sclfcare · 10 months
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" you make a habit out of sending the nasty shit you sent me to your friend's boyfriend ? i know it wasn't a mistake ─── you wanted me to see . "
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ycseniarivera · 2 years
💎 - the crystal gala • closed starter for @mcgreyson
Nia was standing near one of the tables that stood next to the buffet, mindlessly people watching. It wasn't until they saw someone that they vaguely knew that they walked over to the other, a smile on their face. "Hey, you work at Mods, right? I've been itching to get another tattoo, and I heard that you're the best of the best. My last few tats have been stick-and-poke, but I kind of want my next one to be done professionally. Do you have any openings in the near future?"
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bluejayscrying · 3 months
all the bat kids just start calling Babs ‘Chat’ whenever she’s Oracle over the comms
The joker: *evil monologue*
Damian, in the most bored voice: Chat is this real?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dick: *pulls off an insane flip-hit-the-bad-guy-summersault combo*
Jason, distracted by goons: opps on these guys chat?
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ktkat99 · 11 months
Anytime Damian is upset with Alfred for whatever reason, he does thing that he THINKS normal rebellious kids do.
Dick- Damian, what are you doing
Damian, not even looking up- Pennyworth grounded me from patrol until I've recovered. Therefore, I am playing my DS on the couch all day.
Dick- Wow. Really sticking it to the man, aren't you?
Damian- I could be reading a book right now. Something that could benefit my future. But nooooo. I'm acting out.
Jason- Dude, just stop
Damian- Why? We all know his favorite part of dinner preparation is chopping the vegetables. Imagine his face when he finds that everything has already been diced to perfection?
Jason- ... I'm going to have to teach you how to egg houses, aren't I?
*Taylor Swift playing over the speakers throughout the entire manor*
Bruce- Alfred, what's with the music?
Alfred- Master Damian intends to annoy me into letting him patrol tonight.
Bruce- And you... don't like Taylor Swift?
Alfred- He believes that we all enjoy Bach as much as he does.
Alfred- Master Dick is currently convincing his other siblings to take the opportunity to throw a dance party
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siobhanchiffon · 1 year
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Bested 🗡️
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pierppasolini · 20 days
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Zero Patience (1993) // dir. John Greyson
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cryinggyarados · 5 months
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gay4way · 8 months
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Greyson to Zayne while in the middle of an operation: I'll teach you how to ask MC out this Valentine.
Greyson: Like this... *Takes out the patient's heart*
Greyson: Will you be my Valentine?
Zayne: Please put that back
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rozenphox · 7 months
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little things i wish happened in the show u-u
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tapwaterx · 1 year
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surprised nobodys drawn the Barbie Movie characters and their Lego Movie counterparts… i had to be the one to do it
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littlestarconch · 26 days
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I'm afraid Zayne got himself another rival, goodness gracious infold you're expecting us to not swoon? Like? Luke and Kieran? And now Greyson??? God.
THEY'RE LITERALLY NPCS, this is crazy.
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Okay but like imagine Jason Todd living in Crime Alley and he has numerous safe houses in gotham some of witch just aren't for him and in fact are apartment complexes that he bought out for cheap possibly due to a little life-threatening scare by Red Hood and any time he's in crime alley and he notices that especially in the winter months that the kids are sick or don't have a dry place to live he just starts setting them up in the apartment complex, and none of the kids ever talk about where exactly that complex is because they love redhood... Also, I imagine that once a week Jason makes like a really big dinner and he just goes outside and serves it to the kids around crime alley, the kids all love him and feel safe with him. I imagine it gets to a point where if the kids are in danger or are worried or scared they just go running over to Red Hood some of the kids have taken to calling him dad, uncle, and other various family references.. And one day on the way back to one of his safe houses he just hears one of the younger street kids yelling dad and he turns to where its coming from and theres just this small kid holding another small kid in his arms and red's just like what happened and the kid just goes shes sick and idk what to do and red just kinda sighs and goes yeah alright follow me kid and he walks over to one of his main safe houses puts his bike away and gets the kids into the car but before continuing to the doc office he calls out through crime alley of if anyone's sick yall better come here i don't wanna do numerous trips and suddenly theres a small group of kids coming out of the shadows and he ushers them all into the car drives them all to gotham general and the receptionist doesn't bat an eye at the gaggle of sick kids or the fact redhood is checking them all in because he and the hospital have an understanding so he gets them all treated and seen and has to sit in with every nurse and doctor, at one point he gets a call from bruce asking why he's not on protrol and jason thinking nothing of it just goes i'm busy im at the hospital have dickface cover my patrol and then he hangs up to speak to the doctors and check on his kids..
bruce shows up at Gotham general just to find red surrounded by numerous children with various flu's colds coughs one of them has pneumonia and was just diagnosed with asthma and he's just taking notes while there's one child in his lap crying cause she's scared and he's just rocking her gently while writing down various treatment plans for each kid and what safe house he's putting them in because he'll be personally taking care of them... and one of the docs spot Bruce and is like excuse me mr. wayne you can't be back here patients only and redhood can be here because he's there acting guardian which makes Bruce's brain short-circuit entirely
Also alfred 100 percent knows about this and has helped red set up the rooms for the kids and everything and some of those big family dinners Jason has for the kids yeah he's using Alfred's recipes
How Jason got guardianship of these kids is because of Harvey dent he got the proper legal advice from Harvey
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bluejayscrying · 22 days
[A video starts, Red Robins face incredibly close to the camera as he whispers into the microphone.
Red Robin, in what we can assume is the Batcave, lying down in an army-crawl position: *whispers* okay, so i know were technically not allowed to record in the cave but- were playing cops and robbers and-
*There's a clattering noise in the distance and his head whips towards the sound*
Red Robin, sounding equally gleeful and terrified: shit shit shit, i think someones in here? i gotta go free Signal- FUCK!
*Another noise, this one louder and accompanied by the sound of boots hitting the floor in a run, a flash of red is seen in the corner of the camera*
Red Robin, scrambling to his feet, the camera is shaky, and all you can hear is his feet running and the sounds of yells: ohmygod im gonna die who the fuck made RED HOOD A COP JESUS CHRIST!
Another voice, deeper and followed by cackling: IM GONNA GET YOU! ITS FUCKING OVER REPLACEMENT! COUNT YOUR DAYS YOU SHIT!
Red Robin is full sprinting now, and he turns sharply into a ballroom (??) where Nightwing is seen next to The daytime hero Signal, both of them waving aggressively*
Red Robin, panting: SIGNAL! i'm- shit, I'm on my way!
*The sound of boots gets closer as the camera blurs fully, only audio being heard*
Red Robin, screaming: FUCK NO- NIGHTWING SAVE ME-
*The video cuts off the the frozen image of Red Robin on the floor, a Red metal-plated boot planted on their back- if you look closely you can see Signal and Nightwing in the corner, Nightwing dramatically on his knees as Signal is fake-crying*]
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ktkat99 · 1 year
Dick, Jason, Tim, and Steph are taking a lesson from Batman on how to patch bullet wounds
Jason- Can't we just use tampons to plug the hole? I feel like they'd take up less space in our utility belts
Steph- What???
Tim- Yeah, I heard somewhere that that's what they were originally invented for
Steph, blinking slowly- Are you being serious right now? Or are you joking?
Jason- What? Why wouldn't that work?
Steph, pulling out a water bottle and pointing to the top- Bullet wound
Steph, pulling out a tampon- Tampon
Steph, inserting the tampon into the water bottle, the boys watch in horror as it expands- Jason, here. Pull it out and pretend it's your leg. Then tell me this is a good idea
Batman, still holding the laser pointer at the PowerPoint he'd spent all night making- I wanted kids. I wanted to be a father. I signed up for this. Why didn't Alfred stop me?
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siobhanchiffon · 6 months
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