gussing-game-blog · 10 years
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Honestly? Probably back to London, around where my dad lives.
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
[TXTMSG]: of course I can come as your date; is it black tie?
[TXTMSG]: do you even have to ask?
[TXTMSG] tell me you're not busy tomorrow
[TXTMSG]: i’m never busy when you’re involved. 
[TXTMSG]: why, have something in mind?
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
What do you think about Noah?
Noah's a good guy. He's a little intimidating, you know, he has the looks, the personality, the girls.. But he has really amazing taste in friends, and I have a lot of respect for him.
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
[TXTMSG] tell me you're not busy tomorrow
[TXTMSG]: i'm never busy when you're involved. 
[TXTMSG]: why, have something in mind?
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
You're tacky and I hate you.
"Sisterly love"
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
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Finally getting to spend some time with my favorite girl.
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
[TXTMSG]: Yeah, that sounds perfect, I'll see you in a bit (:
[TXTMSG]: Hey uh, I know you want space and all but, I just wanted to see how you were doing.
[TXTMSG] it sucks. i hate it :(
[TXTMSG] i mean space. this whole space is stupid. i’m sorry i even suggested it
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
I know, I know, I'm sorry, Noah. Thanks for reassuring me about the whole thing. Brit and I are going to be fine. 
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Geez I didn’t mean it like that. You and I both know Brit well. It’s unlikely that she’d do that to you.
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
29, 11, 7, 18
29: (truth) What are your worst habits? (dare) Put your Top 25 Most Played songs on shuffle and list the first five.
apologizing too much, not speaking up for myself.. there are probably a lot more.
11: (truth) Where did you get each article of clothing you’re wearing right now? (dare) Pick up the closest book to you. Turn to page 39 and copy down line 7.
  You're doing good, the man said. You're doing good.
7: (truth) How many hours did you sleep last night? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to the last person who followed you.
About four or five, maybe.
18: (truth) How old were you when you had your first kiss? If you haven’t had it yet, how old do you want to be? (dare) Go to the last app/tab you opened. Post a screenshot.
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
itskingnoah replied to your post:What would you do if Brit did leave you for Noah?
Yikes. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It probably won’t happen.
'Probably,' way to reassure me, Noah. 
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
What would you do if Brit did leave you for Noah?
If Brit decided that she wanted to be with Noah in order to be happy.. Then I'd let her go. I'd have to. I want nothing more for us to be happy, and while she's what makes me happy right now, if I can't make her happy, then I don't want to tie her down..
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
TRUTH OR DARE: send me a number and i have to EITHER answer the question for "truth" or do what the "dare" says to do
1: (truth) Who was your first major celebrity crush? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle and post the first five songs. 2: (truth) What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in the past week? (dare) Refresh your dashboard and send an anonymous compliment to the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash. 3: (truth) What are your three favorite things about your appearance? (dare) List all nine of your tumblr crushes, and describe each blog/blogger in one word. 4: (truth) What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? (dare) Post the oldest selfie on your camera roll. 5: (truth) If your parents knew everything you’ve ever done, what would they think is the worst thing? (dare) Tag the three nonmutuals you admire most. 6: (truth) What is the last thing you purchased? (dare) Tag three people you’ve thirst followed.
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
I'd love to see you drunk and/or high.
Where have you been the last like.. six years?
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
[TXTMSG]: Well.. I might be able to afford missing a couple of classes this once.
[TXTMSG]: We could cut out before lunch and go get some half decent food if you want?
[TXTMSG]: Hey uh, I know you want space and all but, I just wanted to see how you were doing.
[TXTMSG] it sucks. i hate it :(
[TXTMSG] i mean space. this whole space is stupid. i’m sorry i even suggested it
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
Who do you ship Liese with? Sam or Bailey?
Can I say neither? I mean I don't ship her with Sam, that's for sure. I guess if I have to default to Bailey, then I will. I think that Liese can make her own choices, though, and I don't want to be pushing any ships on her. Except maybe her and Lex, because those two obviously love each other on some sort of deeper level. 
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
[TXTMSG]: i know, i know.. you did have every right to be mad, i'm sorry if i made you feel shitty about the whole thing.
[TXTMSG]: crap, i'm sorry i apologize so much
[TXTMSG]: shit
[TXTMSG]: ...does this mean i get to see you again sometime soon?
[TXTMSG]: Hey uh, I know you want space and all but, I just wanted to see how you were doing.
[TXTMSG] it sucks. i hate it :(
[TXTMSG] i mean space. this whole space is stupid. i’m sorry i even suggested it
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gussing-game-blog · 10 years
Brit's gonna leave you for Noah :)
No she's not, anon.
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