haiikyuux · 4 years
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Team Karasuno High
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haiikyuux · 4 years
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haiikyuux · 4 years
so if you like txt and ateez go send her some asks and give her some love for my major buddie :)))
she’s also the lil bitch one who got me into ATEEZ AND TXT 😒😒 so she’s responsible for my recent bankruptcy I hate you 🙃
send me soft and fluffy asks for txt, please🥺🥺?
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I was sinning too bad with the ateez hard hours so :)
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haiikyuux · 4 years
Me as an international army for like 4 years:
- guys I’m not drunk I just drank a glass of tomato juice I’m very healthy and hyped bc I’m a procrastinator and I don’t have to hand in my essays until next next week :))))))))
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haiikyuux · 4 years
Honey, take a deep breath and remind yourself of all the good work you've done to get to where you are in school, and I know it's a cliche but it's true--if you've done your best, then no matter what the result is you have nothing to regret or be ashamed of. You obviously care a lot about school, so as far as I'm concerned you've already aced everything :) -hugs from your fellow Ushijima stan who is also having a shit time in school and GETS IT
♥️♥️🥺big UWU energy I love u sm anon🥺 btw a lil update on my professor, he actually let me off that time so like I probably can still have a chance in preparing a better presentation!!! YEE :)
Ushijima STAN we strong 💪
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haiikyuux · 4 years
I’m like 9 followers away from 800????
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Like what in the actual fuck I’m so sad that I wasn’t able to update recently but thanks guys I’ll try to post something this week I love you guys 🥺♥️♥️♥️♥️
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haiikyuux · 4 years
Guys I’m scared to death like I’m supposed to do a presentation tmr but then I realized I still don’t fucking understand the context even though I spent two days on it like yes I’m dumb :(((((((((( so I sent an email to my prof about that so that I can change my topic but what if he disapproves and decided to not give me any mark on the presentation I might as well be sure to get a BIG FAT C for that course omg :’(
Not to mention I still have French assignment due this week and a damnnnnn French test tmr
I hate uni (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
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haiikyuux · 4 years
I just thought you might want to know that I had a dream last night that Ushijima called me up to ask me on a date and I freaking BOOKED IT to my car and met up with him at an animal shelter and we petted some cats together and then walked around in a park and it was perfect :)
Ushijima as a domestic fluffy boyfriend major UWU!!
ngl sis I had an amazing dream a few days ago too tho it’s not hq related but bishhhhh I’m so blissed :) but here I am, working like an idiot for my essay, my presentation and my French test that apparently happens on the SAME FUCKING DAY 🙂
Uni life would be fun they said... bunch of LIARS
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haiikyuux · 4 years
heyo it's narcolepsy anon :) I'm on mobile and your description says that reqs are open so that's why I think ppl are asking. Take your time w uni work and best of luck!!
Tysm for reminding me♥️♥️♥️ I have changed it to “closed” and thank you so much for your kind words!
Uni is really hard guys 😭😭 to anyone who’s also in uni or grad school I’m here with you 🖤
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haiikyuux · 4 years
Are requests open?
Sorry anon😢 requests aren’t open at the moment bc I’m super busy rn and my inbox is filled with about 50 requests :(
Announcement for everyone here too!
I’m not giving up on this blog I’m just really busy with university work ㅠㅠ
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED!! Please don’t send them in anymore until I cleared some up :)
I’ll try to start wiriting again ASAP as I have a few essays to finish atm :’)
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haiikyuux · 4 years
Can I request some akaashi scenario with fem s/o ignoring him because she’s jealous?? you can add nsfw if u want ;)
Sighs and chocolates
Since it’s almost Valentine’s day♥️ I had so much fun writing this~ this is more of a drabble though?
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He’s been doing that again.
You hated this. To be fair, it wasn’t necessarily his fault for being popular among girls, boys, just human in your school. But you needed someone to take the blame, and they couldn’t be the bunch of scary fangirls of the school volleyball team. You were sipping your morning milk when he entered the classroom, frowning at the scene you saw earlier. Dozens of carefully decorated pink bags were jam packed in your boyfriend’s shoe locker. Perfect. You sighed, looking down into your bag, there laid a heart shaped lilac box with probably the same disgustingly sweet content as those cute pink bags. Chocolate.
You sighed again as another girl stopped him by.
Time to get back to flipping through your planner and pretending you didn’t see a thing. You didn’t want to upset anyone, especially not on this special day. So you decided not to approach Keiji until school was over. He would be having lunch with Bokuto anyway.
Of course he’d know there must be something wrong with his girlfriend today. You were sighing constantly, you didn’t greet him once he reached his seat, and most important of all, he did not received your box of the valentine’s chocolate. He was planning to ask his teammates but he came to realize that all of them were single. Nevermind.
“Akaashi! Um, this is for you.”
Here comes the tenth? Eleventh girl who came to give their box of goodness to your beloved boyfriend. You let out a heavy sigh and started packing. It was the end of today’s lesson and you just wished all those girls would disappear so that your jealousy would be hidden safe and sound. You still didn’t understand how they would still be giving out honmei(for someone you admire aka crush) chocolate to someone who was obviously taken.
“That’s your what, thirty-fifth sigh today. I didn’t take one box. I gave them to my teammates. Stop sighing.”
“I hope you’d enjoy mine. Though it’s not pink, or as nicely wrapped, or…”
“I’m sure of that. Now let’s go, before I get another box from someone.”
I hope that’s cool for the request >3<
Gonna update a few Valentine’s Day related requests the next few days ~
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haiikyuux · 4 years
Akaashi content coming up :)
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I love this man <3
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haiikyuux · 4 years
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Akaashi: 🥰
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haiikyuux · 4 years
Requests closed for now!!
Since I have quite a bit to work with in my inbox, requests will be closed for now~ please don’t send in requests until I reopen them >3<
Ps omg I’m sad my last fic only has like 12 notes :’)
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haiikyuux · 4 years
Can you write a scenario for kageyama, daichi and Asahi with an insecure chubby s/o? Ty :3 keep up the good work!
We are all insecure in some ways :( but don’t forget to love yourself! PS. I’m so sorry for not posting, I had a lot of things to deal with recently
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Kageyama Tobio ♡
has completely no idea that you are insecure about yourself, specifically your body at first
he thought there was nothing to be insecure of because you were gorgeous???
but then he overheard your conversation with Kiyoko one day
you were talking about how to lose weight quick, which was obviously unhealthy
he decided to just talk to you about it after practice that day
probably still had no idea why you prefer to have another body type
‘ but you look perfect this way’
would explode out of shyness when you went for a tight hug after hearing that
awkwardly hugging you back and might even ask if you want to go to have ramen with him
the answer was an obvious yes :)
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Daichi Sawamura ♡
probably noticed way before he heard anything from your friends
he would find out your ‘diet lunch boxes’ which only consist of some veggies and a maximum of 3 spoonful of rice
that made him worried about you so much
he snapped when you almost fainted on the way home with him
he brought you back to his place and LITERALLY fed you the leftover curry rice that he heated up
having the ‘no you are perfect the way you are and you are healthy so stop’ talk with him
would tell you that you look great in different outfits and you shouldn’t have to worry about them not ‘matching’ your body
brings you lunch box the other day (and everyday after that)
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Azumane Asahi ♡
you would be the one who started this conversation of body insecurity
he would be able to relate as he is often the victim of ‘judging the book by its cover’
he empathized with you deeply but would reassure you many times that you look just fine this way
he was of course worried about your mental state but also your physical health
he was scared if you were going to eat much less than you need or go on extreme diets
eventually would suggest to have you work out with him
because he thought it would be a healthy way in achieving your goal but also to ease the insecurity
also! great bonding time together
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haiikyuux · 4 years
>300 of you alrdy (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
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Sorry for not posting for so long!!! I’ll be posting a request in a few hours~ thank you all of you for following me muah <3
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haiikyuux · 4 years
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in which Bokuto gifts Akaashi a huge owl plushie he won at the arcade and Akaashi cannot help but wonder what on earth is he going to do with these feelings he has for his team captain,,,
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