guscaldwcll · 5 months
I agree. I think a good and thought-out prank isn't done often. Mostly, it's half assed at best. I like them when they're in good fun and no one gets hurt. Which is why I could laugh at my neighbor's prank. I bet a lot of people look down with a confused look on their face after you tell them that!
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honestly I feel like pranks are a lost art. But then again, I enjoy pulling them and even receiving them more than the average person. But that's a good one. A simple one I always enjoy is telling someone they dropped their pocket or that their sock is untied.
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guscaldwcll · 5 months
"They seem to be growing so fast," he laughed out loud. It had been fun watching them reach new milestones, and he knew Theo could relate to that with his own kids. Gus held onto his kids while they continued to greet the dogs, making sure they were safe though he knew the dogs were friendly. "That's good to hear! We're good, too! Just been busy, but it's been nice to be able to have some time off. They're doing great. Always wanting to do stuff, plus they've been really into Bluey."
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"True, though I haven't seen these two little nuggets in a while" he said as he was still holding on to the dogs who seemed to be bursting with excitement to say hello. Theld on while the twins petted the dogs, hoping they'd calm down and not knock them over. He had tried to train them as best as he could, but sometimes the dogs could get a little too excited. "I'm good, I'm good. How about you? How are these two!?"
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guscaldwcll · 5 months
I feel like I'm not equipped for cows! Unless they are in the form of a steak or something... But no, I'm glad that it was actually a prank and I just magically didn't get any cows roaming my backyard.
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So, did you find your cows? Now you need cows!
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guscaldwcll · 5 months
Somehow, they are becoming more and more elaborate which makes it hard to decipher if they are legit or if they are just being funny. Ah, that would've been scary thinking you're losing two employees before they told you it was a joke. Nah, I didn't have the time or energy to come up with one. Maybe next year? But I kind of like to save my pranks for Halloween. It feels more better during Spooky Season.
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Oh my gosh the April Fools jokes were crazy this year, there were os many. I fell for a few especially at my job. I had two people who actually thought it would be funny to hand their notice in to then tell me it was a prank. I didn't do one was thinking of doing so but didn't get round to doing it. Did you manage to come up with one?
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guscaldwcll · 5 months
You do have some pranksters, that's for sure! But hey they are being raised by Theo as well and we used to get into some good hijinxs when we were younger, though he was better at it than I was. Do they spread it out and make it into a whole April fool's week? If so, I'm glad you were able to survive it! Yeah, your poker face isn't the best but that's okay! It's why I enjoy playing games with you.
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Have you met Riley and Lilly together before? Of course you have. So you know that I have fallen for a few practical pranks on April 1st. What was even worse was that the two of them continued with them on the second and the third as well... It's like walking a minefield at the moment. And Gus, you know me. Everyone would know I had a prank set up already before it happened. I cannot keep a straight face to save my life.
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guscaldwcll · 5 months
I mean, it wouldn't be far off! I've had really vivid dreams before where I couldn't tell if I lived them or if they were something my brain made up while I was sleeping. I have chickens, too! I like getting fresh eggs every morning, but I don't think I could manage having a small farm with cows. Maybe goats when my kids get older, but I'm fine with just having chickens. Exactly! Plus, you'd have to milk them and do more maintenance. Yeah! It's kind of a bait-and-switch type of situation. Everything sounds good in theory, but no one can execute it correctly. I think the only thing that I've ever tried that was actually good was Lays and their flavor of chips that were fried pickles with ranch. I kind of dug those.
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Maybe you were so excited that your dreams were coming true that you just… forgot that they were dreams, and not the reality that you live in. But I get it! I have chickens, and I love my chickens, but anything bigger than that feels like it would be a little too much work for me. Plus, imagine cleaning up after the cows? Me too! They get so excited to have this new, exciting food coming into their life, and then… no. It's one thing when the food items are kind of gross, but it's another altogether when it actually sounds good, and it's never going to happen.
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guscaldwcll · 5 months
Gus felt a laugh escape his throat. Taking a sip of his drink before speaking, he turned his head to the younger man. "At first I was just going to do that and pretend that I didn't just find them, but then I realized that they would charge me for helping me get back in my car so I had to tell them what happened," Gus spoke, shaking his head slightly. It wasn't one of his proudest moments, but he owned up to the mistake even though he felt bad for wasting the locksmith's time. "I did have a good laugh, though. That's for sure."
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"Okay, so," he sat up a little straighter, spinning on his stool to face Gus a little more head-on after what he admitted to. It was a tale as old as time, sort of like texting someone while saying that you couldn't find your phone, or taking a drink from your water bottle and trying to figure out where you last set it down. Except maybe a tiny bit more embarrassing, but he broke into a grin none the less. "Tell me -- did you admit to having your keys while the locksmith was still there? Because I'm pretty sure I would've just kept them in my pocket and not said a single word until he left… and then got in the car and cried. And laughed. But mostly cried."
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guscaldwcll · 5 months
"Any candy can be holiday candy in my eyes," he spoke with a smile, shrugging a bit. "I'd say Peeps but they're too sweet for my liking. Maybe Reese's, because they actually do make themed ones depending on what holiday it is and it's cute." He nodded at her answer, agreeing with her choice of candy. "Can't go wrong with Cadbury eggs. If I'm not careful, I could eat more than I need to in one sitting." Gus looked ahead and could see how much candy was displayed, eyes window shopping as they waited. "Yeah, their recipe is so good. I swear, they put magic in the chocolate they create."
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"Milk Duds?" She couldn't help but be a bit surprised at his answer. "Isn't that primarily a movie theater candy? Not so much a holiday candy," she teased a small smile crossing her face. "But I'm not going to lie, I like the caramel and chocolate candy myself. Especially the Cadbury eggs, it's pretty much an Easter staple." she paused, taking a moment to glance up at the chocolate counter. "But I'm pretty sure the version they do is even better, considering the amount of people in here today."
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guscaldwcll · 6 months
I don't think I've ever successfully pranked someone. But if I did, I don't know if I'd go down the route that my neighbor did. You're lucky that you're not as gullible as me! Or at least believe someone for a second in earnest. Damn, what kind of project was it? I was known to do a project last minute. I think that's why my science teacher had a huge vendetta with me. But building a whole solar planet model wasn't my idea of fun.
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Listen, I understand what that kind of anxiety functions like. I am not good at pranks, myself, and I don't have cows or would be tricked into thinking that I have them to be tricked by that. My son did tell me he had a project due on Wednesday and I was hoping it was a prank, but turns out it wasn't.
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guscaldwcll · 6 months
After a long winter in Merrock, it was nice to able to finally feel the sun come out and feel some of the heat on his skin. Gus loved his New England winters, but welcomed spring when it came around. There was nothing like everything coming alive again. Plus, it didn't hurt that he could wear short sleeves again. After grabbing some peanuts from a nearby vendor at Collab, he sat on the benches and enjoyed the weather. At the sound of someone's voice, he turned his head and moved his mouth into a smile. "Nothing better than getting to feel that Vitamin D, yeah?"
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WHO: Elena & OPEN!
WHERE: Hideaway Market
WHEN: spring, 2024
The sun was finally showing -- and thank goodness for that. Growing up in Maine meant that you had a certain understanding: it was going to be cold much longer than it had any right to be. But once that sun came out, everything changed. The grass seemed thicker, more lush, the trees were blossoming, and everyone just seemed... happier. Elena, included, as she dropped down to sit on one of the benches in the Hideaway Market center, in front of the fountain they had just got running again. Tilting her head back, she let out a warm, content sigh at the feeling of the sun's rays on her skin, speaking to the person next to her. "Can't tell me that doesn't feel good, hm?"
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guscaldwcll · 6 months
Gus had the morning off, which meant he was going to try to get as many errands done as possible before his shift at the fire station started. Benny's happened to be on the list of things he needed to go to since he had been meaning to get some new kitchenware. Ever since his dog chewed up more than one plastic spatulas he had around, Gus needed to invest in some more. He scanned some of the items on the shelves before he saw a young woman looking distressed. A laugh escaped him when he heard her speak, nodding his head in understanding. "An emergency stop to the store is never fun," he admitted. "What kind of coffee maker are you looking for?"
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who: sloane & open (3/5)
where: benny's, suburbs
when: april 2024
The department store taunted her, the image of the freshly brewed cup of coffee on the boxes looking a bit too tempting as Sloane stood before the aisle of coffee makers. She'd accidentally dropped the glass pot from her machine, having to deal with that, and helping with the finishing touches on a semi-late school project that was sprung on her early in the morning. It was no surprise she was a bit frazzled. She should've just gone to Cobblestone instead of standing under the bright fluorescent lights in the store, trying to figure out which features she needed out of a simple machine. Giving a slight sigh of displeasure, she caught a person's attention in a nearby aisle. "Not going to lie, this is not what I wanted to spend my morning doing," she mumbled to herself.
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guscaldwcll · 6 months
A lot of brands did do some interesting promotions that turned out to be just a prank, thankfully! I'm sure if a coffee company ever really did a pizza latte, I'm sure that would be something no one would want! Unless they really love pizza. Kind of reminds me of when Lays had their interesting flavors and people could submit their own recipes. They really had me going for a second! Made it seem so real, too. I'm glad that you were pretty free from the jokes! At least mine was harmless, I know some people go all out to get someone.
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Honestly, I hadn't even realized it was April Fool's until I saw the jokes that brands did online. It took me a split second to figure it out, but I kind of knew they got me then. I mean a pizza latte recipe from a coffee company? I should've known that something was up. But that sounds kind of a funny joke by your neighbor, I would be pretty convinced myself if I heard that one. Besides the few obvious ones I did fall for before realizing the date, I would say I got through the rest of the day prank-free.
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guscaldwcll · 6 months
I always had a fascination with farm animals when I was a kid, but I don't know if I could handle having my own cows! Which is why I'm more than a little embarrassed with falling for the joke. But they said it so smoothly that I had to go check. I'm glad that you didn't fall for any since there were a lot of people telling them! I just know that if it's too good to be true, it probably is. I do feel bad for anyone who genuinely believes in any of the fake promos! Especially the older folks who use Facebook, or any other social media that's popular with the older generations.
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Oh my God, I actually got so excited for a second and was going to ask you if I could come meet your cows! That is pretty funny, though, got you so caught up in worrying about the cows that you forgot to remember that you don't have any! I'm always hyper aware on April Fool's Day, so I didn't fall for any, but there were some fake promos on social media that made me laugh!
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guscaldwcll · 6 months
If I have learned anything, it's that she does what she wants to do and we're all along for the ride. Whether that's giving us a beautiful day with lots of sunshine or a huge rainstorm with hail. But it does give some good inspiration. Oh yeah, totally! The way they can make sidewalk art look like a real, 3D thing on some cement is so wild to me. It really messes with your eyes, but it's so cool. I agree. I'd rather be able to experience all four seasons than just one or two. You really get to see it all in New England, and I really enjoy that. Great! Thanks for doing this commission, it's great to be able to support you and the local art scene. Yeah! It's just another huge hassle. I wouldn't mind it if it meant we'd get more hours to sleep, but it's just annoying when we have to lose an hour. I'm glad we're on the same page!
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Mother Nature is honestly nuts. But yeah! Some artists can really get big on the hyperrealistic pieces. You've seen the sidewalk art too, right? It's crazy! I had a friend in college who would make those on campus. People loved it. We've got all four seasons which says a lot, and I do love it. At least we get all sorts of weather even if it's a bit unpredictable. Yes, don't worry about it! I've got time in between things, so we'll make it work! I agree, absolutely, why do we need to change time? I think it makes things more confusing and leaves everyone more tired. Sunlight and fresh air I can get on board with, but not less sleepy time!
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guscaldwcll · 6 months
Gus could hear the dogs barking when he rung the doorbell, laughing as he could hear his best friend trying to tame them from who was behind the door. Unfortunately for the dogs, it was just Gus with his two little rascals. Though, he knew that the twins did have a bond to them. His smile widened as he saw Theo standing at the door, greeting him instantly. "Long time, no see, yeah?" Technically, it hadn't been long but they saw each other so much that any time apart felt big. He motioned for his twins to go in first before coming in after them, watching as they went to go pet the dogs. "How've you been?"
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Hearing the doorbell, Theo got up from the couch. Both to open the door, and to wrangle the dogs and make sure they don't run out the door or jump on the twins and knock them down. Opening the door, Theo smiled, "Hey!" He said, smiling na blocking the dogs with his legs, opening the door as much as he could. "Come on in," he motioned then grabbed the dogs by the collars allowing Gus and his kids to come on in.
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guscaldwcll · 6 months
I always forget how many pranksters live in Merrock until I somehow fall for another April Fool's joke. This time it was my neighbor telling me that one of my cows had gotten loose. I went to go look outside until I realized that I didn't even own any cows, and that they were just pulling my leg. Did you fall for any pranks today? Or better yet, did you get to do one?
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guscaldwcll · 6 months
Bookstores offered their own unique sense of peace, there was something about perusing the stacks that made Gus feel calm. They made him feel at ease the way other shops or bars never managed, so stopping by the bookstore on his way home from work had long been his preferred way to wind down and bridge the gap between being on a long shift and going back home to his lovable but rambunctious twins.
He couldn't tell if they were open yet, but he could see some commotion happening through the windows. Opening the door, Gus stepped inside. The effect a bookstore had on him was instantaneous, soothing and rousing all at once. His eyelids fluttered and he took a deep, grounding breath that loosened every muscle in his body. He could see someone getting ready to greet him and offered a smile back to them. "Not particularly, just wanted to see if you were back open yet."
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Taking over a book store, moving to a new town, and basically giving up the only life you had ever known certainly seems like a daunting challenge to most. But when you had the childhood Henry had, he was used to big changes and new experiences. It didn't mean he was always the most adept at handling them, but he tried his best. Besides, books were something he knew like the back of his hand - he studied literature and found himself lost in the pages, finding solace and safety in the shelves of books around him as he puttered around and organized things, cleaning and rearranging the store as he went. It was clear there was a lot of love for the store but just not a lot of maintenance, so his job when he first arrived was to give it all an overhaul and get it back to pristine shape.
Technically, the store was closed - he had decided to take a few days without customers to clean things and put a lot of extra hours into the store to get it ready to launch again, but the lights were on and the door was unlocked... so it shouldn't have been a surprise when someone wandered in. He heard the bell from the front door and quickly walked back into the main part from behind a shelving unit to greet them. "Oh, hi!" He said softly, offering a smile. "Can I help you find something?"
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