guiltfcl-a · 4 years
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        Every   breath    you   take    and    every    move    you      make                      Every bond you break,                                                       every step you take, 
                                                                  I’ll be watching you
indie priv. sel. bill denbrough from stephen king’s IT mutuals only / low-medium activity penned by vi  ©
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guiltfcl-a · 4 years
lol what if i remade this blog
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guiltfcl-a · 4 years
Bill Denbrough is important to me and I love him with all my heart, but I just can’t manage multiple blogs at the moment, not with everything that is happening irl. my dad was in the hospital and i’m moving this month to end my relationship with my bf so emotionally i’ve been kinda destroyed if i’m being honest with you all. 
Bill will be available on my multi HERE. if you guys wanna still follow me and write with me, that’s where I’ll be. I’ll move over his headcanons and stuff as well. 
IF WE HAVE THREADS TOGETHER: I’ll want to move some threads over and will reach out to discuss it with my partners. Some are newer threads and I would feel bad about not continuing it. 
I WILL STILL BE HELLA SLOW but i love Bill so much and just need to write him again.
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guiltfcl-a · 4 years
Bill Denbrough is important to me and I love him with all my heart, but I just can’t manage multiple blogs at the moment, not with everything that is happening irl. my dad was in the hospital and i’m moving this month to end my relationship with my bf so emotionally i’ve been kinda destroyed if i’m being honest with you all. 
Bill will be available on my multi HERE. if you guys wanna still follow me and write with me, that’s where I’ll be. I’ll move over his headcanons and stuff as well. 
IF WE HAVE THREADS TOGETHER: I’ll want to move some threads over and will reach out to discuss it with my partners. Some are newer threads and I would feel bad about not continuing it. 
I WILL STILL BE HELLA SLOW but i love Bill so much and just need to write him again.
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guiltfcl-a · 4 years
Bill Denbrough is important to me and I love him with all my heart, but I just can’t manage multiple blogs at the moment, not with everything that is happening irl. my dad was in the hospital and i’m moving this month to end my relationship with my bf so emotionally i’ve been kinda destroyed if i’m being honest with you all. 
Bill will be available on my multi HERE. if you guys wanna still follow me and write with me, that’s where I’ll be. I’ll move over his headcanons and stuff as well. 
IF WE HAVE THREADS TOGETHER: I’ll want to move some threads over and will reach out to discuss it with my partners. Some are newer threads and I would feel bad about not continuing it. 
I WILL STILL BE HELLA SLOW but i love Bill so much and just need to write him again.
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guiltfcl-a · 4 years
Bill Denbrough is important to me and I love him with all my heart, but I just can’t manage multiple blogs at the moment, not with everything that is happening irl. my dad was in the hospital and i’m moving this month to end my relationship with my bf so emotionally i’ve been kinda destroyed if i’m being honest with you all. 
Bill will be available on my multi HERE. if you guys wanna still follow me and write with me, that’s where I’ll be. I’ll move over his headcanons and stuff as well. 
IF WE HAVE THREADS TOGETHER: I’ll want to move some threads over and will reach out to discuss it with my partners. Some are newer threads and I would feel bad about not continuing it. 
I WILL STILL BE HELLA SLOW but i love Bill so much and just need to write him again.
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guiltfcl-a · 4 years
Bill Denbrough is important to me and I love him with all my heart, but I just can’t manage multiple blogs at the moment, not with everything that is happening irl. my dad was in the hospital and i’m moving this month to end my relationship with my bf so emotionally i’ve been kinda destroyed if i’m being honest with you all. 
Bill will be available on my multi HERE. if you guys wanna still follow me and write with me, that’s where I’ll be. I’ll move over his headcanons and stuff as well. 
IF WE HAVE THREADS TOGETHER: I’ll want to move some threads over and will reach out to discuss it with my partners. Some are newer threads and I would feel bad about not continuing it. 
I WILL STILL BE HELLA SLOW but i love Bill so much and just need to write him again.
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guiltfcl-a · 4 years
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                              INDEPENDENT PRIVATE SELECTIVE MULTI-MUSE                        FEAT.  ANNA VALERIOUS, THE HOMELANDER, & MAGNETO                                                              PENNED BY VI                                                                         ©
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guiltfcl-a · 4 years
I need to… not be on this blog tbh. I haven’t felt any draw here as of late and I’m considering moving Bill to my multi so at least I still have him. I originally made bill because i was interested in horror blogs and my friend was in the IT fandom and so I made it for them and they didn’t even end up writing with me bc they became exclusive with another bill, which is totally fine! but it really put a damper on things. 
I met some amazing people bc of this blog and I want to continue writing Bill, but I just don’t think I can do it here. And maybe it’s the stress of december and all the events (holidays, my sister’s wedding) happening that’s making it difficult to be here… I just don’t know if it’s what I want anymore. 
I love bill and I love the IT fandom. If I move him to my multi, would people still want to interact? I know there’s still stigma revolving multis. I see it every day. But it’s easier for me to organize my muses and maintaining one blog is simpler for me.
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guiltfcl-a · 4 years
Sorry for my absence guys. My sister’s bachelorette party was this weekend and I also had my holiday party for work friday and then an all day seminar yesterday for work as well. It’s crunch time for the wedding which is in 2 weeks and come to find out one of the bridesmaids dropped out so now she’s scrambling for another, trying to give my dress away to the new person and get me a completely different dress since im maid of honor so I don’t know how active I’m going to be. I’ll have more free time after December 21st though, but then again, Christmas would be right around the corner... It’s just so busy this month but I appreciate the patience and the willingness to stay even though I haven’t been very responsive to anything.
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guiltfcl-a · 5 years
bill: but mike...... everybody left already and said that they don't want to fight pennywise again...... if they didnt listen to you why would they listen to me???
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guiltfcl-a · 5 years
so im feeling super uncomfortable on this blog because of the anons from yesterday so I’ll be over on my multi 
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guiltfcl-a · 5 years
Hey, me reblogging that psa that I'm uncomfortable with writing smut back and forth on tumblr is NOT AN INVITATION TO SEND ME SEXUALLY EXPLICIT ANONS. I have blocked said anon and that is the response if I get sent anons of that nature again. Honestly, that's terrible and completely unwarranted and unwanted.
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guiltfcl-a · 5 years
just a general psa, since i haven’t really addressed it, but smut would be extremely rare if at all on this blog. I’m not opposed to one shots in the form of answered asks (which is why I’ve reblogged less cringy nsfw memes before) and tagged them but I don’t intend to continue them as I’m not too comfortable going back and forth in that manner here. 
Just wanted to let anyone know, if relationships or such happen, majority of the time, it will fade to black or be implied. This may change depending on a person or my comfort level but for now, please do not pressure me to write sexual acts involving my muse in threads. I’ll definitely answer asks if the muse is there for it but please don’t try to force my hand, thank you.
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guiltfcl-a · 5 years
@guiltfcl​ poked the ♥ for Vincent’s IT verse.
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      WORRY LINGERED on the back of his mind. Vincent had so many questions, the majority of them left unanswered. He wonders if they will ever get their answer, but he doubts it. Vincent had heard them all talk to each other. They were all going to leave soon. They all had a home to go back to – he didn’t. The house on Neibolt Street? Completely destroyed. Vincent didn’t know where else he was supposed to go next.
      “You’re all leaving, aren’t you?”
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The question startled him. Sure, it was implied that they would go back to their lives. Each of them had some place waiting for them. Time seemed to stand still in Derry but life moved on and it was time to rejoin the world again. Yet, Bill furrowed his brow and rubbed the back of his neck as if perplexed by his question. “ I s-suppose so... We all left something behind when we came here... ” Could he really say he was going home or was he just running away again?
It took him a moment to realize why his question left a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. “ What... about you? What are you going to do? ” Where was he going to go? Derry would be just a normal town now, no longer plagued with it’s affliction. He’d be safe here now, right? Nothing in Derry ever really dies. He still felt an unease here. Maybe staying wasn’t for the best.
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guiltfcl-a · 5 years
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guiltfcl-a · 5 years
@derryskater agreed
Ew, @derryskater, no.
Warmest regards,
The Tumbeasts
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