gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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                       HE SAT UP, pulling her into a half-on-top-of-him, half-on-the-bed situation that was shocking in its comfort. At her question, he frowned. “Did I not tell you?” he asked, playing with the tips of her fingers. He was glad she had awoken not long after the sun, allowing them time together where FREE TIME was about as rare as their hospital schedules had been. “I’m afraid I have to INSIST you be with me for the day, though not in any way that will be fun for either of us. There are dignitaries visiting today: my father’s men and my mother’s family are all coming to see – well, us. They want to see if the selfish prince actually turned a page, and they want to meet the new princess.”
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    her leg lays across his own, her head canting slightly. all of this is still very new to her, & there is still much that she does not know. the idea of sitting around with that many dignitaries makes her a little nervous because she did not even know this bloodline even existed. teeth bite at her lip as she rests her head on his chest. “Are you sure about this? I don’t even really know where to start! I didn’t even know this royal line existed until a few weeks ago! How are they going to react to a new princess that doesn’t know the history of this planet at all!?”
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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                       HE’D BEEN HAVING the strangest dream. He was in a different body and couldn’t remember who he was any longer, left in a world that didn’t feel like his own. He wanted to be on EARTH, but he was instead on a planet far different from the one he knew. He was woken to the warm tickle of Gwen’s breath on his ear as he rolled in her direction, eyes blinking awake. “Kings are majesties,” he said. “It’s Your Highness, if you absolutely must.” His voice still threw him: the ALLSPEAK providing him a different accent than his own… or the one that had been CREATED for him. He felt DIFFERENT in all the ways that had never matter to him: his stature, his accent, the breadth of his shoulders. He smiled at Gwen, reaching up to pull on a twist in her hair next to her ear. “Good morning, Your Highness.”
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     his words remind her of their time on earth. the time where they would curl up next to one another & have little battle of wits before they fell asleep. never would they stop teasing each other, it is just another way they express how much they care about the other. eyes roll in her head, a hand coming to rest on her heart in a dramatic fashion. “Oh I couldn’t bear the thought of insulting you, your HIGHNESS! Please forgive me.” lips pull into a wide grin to show that, of course, she is pushing his buttons. he may be a prince of some kind now, but never would that impede on how she acts with him. curling up at his side, she takes his free hand in his own. “Do I get the honor of actually being with you today? Or do you have some princely duties to take care of?”
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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                                ❛   i   said   i   MIGHT   fall   asleep   on   you   .   not   that   i’m   GONNA   fall   asleep   on   you   .   that’s   a   crucial   difference   ,   and   crucial   differences   can   be   very   important   .   ❜                  he   spoke   that   sternly   ,   but   it   was   with   MIRTH   glistening   in   his   eye   that   he   watched   her   ,   and   it   spread   onto   his   face   a   moment   later   in   a   smile   .   he   hid   that   quick   enough   to   take   a   sip   of   the   drink   .   a   pause   …   then   a   HUM.                  ❛   hmm   .   you   have   it   right   ,   miss   stacy   .   this   time   .   ❜
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   “I’m still pretty sure you said you’d fall asleep on me. So the rule still stands. If you fall asleep, I am granted permission to draw on your face.” there is a twinkle in her eye that gives away her jest. however, when he remarks on the coffee, she cannot help but dramatically put her hand over her heart & exclaim. “Oh how wonderful! I was so worried that I might upset the great & powerful Will Porter! Whatever would I do if I had done that?”
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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       the bed they sleep in is now much larger than what she is used to. so much has changed in these last few weeks, but yet still he rests at her side. no matter what changes come her way, having him at her side is all she needs to get through it. she looks upon him as he still slumbers, lips curving into a gentle smile. one hand comes to rest on his shoulder as her nose brushes the shell of his ear. “It’s time to wake up, your majesty.”
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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Rage Quit: Surgeon Simulator 2013 with Dr. Jones and Dr. Free (x)
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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      “It’s official--I hate clowns.”
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
*rolls into inbox*
       first 3 get kisses ( 2/3 )
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   it has been a long day for the both of them, him off saving new york city & she with a long day at work. both are curled up on the couch enjoying mindless tv. her head rests atop his chest his hands stroking her hair mindlessly. times like this she cherishes most, they can just be themselves. scooting upwards, she presses a kiss to his lips & rest her chin on his chest. “It’s bed time, bug boy.”
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
*don creeps into the inbox*
        first 3 get a kiss ( 1/3 )
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     still is she trying to get used to this whole being a princess thing, it is all so new to her. it has been some hours since she has seen her husband, so she thought it best to spend some time trying to familiarize herself with the castle. she knows not where she is going, but before she can wander any further she feels arms quickly wrap around her & pull her into a nearby balcony. surprise over takes her expression, a squeak escaping her. she is just about to turn to see who it is when she hears his voice in her ear. the worry in her heart subsides, her lips instantly curving into a smile. turning in his arms, she presses her hands to his chest. seeing his face puts her anxiety due to all of these changes at ease. standing on her tip toes, she presses her lips to his. “You almost gave me a heart attack!”
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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“I’d like to point you to the exit, I believe the nearest one is that window.…please jump out of it.”
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      “There’s no need to be furocious, Peter!”
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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                                        there   was   a   SOFT   SMILE   on   his   lips   ,   settled   there   as   plainly   and   as   calmly   as   though   it   belonged   there   .   it   did   belong   there   .   KINDA   .   and   it   only   widened   when   she   offered   him   the   coffee   (   which   he   took   promptly   !   )   .                  ❛   yeah   .   i   think   i’m   LUCKY   you   kinda   like   me   too   .   ❜                  he   felt   like   he   was   twelve   years   old   :   lifted   his   cup   of   coffee   to   his   nose   and   took   a   little   sniff   .                  ❛   if   it’s   not   the   way   i   like   it   ,   i   might   fall   ASLEEP   on   you   .   ❜
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    “Oh is that how it’s going to be? First you’re late then you’re gonna fall asleep on me?” lips thin for a moment in jest, her head nods in understanding. “I’m beginning to see this as a very one sided thing.” there’s a chuckle as she takes a step forward towards him. “Well I’ll warn you, Mister Porter--If you fall asleep, I will draw on your face. I’m sorry--I don’t make the rules here.”
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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       One side of her lip quirks upward, knowing she has him right where she wants him. Tone becomes innocent once again. “But what about those kinks in your neck, or your arm? I wouldn’t dream of causing you to wake up in pain.” Her lips are so close that she can feel his upon hers on certain words. But not enough for true contact. 
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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                                                                & SHE’LL BE GONE. “
                           independent TASM gwen stacy
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
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gwenuinely-blog · 7 years
❝Don't you dare throw that snowba—goddammit!❞ [ ooc: hello ♥ ]
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    “THINK FAST, MJ!” before the red head can even finish her statement, she tosses the snowball towards her. quickly, the blonde ducks behind a tree, her head poking out slightly to laugh at the other. “I guess the jackpot just hit the tiger!”
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