guiding--x · 3 years
70 hours later, I've finally beaten the main story of Neo TWEWY. I still have Another Day to go, but man, I'm burnt out. It was great, but I definitely consumed way too much of it at once.
I'll hopefully be able to get back to threads and plotting and such, soon. If you're new to my blog, hey! Stop by and say hi. I can chat more freely than I can write, and my discord is available upon request.
Thanks again for your patience. Hope you're all doing well.
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guiding--x · 3 years
Still here! No real hiatus as of now; I'm simply trying to finish Neo TWEWY before I come back to this big spoiler site, and work hours are making it tricky. Almost finished, though! I see you all reblogging our threads, and I see new followers. Hello, and thank you! I'll be back before you know it!
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guiding--x · 3 years
headcanon prompts with questions based on plants   &   what they represent in flower language .  happy roleplaying !!  ♡
abatina :   is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time   (   due to becoming more educated on the topic ,   certain experiences  ,   etc .   ) ,    or that they   would   change their mind about under certain circumstances ?  
acanthus :   is your muse deceptive ,   or willing to lie or deceive to achieve certain means ?   why or why not ?   
aloe :   how does your muse handle grief ?
amaryllis :   what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?   how do they express that pride ?   
anemone :   how does your muse view the world ;   as a cruel   &   unforgiving place ,   a land full of wonders ,   or something in - between ?  where does that world view come from   (   what experiences ,   life lessons ,   etc .   ) ?  
angelica :   where does your muse draw inspiration in life ?   what motivates them ?
apple blossom :   how does your muse go about expressing or not expressing their sexuality ?  
bachelor’s button :   does your muse actively seek romantic companionship ,   or cherish the liberties of being single ? 
basil :   does your muse have a love - hate relationship with anyone or anything ?
bay tree :   does your muse seek glory   &   accolades ,   or do they favour a simpler ,   more personal life ?  
begonia :   how cautious is your muse ?   are they prone to noticing red flags ,   or paranoid to the point of untrusting most everyone ?   why or why not ?  
belladonna :   how does your muse respond to silence ?   do they take comfort in soundlessness ,   or seek to fill the void with noise ?   
bluebell :   does your muse learn from their past ,   or are they prone to repeating the same mistakes ?  
carnation :   what is your muse’s relationship with their gender ?   how do they express or not express this relationship ?  
chamomile :   what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience ?   are they one to be haunted by adversity ,   or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger ?  
chrysanthemum :   how does your muse express romantic love ?  how do they feel about love as a concept ?  
daffodil :   is your muse one to be loyal in relationships ,   or are they likely to quickly move from one bond to another ?
daisy :   did your muse ever feel as though their innocence had been lost ?   what moment in their life could be described as the end of their innocence ?  
edelweiss :   what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ?  are they known to be courageous from then on ?  
fern :   does your muse believe in magic or cosmic forces ,   or are they more likely to think their life is ultimately a matter of their own control ?  
forget - me - not :   has your muse ever forgotten something that is or was important to them ?   are they afraid of forgetting things like that ?  
gardenia :   is your muse one to confess romantic feelings early on ,   or to conceal them for long periods of time ?  
gladiolus :   describe a moment from your muse’s life that they will never forget .
goldenrod :   does your muse believe in luck or fortune ?  why or why not ?   where do they believe these things come from ?  
heliotrope :   does your muse believe in soulmates ?
hibiscus :   how does your muse view the gentler ,   daintier things in life ?   as things worth preserving   &   caring for ,   or things only bound to wither   &   disappear ?  
holly :   how strong is your muse’s sense of intuition ?  are they aware of it ?   do they ever fear that it is only paranoia ?  
hollyhock :   how strong is your muse’s sense of ambition ?  what’s something they strive for in life ?  
hyacinth :   is your muse athletic ?   does it come naturally to them ,   or have they had to work for their physique and/or skill ?  
hydrangea :   how much does your muse value communication in their relationships with others ?  are they prone to being misunderstood ?
iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ?  
ivy :   what are your muse’s views on marriage ?   do they believe it is something strictly for love ,   or an institution rooted in business   &   social benefits ?   do they desire or have they desired to be married ?
lavender :   how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?  once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ?  
lilac :   what was your muse’s childhood like ?   how has their upbringing affected them as they’ve aged ? 
lily :   how does your muse view their mother ?  
lotus :   has your muse ever felt as though they’ve been reborn ?  have they ever desired the feeling of a fresh start ,   or a better understanding of themself and/or the world around them ?  
magnolia :   describe your muse’s relationship with nature   &   the natural world .  
marigold :   is your muse prone to jealousy ?  how might they handle envious feelings ?  
mint :   does your muse view themself as virtuous   &   moral ?  what do these words mean to them ?
nasturtium :   describe your muse’s relationship with their birthplace ,   or homeland .  
oak :   who would your muse consider the strongest person they know ?  
pansy :   does your muse often reflect on their own actions ?   do they ever think a lot about the past ,   and what they could have done differently ?
parsley :   describe a holiday your muse enjoys ,   and why they enjoy it .
peony :   what would a   ‘  happy life  ’   look like in your muse’s eyes ?
poppy :   what comforts your muse ?
rhododendron :   is your muse receptive to warnings   &   advice given by others ?
rose :   how much does your muse value other people ?   do they wish to have many friends ,   lovers ,   and/or associates ?   are they an easy person to love ?
sage :   what is your muse’s legacy ?   what do they want to be remembered for   &   what might they actually be remembered for ?  
salvia :   is your muse possessive over people or things that matter a lot to them ?  how do they express that possessiveness ,   or lack thereof ? 
snapdragon :   is your muse merciful ?  why or why not ?
southernwood :   how seriously does your muse take themself ?   do they prefer a solemn   &   intellectual atmosphere or do they delight in jokes   &   banter ?  
sunflower :   what brings your muse the most joy in life ?  
tulip :   how does your muse view people in general ?  
violet :   how does your muse respond to betrayal ?
willow :   how does your muse handle sadness   &   depression ?
zinnia :   how has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse ?   has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives ?
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guiding--x · 3 years
’ One shouldn’t talk to strangers ’ they say, ’ You can’t trust everyone, even if they seem nice, the might be meaner than you think. ‘ 
A warning often recited to little Ari; a child who never sought trouble or partook in the common rigorous interests of youth held no concern daring her safety in the hands of someone she barely knew. Though, her insistence on befriending quite literally everyone was not an effort made with the means to DEFY the rules, for she never understood why kids wouldn’t listen. It was just that … she would forget this one sometimes; Ari would find herself caught up with the way her heart grew so CLOSE to anyone who showed her a bit of kindness, perhaps a glimpse of what close ties felt like ( of course, this issue was rather complex; little Ari is not aware of the correlation ). When caretakers would tell her — again, every single time she stepped out the door for her regular adventures — about what was needed to be remembered, to WARN her to not trust everyone you meet, little Ari would nod and repeat it all back to assure that she understood. 
Now, she lies against a complete stranger, who — unbeknownst to her — holds one of the darkest hearts in all of Twilight Town, utterly convinced that she needed him in this moment, that she wouldn’t feel safe again if he had left her behind. Ari had never met him before, and yet … a great sense of familiarity washes over her when she feels his considerate touch, as heartfelt as his efforts could be, with the most he could do. Even though it was something simple, it encouraged security in the child — soon, the tears that stain his dark suit come from soft whimpers instead of loud sobs, heart slowing down to a calmer pace, and instead of shaking from head to toe, her small frame only lightly TREMBLES against him. 
“ th — thhh … th … they’re not gonna come back … ? ” repeats little Ari, words stumbled over more than usual from her upset. But, her words are less of a statement and more of a QUESTION; what she fears most now is the return of the shadows, but … his tone. The grit in his throat isn’t there anymore, she doesn’t hear it — instead, it’s replaced with something as close to soothing as he could probably muster. Was he not angry anymore … ? For many reasons and among all the emotions she currently feels, confusion is added on top, and many questions form in the child’s mind. It takes courage for her to find these words, though, so she swallows hard and tilts her head back, innocent gaze meeting with sharply gilded. “—mmm … mister isn’t afrrr … afrrr— isn’t scared … ? I knnn … know mister scared them v — very much, too … but— " 
Words come to a halt, only so her grip around his frame could grow a little tighter — it was almost as if she didn’t, then something BAD might happen to him, too. It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t know him … it doesn’t matter that he’s a stranger … she didn’t want him to get hurt. 
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"—mmm … mister isn’t a n — nightmare … thhh … they are nnn … nightmares! v — very, very bad ones! I don’t w — want them to hurt m — mister, too! nnn … no, thank you! " 
Among the two options of rational thinking and acting on emotion, the want for him to be safe and also near prevails — the child is too worried about what would happen to either of them if he were to part. Would they come back for him, bring him a greater harm than the first time? What about her … ? Then again, little Ari isn’t too certain about him; she doesn’t know how he feels about remaining by her side, even if his rigid exterior has shown to be SOFTER now. Perhaps this was a situation where a question was a good idea — she was always encouraged to ask them, she remembers that. So, little Ari releases the other, still shaky in her movements as tiny hands trail down his arms to take a desperate hold of larger palm. Fingers lace around his — gentle, but somewhat DESPERATE — and her eyes read with a soft plea that he will go along with her plan. 
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” I … I don’t www … want to be alone … I … I’m scared … “ she begins, "—m — mister can come www … with me, please … ? www … where nightmares can’t come … ? ”
Vanitas could feel the gradual decline of adrenaline and terror, carried in an excess by the minuscule little figure against him. The way she had burrowed himself into the nooks and crannies of weary joints hadn’t eased, but the grip she had did. Her little heart didn’t pound with the same ferocity as before. The darkness that had thought about creeping in slipped back as she calmed herself just enough. She was still frightened - understandable for such a small child, even if he’d never say as much - but she began to pull herself out of her hidey-hole.
“No,” he reassured her, voice almost soft. A whisper on the faint evening breeze, “they’re not coming back.” She seemed to believe him enough, not at all concerned by how the fiends that had attacked her had ultimately fled from him. Most would think that was a sign that he was the greater monster. 
She looked at him like that. With big green eyes and a trembling lip. There was a tenderness beneath the veneer of fright. The innocence of young light was poignant enough to almost burn him, and he had to fight not to look away. He was better than that, he told himself, though his teeth absently sank into the inside of his cheek to ground himself. If he didn’t know any better, he would almost say that she was... worried about him. A ridiculous notion. An almost selfish idea fueled by the way her words drifted into silence, and she couldn’t even bring herself to finish her thought. Surely even she, with all her naivete and purity would know better than to feel concern for him. She should be more worried about herself.
Besides, he had never had anyone worry about him before. He couldn’t entirely say he knew how to handle it. 
When she eventually found her words again, and made it all too apparent that she was actually concerned for his wellbeing, he was floored. Despite how Vanitas reached for them, words remained elusive. He wasn’t even sure what he could, or would, say in response, but something felt necessary. Some quip about how foolish she sounded. A proud remark about his own strength. A snide comment about she hadn’t even begun to see true nightmares. But it was just... 
He hadn’t realized that he his mind had wandered, spacey and untethered, until he was drawn back by the almost tickling sensation of her tiny fingers through his suit, down to his hands which she gripped like a safety blanket. There was no intention to hurt in her touch, even if her hold was strong. He blinked, golden gaze dropped to where she grabbed ahold of him before looking back up to meet her eyes. She was pleading. Pitiful. Poor thing; she didn’t know that those nightmares could find her anywhere. And he just... somehow didn’t have the heart to tell her otherwise. 
Vanitas sighed, removing his hands from hers in a way that was almost careful, like if he snapped back from her he might harm her. He stood, expression unreadable - fine, considering he couldn’t even begin to say how he felt about the whole situation. “Alright.” He nodded once, towards the stretch of path worn into the field leading towards town. “Then let’s get a move on.”
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guiding--x · 3 years
History will remember individuals and events in the Age of Fairy Tales. But was the hooded man included in that history? No. He wouldn’t allow it as the hood and cloak continue the mystery. One could describe the attitude of the man, relaxed though eccentric and possibly over dramatic. Anything other then that? Not much. 
If a face were to be shown a eye brow would of been raised back to Sora. If there was anything that the Master could figure out it would be seeing someone having many questions ready to spill from their mouth. Half of which was just how the Master kept avoiding a straight answer instead giving cryptic one’s and the other being a teacher. 
“ That’s the lest wrong thing you could of done. They are ok, as far as seeing a certain someone disappear on them “ 
Something about how the Master had said that left one to believe that he’s familiar to it. Disappearing. The word spoken in a less casual way, a moment waver, before continuing on like that was not a slip up.
Sora wasn’t sure if the stranger’s words served as reassurance or not. It helped, surely, to know that he at least wasn’t labeled as some sort of cheater for asking to know things not of whatever time he had found himself in. Childish as that sounded. He was all too familiar with the concept of consequences for doing things he shouldn’t, and knowing about things that he obviously wasn’t meant to know about - at least, he could assume, seeing as he wasn’t in his own time, anymore - definitely seemed like it could bring about repercussions. It didn’t spur as much worry as it arguably should have in the young man. It also helped the rapid beating of his heart that he had been ignoring to know that everyone was at least safe. 
He did not, however, feel better in knowing that everyone must have been unsettled by how he had simply faded away. Past experience would certainly lead Sora to believe that they were doing something to try and bring him back. Probably put themselves at risk in the process. Not good. As much as he wanted to be with them, he also just... didn’t want any of them to stick their necks out for him. That was his job...
He also didn’t exactly feel better for even asking in the first place. It felt unfair. Like he was using the other man’s abilities for his own gain, when Sora struggled to believe that he had anything he could offer. He frowned, crossing his arms over his chest and idly tapped a finger against his bicep. “Okay,” he whispered to himself. He nodded once, and shoved the worry away.
Then, he righted himself, looking up and wearing what he hoped was a friendlier expression than the confusion and concern he had been wearing. “Thank you.” He dropped his arms, then circled them back around, fingers interlocking behind his head. “I’m Sora, by the way. But, I’m guessing that you knew that already.” He smiled brightly at his own humor. “But, uh, what's your name?”
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guiding--x · 3 years
Darkness was a common fear across all childhoods; they often check under their beds and inside their closets to see what lurks, relief not felt despite never finding anything, and little Ari was no exception to this cycle. HOWEVER, mysterious monsters that one never sees was far less frightening than experiencing the figures as they were moments ago — it didn’t matter how bright the sun would shine today, the shadows cast were still as DEEP as black could get. It was so scary … they were so scary … she didn’t think that monsters lurked where things felt better, and though it left the child with many questions to ask, fear stepped in front and denied verbal passage, only allowing tension to flow freely. 
She knows she shouldn’t be talking to a STRANGER; the concept of how dangerous they could be was regularly pushed to the back of her mind and forgotten, when excitement of new friends is stronger. But, that is not what is sought today; friendship is not on her mind, though she certainly wishes it were instead. Nothing felt this uncomfortable … sitting with fear and an overwhelming need to feel SAFE left the child’s mannerisms to be constantly moving — arms, legs, fingers, and feet would fidget to feel better, though none of that works. Comfort was not going to be found from self - soothing behaviors. 
Of course, little Ari doesn’t fully comprehend that, so she still makes the effort to try; the warnings of caretakers in her head linger as emerald hues lift and meet with crimson once again, his gritted tone off the grind and falling to something SOFTER as he continues to speak, his stature lowering with it. But … despite the absence of grit in tone, little Ari still feels that he is not happy, for his words don’t sound that way … and this sometimes happened with strangers, she remembered — where some would give their full heart and care despite the lack of familiarity, others would feel cold. 
Then again, how many — of even the NICEST strangers — provided aid that quite literally saved her from danger, rather than made strong attempts to keep her isolated from it? Oh, it was very confusing to Ari, for she didn’t know what to think. Could she trust him … ? Would it be wrong to think that she couldn’t just because of the way he looks and sounds? Twilight Town was filled with more friendliness than any other place … perhaps it was found in him, too. 
” I … I can't— nnn … no, th — thank you … “ 
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Ari finds it hard to listen to his advice — not because it isn’t simple in the way it is spoke, but because her brain feels like it is running fast. Really, really fast, with worrying thoughts not allowing it to slow down; registration and comprehension were already not strong, but as he speaks, eyes can’t help but to continue to look around, searching for more dark figures with the hope that it ends like the closet and under the bed, where she never finds them. But what if? What if they come back? He wants her to calm down, that much she’s gathered, but … it’s all too much for little Ari. 
Therefore, rational mind is on the back burner for now, and that innocent gaze that once shimmered with light now has a notable glint of FEAR as it locks with the stranger’s again. Silently, Ari wishes for someone like SORA to be here now — perhaps even Kairi or Ventus, maybe even Pea — those who were strong and who she also knew. That’s what she wants most … COMFORT. When the stranger asks if she was hurt, Ari simply blinks and swallows hard; no, she wasn’t, not scathed with anything more than the usual scrapes on her knees and palms — yet, she can’t find words more than simple to tell him, so she shakes her head. What she wants to say piles in her throat, backed up by a lack of courage and held down by the fear that remains — but then … there was a sense of familiarity that comes across his eye when she looks a bit closer into it. Do you see it? 
He looks familiar, doesn’t he? 
Ari is sure she does not know him, and yet — despite its oddity — the reminder his appearance serves causes Ari to completely act on emotion. Little feet are quick in pace as they rush forward towards the stranger, and naturally, she trips into him at the last second, smaller frame thrown against his as skinny arms hold onto him tight — as TIGHT as they could, in a desperate attempt for comfort; her heart is racing, pounding through frail chest as she buries her face into his chest, as if doing so would prevent her seeing anything SCARY again. It wasn’t a good thing, was it? To seek comfort in a stranger … 
But he looks like SORA. 
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” I’m sss … sorry, I kn — know mister is mad, nnn … no, th — thank you … ! but I’m sc — scared … the m — monsters are gonna come back! I’m sc — scared that the mmm … monsters are gonna come back—! “
She was still frightened, obviously. Deeply uncomfortable. And his presence didn’t seem to be making things any better. Arguably, such was probably a good thing; he wasn’t sure what he would do if his presence ever brought comfort to another. No being of the dark should ever draw a sense of familiarity and safety from someone, and especially not him. Vanitas was, after all, just as much of a monster as the little beasts he had slain. More so, even - he was all too conscious of his actions, and even if he hadn’t acted on his thoughts, it had crossed his mind simply to leave the child at the mercy of the Heartless. She was no use to him. No aid in any plan. No weapon to use. Just a child.
But like the little light that she was, she was fully capable of making another feel-
She was coming at him, quick and sudden with arms outstretched and tiny hands reaching for him. “Wait-!” he barked, shoulders tight with tension as they collided, and the sudden rush of fight or flight gave form to an Unversed. The Flood practically peeled from his back, surprisingly steadfast for such a small, jittery creature as it acted as a support to keep Vanitas and the frightened little girl from toppling over completely. Vanitas, himself, could only keep still, eyes wide and lips parted with lost words. His hands were raised, but even he didn’t know what he had intended to do. For just a moment, the world seemed to fall away, the feeling of her heart pounding between them like a hammer the only thing that registered for a very long moment. 
She clung to him, held on for dear life. And despite what he had expected, there was no pain. 
She just... was there. 
He blinked, brows drawn together in shock and confusion. When was the last time he was so close to someone who hadn’t tried to hurt him...? 
Eventually, he pulled himself from his surprised stupor, blinking once more to clear the fog from his mind as bright gold eyes turned down to the top of her head. Slowly, and so very unsure, his hand came to rest on her shoulder. Uncomfortable and wary, but sturdy. Secure. She was so small in his hold. “Hey.” He wasn’t sure if his voice had ever been so soft. He hadn’t thought his vocal chords capable of producing such an arguably gentle tone. “Enough of that. Those things won’t be back. Not with me here.” Maybe it wasn’t entirely accurate, but... It seemed to be something she needed to hear. Maybe it would reassure her enough to let him go. Such peace surely couldn’t be meant to last for too long. “And if they did, I’d just send them running. I’m scarier than they are.” 
As he spoke, his fingers twitched, unconsciously tightening on her shoulder. More secure. More safe. 
More ridiculous. More weak.
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guiding--x · 3 years
An adventure filled with exploration soon turned into a NIGHTMARE — focus was maintained on the beautiful nature that lies beneath her feet, with intentions to gather as much of it as she could before her basket was full. It all made such pretty presents for her friends! Ari thought that the shiny rock would make Ventus smile, and perhaps the red rose would be good for Pea! There was a little something for everyone out here, and the child was determined to gather it all. 
The woods were quiet, too, but the peaceful state it kept was not maintained for long; in one moment, she was plucking a lily from the grass, and in the next, DARK FIGURES appeared. In a frantic effort to find safety, the child takes shelter behind a large fallen log, ears covered by hands and eyes shut tight — if she can’t hear nor see them, they’ll go away. They’ll disappear, and she will be SAFE— 
But such childish belief is not what saves her — instead, it comes from a person, one she doesn’t know, and little Ari only comes to understand that when the haunting sounds of the shadows disappear. Slowly, the child rises from behind the fallen log, innocent eyes that are filled with fright landing on a figure — a dark form, but it takes the appearance of a person. Her movements are rather shaky as she finally moves from her cover, slow to approach the stranger as her eyes dart around in a bit of a curious panic — she wonders if all the monsters are really GONE — but then, gaze snaps back up with a slight jump of her frame at SHARP words. 
Oh … he doesn’t sound very kind. 
“ are th — they gone … ? did m — mister make th — them leave, plll … please? I … I'm— ” Her typical struggles with languages take greater prominence now, eyes dropping from his crimson glare, and she trembles where she stands — he was a bit scary, she must admit, but … she feared the nightmares MORE. Ari just wanted to feel safe. So, little feet shuffle through the grass to grow a bit closer to him and fingers twiddle together nervously as does so. Efforts to find her words are almost futile, but she still persists. 
“—I’m sorry … but I don’t knnn … know w — where to go … a … and I’m sc — scared— " 
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"—I don’t www … wanna be alone, plll … please— mmm … may I stay? st — st … stay with mmm … mister, plll — please … ? I don’t www … want them to come back, and I’m sc — scared—! ”
She was frightened. The negativity poured from the child, almost too much for such a tiny frame. Like a sponge, Vanitas had a tendency to soak in such emotions, not only utilizing them as strength, but as a means of sustaining himself. Being ripped from a complete being and forced to live as a fragmented beast required a great deal of energy, and as a creature of the dark, emotions such as fear and panic and sadness provided an ample, consistent supply. He welcomed it. Reveled in it. What did he care who it came from, or what caused it? Why should he answer to a call for help, when it would diminish the negativity he would be provided?
Why would he bother to save this girl, at all?
He glared at her, honey-colored eyes sharp and cold as she approached. He held his breath, caught off guard as she continued to approach even as he regarded her almost hatefully. Her words were a rough staccato, laden with fright.
And he stilled, brows drawn, eyes narrowed and jaw set. 
He... knew that tone.
"—I don’t www … wanna be alone-”
Wait, don’t leave, please.
“I don’t www … want them to come back-”
They’ll kill me. Somehow, some way, those monsters will kill me!
“I’m sc — scared—!”
I’m scared!
He didn’t like to think of those times. The early days, when he had been weak and unsure before the rage had swallowed up his fears. Words he had never dared to speak aloud met her hurried pleas for safety that he reasonably knew he shouldn’t provide. Looking at her, small and humble and entirely alone, he couldn’t help but feel something he couldn’t put a word to, and definitely didn’t like. 
Empathy, of course, was not his strong suit. Nor his preference.
“Hey,” he called to her, sharp but not quite as biting as his encouragement for her to leave. Again, he held his breath, wondering when his blood had begun to rush and his chest began to heave and anxiety began to pick up. He forced away the feeling of bile bubbling up in his throat, Unversed in their most raw form almost literally on the tip of his tongue. Carefully schooling his features into an expression closer to neutrality, Vanitas dropped lower, sitting on his haunches in a crouch to be nearly eye level with the child. “All of this,” he continued, vaguely gesturing to her drawn posture, “isn’t going to help. You try to curl up and hide, you’re just bringing that crap you feel closer to yourself. If you do all that, you’ll hang on to it longer, and I know you don’t want to do that.”
How odd those words sounded, even to his own ears. Advice he would certainly never give to himself came with no shortage of struggle. 
Slowly, golden eyes moved over her, carefully looking her over for any sign of injury. “Are you injured?”
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guiding--x · 3 years
⠀⠀⠀Now she knew that he wouldn’t let her go easy. But she wanted to avoid conflict as much as possible. She wasn’t particularly the strongest, but she won’t hesitate to run if necessary. Hopefully she is able to take care of herself. But more importantly, hopefully she doesn’t get into a fight in the first place. The keyblade lowering the slightest bit was a sign of progress, but it wasn’t enough for her to get away unscathed.
⠀⠀⠀Since her name was the wrong answer, she had to explain who she was. Now the issue is that she genuinely just walked up to him out of genuine curiosity. Would that be considered a good reason to him? She wasn’t aware of the Guardians of Light, or Master Xehanort dragging many keyblade wielders into the Keyblade War. So because of that lack of knowledge she had absolutely no idea what she got herself into. But it’s obvious she sides with light regardless.
⠀⠀⠀Noticing him shifting around when she looked around, she sighed. Now she really can’t drag someone else into this because it’ll simply cause a bigger mess for her and others involved. 
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⠀⠀⠀”I’m a keyblade wielder, but…” She had to take a moment to phrase her words carefully. “I’m not here to hurt you, I just wanted to know what you’re doing.” 
She certainly seemed genuine, and Vanitas wasn’t sure whether he preferred that, or some level of dishonesty. Letting down his guard, regardless, would be dangerous, but he didn’t feel the need to be quite so high strung when she didn’t appear to have any intentions of cornering him. A simple curiosity. It was fair, he could give her as much; even after everything, Vanitas wasn’t the sort to blend in well. Moving about at all wasn’t the best idea, but with nowhere stable to stay and no alliances left, what choice did he have?
Surely, though, she should have known better than to follow shady figures into dark spaces. Regardless of whether or not she was a wielder, she didn’t look like the sort to be keen on fighting. 
He snorted, banishing Void Gear and defensively crossing his arms over his chest. One brow lifted, and the corner of his mouth twitched upwards in the stirrings of a smug expression. “I didn’t think you’d hurt me.” Not exactly a lie, even if it wasn’t the whole truth. He trusted his abilities, but he wasn’t sure if she had others more familiar with him waiting to ambush him. 
He gave her a moment, and hardly more, before continuing. “I’m just walking. But for all you could have known, I was drawing you out here by yourself to hurt you. Following strange people isn’t exactly a good idea, kid. Does anyone even know where you are?”
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guiding--x · 3 years
Perhaps that is why it was, at times, vexing to see the kid so often in danger. If  he was unaware then that was one thing, but when a eye is still out and could recognize that they are in danger? Yet, on the other hand it became easier to move certain events, to make plans, when knowing that the Hero leaps into danger so often. The hooded figure would not admit but he does understand the lack of regard of one’s self as gloved hands tap along above his hip that hid bandages.
Different time and different place, at the very lest it would be better then what the other place was that the Master had seen. If only for the scenery that Daybreak Town may provide. One before betrayal and agony pokes its head. 
There’s a laugh, short and brief as he waves his hand to the side. 
“ Not quite. I just get to see more then everyone else “
What an oddball, was all Sora could really think of the strange man before him. There was too much distance and too much shadow to make out any sort of facial features, so he couldn’t even begin to picture who he was talking to. There was nothing in his tone to outwardly indicate whether he was friend or foe. His posture was relaxed - like seeing some strange boy from the future was an average afternoon for him. And Sora was quickly getting the feeling that the stranger was borderline allergic to a straight answer.
Funny enough, the cloaked figure almost reminded Sora of Merlin. A little... shadier, of course, and significantly more eccentric, but he didn’t want to believe that the other was... a bad guy.
Again, he nodded, fighting back to urge to absolutely drown the stranger in questions. The ability of foresight, however it worked, had a way of dragging up numerous self-centered questions, and though Sora didn’t like to think himself to be a selfish person, there were plenty of things on his mind. He hadn’t exactly left his time on the best of terms, even if everything had seemed so neatly wrapped up. There was still the issue of what had happened to him, and more importantly, how everyone would react to it. 
Are they looking for me?
He pursed his lips, and furrowed his brow. The look he offered the stranger was almost apologetic. “Would it be wrong of me... to ask whether or not you know if my friends are okay?”
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guiding--x · 3 years
↖ is now accepting curious anons.
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guiding--x · 3 years
❛  You’re an absolutely stunning, murderous little creature. ❜
❛  Fear and bravery are often one and the same. ❜
❛ Death is like an old friend who pays a visit, sometimes when it’s least expected and other times when you’re waiting for her.  ❜
❛ That doesn’t make any death less harsh or unforgiving.  ❜
❛ With my sword and with my life, I vow to keep you safe. ❜
❛ From this moment until the last moment, I am yours.  ❜
❛ Promise me you won’t forget this. That no matter what happens tomorrow, the next day, next week, you won’t forget this, forget that this was real.  ❜
❛ Truths do not always set one free. Only a fool who has spent their entire life being fed lies believes that.  ❜
❛ You’re such a bad influence. ❜
❛ Only the bad can be influenced. ❜
❛ Nothing is ever simple. And when it is, it’s rarely every worth it.  ❜
❛ When you listen to me, I think the stars will fall.  ❜
❛ The next time you go out, wear better shoes and thicker clothing.  ❜
❛ I don’t care what you are. I care about who you are. ❜
❛ Bravery and strength do not equal goodness.  ❜
❛ You deserve so much more than what awaits you.  ❜
❛ You are so incredibly violent. It still turns me on. ❜
❛ Would you love to hear that I really like you?  ❜
❛ Would you be sad if I said no?  ❜
❛ There was nothing worth remembering.  ❜
❛ Now you insult me after throwing a dagger at my face?  ❜
❛ You’ve wounded my tender feelings.  ❜
❛ I came back for you, and you weren’t there.  ❜
❛ I have a feeling that if there’s something you want badly enough, nothing will stop you.  ❜
❛ Never cave to panic. If you do, you die.  ❜
❛ I love how you lie. ❜
❛ I will bathe in your blood and feast on your entrails.  ❜
❛ And what do you think you need to protect me from in here? An unruly bedpost I might stub my toe on?   ❜
❛ Are you done talking yet? Or are you too afraid that I might actually beat you, so you won’t shut up?  ❜
❛ They still deserve dignity in death.  ❜
❛ They were wrong, but that doesn’t make this right. ❜
❛ Just one kiss? You can learn a wealth of things from just one kiss. ❜
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guiding--x · 3 years
It had been a normal day in Radiant Garden. He was still getting used to the life of being human again, a life with having much more knowleadge about himself than before he lost his heart. He had so much stuff to do, so many people to find and so many things to discover and remember, that he needed to first take some time to himself.
Time to recover from the process of losing his heart and regaining again. From gaining most of his memories back and adjusting to a life that now barely felt like it belonged to him. How to adjust to a life that felt like it should have stayed in his timeline? How to cope with the fact that he had no idea who had trully made it out and who was likely never to be seen again.
Conviniently enough, he had found home in that world, Radiant Garden, that he had found to be the most asthetically similar to what he knew and remembered from his homeworld, not to mention was conviniently a source of information on how things were going overal.
On that day in particular, he had gone into town to chat with some flower shop owners, offer to become a supplier since his unique talent with plantlife allowed a lot of advantages, when he heard his old name being called by a somewhat familiar voice. He finished up his conversation rather quickly before turning around to face the brunette,
“My my, if isn’t Sora.” The pink haired man greeted. “And here I was thinking you’d have gone back to that Island of yours. It’s nice to meet you again. Although, if I may ask, call me Lauriam from now own. I’ve abandoned the name ‘Marluxia’ along with my status as a Nobody.”
The greeting he received had been... unexpectedly polite. Granted, even when they fought on opposing sides of the battlefield, Marluxia had been abnormally cordial. Not warm, necessarily, and plenty ominous in his courtesy, but more friendly than many of his colleagues. Sora wasn’t sure he really should have been so surprised by the amicable greeting, but...
The battle was over, wasn’t it? And the way Marluxia had spoken to him in the end... What reason did they have to cross blades, anymore?
Not Marluxia, anymore, Sora reminded himself. Just like Axel wasn’t quite Axel, even if he still kept his name.
“It’s nice to see you, too.” For all of the hesitance Sora had felt, his words and his smile were genuine. He and Mar- Lauriam had parted on peaceful terms, and the gentleness Sora had seen in his gaze seemed to have remained. “You seem like you’re doing okay.”
He let his shoulders drop, hands folding comfortably behind his head. “Did you manage to reclaim it, then? Your purpose for being?”
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guiding--x · 3 years
The day had felt– off… To say the least. It felt like someone was watching her, constantly– following after her. And well, there had been instances where her “guardians” would be keeping an eye on her from wherever they may be, today it was different. Like they were afraid of something happening to her as she went about her day.
Her father even went as far as to actually tell her to be careful when she left that morning, Josh even shooting a text to her to let him know if anything happened. Heck– the two were waiting when she came back from school, as if she was going to come back home with scars and bruises. It was a bit much to be honest, the brunette held back a groan.
She was perfectly capable of handling herself if she needed to, so why were they so worried, now of all times too? They literally haven’t been this.. this worried since the World came back.
Despite that, Runa took her seat at the counter, unbeknownst to a hidden presence nearby, and winded down by just talking about her day to the two of them until they had to go and deal with their own things. As they turned to leave, she felt them look at her, a silent comment for her to be careful despite being in her own home.
Well.. it looks like they weren’t entirely wrong.
At the sound of another voice from behind her, Runa ended up dropping her cup into the kitchen sink with a loud clatter. She spun on her heel to look at where the stranger supposedly was. The hell..? People out there that need her..?
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“What do you want from me..?” Runa asked, hands balled at her sides. No point in asking how he got in here. Everything pointed to the idea that this was the guy that was watching her all day. The thing that felt off. Why her father and Joshua was so concerned. 
“Who the hell are you?!”
“Hey now,” he almost chastised her, like a parent encouraging a child to watch their tone. He lifted a hand, placating and dismissive. “Language. You and your brother certainly do share that attitude problem that apparently nobody else sees.”
Funny, he thought, how everyone around the young bubbly ball of light that Vanitas was more familiar with was just a sweet little bundle of joy. He wondered how even his closest friends had missed the rage that had grown in him over the years. Since becoming tethered to Sora’s heart, he had seen the changes in him, and the anger and frustration he felt had only grown over the years, the well-being of the universe too much of a burden for his tiny shoulders. Perhaps, though, he mused as he peered at Runa past the cover of his mask, it was simply a family trait. 
He smiled, crooked and private. 
“Relax. I’m simply a messenger today.” Unless she chose to test his patience by giving in to hostility. Not exactly a difficult feat, and he certainly wouldn’t mind testing her ability. The old goat certainly seemed to believe that she had some sort of capability. “And I’ve got a word of warning.”
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guiding--x · 3 years
And, done! It took me all day, but I finally have Noct’s KH verse introduction finished. It’s a little rushed and maybe a bit choppy, but let’s face it, home boy has no clue what’s going on (and it was already seven pages long, and I had to stop going overboard). 
Folks can find the doc here if they want to read it. Basic knowledge of the FFXV universe and story will come in handy.
TLDR; Noct, swallowed up by the Crystal to prepare to face Ardyn, finds himself thrown into nothingness when Eos falls to darkness during his sleep. He takes refuge in the heart of a young man - Riku - and in return for unknowingly gaining shelter, offers to fight back the Heartless he faces while searching for Aqua in the Realm of Darkness, and to keep his heart safe. However, while Riku faces off against the Demon Tide in the Keyblade Graveyard, Noctis is forced to use all of his strength to keep his host from completely falling to darkness. His own heart is ejected from Riku’s from the force of using his magic, and with no home world to return to, he wakes in Traverse Town, and his story is set to begin.
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guiding--x · 3 years
So, I think I have officially decided how I want to fit my Noct into a Kingdom Hearts verse. I'll hopefully be primarily working on the one-shot/short-story/what-have-you that outlines things tomorrow. Maybe tonight if I can put down the games.
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guiding--x · 3 years
They're An Aesthetic
Rules: Google/search your name + your favorite color + the word ‘aesthetic’. take the first four (non collage) photos and voila you have your aesthetic moodboard! then tag your friends and moots to join.
Tagged by: @lordofoblivion
Tagging: Anyone who would like to give this a go! Please tag me so I can see :)
Various + Navy + Aesthetic
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guiding--x · 3 years
On the air. A voice.
There hadn’t been a breeze in the air, as far as Sora could tell. Save for the occasional flash and blink of a bright fluorescent light, there had hardly been anything alive around him. There was an occasional hum in the air, like the shifting of frequencies, or the promise of lightning about to strike, but never anything that gave him an indication that he was anything more than utterly alone. It hadn’t been comforting, by any means; a busy mind such as his own demanded some sort of activity. Though, it did bring a sort of relief after time passed where not even a heartless had stirred. 
But, somehow, the sound he heard carried through stagnant air and foggy thoughts. Like he was breaking free of some sort of spell, Sora’s head lifted, blue eyes wide with the stirrings of hope and disbelief, and something else that felt oddly bitter that he couldn’t quite place his finger on. With a sound and tone to put to the feeling of brightness from somewhere in the cold, empty city, the familiarity of that presence was almost enough to smother him.
Riku had come for him. 
At last.
But why?
He hopped to his feet, so much time sitting still making the world around him swim for a moment. He stumbled, hardly letting it stop him from taking off into a full sprint down the street. The pounding of his shoes against the pavement deafening. And still, he heard the voice of his friend, calling out to him. Summoning him.
Sora wasn’t sure which way he was going - whether or not it was right - but still, he ran. All the while, shouting for the other boy. “Riku!” he cried. “Ri-ku-!”
But he was still tired, worn down by so long of doing absolutely nothing. He dropped, tumbling to a halt, palms catching on concrete and the lights blurring into a sickening mess. For a moment, he could only lie there, dazed, lungs heaving and eyes watering. Emotion welled up, swelling, before spilling over as hot tears. The world went quiet again, and for a moment, he felt like an absolute fool. A dreamer. Just like he had thought that things would be alright if he had simply taken that final plunge to save Kairi, just one last time, he thought that someone had come for him. He had almost been happy...
But then, Sora saw him. A haze of silver and black and blue and yellow. The light wrapped him up, and kept him safe. Ever his protector, Riku gazed at him with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. A whisper settled with insurmountable weight between them.
Sora pulled himself up, drawing to his feet just in time to experience the full brunt of Riku’s embrace. It was overwhelming, being so close to another person again. Like he could be swallowed whole and never know what hit him. And Riku, in all his brilliance, certainly had no trouble in engulfing his spikey-haired friend. Even while he felt suffocated, he felt home, and the tears fell easily, and unbidden. His own trembling fingers curling into the reluctantly pliant material of the other’s jacket. “You came,” he mumbled between sobs. “You came...”
And Sora wasn’t sure how to feel.
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