steolftero · 3 years
Woosan AU
woosan au in which san doesn’t like talking on the phone yet wooyoung keeps calling him instead of texting.
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it hadn’t always been that way.
they had been dating for almost three years now and had been friends for way longer than that, and wooyoung knew san didn’t like talking on the phone. or at least he was supposed to.
things would probably be different if they lived apart or couldn’t see each other as much, but they lived together and san worked from home. they saw each other every day, shared breakfast together every morning, spent most of their nights cuddling on their stupidly soft couch. they didn’t need to call each other.
san was content receiving memes from wooyoung throughout the day and he thought wooyoung himself was satisfied with the occasional kitten videos san sent him, along with the cute little love quotes he liked to write to wooyoung because he was a hopeless romantic - and hopelessly in love.
so what was the issue ?
well, it all started a few months ago - three, san noted - when wooyoung had been running late for class and had forgotten something at home. he had called san in a haste and asked him to bring the thing downstair, because they lived on the fifth floor of their building and going up would make him lose too much precious time.
they had stayed on the phone while wooyoung ran back home, both laughing as wooyoung swore while almost running into a pole and accidentally traumatized a pigeon. they had hung up once wooyoung had arrived at the building, shared a quick kiss, then wooyoung had flown again, end of the story.
except it didn’t stop here.
the next day, wooyoung had called again, sometime around noon.
“sorry, hands are full right now, i can’t text,” he had said. “just wanted to check if you had given byeol her meds ? it’s in the yellow box by the microwave.”
and well, maybe san had forgotten, but that wasn’t the point.
the point was : wooyoung had called, said his thing, waited for san’s answer, told him he loved him, and hung up. the call had lasted 30 seconds at most, and honestly ? san had /ran/ to take his phone, scared to death something had happened because wooyoung knew he wasn’t supposed to call when san was working.
the same thing had happened a few days later. then the next week and the day after. and again, and again, and it was fine, sort of. san didn’t exactly mind, but if he were being honest, he wasn’t fond of it either. 
the calls were usually for things that could have been a text, just a few words, with a question mark - “busy ?”, “movie tonight ?”, “i’ll be back at 7” - but mostly, it interrupted san in the middle of his work and as much as he tried, he couldn’t /not/ answer when he knew wooyoung was on the other end of the line, waiting for him.
so yeah. not bad, not good either. but mostly : extremely weird.
which brought them to today.
they had invited some friends over for the night, and wooyoung had offered to go grocery shopping after work. mingi and yunho were already there, sprawled on the couch as they played video games.
san’s phone vibrated in his pocket and he didn’t need to see the screen to know. reluctantly, but still happy to reply to his boyfriend, san paused the game and brought the phone to his ear as yunho groaned in frustration.
“yeah ?”
“do we need milk ?” wooyoung asked, his voice slightly muffled by a car honking behind him.
“no, we’re good.”
“ok. love you, bye.”
he hung up before san even had time to answer.
“i still don’t understand why he suddenly decided to call you all the time for no reason,” yunho said as san set his phone on the table, just in case wooyoung called again. “doesn’t he know you hate phone calls ?”
“i mean, it was kinda urgent. he needed a quick answer.”
“right now, yeah." mingi shrugged. "but we all know it’s usually not so important.”
san wanted to retort because wooyoung making sure san had seen the full moon still up in the morning or the rainbow in the sky after the rain was, actually, really important.
he didn’t have time to answer though, because jongho was at the front door, looking as done as ever.
“you’re all so painfully oblivious,” he said, fully entering the apartment with two full bags of groceries. “the poor guy is in love. he just wants to hear your stupid voice.”
san blinked at him, the words not quite reaching his mind.
what ?
“huh ?”
jongho rolled his eyes and nodded toward the door.
“just go, he might need some help down there. i did my part.”
san didn’t need to be told twice. in a second, he was on his feet, shoes on, and running down the stairs. he reached the first floor just in time to see wooyoung struggling to hold another bag of groceries, a large architecture model and the usual backpack he, as usual, didn’t put on his back. san rushed to take both bags, flushing despite himself when he received a quick kiss on the cheek in exchange.
it wasn’t until they were both in the kitchen, putting the groceries away while their friends chatted in the living room, that san decided to bring the subject up.
“so…” he cleared his throat, settling the fruits in a bowl. “i heard you… liked my voice ?”
wooyoung gave him a weird look. “uh, guess i do ? why ?”
well, that was embarrassing. san truly hoped jongho wasn't pranking him.
“jongho said you started calling me because you wanted to hear my voice. is that true ?”
that made wooyoung freeze. he stopped on his way to the fridge, and san was maybe a bit too happy to see the sudden flush taking over his boyfriend’s face.
“aaw woo, that’s cute.” san giggled, and wooyoung’s blush only deepened.
“s-shut up. i’m not- it’s not… i hate you !”
he turned around, which gave san a perfect view on his flushed neck. san laughed again and left the fruits to join wooyoung on the other side of the kitchen.
without any warning, he wrapped his arms around wooyoung and brought him against his chest, hugging him from behind. wooyoung yelped, but he didn’t fight. instead, he visibly relaxed in san’s arms, putting whatever he had been holding in the fridge and closing the door.
“your voice sounds stupid,” he mumbled, settling his hands on top of san’s on his stomach.
“hmmm. that’s why you keep calling me.”
“stop making fun of me,” wooyoung whined, and san eventually took pity on him. he gently nudged him until wooyoung got the message and turned around, san’s hands moving from his waist to his hips.
“i think it’s adorable.”
wooyoung pouted, gaze flickering down. “it’s just… i do like hearing your voice when we’re apart. it’s silly because we’re almost always together but…” he shrugged, and san had to resist the urge to pin him against the wall and kiss him breathless.
instead, he brought a hand to wooyoung’s head to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear.
“it’s not silly. i love hearing your voice too. it always makes me feel ten times better.”
a little smile came to wooyoung’s lips. almost timidly, he brought his hands up, pressing his palms against san’s chest.
“i didn’t know how to tell you. i know you hate phone calls so i didn’t want to be too persistent or annoying, but i just couldn’t help it.”
“i mean, i still hate phone calls, but if you’re the one calling…”
wooyoung looked up, his pretty eyes glistening as they met san’s.
“you don’t mind ?”
“i did mind a little bit, but mostly because i didn’t know why you were suddenly choosing calls over texts.”
he pressed a kiss on the mole under wooyoung’s eye, smiling when his boyfriend’s nose scrunched up at the touch.
“i don’t mind anymore though. you can call more often and for a bit longer if you want ? maybe not when i’m in a meeting but otherwise, i would love to hear you talk anytime.”
and well, apparently that was the right thing to say because the next instant, wooyoung’s arms were around his neck and his lips against his, bringing him into a fervent kiss.
it didn’t last long, mostly because wooyoung couldn’t stop smiling, but it didn’t stop san’s heart from beating too fast for his own good.
“i love you so much.” wooyoung giggled, rubbing their noses together.
goodness, he was way too cute. san wanted to frame his smile or print it on a giant poster and plaster it on every wall of the city.
he stole wooyoung another kiss, more than happy to taste his smile again, and again, and again, until yeosang appeared in the doorframe and cleared his throat.
chuckling, wooyoung planted one last kiss to san’s cheek and trotted toward his best friend.
san ended up putting the groceries away by himself, but he didn’t mind. not when he could hear wooyoung high-pitched laugh in the next room, filling his chest with warmth, bringing a dumb smile to his face.
san called wooyoung as soon as he was done with his first meeting the next day, and all the ones after.
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steolftero · 3 years
“I believe that the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare.”
— Maya Angelou
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steolftero · 3 years
Snow, Friends, Love
❄️ Woosan (Wooyoung x San)
❄️ Completed
❄️ Advent Calendar
❄️ Link here
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steolftero · 3 years
Me, my boyfriend, and his giant teddy bear
🐻 Woosan (Wooyoung x San)
🐻 2k
🐻 Link here
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steolftero · 3 years
Woosan AU
woosan au in which woo recently moved in a small apartment on the 3rd (and last) floor of an old building.
one day, as he's climbing the stairs, he hears his 2nd floor neighbor (the one he has never seen) saying a riddle, followed by : "i'll give you a kiss if you find it."
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the door is closed, his neighbor was definitely talking to himself and woo wasn't supposed to hear that, but he's wooyoung so he answers out loud.
he has to hold back his laugh when silence follows, and he quickly climbs the rest of the stairs to go back home.
there's only one apartment per floor, yet woo never met this neighbor. his landlord said he's a guy around his age. a writer. he doesn't go out much, but brings friends over pretty often.
woo probably scared the poor guy by answering a riddle that wasn't made for him.
the next morning, woo goes for a jog like usual. when he comes back, he hears a knock on the door of the 2nd floor's apartment… coming from inside.
he stops in the middle of the stairs, then hears a new riddle.
he smiles, and answers.
just like the day before, silence follows.
"hey, 2nd floor's neighbor. do i get a kiss today ?"
he hears a loud bang from the other side of the door, some curses, a cat meowing, and then :
"i'm okay !"
wooyoung snorts, and when he's sure his neighbor isn't going to say anything else, he leaves for his own apartment.
it happens the next day. and the one after, and the next one, and so on until one month passes, and then more, and woo feels like the master of staircase riddles but he still doesn't know what his neighbor looks like.
woo thinks he's probably some shy studious guy, with round glasses and polo shirts. and a cat.
so when he climbs the stairs one morning, and is almost knocked out by a muscular body standing in the middle of the way on the 2nd floor, while his neighbor stays silent on the other side of his door, he doesn't connect the dots.
and, well. it's not like woo minds the arm around his waist keeping him from falling down the stairs.
the guy is hot.
tank top, broad shoulders, pretty eyes and all.
but where's his riddle ? is his 2nd floor's cutie okay ?
"you're… it's you."
wooyoung blinks.
"me ?"
"the one living on the 3rd floor."
"yeah ?"
now hot guy is the one blinking. he lets go of wooyoung and takes a step back. he might be blushing.
he clears his throat and looks away.
"i realized the kisses were piling up, since you never came to retrieve them."
the kisses ? retrieve them ? what is this guy talking ab-
wooyoung's brain freezes.
no way.
"y-you- you're 2nd floor's cutie !"
hot guy / 2nd floor's cutie tilts his head.
"i… guess so ?"
"the hell are you so hot for ?!"
"i'm- thank you ?"
it takes him a while, but woo eventually calms down, and accepts the fact that the cutie he had in mind all this time was, in fact, the hottest guy woo has ever met.
"so. the kisses. you owe me like, fifty of them."
"i know."
and before woo can say anything else, hot guy is kissing his cheek.
"fifty three, to be more precise. fifty two now."
he smiles.
wooyoung is going to pass out.
hot 2nd floor's neighbor turns around and walks away, back to his apartment.
"i'm san by the way. i'll see you tomorrow, 3rd floor's cutie."
so yeah. san definitely sees wooyoung the next day. and wooyoung gets his second kiss.
"fifty one more to go."
"make it fifty and i might give you my name."
on day 23 of woo receiving his morning kiss on the cheek, san is wearing a beanie and woo can't resist. he kisses san's cheek before san can do anything.
"oops ~"
he winks and almost trips in the stairs, but it's worth the pretty pink on san's cheeks.
on day 34, woo wakes up with an awful mood, so he gets ten extra kisses, and a long hug in front of san's door. life sucks a bit less after that.
on day 47, woo meets byeol.
"she was the one supposed to have a kiss when you rudely answered the riddle i was reading out loud."
"why would she answer a riddle ? she's a cat !"
"the riddle wasn't for her." san laughs. "she was searching for her toy. i said i would kiss her if she found it, it just happened to be right after the riddle thing."
woo ends up kissing byeol's head.
"thank you," he whispers to her. "you're a better matchmaker than yeosang."
on day 72, they both know woo's reserve of kisses has been out of stock for a while.
so on day 81, when san / accidentally / misses woo's cheek and captures his lips instead, woo isn't too surprised that they end up making out in the middle of the hallway.
and on day 85, when san ask him out on a date, wooyoung can't help but smile.
"only if you can solve this riddle."
aaand the end. this was posted as a twitter thread first so it's not really good or beta read, but i hope you enjoyed anyway :)
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steolftero · 3 years
black fishnets
🎃 Woosan (Wooyoung x San)
🎃 14k
🎃 Completed
🎃 Link here
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steolftero · 3 years
Full offense but your writing style is for you and nobody else. Use the words you want to use; play with language, experiment, use said, use adverbs, use “unrealistic” writing patterns, slap words you don’t even know are words on the page. Language is a sandbox and you, as the author, are at liberty to shape it however you wish. Build castles. Build a hovel. Build a mountain on a mountain or make a tiny cottage on a hill. Whatever it is you want to do. Write.
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steolftero · 3 years
by the lake
🌙 Woosan (Wooyoung x San)
🌙 3k
🌙 Completed
🌙 Link here
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steolftero · 3 years
Aaaaa omg I just read your new fic and loved it so much!!!! 🥺❣️❣️😭😭😭 Woosan are the softest babies fight me that was adorable and I send you lots of cuddles through the internet
I wanted to leave a comment there but then I remembered u had a Tumblr so I came here to yell at you haha ❤️❤️❤️
Aaah thank you so much, I'm so glad to know you liked it ! I had so much fun writing 10k of FLUFF, and Wooyoung in a skirt has been on my mind for a while so.......
Stay tuned for more in the future 👀
I'm sending you just as much cuddles then haha, thank you for commenting here 💛
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steolftero · 3 years
white daisies
🌼 Woosan (Wooyoung x San)
🌼 10k
🌼 Completed
🌼 Link here
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steolftero · 3 years
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oh to be at such peace
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steolftero · 3 years
When you kiss me heaven sighs
☁️ Woosan (Wooyoung x San)
☁️ 7k
☁️ Completed
☁️ Link here
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18 notes · View notes
steolftero · 3 years
Can you feel the moon ?
🌙 Woosan (Wooyoung x San)
🌙 66k
🌙 Completed
🌙 Link here
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42 notes · View notes
steolftero · 4 years
My dad was eating pistachios so I reached my hand out and he just started peeling them and giving them to me. Then suddenly went "I really hope you find someone who loves you a lot" and I went "enough to peel my pistachios for me?" And he laughed and said "yeah exactly" before carrying on giving me more
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steolftero · 4 years
We always want sunshine but life’s boring without the thunder and lightning.
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steolftero · 4 years
“Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It’s about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy.”
— Stephen King
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steolftero · 4 years
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working in the greenhouse in the mornings, having a little kitchen and baking bread, muffins and cookies there, having dinners on the nature, running on the field with camomiles wearing only long cotton dress and reading books under the tree
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