El kapitan, you are just a hermit crab compared to the legendary pirates that you belittle. Go hide inside your shell
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If a captain is steering the wheels towards a shallow rocky shore, I will not hesitate to trigger a mutiny to save OUR ship
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Tumblr media
my mind has a different kind of maze inside ;)
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first post!
I’d like to welcome myself to Tumblr. I’ve been thinking of making my very own blog site for years now but what is stopping me from making one is over thinking what would my first blog would be, what is the perfect concept and many more questions keep on popping inside my mind... and the ending? I always fall asleep not doing any step to create what I want.
But then someone made me realize, “if not now when?”
And I was like... yeah she is right. 
Many of my friends told me to make a blog if I really wanted to but my laziness always kicks in. It is funny how a random girl from UST files page convinced me to make one using only a few words.
so... here is my first step. my first blog post. :)
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