gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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Oops, sorry for the inactivity. I just recently started RPing Hanten again over at @obsxlxte which is unfortunately not too indie friendly, but I’ll still interact every once in awhile. If anyone needs to contact me OOC wise, my twitter is over here! It’s mostly RP talk related to a few groups i’m in but feel free to hmu anyway. I’ll try to get to replies soon, I’m just struggling to find motivation at the moment.
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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Gyakuten & Chishibuki
Relationship goal.
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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                              BULLY THE WEAK
Indie semi-selective private Gyakuten from Mogeko’s Oboslete Dream.
+7 years rp exp
mun/muse 18+
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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♇—“Ahhh! No!” There’s no point in trying to say no one is home when you just screamed so loud the crows outside can probably hear it! You make a beeline for the window, intending to shift into your crow form and fly away before Gyakuten can catch you. If only your hands weren’t shaking so much from fear. As it is now, you’re taking far too long to get the window open before he gets inside.
The moment Sullivan responded, Gyakuten made his move. He shoved his hand through the broken oak, unlocking the door and kicking it open in a manner that was too showboaty for the situation.
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“There he is! Where ya goin’ pal I just wanna talk!” He practically howled with laughter, chasing after him and holding the window shut, trapping the crow between it and his fiery form that was probably far too close for comfort. “How’s life?!”
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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     “Fine…” Why does he want to know? Is he going to ask her about school again? Saying she’s ‘fine’ is just a formality to hide the fact that she’s been as depressed as ever, and teachers are good at seeing through that kind of bullshit. It’s kind of a requirement if you want to work with kids. “Been at the graveyard a lot…The death god there wanted someone to clean the graves, I guess…”
He can absolutely tell. Call him a sadist, but he’s not going to let her off the hook that easily. “Sounds about right, never understood how a death god could be so damn weak.” He jabbed. “Why do that when you could be...” He’s going for it.
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Yeah. Looks like he was gonna be a stubborn teacher instead of a friend afterall.
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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not this time
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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     “Maybe…I might, I might not…dunno.” Kurotsuno could fill a book with all the reasons she hates school, and she’s constantly swinging back and forth between wanting to go back and wanting to drop out. If this were college, she’d easily be able to just go part-time, but mandatory education is not so merciful.
     “I don’t know about Hanten. I don’t know what she’s up to these days when she’s not at my place,” she admits. And then, she adds rather bluntly, “I don’t really care. She can take care of herself.”
None of this was news to him, honestly. Though he was a bit worried about his daughter... though he’d never admit it to anyone, not counting his drunken ramblings to Sullivan at the bar. Sullivan’s good at keeping his mouth shut, if he knows what’s good for him. 
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“Yeah, that’s my girl, out doin’ whatever the hell she feels like doin’.” He tried not to sound too worried. “How ‘bout you, kid? How’ve ya been?”
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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     Oi fuck it’s one of her teachers–ah, it’s just Gyakuten. He’s going to be more interested in his children than her attendance record. Thank god. Kurotsuno gently swings her shopping basket back and forth, while staring at Gyakuten’s shoulder.
     “She eats all my food, sleeps right in the middle of my bed like a cat, and brings strange animals into the house,” she answers, without skipping a beat. “So fine.”
Kurotsuno did skip out a lot on school, as did his daughter, but considering the rough spot he was in with Hanten, it was probably for the best. Lately it feels like his whole family is falling apart. Oh wait. That’s always been the case. “Hah!” he cackled.
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“Sounds about right.” He hummed. “Either of you plannin’ on coming to class anytime soon?”
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
@sullminivan liked for a starter.
It was a nice dark day out, no rain or clouds, just complete darkness and smiles. That means it’s a good day to go outside and see his good friend Sullivan! He whistled a happy-go-lucky tune while he strolled toward his childhood friend’s house with his ax in hand.
“Oi, Sully!”
The shout was the only warning he gave before he drove his ax through the door, pulling it out to peer in through the hole he created.
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“Anyone home?!”
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
@kurotsunolivia liked for a stater
Now there’s a face he can tolerate. Though Gyakuten loved torturing her father, Kurotsuno is a lot stronger than him, not weak, useless or whiny. “Ey, kiddo!” Not to mention, she had one thing in common with the fiery demon.. she loved seeing Sullivan in pain.
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“Long time no see, how’re things goin’ with my freeloadin’ daughter?”
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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‘nother demon wifey
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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annnnnnnnnnnnd here’s a startercall I guess. Gonna cap it at 3 and work my way up
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
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                              BULLY THE WEAK
Indie semi-selective private Gyakuten from Mogeko’s Oboslete Dream.
+7 years rp exp
mun/muse 18+
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
Working on a proper promo butwhat’s good I’m New To The Community 
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anyone wanna promo me?
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gyakutcn-blog · 7 years
miley what’s good I know this blog was affliated before but now it’s INDIE!! I’m just letting yall know so you can unfollow
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