Harry hadn’t seen him before because he was constantly walking around. He had an accent Harry didn’t recognize. “It’s for the greater good”. The younger Dumbledore had looked up and repeated “For the greater good”. The two young men stared at each other for a few seconds, until the foreigner went up to Albus and pulled him to his feet. “Gellert”. It seemed like a very half-hearted try to stop the other one, whose name obviously must’ve been Gellert, from whatever he was trying to do. Harry wasn’t quite sure what to do or what to think.
Gellert pushed Albus until he leaned against the tree. A faint smile crossed his lips, before he leaned forward and slowly pressed his lips onto Albus’. And this was the moment Harry realised he probably shouldn’t be here.
The kiss had gotten more passionate and Gellert was now busy getting rid of Albus’ shirt. ‘Oh no! Oh no! No no no no no!’. Panic was rising up in Harry. He didn’t want to see this. He really didn’t want to see this. Only then did he realise that he actually had no idea how to get himself out of this memorie. It had always been Dumbledore who had taken him out of the Pensieve. What was he supposed to do?
In the meantime Gellert had also managed to take of his shirt. Albus pushed Gellert down into the grass and sat down down on his hips, his hair fell into his face as he leaned over to kiss his lover once more. Harry had started to jump around the meadow in the hope he would just magically rise and fall back into the old Dumbledores office. After a little while he finally gave up and just helplessly stood there. And he couldn’t help, but he had to look. He knew he shouldn’t, but it was almost like an accident, even though more aesthetically pleasing than guts and blood, he couldn’t look away.
Albus and Gellert were now busy removing the last few pieces of clothes that separated them.
“Harry?” That was Dumbledores voice. The old Dumbledores voice. Harry suddenly felt like all his intestines were gone, just vanished. Very slowly he turned around, knowing he would have to face his professor and also knowing that what would happen between young Dumbledore and his… friend was something he really didn’t want to see. The Headmaster looked like Harry felt. For a few seconds they just silently and in shock stared at each other in, the air filled with the chirping of birds and the moans of two young men amusing themselves in the grass behind them. Harry opened his mouth to say something, but not knowing what to say he closed it again. He had never seen Dumbledore like this, so genuinely shocked. “I… this... “. There were a few more seconds of silence, until Dumbledore finally moved up to Harry, took his arm and the both of them were dragged up again, flying through cold air and finally landing on the hard stone ground of the Principals office.
The elder cleared his throat and said, in a weird almost high-pitched voice “I think… we should… forget this ever happened?”. There was nothing Harry would have rather done, but if he was sure of one thing it was that he would never be able to forget the things he just saw on that meadow, but he was also sure of the fact that he would never be able to tell this story to anyone. “Yes, forgotten, of course”, he answered. The two of them stood in awkward silence for a few moments, until Dumbledore said: “You best just...go”. And Harry turned around and left the office, not knowing what to think or what to do. He had managed to stay out of trouble, but God, at what cost?
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