gryfbora-blog · 8 years
Her slender fingers traced the outline of the empty glass of Fire Whiskey she had ordered earlier in the night - her third one was it? She couldn’t remember, not that it mattered or anything.  Bora had been having, what many people would refer to, a perfect day.  All of her classes had gone smoothly; nothing blew up in Potions not to mention she was days ahead in her assignments, which hardly ever happened. Heck, even her ex-boyfriend hadn’t come to bother her. So what was it then?  What was it that had her sitting right across from the bartender in Three Broomsticks, ordering glass after glass of Fire Whiskey? What was she so desperate to forget? The answer was quite simple really. 
Her family.
It wasn’t easy being the youngest daughter of the Yoon family, loyal to the Serpents. They had high hopes for her, they really did; however, everything changed the day she was sorted into Gryffindor. A failure, someone who had soiled the Yoon family name.  
Before her bitter thoughts could consume her, a voice as smooth as velvet reached her ears, easily snapping her out of her trance.  The brunette blinked a couple of times, surprised to find just how hard she had been gripping her empty glass.  It took her a moment to register where she was and what exactly she was doing here in the first place, but she wasn’t given the opportunity to draw a conclusion as the soothing voice she had once heard piped up again.
Bora ever-so-slowly lifted her dark brown eyes and almost had to catch her breath at the sight that stood not too far from her.  He was close enough to where she could catch a whiff of the cologne that clung to his skin.
It was intoxicating.
She returned his smile with one of her own and slowly dipped her head in thanks before gesturing for him to take a seat next to her as if silently inviting him to join her. “It would be rude of me to refuse wouldn’t it?” 
It was odd.
Whenever Bora found herself in situations like this, she was quick to dismiss the advances of others, but not tonight.  There was something about this fellow here that had her curious or maybe it was because she felt she could use the company, but whatever it was it was too late to retract her words from before. “Does the devilishly handsome man that graced me with his presence have a name?” She inquired, carefully tucking a loose strand of brown hair behind her ear, soft chuckles ringing in the air. 
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There’s truth in his age– a solid borderline between youth and wisdom, yet tonight, he chooses the former. He’s always been the sober one back when he was in Gryffindor, but never over-the-top kind of sober– he just likes company and drinks. 
So, there he is sitting at a bar, drinking a glass of bourbon and drowning shots in a growing frisky mood. Like a predator setting foot in his own territory, seeing a prey not so far away. 
With such case, the predator swiftly takes a few steps, goes and lands on an empty seat beside a gorgeous brunette– who wouldn’t resist? 
It’s natural, to have his lips corner up into his usual crooked grin; maybe a little irresistible, dangerous, and mysterious at the same time– that kind of mysterious women are bound to break down and solve. 
“Hi” he greets, smiles– sweet, charming. “I’m going to be frank, but you’re really beautiful” he continues, taking a sip from his drink. It’s a phrase he has probably used over a million times now, but it never fails. 
“Can I buy you a drink?”
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gryfbora-blog · 8 years
“Djshsjwjkwwnjs GET IN MY ZONE”
—  DEAN (Bermuda Triangle)
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gryfbora-blog · 8 years
she dreams of being a kaleidoscope of light and colours in a world where she has always been painted in shades of grey.
excerpts | e.s (via aprodhities)
[ ooc: subtweet at her immediate fam of slytherins :'( ]
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gryfbora-blog · 8 years
things will never change.
What is the purpose of Flobberworm mucous?“ The painting had asked her for the umpteeth time within the past ten minutes.
The brunette stamped her feet impatiently, lips smacking together I distaste, eyes narrowing. She stood like that for a long time before breaking her facade with a war cry of some sort, ignoring all the eyes that turned her way, “Oh for crying out loud! Can’t you let me in just this once? You /know/ I’m always here and harmless. Why can’t you just excuse me just this once! What if Chaeyeon is d y i n g?! She needs me!”
The painting simply repeated the question, earning another groan of annoyance from the seventh year Gryffindor. “Why can’t you have a regular passcode like all the other houses? Geez..” Though somewhere deep inside, she knew she should’ve been more attentive during that lecture. But she couldn’t help that the Potions professor had a voice that could easily pull her to sleep. What was that term muggles used? Ah yes, karma.. Funny how karma worked huh?
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gryfbora-blog · 8 years
Hello hello!
Hiya guys! I’m Cass. This is my first tumblr rp ever. I’ve had some experience with some other platforms in my time of rping and figured it’s finally time give this one a try. If I mess up I sure apologize but I’m excited to get started!
About, plots page for bora is a wip rn. I’ll get to it as soon as I can.
Edit;; I love bouncing off ideas with other writers, it's one of my favorites so if you're wanting to plot with me, please don't be afraid to message me! ^^
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