brokentoys · 1 year
@itsybitsyparker SENT . . . Hugs Eddie, but as a diversion tactic.
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He didn't really know why he was being hugged. Usually, with all vigilantes, he'd get his face pummeled in until he's rendered still. He wasn't expecting such gentle touch from one. & Eddie acknowledged his own loneliness, but he hadn't realized how desperately he needed the hug.
In silence, Eddie returned the hug. It seemed the diversion worked, as the riddling man wasn't letting go anytime soon.
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spinxeret · 1 year
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+ @itsybitsyparker asked: "Did ya miss me?"
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+ " You're KIDDING , right ? I feel like you've been GONE so long that I can BARELY remember what you look like under that mask . " Words DRIPPING with sarcasm , Mary Jane virtually found herself LEAPING into his arms, her own wrapping around his neck with a SMILE perfectly sculped along her lips . " Might need a REMINDER ... "
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sparkveins · 1 year
we haven't written together yet but I love seeing your portrayal on the dash. Both your Miles' are awesome!!
!!!! i love both my bois so very much i'm gladd that you do too !!! thank you for this !
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inhcritance · 1 year
@itsybitsyparker liked for a starter! AU: Spider-Harry (E-3109 Harry)
"I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing Oscorp with a different logo." He admitted, pointing at the Oscorp tower with his head. The power of rebranding to clear a bit their image, he supposed.
And if he used the distraction to web and snatch another slice of pizza? Well, he was wondering just how long it'd take for Peter to notice.
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labwebs · 2 years
@itsybitsyparker​ liked for a starter
Peter had just been testing a theory. Honestly- that’s all he’d been doing. A side project he worked on when he was too injured, too exhausted, or otherwise unable to go out on patrol to keep his mind busy and off of, well, everything that’d happened. Sure there wasn’t a lot of research out there, but given that he’d experienced it a little himself surely he could figure out how to use science rather than magic to understand the multiverse better, right? The answer appeared to be yes... but it’d worked a little better than he’d anticipated. And also worse.
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With no suit and no webshooters, Peter tried his best not to let panic win as he tumbled through the skyline of another New York City- and made a mental note that he’d have to include some sort of coordinate system in future iterations if he survived this fall. Angling himself towards the nearest building he reached out to try and get a grip. A short hiss of pain escaped him as ungloved hands met smooth glass at speed, but he knew it’d be a lot less painful than the possible other outcome. A second try and a nearly-dislocated shoulder later, he’d at least stopped his fall. “Now what?” Peter muttered to himself, looking out at a city that was so familiar and yet distinctly different. “Crap.”
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sorrowmarked · 2 years
alex stern starter for @itsybitsyparker
Alex had thought she was going to coast through Yale as a fake art student as she did real work for Lethe, she never really anticipated biology. What she anticipated less was a biology partner who reminded her more than just a little of Darlington. It unnerved her a little, felt like she was sitting with his ghost.
"I'm going to be honest with you Parker," she said, "I know almost nothing about science, you must have some real shit luck to be stuck with me," she said. And then she sighed, "I'll try my best though, not to be like dead weight," she said.
"Upside, I can uhh ... help you out with what's the best food to eat in the dinning halls?"
Truly she had nothing. I can keep ghosts away, probably wouldn't sound that sane.
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@itsybitsyparker​ liked for a starter | not accepting 
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“What else do I need to become an honorary wall crawler?” Kurt teases. 
To make a point, he walks to the nearest walk and takes a few steps on it, he looks up to Spider-Man and smiles. 
“Or is it because I don’t shoot webs? I have other ways to transport myself though.” 
Then, he teleports next to his friend. 
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unexceptional · 2 years
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IT HAD BEEN quite a long time since she had felt this kind of pain. Ever since coming to this world — this time — Becky had been all-to familiar with different kinds of pain. Bone-deep exhaustion, or a pulling tightness on a surgical scar right before it rained, or even the swaying dizziness that often accompanied a cardian event. But it'd been quite some time since anyone had left her to her own devices long enough to get HURT like this. Her wrist was shooting pangs of hurt in a way that triggered her tinnitus. — When was the last time she could hear her pain like this? With the way the skin around her too-skinny wrist had started to turn a dark, mottled reddish color and had started ballooning, she wasn't certain if it'd been sprained or broken or if a ligament had been damaged, but she'd gotten hurt.
He hadn't meant to. Hell, Becky knew that if Peter had actually wanted to hurt her, he could have just as easily just torn her arm off to get away from her as she held onto him. But instead he'd bucked only a few times — one of those times wrenching Becky's wrist in precisely the wrong way — and had used every word in the book to try to let her let him go, but he'd been out of his mind with grief, she knew. It was that knowledge that now compelled her to try to keep her wrist hidden, having done the best she could to gingerly tug her sleeve a little lower to hide the blossoming damage now becoming more visible, along with trying to move her right arm as little as possible while being silently grateful to every energy out there that she had been born a lefty.
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The building crumbled as she kept him back, repeating over and over that there wasn't anyone left to save inside. Her litany had only been interrupted for a moment when she'd gasped in pain as her wrist was injured, but she swallowed any further sound of pain, continuing to repeat to him that there wasn't anyone left to save inside.
Now, the moment had settled and Peter, all ragged breaths and a spider outfit sans the mask, which had been destoryed or lost somewhere else in the night, finally had started to come back to her. She carefully used her left hand to dab the cut on his cheek clean, watching as his vision focused and unfocused in time with his grief.
She thought she was doing a fairly good job hiding her pain when a involuntary gasp of pain fell past her lips when Peter reached up to hold her free hand. Her shoulder, with a mind of its own, jerked, trying to remove her arm from the source of pain. Becky pulled her hand into her lap and gave a tight-lipped smile. "Everything's okay," she murmured. "Let's get back to this cut. It's a mean-looking one."
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( @itsybitsyparker ) « ouch :(
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brokentoys · 1 year
@itsybitsyparker RIDDLED . . . I create my lair with earthen string, And dispatch my prey with a biting sting. What am I? (he spent so long thinking this up.)
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An excellent riddle, but Eddie guessed, ❝ could you be a spider ? ❞
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spinxeret · 2 years
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+ @itsybitsyparker asked: ❛ I’m very bad at dumb things. My Achilles’ heel. ❜
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+ " It's a GOOD THING that you seem to have a KNACK for figuring out how to get out of dumb things, right ? " Mary Jane leaned forward and playfully gave him a SHOVE on the shoulder . " You're as good at it as I am at getting into DANGEROUS situations . "
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wntrfreed · 2 years
@itsybitsyparker asked: ❝ I’m sorry, did I step on your moment? ❞
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the kid was fast, he'd give him that. it had been a while since bucky had wanted to be in the spotlight; the thought alone makes him chuckle. he wasn't exactly good at sharing the work, but he couldn't deny skill when he saw it. even if it came from a web - slinging boy.
" a little cocky, don ' cha think? " his response is deadpan, void of any inflection, though the corner of his lips is upturned with the slightest hint of amusement. it might have been another story had he been on the other side of enemy lines. " people do like to step on spiders though, so watch out. "
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dangerstxrlet · 2 years
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+ @itsybitsyparker​ asked:  “Oh, don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.”
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+ Looking out over the view of the city ENGULFED in lights , Mary Jane couldn’t think of a more scenic way to spend her night with Peter . With how eventful their lives could be, no matter the TIME or day , it felt good to have just a little bit of time where everything was PEACEFUL . Looking over at him, she found herself slowly wrapping her mind around the comment, knowing she could use it as a way to get him potentially OFF-GUARD . “ You talking about the CITY , or are you talking about ME , tiger ? “ 
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inhcritance · 1 year
"I love you Harry, but I'm not sure I trust you anymore." (Bc i can't stop thinking about it)
He doesn't even try to pretend that the words don't feel like a knife driven through his chest, that he doesn't wish he could bask on the first half of the sentence and pretend it's just Peter and Harry still, that the night of their last battle never happened. That Harry's gloves were never stained with the blood of the one person he'd have done anything to protect.
The one person he'd hunted down.
Trust, Harry thinks, is almost an ideal. A lofty concept, one he thought he understood, and yet feels stranger by the day.
"Did you trust me, before?" Harry asks, and there's not accusation in his voice, merely the smallest taint of sorrow. "Because my secrets might have been bloodier, but I was not the only one keeping them."
For so many years, for so long. Harry is not about to be angry about truths kept hidden, because he might be hurt but he's not that big of a hypocrite... but he also isn't about to let Peter ride away on some moral high horse.
"I don't expect you to trust me." He sighs at last.
He contemplates getting a drink, but with all the blood loss, even his regeneration factor might not be able to offset it. So, a coffee it is.
"I'd actually worry if you did."
Particularly after what had happened.
"But I didn't lie to you, when you woke up." He sighed. "You're safe here, now and always."
And perhaps, in time, he could believe that at least.
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labwebs · 2 years
@itsybitsyparker​ asked:  “That looks broken.”
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“Feels it, too,” he muttered, wincing as he finally managed to free his broken arm from his suit. It had not been a fun swing home. He’d mostly managed it with his good arm, but a few corners had needed both hands. It’d been a stupid mistake but, like most injuries, it’d be better tomorrow or the day after so he wasn’t too concerned. Webshooter still on his wrist, he carefully covered his arm in a thick layer of web- just enough to immobilize it for the time being.
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sorrowmarked · 2 years
starter for @itsybitsyparker
Colleen sighed, she didn't run into the big name heroes often, one of the benefits of being so street level you slipped bellow everyone's notice. And to be fair she was pretty sure Spider-Man was only here because well ... they had bumped into each other completely on accident. But now she'd have to play nice and work with him, and working with someone new was well ... it was always a challenge.
"I mean I definitely know what lies behind door number one, it's killer puppets, I guess my question is ... are you immune to poison?" she dug out her phone and typed something into google, scrolling for a moment. "I didn't see that on your wikipedia page, but you know how accurate these things are."
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nerdybirdboy · 2 years
“Hey, are you sure you’re alright?”
sickness starters || @itsybitsyparker
Damn! For a second he'd got a bit dizzy, stumbled a step, almost letting it slip that he might not feel fully as fine as he tried to appear. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm ok. Just lost my balance for a sec." It wasn't a complete lie, but not the full truth either.
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