gwtwoimpsarewe · 4 years
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451K notes · View notes
gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
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175K notes · View notes
gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
vigil: oh hey u guys are back early
commander: lake’s haunted
vigil: what?
commander: *loading a pistol and getting back on the airship* lake’s haunted
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
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call down the hawk — maggie stiefvater
10K notes · View notes
gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
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Artist  Jon Foreman Arranges Stones In Stunning Patterns On The Beach, Finds It Very Therapeutic
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
Birdy tippy tap chorus.
68K notes · View notes
gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
Ocelot scritches.
146K notes · View notes
gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
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Untitled by Shane Garlock
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
when youre nonbinary but you use gendered meme phrases anyway
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
I love when evil aristocrat characters have evil forms of address. Your Royal Lowness. Your Disgrace. Your Dishonor. Your Unholy Majesty.
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
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A playlist for an exhausted Commander.
- Hang Em’ High (Dropkick Murphys) - Machete (Moby) - Anxiety (Black Eyed Peas) - Nameless World (Skip the Use) - Hammer to Fall (Queen) - Invincible (Pat Benatar) - It’s Alright (Mother Mother) - Seven Devils (Florence + The Machine) - Shout (Tears for Fears) - Nostrand (Ratatat) - Wilderness (Explosions in the Sky) - Colorblind (Counting Crows) - Sound the Bells (Dessa)
8tracks / Playmoss
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
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Small fingers curled around his own, “Alasdair?” 
Glancing obligingly as his little ‘sister’ settled beside him, Alasdair hummed an answer in his throat as they turned their gazes to the quieting Grove. “Dreams again dewling?” 
Her cheek found his shoulder with a nod, “Something’s coming; but I can’t see it.” 
Guilt stabbed at him, even as he rested his cheek to her head in comfort; knowing that he was to blame.
Mother told him the dream wasn’t theirs to control. 
That they were the caretakers. 
That what was meant, was up to the receivers interpretation. 
But how by the thorns, do you interpret a Hunt abandoning a Hunter? 
He was a Firstborn, raised and waiting to take on the horrors so those after him would be spared; and even if Wyld Hunts could change owners--who’s to say they should?
So if it wounded him to deceive her, the pain paled in comparison to how his heart ached knowing the visions haunting her should be his own.
Amaranda had pleaded with him that his path was one of madness and misery. That this was not a decision he could make, not something for him to take-- 
“Alasdair?” He blinked back to the present, Farrach’s face hovered in front of his own, “You’ve gone somewhere I can’t see; come back.” 
The irony was not lost on him as he chuckled, “Don’t fret pea blossom,” his fingers tweaked a petal back into place. “I’ll always come back to you.” 
The malaise in his veins throbbed with an unnatural pulse. 
Li - ar. Li - ar. Li - ar. Li - ar.
Mother’s Roots he’d miss her. 
Notes: Alasdair Taigh takes James Muir (my revenant) as a false name after leaving the Grove post take his Wyld Hunt back from his little sister. 
Not a ship, don’t take or tag it as such. 
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
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Braham and Rox quickie
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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
Credit to @radioactivesoda-gw2 for this fantastic template! 
Character Bio Template
I’m finally putting together a damn character page and I’m putting this here for easy access and easy formatting BUT HEY, if you like it, you can use it for your characters too! : D Feel free to add to it, or take things away, I just combined several bio elements I’ve seen over the years. :>
Anything in (italics and parentheses) you can delete if you copy + paste this
You can replace the ◘ around the OC Name / OC’s Profession title with any symbol or emoji you feel represents your character
Helpful acronyms: N/A = Not Available, Not Applicable, No Answer TBD = To Be Determined TBA = To Be Announced
◘ OC Name / OC’s Profession ◘
(profession is mainly in reference to GW2 professions, but you can put any profession you want, or any title that fits your character/what they do, i.e. chef, wizard, doctor, etc)
Posts with (OC Name) (include a hyperlink to your OC’s tag on your blog if you so desire)
◦ Fact  ◦ Fact ◦ Fact ◦ Fact (examples of what I typically put here: -descriptive terms that define who the character is “loud” “fun-loving” “tiny powerhouse” “war-worn” etc,  -phrases “the dad friend” “edgy and unpredictable” “lost puppy” “weird uncle” “the important thing is that they tried” “scared but wants to help” -fun facts “will go out to dinner just for free breadsticks” “calls his son every day” “inexplicably survives on sporadic snacking” “will climb anything, especially if dared to”)
🔍 Overview 🔎
Full Name: N/A
Pronunciation: N/A
Nickname(s): N/A (if you want, specify who calls them what nickname, or who is allowed to call them that)
Preferred Name: N/A
Age: N/A (if you don’t have an exact age for a character, you can put an age stage and/or an age approximation such as “Young Adult around 21-24 years of age)
Sexuality: N/A
Pronouns: N/A
Height: N/A (if you don’t know a characters exact height you can use phrases like “taller than average”, “just below average height”, “short”, etc if they belong to a fantasy race you could specify “short for their race”)
Weight/Build: N/A (if you don’t know exact weight you can use phrases like “a little overweight”, “above average for their height”, “skinny”, etc, or you can just explain the OC’s build, “stocky”, “muscular”, “athletic”, “chubby”, etc)
Scars/Birthmarks/Distinguishing Markings: N/A
🗣️ Personality & Morals ⚖️
Are they…(bold which term applies to the character):
introvert / extrovert / ambivert risk-taker / cautious organized / disorganized close-minded / open-minded calm / anxious / restless disagreeable / agreeable / in-between patient / impatient outspoken / reserved leader / follower / flexible empathetic / un-empathetic optimistic / pessimistic / realistic traditional / modern / in-between hard-working / lazy
Moral alignment (chaotic good, lawful neutral, etc): N/A
Guilty Pleasure(s): N/A
👍 Strengths & Weaknesses 👎
Strengths/Skills (Mental/Physical): N/A
Weaknesses (Mental/Physical): N/A
Biggest Advantage: N/A
Biggest Vulnerability: N/A
Mental Ailments: N/A
Physical Ailments: N/A
Addictions/Bad Habits: N/A
Phobias: N/A
🏠 Lifestyle 🏠
Birthplace: N/A
Current Residence: N/A
Education: N/A
Religion: N/A
Philosophy/Outlook on Life: N/A
Job: N/A
Hobbies: N/A
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Relationships 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Status (Single/Dating…/Married to…): N/A
Family: N/A
Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Other notable relationships (If any): N/A
(if your character doesn’t have specific people you can put under friends or enemies, you could describe the types of people your character gets along with/doesn’t get along with)
📚 Backstory 📚
Childhood: N/A
Adolescence: N/A
Young Adulthood: N/A
Adulthood: N/A
Present Day: N/A
(feel free to combine these backstory categories into one if you prefer it that way, or if you feel your character doesn’t have details in their backstory worth noting for any of these categories)
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