About Gwendolyn Rowle.
Yeah, I'm always stained and it's never coming out. Yeah, I'm always stained it's a match that's been burned down.
Full name: Gwendolyn Ramona Rowle
Nickname(s) or Alias: She only goes by Gwen and absolutely hates it when people call her Gwendolyn. Unless it’s her boss or superior.
Gender: Cisgender female
Species: Pureblood witch
Age: 27
Birthday: February 10th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius sun, Aries moon, Libra rising
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: British
Religion: Atheist
City or town of birth: Yorkshire, England
Currently lives: Brighton, England
Languages spoken: English
Native language: English
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5′8
Hair color: Dark brown
Hairstyle: She’ll either wear her hair down or in a ponytail, she doesn’t really do much with her hair.
Eye color: Hazel
Tattoos: The dark mark on her left forearm
Piercings: Two holes in each ear and her belly button
Scars/distinguishing marks: A deep vertical scar over her dark mark that’s still raised, it never healed properly. A few small scars on her chest and upper arms from getting into fights.
Preferred style of clothing: Gwendolyn wears a lot of dark clothing and always keeps things business casual. It’s most common to see her in a pantsuit and a pair of heels. The only time she be in anything casual if she’s in her house for an entire day which is very rare.
Frequently worn jewelry/accessories: She wears earrings all the time, usually a hoop and stud in each ear.
Smoker?: N/A
Drinker?: Socially
Recreational Drug User? Which?: N/A
Addictions: N/A
Allergies: Pollen and dog hair
Neurological conditions: N/A
Sleeping habits: It takes Gwendolyn a long time to fall asleep, she’ll usually toss and turn for hours until she eventually drifts off. She doesn’t sleep a lot only about four hours a night, five on a good night. She has almost near permanent dark circles under her eyes. If she gets a day off, which is rare, she’ll sleep pretty much all day.
Eating habits: She’s a healthy eater and always sticks to her diet, it keeps her mind sharp and her body in peak condition. No excess sugar, dairy, and definitely nothing fried. However, if she’s feeling stressed out she’ll break her diet. The first thing she’ll go for
Exercise habits: Gwendolyn makes time to exercise five days a week, it doesn’t matter how busy she is. She’ll usually go for a run first thing in the morning; she also makes it a habit to lift weights at least once a week.
Emotional stability: Gwendolyn is extremely emotionally stable, she never lets any kind of emotion stand in the way of a decision. She actively pushes them down and away. The only emotion Gwendolyn will usually answer to is anger.
Sociability: She’s not extremely social, that’s just a fact. She will talk to people but the conversation generally doesn’t last long. She doesn’t get along with most people and has a lot of difficulty even getting on an acquaintance level with most.
Body Temperature: She runs warm
Label: The Reticent (not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily)
Positive traits: Logical, dedicated, meticulous, reliable
Negative traits: Abrasive, calculating, venomous, cold
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil (A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn't have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has.)
Goals/Desires: To have the Death Eaters be the most powerful and influential group in the wizarding world.
Likes: Getting things done early, having people rely on her, winning a fight (physical or verbal), getting a chance to relax, snakes
Dislikes: Losing, feeling like she’s disappointed a superior, being touched too frequently, any kind of emotional talk
Fears/phobias: Gwendolyn’s biggest fear is ending up in Azkaban, even more than receiving the Dementor’s Kiss. She doesn’t want to end up in a cell where her father was then she’ll fail her purpose and she does not fail.
Favorite color: Grey
Hobbies: Running, pottery, and playing poker
Habits: She has a habit of mumbling under her breath, a lot. Especially when she’s at work or at a Death Eater meeting. It’s almost like hearing someone monologue.
Taste in Music: She likes almost exclusively women artists and girl bands, that’s pretty much her only criteria for music. Her favorite’s recently have been Hole, The Runaways, GRLwood, Grimes, and Poppy.
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): Omnivore
Favourite food(s): Anything spicy, Thai shrimp salad, ramen, and steak tacos
Favourite drink(s): Red wine, champagne, water, and cranberry juice
Disliked food(s): Anything overly sugary, blueberries, and squash
Disliked drink(s): White wine, tequila, and soda
Level of education: Hogwarts level education and trained in Obliviating
Qualifications: Hogwarts diploma
Current job title and description: Obliviator (A witch or wizard specially trained in the use of mental charms and employed by a wizarding governing body to help ensure that the Wizarding World is safely concealed from the non-magical community.)
Name of employer: The Ministry of Magic
Peaceful or aggressive attitude?: Gwendolyn is definitely more aggressive but only when the time calls for it. She doesn’t go around causing fights when they’re not necessary but she definitely knows how to finish them once they’re started.
Fighting skills/techniques: She’s a gifted dueler and could hold her own in a physical fight but she’d definitely prefer a duel. Her favorite spells are the kind that bring down buildings or cause fires.
Special skills/magical powers/etc: She’s proficient with the dark arts and nonverbal spells.
Weapon of choice (if any): Her wand
Weaknesses in combat: If it came to a physical fight, she could be over powered. She wouldn’t go down easily but it’d happen eventually.
Strengths in combat: Her nonverbal spells are definitely her strength that’s what she’s spent the longest time perfecting.
Parents names: Thorfinn Rowle and Allegra Chadwick
Are parents alive or dead?: They’re alive
Is the character still in contact with their parents?: Gwendolyn hasn’t heard from her father since she was sixteen since he’s been in Azkaban, she does wish she could speak to him and thinks of him fondly. She hasn’t spoken to her mother since she moved out of her house and doesn’t plan on doing so anytime soon.
Siblings? Relationship with siblings?: N/A
Other Important Relatives: N/A
Partner/Spouse: N/A
Children: None
Best Friend:
Other Important Friends:
Pets: A ball python named Montgomery, a boa constrictor named Penelope, and a Burmese python named Walter
Enemies? Why are they enemies?:
Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): Gwendolyn Rowle's, then Chadwick, childhood was filled with a lot of confusion. Her and her mother, Allegra, frequently moved from house to house but they never owned one of their own. They were always staying with “friends” or “friends of friends”. They never stayed anywhere for more than two-three months at a time, they practically lived out of their bags. Gwendolyn spent a majority of this time alone, playing with the few toys she had while her mother was out doing, Merlin knows what. All she wanted at this time in her life was her father; she never met the man or even heard anything about him but she just knew in her heart that if he was here things would be better. The first time Gwendolyn asked Allegra about her father when she was four years old; her mother gripped her so hard on the shoulders it left bruises and told her to never ask about that man again. Of course, she respected what her mother had requested of her but she couldn't help her mind from imagining a world where her father would come take her away.
When Gwendolyn was nine years old, her and her mother finally had their own permanent residence. It wasn't anything grand or special but it was a place that she could call home. Even at this time, she spent her time alone her mother was out at all hours of the day. She figured she was just working but she couldn't help but wonder what kept her out ten hours a day and why sometimes it felt like Allegra couldn't look her own daughter in the eye. Gwendolyn didn't make any friends when she was younger she just didn't know how to interact with other kids her age. Any conversation she had with one of them would usually end with the other kid crying to their parents that “Gwen was too mean” then she wouldn't be invited over for play dates anymore. Allegra just didn't understand where this mean streak would come from in her daughter it was as if she couldn't even help herself. Her mother would tell her over and over that she just couldn't talk and treat the other kids the way but it never stuck in her brain. When her letter for Hogwarts came to their door, they both viewed it as a blessing.
Describe their teenage years (11 - 19) TW: blood and parent fighting: Gwendolyn ended up being sorted into Gryffindor, she didn't really mind being sorted into that house even though she wasn't sure why she was. But she did have trouble relating to her fellow house mates. It felt like there was just a disconnect between them not that she really minded but it would've been nice to have at least someone to lean on during her time there. Although the fact that she was alone didn't exactly hinder her Hogwarts experience. Gwendolyn excelled in almost all of her classes (she never really got Herbology) and even though her mother always wrote to her about how excited she was that she was doing well and how much she missed her. She never went home for holidays, she just felt more serene at Hogwarts and just being on her own.
That was until, she made the decision to go home for Christmas break during her fifth year. Gwendolyn knew she made a mistake as soon as she reached the front door and all she could hear was screaming. She, of course, concerned for her mother's safety barged into the house without a second thought. She was expecting some sort of robbery with the way her mother was screaming but it wasn't ...it was just one man standing there who looked exceptionally calm. As soon as Gwendolyn walked into the house, Allegra, practically sprinted over to her and tried to push her back out of the door. She kept telling her that it wasn't safe and that she had to leave but there was something about the man that felt familiar as if she already knew him. It was when the man smiled, Gwendolyn could see resemblances that she never saw in her mother. That was her father.
Thorfinn Rowle, her father the man she'd been thinking about her entire life was standing there right in front her. Her mother's yelling about how he was dangerous just quieted down into white noise at that point because she genuinely couldn't believe her eyes; there was no way this man could be dangerous he was her father. Allegra, however, kept screaming and threatening she didn't want him anywhere near her daughter or her for that matter. Gwendolyn knew she wouldn't be able to talk or get answers from her father with her mother throwing this tantrum and apparently so did he. He told Allegra that he wouldn't be coming back but before he left gave Gwendolyn a tightly folded note the only thing on it was a messily written address.
After their first “meeting”, Gwendolyn began spending every break with her father. Except for summer since then Allegra would begin getting suspicious. She found out that the reason she hadn't met him until she was fifteen was because he had been in Azkaban for participating in the second Wizarding War and being a Death Eater. He told her that it was her duty and sole purpose to follow in his footsteps since he was currently on the run and it was only a matter of time before he was caught again. After Thorfinn had unloaded all of this on Gwendolyn, she couldn't help but be angry. Angry at her mother for never telling her any of this, angry at the muggleborns and blood traitors that made it impossible for her to see her father for fifteen years. Gwen swore to him that she'd follow his path and never sway. She could see how happy this made her father and he vowed to teach her everything he knew.
Two years later and multiple safe houses later for her father, Gwendolyn was in her last year of Hogwarts. She had spent every waking minute practicing her magic, she knew she couldn't let her father down because when she was finally done at Hogwarts she was going to get the mark. She was itching to get out into the real world to fulfill her purpose and not be stuck with blood traitors and mudbloods. On her final day, Gwendolyn felt as if everything had passed by in a flurry one second she was packing up her room at Hogwarts and the next she was being branded as a Death Eater. After she got her mark, she knew she had to leave her mother's house Allegra wouldn't approve of any of the things she was doing and would probably try to bind her to the house if she could. So, she marched home with her sore arm to pack up her things to stay at one of her father's old safe houses.
Gwendolyn's moving out didn't go to plan, it was actually a catastrophe. Although now if she tries to think about what happens it just comes in bits and pieces. She remembers the screaming, the anger, the pain, and the blood...lots of blood. Gwendolyn and Allegra had gotten into a horrible fight, her mother knew that Gwendolyn was going to be following the dark path that Thorfinn had laid ahead for her and she couldn't bear it. The fact that her only child was going to be swept up into this life of darkness and despair and when Allegra saw the fresh Dark Mark on Gwendolyn's forearm she simply lost it. She grabbed Gwendolyn's arm and the closest sharp object she could find and tried to cut the mark off of her arm, Gwendolyn could barely stand the pain it was unbearable. She pushed Allegra back with as much force as she could muster and casted the Cruciatus curse before she could even think twice about it. Gwendolyn stared down at her mother, curled in the fetal position screaming and felt ...nothing and that was where she left her.
Describe their adult years (20+): She stayed in the safe house for three years, trying to get her bearings together and get enough money to get a real place of her own. She did any mission big, small, or downright ridiculous that the Death Eaters had given her without a second thought. Gwendolyn wanted to prove that she was serious about being part of this group and that she was one to be trusted with serious responsibilities. They still saw her as just a kid and thought she'd try to run out as soon as things got tough but she wasn't going to be going anywhere.
When Gwendolyn was twenty-two that was she got her job as an Obliviator for The Ministry, she finally felt as if she was on the right path. She had gotten a place of her own and was being given missions that suited her best interest more. That being said, most of those missions involved torture, murder, and mutilation...she was one of the best for the job because of her almost complete lack of sympathy and empathy. Gwendolyn just got the job done and didn't give any unnecessary complaints. As she got older, she slowly moved up the ranks until she was able to reach a high rank. She's serious and driven, she's not giving up on her purpose and doesn't care who she has to step on to get there.
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