h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
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Haaaaaaaaaaauuu... Hello all of you~! Whoa 13 followers. I'll make a collective open starter, then!
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
❧ ❝ Really now? ❞ Alexiel felt suddenly superior. ❝ Actually, it seems you are the fool or madman in this situation, for your facts are wrong. Ney! ❞ Calling over the blonde maid, he ordered her to get the d'Autriche family tree and a book on Marlonese history. She returned in quick speed, lest her master's mood get any worse. Unfurling the family tree scroll, it showed the truth of Alexiel's words ---- Riliane had died at age five. Alexiel was the last one alive that could gain the throne via the main lineage.
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❧ ❝ Now. Open the Marlon book and you shall see there is no Kyle Marlon. Only a Queen Clarith Marlon. ❞
"Then I would suggest that you read up on the subject." Kyle eyes narrowed as he looked down at the boy. He couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed now. Everything this boy said was so completely and utterly wrong.
"I assure you that Princess Riliane is alive and well. I should know, for we are rather close. In fact, we are due to be married shortly. I cannot very well marry a dead woman, now can I? I know not whether you are a fool or a madman, but I suggest that you get your facts straight, and quickly."
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
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//Hello my sweet babies
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Mama Court~! /tackles.
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
Hello. I see you reblogged a post that supposedly summons asks. I have arrived.
(( … OH MY GOD
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
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oh god what did i do
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
Dreadful rose of Sin                                  You bloom in dread alone                   Shining in scarlet                                   Sending chills to the bone
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❧ ❝ My my, and who are you? ❞ Another peasant, that much he knew. Alexiel crossed one leg over the other, book open in his lap. It was a book of war strategies. Some light reading out of boredom, as Lucifenia was in a time of political peace, one relief for his subordinates.
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❧ ❝ I would like an answer, as it is late and I believe my guards have shut the palace gates. ❞ Reading by candlelight must not be good for the eyes, but the prince was doing so anyway.
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
❧ ❝ Princess Riliane? Why are you bringing her up as well, wretch? She is dead! Died of disease before my poor mother went too! Do not talk about my deceased relatives! ❞ What a way to get Alexiel angry... Well, angrier, fairly quickly. Ice flaring fire in his glassy mirrors, the young prince stepped forward, not bothering to let a guard stop him for his safety as he stepped straight in front of the blueberry shaded man.
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❧ ❝ Listen here, you blue wretch. Do not try and fool me into thinking you are my beloved Queen's brother or something stupid like that. Queen Clarith Marlon is the only one to rule the Marlon throne. There is no Kyle Marlon around. In fact, I have never heard, nor read, of a Kyle Marlon in the history of the Kingdom of Marlon. ❞
Kyle frowned in confusion. What on earth was this boy talking? Marlon had no queen, unless he was referring to Kyle’s mother. Was he…mocking him, then? Everyone always said that the young king was nothing more than his mother’s puppet.
"I have already told you, child. My name is Kyle Marlon, and I am the king. No matter what you say, that fact will not change." He said, scowling. If there was one thing he hated, it was having his authority called into question. "As for what I want, I simply came to visit Princess Riliane, who, I might add, won’t be pleased when she hears of your behavior."
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
Dreadful rose of Sin                               You bloom in dread alone                Shining in scarlet                           Sending chills to the bone
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❧ ❝ Hmm... I wonder what I shall read today... ❞ Or maybe he could send someone out for some new books, to expand the royal library. Perhaps some fiction? It was mainly histories, sciences, languages, mathematics, strategies... All sorts of books for royal learning. Only a very tiny fiction section. And Alexiel did love fiction when he needed to clear his head.
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❧ ❝ You there. ❞ His eyes were averted towards the one entering the library, not caring if they were peasant nor servant. ❝ I want you to run an errand for me. Go purchase twenty new fiction books. I feel like reading something besides nonfiction, if you dare question my intentions. Tell them to simply send the bill to the castle. ❞ A soft, childish double-clap was given. ❝ Chop chop, lest I get bored quickly. ❞
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
❧ ❝ Allen? Who is Allen? ❞ Alexiel's eyes squinted slightly in confusion. Allen? That was quite the odd name to call himself. Riliane? That name... It vaguely registered within his mind, but something seemed to block out how. Vaguely, he remembered reading something about his family ---- a Princess Riliane having died with her father due to disease.
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❧ ❝ Princess Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche is dead. How dare you take the name of a deceased relative of mine? How dare you pretend to be royalty? ❞ Alexiel was beyond pissed off now, his rage bubbling over and boiling in a steaming pot of something that spelled death for this insolent woman.
❧ ❝ I am Alexiel Lucifen d'Autriche, Prince, current ruler, and o n l y heir left to the throne of Lucifenia! I will not have such an insolent woman talk to me this way! ❞ For some strange reason, perhaps some unknown force?, was making him not call guards yet. How strange.
"I could say the same to you, though! You look just like Allen!” she retorted quickly, her hands gripping her dress tightly. “W-Who do you think you are, telling me what to do?” Riliane tried to sound brave, but her tone clearly faltered, showing her puzzlement.
"I’m Riliane Lucifen d’Autriche, the Princess of Lucifenia, and this is my castle, not yours! How about you explain who you are before I call for guards?”
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She wasn’t one for shouting so angrily, but this doppelganger of her brother threatening her instantly struck a few nerves. 
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
❧ ❝ Now I know you are an impostor, for there is only a Queen of Marlon. My fiancee, at that. Do not hold such a tongue with me, peasant. ❞ Who dares steal such a title from his beloved Clarith Marlon? Alexiel would daresay this man should be immediately put to death at the guillotine for such insipid behavior!
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❧ ❝ Answer me. Now. Who are you, peasant, and what do you want? ❞ Could he not see, nor hear, the impatience in the young prince's voice? How annoyingly tedious was it to deal with such insufferable subjects!
"Peasant?" Kyle raised an eyebrow. Though this position wasn’t what he had wished for, he certainly wasn’t a peasant, by any means. Who was this boy, standing in Riliane’s throne room and treating her guests with disdain? Clearly, he had overstepped his boundaries.
"Come now, is that any way to speak to the King of Marlon? Or anyone, for that matter. I daresay you won’t get very far with that sort of attitude." Kyle’s tone was more teasing than condescending, though he meant every word he said.
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
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I'll reply to drafts soon, I've just got to start my laundry. Replies in drafts ;;
withinthishollowheart kiironohime
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
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Way to fucking piss me off not even two minutes after I wake up. Fuck this house. I can't do ANYTHING without getting yelled at.
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
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I’m sorry that butt nuggets were being stupid, but I’m glad your alright now.
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Hehe, it's alright~. /flops on.
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
❧ ❝ What do you mean, what on earth? And stop stealing my servant's face, witch, lest you serve the same fate as the last commoner who ticked me off about five minutes ago. ❞ The impatient prince tapped a thin finger against his upper right arm, obviously showing his annoyance at her words.
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❧ ❝ Tell me what you are doing in my castle and perhaps, just perhaps, I may consider letting you free... After thirty years in the dungeons. ❞ In a way, with how he ruled, that was technically a scot-free card.
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How odd, her own castle that she left for only a short while suddenly felt drastically different in atmosphere. A short ride around the capital city while accompanied by Allen and Captain Leonhart, and she returns to a weird, peculiar feeling in her own castle…?
She flinched at the tone she heard, almost mistaking it for Allen before remembering he was still in town on break. “P-Peasant?” she repeated, disbelief in her tone.
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"I’d think it’s rather obvious that’s not the case—" she stared at the blond before her. Allen’s face, definitely, but those clothes made another name come to mind. "A-Alexiel, what on earth…?"
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
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Was someone being a stupid butt nugget?
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Everyone, but I'm alright now~!
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
Riliane icons for cursedblossom (to use for Maid!Rin)
Under the cut. All I ask for is credit, m'dear~. Preview:
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(That one kinda sorta looks like she's cheering Alexiel up or somethin'.)
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h-e-r-s-u-n · 11 years
Dreadful rose of Sin                           You bloom in dread alone               Shining in scarlet                        Sending chills to the bone
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❧ ❝ I want it, do you hear me, Rin? And you know to get it. Now, trot off, I want it by tomorrow afternoon, before my riding lesson. ❞ The evil prince stood from his throne, going to traverse to the library to read alone. However, the faces arriving in his palace caught his eye.
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❧ ❝ What do you want with me, peasants? ❞ A light scoff came from his throat, arms crossing over royal clothing. The delicate rose of a prince was tainted, going from an innocent, pure yellow to darker, more... Infested tones. That much could be seen in one glance, though to people blindly loyal, he was pure white.
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