gromovasketch · 9 years
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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(Listen Here)
Joker listens to terrible 80’s music while flying the Normandy, you cannot change my mind on this.
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gromovasketch · 9 years
need refs/inspo for period clothing?
here you go:
Medieval (9th-15th century):
10th century and earlier
Romance (1000-1250)
11th century
12th century
13th century
more 13th century
14th century
more 14th
15th century
and more 15th century
Gothic (1150-1550)
Renaissance (1520-1650)
16th & 17th century
16th century
more 16th
Tudors (1500-1550)
more Tudors
Elizabethan Period (1558-1603)
Jacobean Era (1603-1625)
17th century
more 17th century
and again
and even more
this won’t stop
Baroque (1600-1750)
Georgian Period (1714-1830):
18th century
more 18th century
18th century women’s fashion
18th century men’s fashion
Rococo (1720-1770)
Classicism (1770-1790)
children 18th-19th century
Regency Preiod (1811-1820)/ Empire (1800-1820s):
more stuff on regency and georgian era
even more
that’s not enough regency
and more
how is there so much
early 19th century men’s wear
early 19th century women’s wear
Victorian Period (1837-1901):
Romantic Era (1820-1840s)
Civil War Era/1850-1860s
more victorian
Edwardian Period (1901-1910):
Belle Epoque (1880-1910s)
more edwardian/belle époque
1910s-1920s [Fashion between the World Wars]
more roaring 20s
so much 20s
1920s hairstyles
more 50s
lots of periods in one spot/fashion through centuries:
here, here, and here is almost everything (and properly ordered)
also here with lots of historic fashion magazines
historic fashion
costumes of antiquity
more historical clothing
history of fashion
more history of fashion
“vintage” clothing
historic costumes
children’s historical fashion/toys
historic wedding dresses
historic assecoires (hats, shoes…)
lots of embroidery/jewlery
it indeed is western/european centric, I’m sorry for that, but for other cultures I simply don’t have so many references
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gromovasketch · 9 years
Moving Out Master Post
Hey, figured I’d make a master post for reference purposes.
things to know before moving
first look at the realistic costs of moving
things nobody tells you about your first apartment
beginner’s guide to online apartment searching
how to find your first apartment
establishing a budget
things to consider when apartment hunting
apartment tour checklist 1
five decisions to make before apartment hunting
apartment hunting step-by-step
apartment tour checklist 2
how to choose a neighborhood
apartment hunting checklist
apartment tour checklist 3
moving advice
apartment organization tips
a complete guide to your first apartment
how to save on utilities
moving tips
household essentials list
couponing tips
how to shop for/buy your first apartment
before you move checklist
places to get free moving boxes
apartment checklist
couponing 101
moving printables
things to know before moving day
planning for moving day
budget guidelines
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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Can’t believe I never drew my favorite characters of my favorite TV show ever
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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sorry for any grammar mistakes
long time without a tutorial… I tried to explain my general process of working here, hope someone will find it useful :)
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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Tamypu  -  Thai My Phuong  -  http://tamypu.tumblr.com  -  https://www.pinterest.com/tamypu
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gromovasketch · 9 years
30 Days of Art Improvement Challenge
Are you tired of feeling like your art just isn’t improving? Do you want to do a 30-day challenge that’s actually useful? Welcome to 30 Days of Improvement Hell. >:D
I made this because I’ve been feeling super ‘blah’ about my art these days, and I needed something to kick-start myself. Who wants to do this with me!? Start now or whenever you can (now you procrastinators!). Challenge yourself and have fun at the same time!
Tag your posts with #Improvement Hell so everyone can follow along and see each other’s awesome artwork. I may even create a blog and reblog them! :D
What are you waiting for? START!
Self-Portrait - Introduce yourself
Draw a figure using a reference - link to reference
Draw a figure that’s in action, using a reference - link to reference
Draw a part of the human anatomy you have trouble with. x20, with atleast 5 being skeletal/musculature studies.
Draw more figures. Quick gestures and silhouettes. x20, with atleast 10 different body shapes
Let’s have some fun. Design a character from this character generator. (created by PreservedCucumbers)
Pick the weirdest object in your house/room. Draw it. Shadows and Highlights.
Find 2-3 objects, make a scene with them. Draw it. Bonus points for creativity. Double points for dramatic lighting.
Draw a landscape of a place you’ve never been or drawn.
Draw a BG with 1pt Perspective. Negative points if it’s a railroad or an empty street.
Draw a BG with 2pt Perspective.
Look out a window. Draw what you see. Bonus points for adding something interesting.
Draw an interior setting with the character you designed on Day #6 in it.
BG with either bird’s eye or worm’s eye view.
Halfway there! Draw three ‘action’ scenes with different compositions in each. Quick sketches are fine, just make them interesting and understandable! Bonus points if it’s the same scene, but different composition.
Draw a single page comic with 5-7 panels (the story begins and ends on one page). 
Draw an animal you’ve never drawn before. x10  Link references.
Draw a car. Negative points for whining. Hint: Use a perspective grid.
Think of the thing you hate drawing the most. Guess what? Draw it! Negative points for lying to yourself.
Pick an object in your house/room. Now design a character from it, color scheme included. (often known as a gijinka). Also link/post the object you used. Negative points for using a humanoid action figure.
Draw a character/object/scene, and shade them using ONLY solid blacks and whites. Bonus points for good use of lights/shadows
Draw a different object/scene/character. Shade using hatching, crosshatcing, and/or pointillism. Bonus points for lights/shadows and textures.
Colors! Pick a color palette, and paint a scene/character/object using only those colors (some blending allowed). Bonus points for good use of lights/shadows.
Draw and color a scene/object/character - no lines allowed! (aka - lineless art). Don’t forget light and shadows!
Draw a scene/character in a style you’ve never drawn before. If emulating an artist, credit+link. Bonus for color style.
Draw a character. Draw 10 emotions/expressions. Bonus points for ‘uncommon’ emotions. (i.e. anxiety, guilt, despair, loneliness etc.)
Draw three random shapes using your opposite hand (or your foot). Now design characters from those shapes.
Turn on the tv (or load your illegally download movies). Pick an actor and draw them.
Almost done! Let’s have some fun. Draw some fanart. Bonus points if it’s super obscure and unknown. Make people guess what it’s from.
Last day! Find a drawing you did within the last year. Now draw it again using what you’ve learned! Link it for comparison!
 Look at all that amazing improvement! Congrats!
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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We missed you😩
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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6:14 to 6:49am
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gromovasketch · 9 years
play this at my wedding or funeral I don’t care where but just plAY IT
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gromovasketch · 9 years
Well Mother, what the war did to my legs and to my tongue, You should’ve raised a baby girl, I should’ve been a better son. If you could coddle the infection They can amputate at once. You should’ve been, I could have been a better son. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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Here’s a recent sketch commission I did of Quentin Quire and Evan Sabahnur. I’m not super familiar with these guys, but I had a a lot of fun drawing the body language! Thanks again for commissioning me, Charlie! :) 
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gromovasketch · 9 years
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Here are some paintings and model work for a project that featured an abandoned underwater deco city.  Based on the successful game, this film version never got the “green light”.  The art department was stellar and I had the chance to work with some awesome artists.
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