gyllousos · 2 years
i hope to return to this blog soon, happy new year 🎆🎈 💞
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gyllousos · 2 years
This Is How It Ends
A/N: AOT fanfic, Zeke Yeager x OC
Word count: 2k
Copyright @gyllousos 2022. All rights reserved.
Her neck snapped at the familiar nickname, the name she had begun to despise for years. It shouldn’t have held as much meaning but whenever he spoke it out loud she went weak, wanting cry more out of frustration than happiness. She wanted to punch him, gouge his eyes out. Kick him in his crotch.
Instead nothing. Olivia Leonhart had not planned on meeting Zeke Yeager ever again after leaving, running away as he had put it. For all those years Olivia was finally able to forget Zeke and put him out of her mind, her blood, her soul. She was finally able to sleep at night without seeing him in her dreams. She finally was able to stop crying.
Funny how fate works. It was pure accident—if said accident was a torrent of blood and screams from a fellow soldier Zeke had finished off. She’d been watching him—immediately knew that was him in his Titan form because of those damn eyes, abs the simple gesture of his finger scratching his ear. Her heart nearly sunk into the pit of her stomach.
She couldn’t move, couldn’t blink. Before she knew it Zeke’s colossal hand gently picked her up as though she were going to crumble. She sat in the palm of his hand, her eyes never left his grotesque face. Her lips moved, if he could hear he hung onto ever word as though this would surely be the last they saw the other.
The universe could be a funny thing, random yet unfortunate events. Ollie nearly fell back on her ass. This time she and Zeke were face to face, her trying not to drop her cup of tea, him trying not to grab her arms, shaking her. Self composure was keeping her from beating his face in. She tried to calm her thundering heart beat. If the damn organ didn’t burst out of her chest first.
“Don’t call me that..” she told him, meeting his eyes finally. She’d been tracing his features, her blue eyes someway saddened . Why? She ruined the years they could have had…but wasn’t he aware that was just a dream?
“Olivia. It’s been a long time. I missed you,” he whispered. But what was that underlying tone beneath?
Her rattling hands put the saucer and cup on the table separating them, her face colored red.
“Come here,” he said softly. Olivia urned her head, narrowing her eyes. Come here? He sat up, resting his forearms on his knees and waiting, while Olivia hifted on her feet. He was always playing games. She didn’t trust him. But the temptation to engage was too great. He was right.
She was getting good at it, and she kind of liked it, too. Olivia took slow steps, holding up her chin to steel herself . When she reached him, he placed a hand on her hip and pulled her in between his legs. She gasped as he fell back against the sofa again, pulling her in with him. Olivia shot her hands out, planting them on both sides of his head on the back of the couch, keeping myself upright as I leaned into him.
“I missed you…you were always on my mind…” he breathed out, holding her hips with both hands now.
“You have too.” Olivia closed her mouth and shook her head, looking down at him with a challenge. “I know it did,” he maintained, a fire in his eyes. “Did you think I couldn’t see how tense your body would get or how your nipples got hard through your shirt when you saw me? You’re a little twisted. Admit it.”
Olivia folded her lips between her teeth, turning her head away. But then he tipped his chin up and caught her nipple between his teeth through her top, and she closed my eyes, letting out a small cry. Oh, God! The heat of his mouth swooped into her stomach as he released her nipple and then snatched it up again, dragging it out between his teeth.
“Get off me!”
All he did was laugh, though, and Olivia’s face fell. He grabbed her arm and threw her down onto her stomach and came down on my back, pinning her to the couch.
Olivia breathed hard and fast, feeling his cock press against her ass.
“Ollie…” Zeke teased her nickname, making her despise him.
“Fuck you Yeager!”
Olivia shook her head, ready to flip him over abs gut punch him. But then he put his hand over her mouth, forced his hand between her and the couch, and dived into her pants, sliding his fingers inside her. Olivia let out a muffled scream.
Olivia squirmed and tried to reach out my arms but he released the rest of his weight on her , pushing her down to where she could barely breathe. “Shhh…” he cooed. He brought his fingers out of her pussy and began rubbing them over her clit so slow and so soft Olivia couldn’t help but shake.
“Hush Ollie,” he whispered again, but this time his voice was thick and wet like he was fucking her. He removed his hand from her mouth, and she licked her lips, swallowing the dryness and trying to find her voice. Olivia’s heart thundered in her ears, and she winced, holding back the groan she wanted to let out at what his fingers were doing to her.
“Your pussy is so fucking wet.” He drew out his fingers, swirling their wetness around her clit in quick circles. “So soft and tight.”
When he removed his fingers from her pussy—she nearly protested when he flipped her over. No words needed. He tasted his fingers, swallowing the taste of her , never looking away. Silently Olivia removed her top, the tank top, her bra disposed of. It was Zeke who helped her with her socks, shoes, pants and panties.
He couldn’t stop looking at her, she was so damn beautiful. And one pure thing he’d ever had. Zeke stripped of his clothes.
With his body, he covered hers. His thighs felt like marble against her thighs. His skin shone like polished gold. His lips tasted as sweet as the wine and she drank deep of him.
She wound her arms around his neck and he dug his fingers deep into her hair, bending her body back, baring her neck. He kissed the hollow of her throat, bit her collarbone and shoulder. With his knees he forced her thighs apart. He grasped her clitoris between his thumb and forefinger and she flinched from the marriage of pain with pleasure.
Zeke dusted kisses across the sensitive skin of her chest. Under his mouth her heart pounded, her blood throbbed. Zeke needed to stay in control as much as possible. The more helpless she was, the more he would feel compelled to protect her. She inhaled as Zeke licked the tip of her right nipple. He brought his mouth down on her breast and sucked gently as he teased her left nipple with his fingers. Olivia couldn’t do much but arch her back to offer more of her breasts to him. He moved his mouth to her left nipple. Heat gathered in her breasts and melted through her stomach, settling into her hips. She wanted him inside her. No, not wanted, needed.
“Please, sir…” she begged. “Please what?” He raised his head and cocked his eyebrow at her as if amused she would even dare beg for anything. “I want you.”
“You have me.” “I want you inside me.” “I’m always inside you, Little Oliie.” Olivia entertained a brief fantasy of stabbing him in the neck. But then he moved his lips to her mouth again.
“I want you to come for me. I need you as wet as possible before I enter you. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.” She started to breathe heavier as Zeke pressed the heel of his hand in deeper. He dipped two fingers into her vagina before pressing his now wet fingertips against her clitoris. Desire engulfed her as he made tight circles on the swollen knot of flesh. Her hips rose off the couch and she went still underneath him. Her entire body locked up before exploding with pleasure. Her vagina clenched and released rapidly, fluttering inside her and pressing against nothing. She couldn’t wait to come around him, to let him feel her own pleasure on his body.
“Good girl,” he said, brushing a lock of hair off her forehead. He kissed her nipples again as she recovered from her orgasm. He sucked leisurely, lazily, at them as if he intended to spend all night lying between her breasts.
Zeke kissed the valley between her breasts and his lips traveled down her stomach and over her hips. He nipped her hip bone with his teeth and the moment the pain registered, Søren moved between her thighs. Olivia tiffened as he licked her, kissed her, made love to her with his mouth
. “Fuck…” she groaned, unable to contain herself. She hadn’t expected him to go down on her. He’d said he would pleasure her but this act seemed almost submissive to her as he knelt between her legs. But then he increased the pressure on her clitoris with his tongue and he pushed in two fingers and rubbed that soft hollow on the front wall inside her. He mastered her with his mouth. With his fingers he spread her folds so wide, exposing the entrance to her body. She couldn’t hide from him. He saw all of her, all her most secret places. He licked her clitoris again and again, and when she came, she clenched at his lips and fingers. He rose up and kissed her. She tasted herself on his mouth and couldn’t get enough of it.
She looked up and saw Zeke’s yes were closed. His long, unnaturally dark eyelashes lay against his cheeks. The veins in his strong arms and shoulders quivered as he held himself over her. He started to speak.
He murmured the words like a prayer. She raised her head and pressed a kiss against his throat, her most favorite part of his body, the part hidden by his collar. The final words of his prayer she understood.
I love you.
“I love you,” he said, and the words rose like a banner over the couch. With her eyes half-closed, she felt the world falling asleep around her. She heard music somewhere in the distance. Olivia buried her head in the hollow between Zeke’s chin and shoulder.
With one thrust, he pushed inside her.
Beneath Zeke she moaned and cried, her face buried against his chest. He cradled the back of her head as she wept tears of agony and surrender. He didn’t pull out of her, didn’t apologize. He held himself still, but inside her he pulsed as her vagina stretched and strained to take all of him into her.
He penetrated her until it seemed as if his entire body filled hers to the breaking point. Each slow, controlled thrust stretched her open wide, tearing the gate that would keep him out of her. She wanted it gone, wanted everything between them gone forever. His hand found her hand and he locked their fingers together as he rose up and pushed in again. She braced for pain but instead felt a deep stab of pleasure. Her eyes flew open at the shock of it, so carnal, so animal. With a cry she pushed her hips into his again and again.
He thrust so hard into her she stopped breathing. He thrust again just as hard and she exhaled once more. She writhed underneath him, writhed and thrashed. Her inner walls throbbed against him. He pulled out and pushed in again as he teased her clitoris, dragging her close to a climax again.
He lingered inside her after coming, devouring her mouth with his. At last he pulled out and blood and semen rushed out, pooling underneath her. Once more Zeke knelt between her thighs. He lapped at her sore inner lips, at her still throbbing clitoris. She rose up again and crashed once more. When Zeke kissed her this time, she tasted blood. He pushed his fingers into her tender opening. Soon he mounted her again, entered her again, fucked her again. Their first time might have had pretensions of lovemaking. The second time he didn’t bother with any of the niceties of civilized sex. He fucked her brutally, unapologetically, fucked her like he would never have another chance to fuck her again this side of heaven and hell, and he would make the most of it even if it killed them both.
When she awoke the next morning, the sun had joined her in bed. Olivia flinched as she stretched against the sheets. Her shoulders and back ached as if she’d been stretched on a rack. Her breasts and nipples were sore and swollen. Inside she was bruised and raw. She couldn’t recall ever being in this much pain. It was the best morning of her life.
Without even looking she knew Zeke was gone. She didn’t care. This was always how it ended.
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gyllousos · 2 years
hey guys so sorry for the long hiatus or whatever but I’m back, real life situations were too depressing so I needed a break & to recover from writer’s drought ! I should have something up today if not tomorrow 🥰
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gyllousos · 2 years
so sorry for my hiatus, it’s been a hells crazy year and I plan on coming back
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gyllousos · 3 years
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Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000)
dir. Yoshiaki Kawajiri
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gyllousos · 3 years
gonna write a AOT fanfic 👀
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gyllousos · 3 years
*blows dust off account*
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gyllousos · 3 years
Sorry for my MIA!!! I hope to post a Hawks x Fuyumi fic or anything to make up for my lack of writing ^^
how i am gonna write it is a mystery
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gyllousos · 3 years
which fandom should i write for next
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gyllousos · 3 years
my writing hasn't been at its peak lol sorry guys 😅
hopefully i can further improve & get down right to the delightful wicked
maybe I'll write a shigaraki fic ???
thanks to the dolls who have read my train work of writing lmfao i hope to improve !!
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gyllousos · 3 years
Warnings: Depression, masochists, language.
Copyright @ gyllousos 2021. All rights reserved.
Dedicated to @the-grimm-writer
Hannya despised hospitals. She hated the smell of disinfectant, the plain white walls decorated with awareness for the human body, as well as the chairs in the waiting room. Not that the one she was sitting in was uncomfortable, yet her ass felt like a pin cushion since she'd been in the thing for well over an hour and counting. Just ten minutes ago she had gone to the vending machine for a soda, downing the Sprite in one gulp.
She was still staring into the empty soda can as though it would refill with more of the carbonated beverage. Her thumb pressed into the side, crinkling the corner. Above her a TV played an old show, something about two children using their imagination to escape into a new world.
One where they forgot about all the bad stuff, even for a moment, a paradise for two. A haven. Thinking about that made a lump swell in Hannya's throat. She set her can onto a nearby table, curling her hands into her lap. A nail dug into the fabric of her leggings, she winced at the bruise there. It was still throbbing a week later, still sore. Her back arched from the cut diagonal cut, also a week old, but it didn't pulse like the thigh bruise did.
Her old cuts and bruises hurt most days, even though half of them were healed for weeks, despite their ugliness in the beginnings. She used to never recognize herself in the mirror after they fucked. Not screwed, but fucked until she lay beneath him unable to move, a quivering mess of orgasm.
God. She was truly sick.
She inhaled slowly through her nose. Hannya refused to cry in this place. One of the nurses had been looking at her so often, a pitying look in her eyes. Hannya avoided eye contact.
She knew that nurse too well, she'd nearly made a home here. But that was long ago. And the nurse, a petite brunette with gentle doe eyes was always so kind to her.
Vague flashes of Hannya in a room where she was monitored, wearing a gown, and counting the hours on the clock to her meds. No, she wasn't going down memory lane again.
What if she broke again? But not because of him.
ㅤHe twisted the fabric of her shirt, bunching tightly. There were tearing sounds. Fraying sounds. Dragging her to within inches of his leering, predatory smile.
ㅤHer shirt came away in a ribbon, leaving her in unkempt, scant rags. He sneered, pinching a nipple as her pert little breasts jiggled free. Dabi tweaked the nipple, and swatted her breast with an open-palmed slap.
Hannya let out a cry between a gasp and a moan.
Dabi clenched his fist around her throat, thrust his arm so she was pinned to the wall behind her. One hand constricted the air from her lungs, while the other twisted cruelly on the same nipple from before.
"Scared yet?"
ㅤㅤ"No need to lie."
ㅤHis other hand slipped low, her breast freed from his cruel touch only for his hot breath to caress it. Dabi sank teeth into her its supple flesh, snakelike tongue uncoiled to writhe slick against the nipple. His loose fingers delved between her thighs, groping a handful of her warm, tender sex.
ㅤHe didn’t need her to black out from the choking, but it was designed so that every throb of pleasure he squeezed into her body lightened her head. A cruel, sadistic practice to strangle every last drop of ecstasy, to send her spirit into heaven but her body to hell.
Dabi's fingers were long and defined, two sunken deep into the supple heat of her cunt. His pace, merciless. The villain ground the heel of his wrist firmly against her clit, assaulting every inch. He worked in and out of her with aggressive vigor, stirring up loud, sloppy noises from her.
She felt him adjust, she bit her lip from the harsh penetration when he slammed himself into her, those haunting blue eyes never leaving her face.
"You're mine, Hannya."
"I'm yours."
"If another man looks at you the way I look at you, or even thinks about fucking you, I'll split his goddamn skull."
Hannya snapped back to reality at the alert of her name being called. She remembered now that she had been called into the exam room for tests. The gown felt paper thin on her, exposing her to the nurse who held her clipboard in hand.
She hadn't commented on the palm bruise on her thigh or the cut on her back. Hannya was almost relieved her skin was back to semi-normal. It had been a long time since she last been here. How long ago?
Three years since her last attempt.
"You're doing well Hannya, much better since your last visit with us. You've been keeping up with all of your appointments, last time you were hear you had bad anemia and an infection. You bounced back like a champ. "
Hannya smiled faintly. The plump old woman reminded her of a doting grandma.
"Your appetite back to normal?"
"Yes ma'm. Everything is good."
She tried best to hide the clip in her speech.
"Now that we're following up, I'd like to wait for the rest of your test results to come in."
Hannya hid her impatience, wishing time would go forward, she could grab her things and leave. Back to her home where she could close off the world. Block everyone out. Would Dabi be waiting for her? For once, she didn't want to see him. As much as their sadistic games were fun time both of them, she just didn't have the desire. No other man could get her off the way Dabi did.
Lately, she dreaded seeing him propped in her couch, or getting a text from him. She could damn near feel him without him being near. A moment later, when the same woman poked her head in, Hannya actually beamed.
The door closed behind her.
That's when Hannya left the hospital in a daze, barely clutching her phone and purse, she didn't even know she drove home until she parked in the driveway. Turning off the engine, she sat in stunned silence, her knuckles tight onto the steering wheel.
God, she just wanted to turn back time to the last month, the last year, erase everything. She was numb enough as is and she hoped Dabi wasn't waiting on her. She just couldn't take it right now.
“No,” she said, barely audible. The nurse's words echoing in her ears once more.
A sob escaped her. She dragged herself out of her vehicle, barely registering her feet moving towards her home, inside of her apartment. She locked the door behind her. And didn't have to look around to see a tall man with spiked dark hair and a smile that gave her goosebumps.
"Miss me?"
Her legs felt like jelly. Her heart was being so fast she feared it rip itself through her chest. Hannya's knees shook, and her heart hammered in my chest. She felt like she was already walled in, and she didn’t even know it.
“I wish I’d never met you,” she said, almost whispering.
He stopped, his boots creaking the wooden floor under him. “Believe me, girl, the feeling is fucking mutual.”
No arguments, no shouting, no cursing even though she wanted to spew a blue streak at him. Eventually she fell onto her knees, the metallic clink of a belt and a zipper being pulled down; she parted her lips for Dabi's cock already slick with precum. She swallowed him into the back of her throat.
"Good girl," he praised her, stroking the back of her head.
Hannya hadn't seen Dabi since that day, what felt like over a month had turned into sixteen months. As much as she didn't care, she ached for him, and not in the sexual sense. She truly yearned for his company if she could actually believe it. Just what happened to him after that?
No texts, no calls. No sudden appearing without warning. Poof! He never told her he was leaving. Then again he never told her a lot of anything. Hannya often dreamt of him, as the little boy named Touya. The same boy who came crying to her in the catacombs and she to him. Two kids yearning for a place in the world.
She hadn't given up hope she'd see him again, if ever. Hannya swiped her fingers across her phone screen, tucking her device back into her pocket, her blue eyes swiveled up the moon, an ache swelling in her chest.
"I'm losing it..." She mumbled, proceeding to walk. She was patting her pockets for her car keys when a hand snaked its way around her forearm, dragging her into a brick corner, pinning her against a wall.
She couldn't scream because of the stranger's hand covering her mouth. Her eyes doubled in size, his sinister smirk making her skin flush.
"Dabi." It came out as a muffle.
"Like you've seen a ghost," he sneered, letting her go.
"For a minute I thought I did..." She whispered.
His eyes raked over her outfit, eyes narrowing in on her chest. He sure knew how to make her vulnerable, naked without undressing her. So he hadn't left after all. Was he hiding from her?
He was never far to begin with. Something told her this wasn't a social visit, she needed to get home before she did something like kiss him. He'd take her right here in public. Wouldn't be the first time.
"I was looking for you, " she said.
"Is that a fact?" His voice was utterly emotionless. Not the least bit of warmth.
"I suppose I was looking for you, too. You made a big mistake Hannya."
The way he said it made Hannya scoot an inch from him.
"What are you talking about?" Hannya remained composed, furrowing her dark brows. Dabi only advanced.
"Telling lies, keeping secrets. It was all gonna come out eventually, you just should have been more careful."
"Dabi..." He chuckled, one hand stuffed in his jacket pocket.
"I...I meant to find you...I was looking for my family."
Dabi almost laughed, shaking his head slightly.
"You were looking for a family, huh? One could argue it's my family you’re looking for right? How are my baby boy and girl by the way? Got my eyes don't they?"
All the color drained from Hannya's face.
A glimpse into memory had her back in the exam room months ago.
"We ran more tests Hannya. Your bloodwork shows you’re also pregnant, a little over eight weeks along. Congratulations.”
Why couldn't the Earth just swallow her whole now? There's no way he could have known. No she wouldn't have told him right away, if at all. He wouldn't have been a great father. When she was told she was pregnant Hannya wanted to cry, scream, break something or even someone. The last thing she had ever wanted inflicted on her had happened, she was in such hysterics she nearly fainted.
Why couldn't it have been anyone but him? The raw cry she let out. She imagined life with two tiny humans, ones she could give unconditional love to. Innocent souls. Her twins. She knew she was going to keep them, her darling babies. How she tried to keep them from Dabi and now...
"You knew...how long..."
"Does it matter? You honestly didn't think you could hide them from me forever Hannya. You should know better than that." His voice was almost a taunt.
"Try keeping them away from me, if you so much as leave with them I'll burn everything down in my path, everyone, to get what I want."
It was like a slap in the face. He wouldn't? Right? No, he had no rights towards their children. Her children. As far as Hannya knew Dabi was just the sperm donor.
Hannya scowled.
Dabi smirked.
He was right, the twins got his eyes alright.
Still advancing, Dabi pinned Hannya to the rough brick wall, his nose level with hers. He didn't want to admit he missed his little devil. He had to resist the urge to to tear off her clothing and fuck her until she was begging him to stop. God, her scent. She couldn't have been more beautiful, plump lips, inviting breasts, fair skin he wanted to mark again.
"I'll be watching you and our children, doll. Who would have thought..."
He gripped her oncoming wrist from slapping him. Should he break it? No. Some other time. He released her, backing up to give her space, almost yearning for the closeness again. No more talk, he left quietly as he came. He heard the faint falling of Hannya on her knees, cursing him to hell and back.
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gyllousos · 3 years
suggestions ? 🤔🧐
trying to get my writing back up
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gyllousos · 3 years
i promise to post more 💕💕😍
I'm just busy as fuck
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gyllousos · 3 years
Copyright @gyllousos 2021. All rights reserved.
Dedicated to the lovely @the-grimm-writer
The fine needle point of the blade pressed into the skin of Dabi's throat right at the jugular.
“What is it about me that makes you so angry?” Dabi heard Hannya ask in a soft voice.
Even when the knife poked too hard, Dabi's breathing didn't tremble, he remained still in the silent and black room. Dabi spread his fingers where his arms laid at his side, itching to grab her and throw her into a corner. He knew he could do it before she stabbed him, but…
Hannya breathed hard, and Dabi could feel her grip shaking as she held her weapon. “Do it,” He egged her on. The sharp points burrowed, threatening him, and he loved the view of her like this. Taking control of him, her power painful but demanding, and he wanted her to demand anything she wanted from him right now.
“Because I won’t stop,” He said quietly, smelling her shampooed hair. She’d showered, her outfit a simple shirt with charcoal pleated skirt. She never wore makeup, which made her all the more beautiful.
Looking up, her lips parted at the sight of his eyes. God he was beautiful. Slowly lowering the hand in which the knife lay, Hannya ran the tip of her fingers up the length of his throat.
It never escaped her attention how he didn"t hide it around anyone, as if it made him less beautiful. No. Our scrapes and bruises, tattoos, scars, smiles, and wrinkles told our stories, and Hannya didn’t want a pristine piece of wallpaper. She wanted him and everything he was. At least for tonight.
Hannya faltered, stepping back from the villain ready to leave.
But he caught her, wrapping an arm around her waist and picking her up. Hannya's head fell back against his shoulder as he reached between them and undid the zipper of her skirt.
His rough hands, the partygoers outside on the other side of the wall, his silence, her heart beat, his smile…everything turned her on, and in this little room, they took hold of their little world where only the two of them lived and dared to sink deep, if only for a few minutes where no one would know. Air hit her nipples as the bra fell away, and in the next moment, she was on her feet again, his hands pawing my breasts.
Hannya gasped, her eyes closing at the pleasure of being touched there, but then she heard something hit the ground, and his teeth came in, sinking into her neck. Hannya cried out, unable to control the roll of her hips, because she needed him inside her as her legs nearly gave out underneath.
The heat of Dabi's mouth poured over her skin like hot syrup, and the pain was just enough to bring every other inch of Hannya's skin to full awareness. Everywhere he touched was sensitive, feeling like a flaming torch over her body. She couldn’t think. She didn’t want anything else. She reached back, touching his face, his skin, and he left her neck, gripping her hair and yanking her head back. Hannya was completely immobile as he chewed at her lips, kneaded her breasts, and flicked one of her nipples with his tongue. His breath almost sounded like a growl as he seethed, as completely lost as she was.
Picking her up, Dabi spun Han ya around, bringing them both down onto the ground. Hannya landed on her hands and knees, and tried to rise, but he pushed her back down. She heard the jingle of his belt and then his zipper, and her arms shook under her, and sge couldn’t breathe.
I’d never done it this way. Until him. Dabi knocked her knees wider, gripped her hips, and yanked her back to him, the hard flesh of his cock pressing into hee. A moan escaped Hannya, and she could already feel how wet she was. He grabbed hold of her panties and ripped them away, the fabric stretching and tearing off her body. He took hold of himself, crowned her, and before she could say anything, he slid inside her, burying himself deep and filling her so good her knees quaked.
“Ah,” Hannya whimpered, going rigid for a moment to adjust. The spot he hit deep inside sent a wave of pleasure to the rest of her body, everything tingling and buzzing, and she heard his labored breaths behind hee as he gave into it, too. He didn’t wait long, though. Squeezing her hips where they met her thighs, he started pumping, hard and fast, and Hannya fumbled her hands on the stone floor to keep herself on herbknees.
All she could do was try not to fall as he thrust into her in short, quick attacks, filling hee up with his size and warmth, and then pulling back out to do it again. God, he felt so good. Hannya's body jerked, and he panted and grunted as he fucked her harder and harder, and Hannya licked her parched lips.
After a moment, his jacket was gone, and she wanted to turn around to feel him. To feel his chest against hers, but the deeper he hit, the stronger hee orgasm built, and after less than a minute, hee stomach started shaking, fireworks started to spark deep inside her, and Hannya held her breath, letting the orgasm explode all over hee body. Hannya felt the skin of hee nipples tighten and harden, and she cried out, but kept it under her breath, because she didn’t want anyone to know where they were or how secluded this place was. Lost in a daze, she felt him grip her hair and pull her head back up, forcing heebback to arch more and her ass to stick out farther for him.
Dabi drove violently, pumping her hard and fast until he, too, started to grunt, growing more strained as he started to come. He jerked into Hannya several more times, and then one final thrust as he spilled, breathing so loud and so spent, Hannya was sure he might fall down on top of her. But he didn’t. He stayed there, buried inside her for another minute, tightening and untightening his fist in her hair and calming his body. Hannya's scalp burned from where he pulled her hair, but she didn’t even care, she was so tired. And in the minute as things calmed and her desire and every other overwhelming emotion she'd just felt left, she couldn’t help but think one thing.
I’d let it happen. Again. With all the men in the world, why did I hate myself so much that he was the only one, in the heat of the moment, I wanted?
Pulling away from him, unwelcome cool air now filling where he’d just been, Hannya scooted away; something hit her, fabric to clean herself up as best as she could.
Tears stung the back of her throat, feeling the heat of his cum seeping out of her. She needed a bathroom. Hannya heard him move and refasten his jeans and belt and then his footsteps falling past her.
Dabi didn't dare give Hannya a second glance, but he had glimpsed the scars on her body. New, old, and forming. Ones he'd inflicted. He fucked up. He wasn't supposed to have her tonight, but she had gotten into his head. Into his blood. Why couldn't he get rid of her? What was so damn special about her? She could be anyone.
She saw everything. She never lied or pretended she was someone she wasn’t. She couldn’t see what he was, but she felt it and recognized it in herself, and they were able to find each other and feel that it was right.
Ever since they were kids.
When Hannya felt that she was all alone, Dabi long since departed, she slowly rose to her feet, her lips trembling a lone tear cascaded down her cheek.
"Toya," she said, barely audible.
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gyllousos · 4 years
@the-grimm-writer got you in the pin ❤😊 check it out
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gyllousos · 4 years
A/N: For the lovely @the-grimm-writer
Warnings: Blood, cutting, spanking, sadist, sex, toxic, dabi, hawks. 
Copyright @gyllousos 2021. All rights reserved.
Dabi dropped his eyes, gripping the cool metal and staring at the key like it was a goddamn drug.
He wanted it. He knew he would use it. He wanted to use it this second. As he looked down at the key, gold and sharp, sitting there in his palm, screaming louder than the voices dancing in his head, and just… Unlocking the door, Dabi stepped inside, sealing the door shut with the kick of his shoe. The house was dark and quiet, but he could smell mint hanging in the air like a delicious cologne. Even in the inky blackness he could see the various colors in the home that brought it alive.
It just felt different… Taking himself upstairs, Dabi strolled into the bathroom and showered, washing his hair and body to get rid of the smell of smoke and blood. To get the cigarettes off. To get clean.
Cleaner. Cleaner.
After he was clean, Dabi didn't bother putting on a shirt, just pants, his bare feet trekking towards a door left open at a pie wedge. She had been expecting him. That made him smile almost. He liked that idea. When he cracked her bedroom door open, he immediately spotted her body under a sheet on the bed. The shadows on the window danced across her form as she lay on her side, and he closed the door quietly, stepping up to the foot of her bed and watching her sleep.   Heat coursed through every inch of his body, seeing her there, looking so warm and peaceful.  
She was so small and gentle and delicate. But there was fire in there. He picked up the bottom of the sheet and pulled it softly from her body, seeing she was in a black, cotton crop top shirt, and sleeping shorts. Dabi stared at her. His territory. If anyone touched her like he touched those bastards, he'd kill them. Without pause. She let out a little whimper, taking in a deep breath.  
“Is that you?” She pulled her shirt down and propped herself up on an elbow, her head moving around the room.
“Yeah,” Dabi replied quietly. She followed his voice and smiled. One-handed, he undoes the clasp of his pants and slowly peels his boxers down like a magician. "Remove your clothes.” He tossed his pants across the room. He placed his knee on the edge of the bed, a cold smile decorating his features; his eyes came to hers as he placed a hand onto the bed. “Miss me?.”   “Yes,” Hannya said softly, peering up at Dabi from beneath her lashes. His hand came to her cheek as his thumb grazes over her lips.   “So beautiful, Kitten…” Her heart races. He comes down to her level and slowly kissing her collar bone, stepping back to take in her nakedness. His hand dipped beneath his waist as he palmed his cock and pumps, his eyes on her body. “All of it belongs to me, doesn’t it?”   Hannya swallowed, nodding her head.  
“Yes.”   His turquoise eyes darkening and he heads for the dresser, wrenching open the drawer. From it, he withdraws a length of black material. Hannya's mouth is already open when he yanks his belt free. Then he lashed out with the loose end.  
The flat edge hits Hannya's knee in a fiery splash of pain. She couldn't even attempt to hold back a gasp. Hannya faced the bed on her hands and knees as he comes up behind her. Rough fingers seize the back of her long raven hair, the next blow struck her ass.   She saw white—he didn’t hold back. “You fall and I will make this worse for you,” he warns as her body sways, sweat beading over her skin. “Don't move.” He hits her again, this time growling out words with every blow.   “Admit it. You’re toying with me. Why? Do you enjoy it?”   Thwack!  
“Did you like mocking me?”
Crack! Crack!
“Answer me!” His next blow hits Hannya so hard that she taste blood. “N-no—” “Liar!” A string of curses cuts her off, followed by another hit to her back. “Maybe he planted you, huh?” Dabi growls.   “Another test. You are just like the rest. Selfish.” Thwack! “Reckless.” Thwack! Thwack! “Careless! I’ve always seen through you. Fuck him. Fuck you! Fuck! FUCK!" "Dabi—" He struck her shoulder and both arms gave way, pitching her facedown into the bed, her ass in the air. Hannya peered over her shoulder, wishing she had kept her eyes shut. Her pupils caught a glint of silver. A knife. "Hannya … " Her name hits like a slap. The silver hit her. Sharp. Piercing. Hannya gasps out, craning her neck back to see him. One. His thumb traced the blade, smearing something red all over the surface. Number two hits her left shoulder. It’s deep enough to bleed. Deep enough to sting. Hannya doesn't go limp, instead biting the inside of her cheek, tasting copper, her gaze on the wall. He took his time with number three: a long, curved cut along her hip and blood dribbled down after each brutal slice. Three sunk in with the tip at Hannya's hip. By five Hannya was amazed she was conscious, the smell of her own blood wafting sickeningly sweet in the room. Dabi yanked on Hannya's hips so that she was on her knees. Only when she felt the thick crown of his cock press against her entrance did she whimper. "Shut up." Dabi sneered. With one sharp thrust, Hannya felt herself being split at the seams. Each bruising thrust made her see white, she felt him in her stomach; hot, heavy, thick. Goddamn him he was bruising her cervix with every powerful thrust and swivel of his hips. Hannya's head buzzes. Thoughts blur. Her lungs are screaming. Her body was on fire. Tightening. Clenching. Harder. 
He was never gentle, she didn't want him to be. Pain. This is the only thing she wanted from him. This was the only thing he could give her. All that both would need from the other. It was no secret Dabi and Hannya only needed each other when one had to release frustrations.
Dabi had made her body a canvas. Bruises dotted her skin. There were jagged scars as old as months back, a few weeks, some healing and the fresh cuts Dabi carved into her.
"Fuck." Both breathed out, with a few final thrusts, Dabi spilled himself inside of her, the warm jets coating her walls as though marking her.
His territory.
When he pulled put of her Hannya winced, feeling empty. Dabi yanked her thigh flipping the ravenette girl on her back. He dove down to kiss her breasts, his tongue trailing a path between the soft mounds. His breath fanned over her nipple, his tongue circled the bud; pulling it into his mouth and sucking. Hannya's neck craned, her fingers weaving in his spiked hair, as his other hand kneaded her free breast. Breaking contact, Hannya's soft brown eyes stared into Dabi's blue ones. Their noses were a few inches from each others. “What do you want from me? Huh?” he asked, breathing hard and glaring at her. “What do you see in me that’s so fucking fascinating?” Hannya trembled, just holding his eyes.   What did I see in him? The answer was so easy, I didn’t even have to think about it. It was the same thing he saw in me all those years ago down in the forest. The hunger. The need to break away, the desire to find the one person on the planet that would understand me, the temptation to go after all things they tell us we can’t have… I saw me, and through all the times growing up that I felt alone or like I was searching for something I couldn’t put into words, I didn’t feel so lost when he was around. It was the only time I didn’t feel lost. Not waiting for an answer, Dabi smiled coldly at her. Lifting herself Hannya licked and kissed his neck, raking her nails across his back and upper arms. She felt him harden against her still sore sex, his length sliding inside of her to the hilt; her body moving against the mattress with his drilling. He fucked her like he hated her. God, call her sick, but she craved that from him. ________________________________________________________ Hawks downed his second shot of whiskey, slamming the glass on the mahogany table. Cracking his neck he signaled the bartender swinging the amber liquid, gulping it whilst his glass was prepped for a refill. Maybe he should stop at three. Then again he didn't give a damn, the buzz would let him forget about shit. Hell if lucky the bartender would give him an extra something to forget half his existence.
"Having fun yet?" A female voice shook him of his daydreaming. Peeking over his shoulder Hawks observed a woman with twinkling hazel eyes, hair styled in Chinese buns. An off shoulder blouse seemed a little too big for her, and her jeans were ripped.
A smile quirked Hawks' lips. He raised his own filled glass to her. "It's just beginning. Care to join me?" "I thought you'd never ask." Sliding into the stool next him Hawks was still grinning at her, his nose getting hit with lavender. He nearly went weak for a minute, especially gazing into those eyes. Okay, he really needed to snap out of it.
"I'm Hawks." Leaning her chin in her palm, Hazel eyes observed him, pearly whites gleaming they contrasted with her fiery red hair. "Rin, nice to meet you. I think I've heard some things about you. All good don't worry." "I'd hope so." Rin. He'd remember that. His eyes never left hers, her own gazing at the array of liquor like she were a kid in a candy store. She didn't appear too young, lots of people used fake ID's as though that were something new. 
Best bet she was in her early twenties. Otherwise he’d feel like a huge creep. 
Something told the Pro Hero this girl wasn't unfamiliar in drinking scenes. Not wanting to assume she was younger than the drinking age would allow. Rin leaned forward, the motion allowing skin to bare before Hawks' eyes, his eyebrows nearly shot up his hairline. Her ass was nice and round, the jeans low enough he saw a good rise of thong panties. His mouth suddenly became dry. Was she aware he was gawking at her like some pervert? High chances were she was a little young for him. "You like peaches?" Rin's voice broke him out of his wandering eyes.
Believe me girly I do.
Maintaining some innocence Hawks saw that Ivy had an actual fruit peach in her hand causing him to laugh. "They're a treat I must say," he agreed with her. Had she caught onto his innuendo? Rin pointed to a basket of the fruit in front of him, taking a bite into her own. She made the sweetest sound with her abrupt giggles. God, her ass. What he wouldn't give….Hold up. He caught a glimpse of silver; narrowing his eyes Hawks was taken aback at Rin after she took another bite from her peach. A tongue piercing! Her tongue glided against the fleshy sphere, the metal bead taunting him almost. All the while blood roared in Hawks' ears, he was aware Rin's eyes were boring into as she feasted on her peach. It seemed the two had inched closer not caring if anyone watched them. "Wanna bite?" Rin rasped. Hawks lips sealed against the remaining half of the fuzzy peach, tearing into it while maintaining eye contact with the red head. Chew. Suck. Swallow. When he finished, his tongue even lapped up the juices from her hand. Rin swallowed, biting her lower lip. Hawks needed her on her hands and knees as he took whatever he wanted, whenever and however hard he wanted it. He was going crazy.
Both stood up at the same time, Hawks dropping a tip and extra for the drinks; Rin walking in front of him as he followed the striking red head like she was a beacon. Maybe someone up there did like him. Walking to the second floor Hawks reached for his room key, Rin waiting behind him. There wasn't hesitation on either parties, Rin stood on tip toe to kiss him deepening the kiss. That almost threw him off guard especially when she sucked on his tongue. In retaliation he bit and tugged on her plump lower lip. Sliding the room in, turning the knob they nearly tumbled into the room. The passionate lip lock made Hawks' skull buzz.
She tastes like peaches. I'm beginning to have a favorite fruit. Ripping of fabric alerted him that his shirt was no more than shreds, during their frenzy he had ruined her blouse so fair was fair. His knuckles brushed Rin's waist, undoing the button of her low ride jeans, tugging the blue jeans down her waist. He got a better view of the thong she sported; his mouth watering. Rin's slender fingers worked Hawks' pants off just as fast. Planting his hands on her hips, Hawks palmed Rin's rear end squeezing and caressing the plump orbs in his hands. He slid her bra off of body, admiring her breasts, the pointed rose bud tips begging to be suckled on. His thumbs hooked in the waistband, gliding the lace material off her waist. Beautiful. He exhaled, his lungs emptying.   “Fuck.” And before she knew what was happening, he dropped to his knees, hooked her leg over his shoulder, and took her bare pussy in his mouth, assaulting her fast and hard with his tongue and teeth. Rin cried out. “Hawks!” Oh, God. He sucked her clit into his mouth and then released it, rubbing his tongue over the sensitive skin again and again. Rin squeezed her eyes shut. “Oh, shit,” She choked out. “Fuck.” He dived in between her legs, eating her like he was starved. Rin fisted the top of his hair, arching her neck as he nibbled, sucked, and licked, going around in circles and circles and then diving back in to claim her hard. “Fuck, you’ve got a nice pussy,” he whispered against her skin, looking up at her as he flicked my clit with his tongue. “You’re a beautiful girl, Rin. So soft and tight. And sweet." Rin sucked in air through her teeth and pressed herself into his mouth, watching him lick the length of her as he stared into her eyes. And then he dived down and slid his tongue inside of her, and Rin groaned louder. "More...I need more of you." Rin panted. “You want my cock?” he asked, dragging her clit through his teeth, an ache building deep and hard. Rin nodded frantically. “My cock?” “Yours!” Rin cried. Hawks slowly rose to his full height, marveling Rin. “Fuck,” he gritted out. His hand slid down between their bodies, and Rin let out a moan, flattening her back against the wall and giving him room as he discarded his boxer briefs. Hell yes. Rin tightened her hold around his neck and pressed her naked breasts against his bare chest; Hawks then grabbed hold of his cock,  positioning his hips just right. He stroked her bare pussy with the head of his dick, dragging it up and down her slit. And then he thrust his hips between her thighs, and Rin cried out as he slid his thick cock, inch by inch, inside of her, burying himself in her wet pussy. “Oh, God,” Rin panted, arching her back. “You’re so hard.” Her skin was stretched, and it hurt a little, but it was too fucking good, too. His tip rubbed so deep up inside her she could feel him in her stomach. Rin dug her heels into his back and pressed her body into his, holding him close as she started to ride him, meeting his thrusts again and again. “That’s it, baby,” he growled low. He thrusted, forcing her back up the wall again and again, and Rin hung on for dear life as he pounded and fucked. Rin whimpered, fisting his hair in her hands. “Hawks.” He jerked her into him, going faster and harder, and the feel of him sliding in and out of her, finally taking her, was doing nothing to ease her need. She was hungrier. Rin dived into his neck, breathing against his skin as she grazed her lips back and forth, whispering. “Fuck.” Rin dragged his lobe through her teeth. “There’s so many bad things I want to do. Do dirty things to me.” “Jesus,” he gasped, hooking an arm under her knee and yanking her ass into him, fucking harder as he let his head fall back. “Yes!” Rin cried out, his cock hitting deeper and her thigh aching from where his hand gripped it. Fire started to pool in her belly, and her orgasm crested. “Hawks,” She moaned, rolling her hips and riding his fucking cock as she grunted and panted. The room was filled with their breathing and groaning and the sound of his skin hitting hers. Pleasure built between her legs, her muscles burned, and then Rin squeezed her eyes shut, letting him fuck her as her orgasm opened up and spread apart, bursting inside her womb and flooding her body and brain with heat and euphoria. “Fuck!” Rin cried out. “Hawks!” Rin's loud moans echoed in the great room, and her clit throbbed and her pussy tightened around him, trying to keep him there. He pounded into her, and Rin tightened her arms around his neck again, riding it out. Her head felt like it was drifting in a cloud, and she went limp, letting her forehead fall to his shoulder as the orgasm racked through her body. “Such a beautiful little monster,” he chuckled.
A low growl emitted from Hawks’ throat. 
“Get on all fours now...” 
Rin licked the pulse of the Pro Hero’s throat, slowly descending before him, planting her hands and knees away from him anticipating his next move. Her pussy was still throbbing from their session, her ivory skin flushed; his large hands caressed her plump rear end, lining his manhood with her dripping cunt and slapping his thick length against it. Soon after plunging deep without restraint, calloused palm slapping he pale flesh of her behind. 
Hips bucking upwards as he began to pound the red head with reckless abandon. She cried out his name, fisting the carpet with her hands, biting down on her lower lip until she swore she bled. Hawks had no intention of being gentle; hunching forward in order to allow his large hands to cup her pert breasts, pinching her pebbled peaks. 
Buried to the hilt, his cock slamming into as he watched the rippling of flesh with every thrust. After a moment one hand would come to slap her rear, reddened flesh, his hand imprinted on the red haired girl. 
The woman’s arousal lathering his thickness, ramming harder and faster, desiring to break the woman.  “Your pussy is so fucking wet. So soft and tight.” 
“Oh, God,” she groaned, 
“Goddamn,” Hawks gasped out, thrusting his hips again and again and again, pounding into her faster and faster. 
So fucking tight. 
Rin squeezed her eyes shut, sucked in a breath, and threw her head back. 
“Oh, Hawks! Oh, God!” she cried out, stilling as he thrusted harder and harder. Hawks squeezed her ass in his hand, chuckling. “Goddamn, Rin. So fucking good.” 
Hawks dived inside of her wet heat over and over again, A blush spread across her cheeks and she pinched her bottom lip between her teeth enjoying every inch. 
Hawks’  dick swelled, and then he thrust on more time before pulling out of her, and taking his cock in his hand, stroking it up and down until he spilled. His cum shot out, falling across her bare ass and he tightened his abs, the pleasure too much. 
He’d never seen anything so fucking hot. 
Every muscle in his body warmed, and the fucking release went to his head and filled every inch of his kin. Hawks tried to catch his breath and sat back on his heels. But gazing down at her, he damn-near wanted to go again. 
Craning her neck to see him, red hair tumbled around her face, Rin blinked at him, a small smile on her face. “Can we do it again?” 
Hawks reached over, grabbing his ruined shirt to clean her up, and laughing under his breath. 
Such a little monster. 
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