grosshowell · 9 years
Hey guys, so I rewrote some parts of this because I wasn’t happy with the flow/semantics/etc. 30 pages long, 7309 words, and a whole lot of revising later, I present to you: Dan of the Dead.
Give it a read if you want.
Dan of the Dead
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Dan and Phil versus the zombie apocalypse.
A/N: Here it is! The monster fic (no pun intended) that I’ve been working on for ages. Grab some popcorn and get comfy, because this is over 7,000 words long. 
Dan of the Dead
Dan spends a lot of time in the corner shop.
Phil drinks an unholy amount milk and Dan eats too many biscuits and thus he finds himself migrating down the block to pick up various odds and ends that could possibly masquerade as a semi-passable excuse for dinner. He knows the girl that works behind the till, Mary, who’s there every day without fail (because really, when Dan says a lot of time, he means a lot of time) and sometimes she gives him free Kinder Eggs. They get on well enough even though Dan has to pretend not to realise that she’s flirting with him, which is easier said than done.
It’s a gloomy Thursday afternoon when she asks him for the third time that week, “Have you done something with your hair?”
Keep reading
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grosshowell · 9 years
*puts on hardhat* time for some much needed blog reconstruction
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grosshowell · 9 years
Your writing is amazing and inspires me (even though I really only really write smut) but yeah carry in being brilliant okay thanks sorry xxx
Oh wow thank you, dear! That’s such a wonderful thing to hear. Wish you the best with all your writing, and smut is just as much about semantics as anything else.
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grosshowell · 9 years
You're AMAZING omg I love these!!!!! Write moooorrrreeeeee or I will die in a fire of suspense and excitement. I LOVE YOU KEEP UPDATING REGULARLY PLEASE
Thank you!! I’ll do my best to update eventually. Gotta find time to do so. I’ll 100% let you know if something is on its way!
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grosshowell · 9 years
This isn't a question but I love you're phanfiction You and I! It's amazing 😍
Thank you so much! It’s a fic that I hold very near and dear to my heart, haha.
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grosshowell · 9 years
i finished off reading all ur fics with dan of the dead and god overall i love your writing and their dialogue is so consistently spot on, i never thought i'd find my heart pounding to a zombie fic. i was so immersed. i can't wait for the sequel (if it's truly in the works?)/any more lovely fics u wish to share with us xx
Wow, what a lovely thing to say! Thank you so much anon.
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grosshowell · 9 years
Thank you so much! I don’t want you to cry, though :( xx
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grosshowell · 9 years
okay i just read you and i and i have the irresistible urge to live in your head IT WAS SO AMAZING CAN I BATHE IN YOUR MIND FOREVER ????
Ah, what a compliment! My head is quite cosy, I’d imagine, and you’re more than welcome to live there. xx
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grosshowell · 9 years
What is this Dan of the Dead fic? Can you link it please?
Here you go :) (x)
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grosshowell · 9 years
your writing is ridiculously good and i'm absolutely in love with it
Thank you so much, love! xx
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grosshowell · 9 years
I...holy shit.
Holy. Shit.
Haven’t checked this blog in months due to a multitude of reasons--in fact, I only have a few minutes, so I’ll make this short and sweet. I was just perusing the Internet and figured I’d check up on this blog, and it appears as though something miraculous has happened.
I gained 150 followers and a total of about 1,000 notes on various fics without me even realizing. There are dozens of lovely, lovely messages in my inbox, and I’m currently sitting in coffee shop trying very hard not to cry.
I don’t know if I’ll keep writing fic. My interest in Dan and Phil has most certainly dwindled, but it’s no fault of theirs; I’ve been quite busy as of late. Either way, thank you all so, so much for reading my writing. I enjoy(ed) it and hold it very close to my heart.
There’s a chance I’ll drop by more frequently now that it’s summertime. No promises, though! Anyway, yeah, just wanted to have a bit of a freakout and let you all know that Nat is alive and well.
Love you guys more than you’ll ever know. Feel free to leave me prompts. <3 xx
- Nat
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grosshowell · 10 years
phil lester is v important just fyi
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grosshowell · 10 years
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“Its so cold!”
"My nipples just got cold."
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grosshowell · 10 years
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grosshowell · 10 years
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grosshowell · 10 years
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grosshowell · 10 years
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