hairtreatment123 · 2 years
​FUT Hair Transplant Technique Overview
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Hair loss is not a painful health issue but it affects the psychology of a patient. People do not like experiencing hair thinning and hair loss due to the social belief that relates hair loss with impressiveness and beauty. Therefore, a lot of hair loss patients look for a trusted hair clinic in Indore for effective treatment. 
Most hair loss clinics recommend hair transplant surgery for hair loss treatment. Surgeons perform this surgical treatment with the help of two common techniques called follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplant. 
In follicular unit extraction or FUE technique, the surgeon pulls out the hair grafts directly from the donor area. 
In a follicular unit transplant, the surgeon removes a strip of skin from the back and sides of your head to harvest baldness-resistant hairs. In the next step, he inserts these hairs into the bald scalp. 
In this blog, we will tell you more about follicular unit transplant or FUT technique. 
The follicular unit transplant is also called strip surgery because of the involvement of a strip of skin. FUT technique is an older and traditional hair transplant technique that works effectively to restore the receding hairline because of male pattern baldness or genetic baldness. 
How do follicular unit transplants work? 
As mentioned above, the surgeon will cut a strip of tissues from the donor region of your scalp during the treatment. The size of the strip depends on the requirement of hair grafts to cover the bald region of the scalp. 
Healthy and baldness-resistant hairs are removed from the strip and inserted into the bald areas of the scalp. 
FUT surgery takes a shorter period of time in comparison with the FUE technique. Generally, patients are fully aware during the surgery since only local anesthesia is administered to numb the treated area of the scalp. 
The procedure of the FUT hair transplant technique
In the initial steps, the surgeon will re-draw your hairline, and determine the donor area. He will also take photographs for the medical record. Generally, the surgeon initiates the surgery with the administration of local anesthesia to numb the scalp. 
In the next step, the hair specialist in indore will trim the donor's hair to make the task of removal easier. He will pull out the strip of the skin according to the demand for hair grafts. In the next step, the surgeon will close the scalp with the help of sutures. 
Later, the surgeon will insert the hair grafts into the affected regions. 
The recovery period 
Since the surgeon removed a strip of skin from the donor region, the FUT technique may leave scarring marks in the donor area. These marks are visible and generally, patients do not wear a short haircut after the surgery. 
The surgeon will send the patient back with some instructions to ensure proper recovery after the treatment. You have to be in contact with the best hair transplant clinic in Indore to ensure proper results after the treatment. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
Best Ideas To Find A Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic
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Hair transplant surgery is one of the best hair loss treatments. You will get the best results after the treatment if you have chosen the best hair transplant surgeon in Indore.  This is a complex procedure in which hair follicles are transferred from one area of the scalp to the other part. 
The donor area grows baldness-resistant hairs. It includes both sides and the back of the head of the patient. 
The recipient area of the scalp receives health and baldness-resistant hair that grow in these areas with full strength and thickness. 
Generally, finding a reliable hair transplant clinic is not easy for a hair loss patient. Actually, you should not start the treatment if you have not found a trusted clinic. The role of the clinic is vital in the hair restoration field. 
In this blog, we will tell you about some key factors to consider before choosing a trusted hair transplant clinic. 
Browsing the internet and personal meetings 
In the process of looking for a hair loss clinic, browsing the internet is one of the most important steps. Most clinics have their own websites. You can start by browsing the website of the clinic. Read the about us page and other policies to get familiar with the clinic. Moreover, read reviews of former patients to ensure the clinic's reliability. It is better you check before-after photos as well since most websites show them to prove that they are reliable in treating hair loss patients. 
Meeting with surgeon 
The role of a hair transplant surgeon is very important in the success of hair loss treatment. After you have read about the doctor’s credentials on the website, you may fix a personal meeting with the doctor at their clinic. You may ask questions if you have any doubts about the treatment. 
Observe the clinic’s environment
When you visit the clinic, you should feel impressed by the behavior of the staff and doctors. If you feel that the clinic does not have a clean, hygienic, and comfortable environment, you should not show your interest in the clinic. 
Understand the treatment plan 
During the treatment process, you have to be a part of the treatment plan. You need to share your expectations and preferences with your doctor. You should ask about the hair transplant technique that the surgeon is going to perform during the treatment. You should ask about the number of grafts that you need to donate during a hair transplant Indore. You should not avoid the expected time of surgery and expectations from the recovery period as well. 
The matter of price
We suggest that you keep the quality above the price of the surgery. However, you should try to get a reasonable hair transplant price in Indore but do not visit cheap and fake clinics to get a fair price for the surgery. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
​FUE Hair Transplant: Procedure & Benefits
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If you are facing genetic hair loss, a hair transplant in Indore can be a life-changing event for you. This treatment is extremely effective because of its scientific base. 
During hair transplant surgery, the surgeon will pull out baldness-resistant hair from the donor region and transplant these hairs into the bald scalp. 
The removal of hairs from the donor area involves two main techniques called follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplant. The surgeon may use any of them to perform hair transplant surgery. 
In this blog, we will consider only follicular unit extraction or the FUE technique. 
What is the FUE hair transplant technique?
In this technique, the surgeon will extract hair follicles directly from the donor area with the help of a micro needle-like instrument. 
To understand the difference between the two techniques, you have to look at the procedure of FUT as well. In FUT, the surgeon will remove a strip of skin from the donor site and harvest healthy hairs from this strip. 
Now, you can understand clearly that the procedure of FUE needs more attention since the surgeon has to remove hair follicles randomly from the donor region. 
The procedure of the FUE technique:
First of all, your surgeon is supposed to administer anesthesia to numb the treated area. After this step, the surgeon will shave down the transplant area. Besides the transplant area, the surgeon will shave the donor region as well. 
In the next step, the surgeon will remove healthy hair follicles with the help of a micro punch tool. 
This part of the surgery is very important for the success of the treatment. 
In the next step, the surgeon will insert healthy hair follicles into the recipient areas. 
The growth rate after the FUE technique is quite high. 
Your surgeon will provide the best hair transplant in Indore with the help of this technique if he is sure that you are a good candidate for the surgery. 
Benefits of FUE hair transplant technique
Less invasive treatment:
FUE is a less invasive treatment in comparison with FUT or strip surgery. This technique does not cause visible scars. Therefore, patients may wear a short haircut after the surgery. 
Possibility of body hair transplant:
Your surgeon may remove healthy hair from any body part if the hairs are not thick and dense in the donor area of the scalp. This facility is not available if you undergo a follicular unit transplant technique. 
Advanced technology:
Modern hair loss experts perform the FUE technique with the help of ultra-effective and world-class tools and techniques. Therefore, the surgeon is able to perform the surgery quickly to yield excellent results. 
Faster recovery after the treatment:
Since the technique is less invasive, the recovery time is quite faster in comparison with the FUT technique. Usually, patients may start their daily work the next day after the surgery. 
Affordable treatment:
According to the experts, FUE is available at a reasonable hair transplant cost in Indore. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
What Happens To Current Hair After A Hair Transplant?
A common question often asked by patients is, "Will the best hair transplant in indore procedure destroy my current hair?" While it will not destroy existing hair hairs, it can temporarily "shock" any current hair in the recipient areas.
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
Common Considerations After Hair Transplant Surgery
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Hair loss has two types. One of these types is temporary hair loss and another type is permanent. Permanent hair loss is also called genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness. This is a scalp issue that takes place due to your genes and hormones. This issue is called permanent since it kills the hair follicles forever to make a large area of the scalp bald. According to experts, a hair transplant in Indore is a permanent solution for male pattern baldness. 
If you choose a skilled and experienced hair loss doctor and follow his instructions, you will have satisfactory results after the surgery. 
Your surgeon will provide a number of instructions before the surgery. Similarly, the surgeon will have a set of instructions after the treatment as well. 
These instructions will determine your daily routine during the recovery period. The first two or three weeks after the treatment are extremely crucial for hair growth in the transplanted area. 
The treated area will show good results if you spend your time just according to the aftercare plan determined by the surgeon. 
Generally, your top hair doctor in Indore will consider the following instructions after the surgery:
Hair care after the surgery:
You have to look after the transplanted hair effectively after the treatment to get satisfactory hair growth. Do not touch the treated area unnecessarily and do not touch or rub it as well. 
After a couple of days, your surgeon will allow you to wash your hair with mild shampoo. Sometimes, the clinic provides shampoo to wash hair after the surgery. Use this shampoo and rinse gently to avoid any damage to the treated area. Dry your wet hair with the help of a soft towel and do not rub the towel to keep the hair follicles safe. 
Sleeping after the surgery:
Sleep normally after the treatment since there are no special restrictions. However, you have to be aware of your movements while you are sleeping on the bed. 
Experts recommend that you should elevate your head while you sleep for the first 3 or 4 days. This position will reduce the flow of blood to the head. Therefore, you will reduce the chances of swelling in the forehead area at the same time. 
Make sure that everything like the bed sheet or pillow cover should be clean since these things come in contact with the treated area. 
Your addictions and recovery time:
It is better that you control your desire to take alcohol after the surgery for at least 2 weeks. If you take alcohol, it will dehydrate your body and affect the flow of blood in the scalp as well. Altogether, it will hinder the normal healing process in the transplanted area. 
Just like alcohol, you have to stay away from nicotine as well to ensure proper healing after the surgery. 
Going outside after the surgery: 
You must avoid sun exposure for the first weeks to a full month to keep your scalp safe. Sunlight and UV rays are not favorable for your scalp and transplanted hair. Moreover, sunlight will promote sweating on the scalp which will irritate your scalp. 
Need more information?
Are you interested in a hair transplant and want to know more about the issues like hair transplant cost in Hindi? You may visit the Marmm Klinik to enhance your information.  
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
Timeline Of Hair Growth After Hair Transplant Surgery
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A lot of people choose hair transplant Indore to treat their hair loss. In fact, hair is related to the beauty and look of a person. Therefore, no one will like to spoil their look just because of hair thinning and hair loss. 
Therefore, patients are looking for a treatment that is permanent and provides natural results. Hair transplant surgery fulfills the goals of hair loss patients. 
During this treatment, the best hair transplant surgeon in Indore is supposed to remove healthy hairs from the sides and back of the head of the patient. The surgeon will insert transplanted hair grafts into the bald scalp in the next step. 
These hairs are supposed to grow with full strength after the treatment. but, you would not observe the results instantly. You have to wait for at least six months to witness good results. 
In this blog, we will tell you about the full timeline of hair growth after the treatment. 
Have a look! 
Results after two weeks:
During this period of time, patients will notice hair loss. However, this is not a matter of worry and fear. Hair shedding after hair transplant surgery is a normal process. The roots are intact and totally safe inside the skin. They will grow hair after some time. 
Hair growth after four months:
After nearly four months, hair will start to grow again in the treated area. In the initial stage, hair will be thinner but it is indeed a good sign of hair growth in upcoming months. 
Hair growth during 4 to 8 months:
Hair will get proper density and thickness during this period. After this period, the structure of hair will improve steadily. 
After 8 months:
After this period, you will notice healthier hair in the treated area. This process will continue and you will be able to treat your hair as per your desires after nearly 12 months. 
You can use any hair products and may wear any haircut according to your wish. 
The speed of hair growth after the treatment depends on the quality of aftercare. 
Generally, your surgeon will send you back home with the following instructions:
Does not touch, scrub, scratch, or pull your transplanted hair unnecessarily. It will cause serious damage to your transplanted hair. 
Remain away from the sun and UV rays since these factors are enough to damage your scalp and hair. 
Avoid heavy activities like running, weight lifting, and sports activities. These activities will increase the flow of blood in your scalp to cause harmful effects. Moreover, these activities will promote sweating on the scalp causing bad effects. 
Avoid smoking and drinking since these habits will hinder the healing process. 
If you follow these instructions, the hair will grow at an optimum rate in the treated area. 
If you want proper results at a manageable hair transplant price in Indore, visit the Marmm Klinik to have the correct diagnosis and ultra-effective treatment. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
Signs That Show That You Are Fully Prepared For A Hair Transplant
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If you are experiencing genetic baldness, a trusted hair clinic in Indore will help you to regain your confidence with the help of hair transplant surgery. Hair transplant surgery is an effective procedure that restores your bald scalp and provides totally natural results. 
Sometimes, it is tough to determine the correct time to have the surgical treatment. 
In this blog, we have listed some considerable factors that will make it clear that you are ready to undergo hair transplant surgery. 
Have a look! 
You have been experiencing hair loss for several years:
Genetic hair loss is a gradual process. Therefore, just some months of hair loss would not tell you whether you are a patient of genetic baldness or not. If you are facing hair loss for at least five years and observing a receding hairline, you need to see your doctor for hair transplant surgery. 
You have enough donor's hair:
When you have finally decided to undergo the surgery, you need to check your donor area. In fact, success after the treatment needs a fair amount of hair on the sides and the back of your head. The surgeon is going to use these hairs as hair grafts for the surgery. 
You are fed up with medicines:
Medicines are also used to promote hair growth in the affected area. However, these medicines show good results but you have to use them regularly to keep the results stable. If you stop taking medicines, the previous condition of the scalp and hair will come back soon. Therefore, if you have been taking medicines for hair loss treatment, see your hair specialist in Indore to undergo hair transplant surgery.  
You have realistic expectations:
Hair loss is not a magical solution. It does not provide instant results. You want instant results but it is not possible. After the surgery, the hair growth cycle will follow a complete timeline to take place. 
Therefore, you should come to the hair loss clinic with realistic expectations. Moreover, clear all your doubts by asking your questions when you sit with the hair loss surgeon for the first time. 
It is better for good results after the surgery. 
You are a healthy person:
Since a hair transplant is a surgical procedure, you have to provide your complete medical history to your surgeon before the treatment. If you take any medicines regularly, let your surgeon know about them. Tell your doctor if you have any chronic health conditions. If you are completely healthy, inform your doctor about your health condition and prepare yourself for the surgery. 
You do not want to hide your baldness:
Using wigs is an easy solution to the hair loss problem. However, this solution is only temporary since it is not a treatment. It only hides the bald area of the scalp. Therefore, if you want a permanent solution for genetic hair loss, you may visit a trusted hair loss clinic for proper treatment. 
Visit the Marmm Klinik which serves hair loss patients as the best hair transplant clinic in Indore. Make a call or send a message. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
Five Vital Tips to Have Proper Hair Loss Treatment for Genetic Baldness
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Hair loss is a common problem in both men and women. It affects the scalp area to kill the hair follicles steadily. Sometimes, the process is extremely slow. Therefore, patients are unable to detect the occurrence of genetic baldness at the correct time. Experts say that hair loss clinics offer hair transplant in Indore as a permanent solution for genetic baldness or male pattern baldness. However, hair loss patients have to start the search for a suitable hair loss clinic for better treatment. 
In this blog, we have five basic tips for you to have effective hair loss treatment.  
Have a look and make sure you do not visit a fake and low-quality hair loss clinic. 
Tip 1 Locate a reliable clinic:
If you need proper treatment for male pattern baldness, you need to find a clinic that offers affordable and authentic hair loss treatments. Nowadays, the best hair transplant in Indore is offered in most world-class hair loss clinics. 
Browsing the website of a clinic may help you to find a suitable destination for the treatment. A website is a valuable place to enhance knowledge about the clinic. 
While you are browsing the website, do not forget to read reviews of former members and before-after photos. Look at the policies and conditions of the clinic as well. 
Decide to visit the clinic personally when you are fully satisfied with the policies of the clinic. 
Tip 2 Meet personally and share your expectations:
When you send a message or make a phone call, the clinic may give you a date. You have to arrive at the clinic on the same date. When you arrive at the clinic, the surgeon will check your scalp visually as the first step. In the next step, he may perform some tests and checkups to be sure about the nature of your hair loss. 
If the surgeon finds that you are facing genetic baldness, he will treat you with the help of a suitable hair transplant technique. 
Tip 3 get ready for the treatment:
First of all, quit smoking, drinking, and medications that may hinder the healing process after the surgery. Stop using hair products because these hair loss products are not good for your hair and scalp. 
Always come to the clinic with a friend or relative to get you back home. In fact, you have been under the influence of anesthesia when you go back home. 
Tip 4 Spend your time properly during the recovery period
Your surgeon performs the step of the surgery efficiently. You need not worry about that matter. However, you have a role to play after the surgery. Follow the instructions provided by the clinic while you spend your time during the recovery period. 
If you choose the Marmm Klinik, the clinic will provide hair loss treatment at a reasonable hair transplant cost in Indore. Moreover, the experts of the clinic are well-trained and experienced as well. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
Top Tips for Better Treatment of Hair Loss
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However, every type of hair loss is irritating but we will discuss male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss. This scalp not only removes hairs from the scalp but destroys the self-confidence of the patients as well. Therefore,  patients usually look for a top hair doctor in Indore for proper treatment. 
If we talk about the best hair loss treatment, hair transplant surgery is at its peak level. This surgical treatment option is highly effective for the treatment of male pattern baldness. 
In this treatment, a hair loss surgeon will borrow hairs from one area of your scalp and transplant these hair grafts into the bald region of your scalp. Borrowing hairs from other heads is not possible in this treatment. 
Usually, the back and both sides of the head serve as donor areas since only this region of the scalp grows baldness resistant hairs. 
If you want to have a better treatment for hair loss with hair transplant in Indore, we have the most common tips for you. 
Have a glance! 
Choosing the correct clinic:
You have to choose a great team of specialists to get proper hair loss treatment. The qualification and experience of the surgeon have a vital role in hair transplant surgery. 
You can determine the qualification and skills of your doctor by talking to former patients of the clinic. Moreover, ask for before – after photos to be sure about the quality of the clinic. Visit the clinic to check the facilities provided by the clinic to hair loss patients. 
The stage of diagnosis and planning 
For the treatment of any disease, you need to detect the real cause. The same rule works in hair transplant surgery as well. Your surgeon has to check your scalp thoroughly by looking at it visually and performing some tests and checkups. 
Proper diagnosis will help the surgeon to determine the correct number of hair grafts that are needed to cover the bald area of the scalp. 
Selecting the correct technique:
After checking your scalp completely, the surgeon will be able to determine the correct hair transplant technique for you. Generally, surgeons use two hair transplant surgeries to treat hair loss patients. These techniques are follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplant. 
Both techniques are effective to restore the bald scalp. Only the surgeon makes the final decision about the technique. However, patients may share their expectations. 
Look after your hair well:
After the surgery, you will leave the clinic with a set of instructions. Follow these guidelines to ensure proper hair growth in the treated area. Generally, these instructions include:
∙      Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and use soft cloths to dry your hair. 
∙      Sleep with an elevated head to reduce the chances of swelling. 
∙      Do not touch your scalp when it is not necessary. 
∙      Do not do heavy activities like exercises, sports, weight lifting etc. 
∙      Avoid sunshine when you go outside; wear a scarf or hat. 
To know about issues like hair transplant cost in Hindi, visit the Marmm Klinik of Indore. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
Treatment Approach For Permanent Hair Loss
Endless hair loss is treated with the help of hair transplant surgery in indore. In this treatment, a surgeon extracts the hairs from your own scalp and inserts them into the bald scalp. The donor area is normally the back and both sides of your scalp. If you are in search of good treatment for hair loss, you should visit the Marmm Klinik. This clinic will provide high-class treatment at a reasonable hair transplant price in Indore. Moreover, this clinic ensures accurate diagnosis and cure with the help of advanced tools and procedures.
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
​Diabetic Patients And Hair Loss Treatment
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If you are going to have hair loss treatment with the help of the best hair transplant surgeon in Indore, you have to look at your health. There are a lot of chronic health conditions that may keep you away from hair transplant surgery. 
In this blog, we are going to talk about diabetes and its link with hair loss. 
Diabetes shows symptoms like high blood sugar and low levels of insulin. If diabetes takes a chronic form, it may affect different vital organs of the body like kidneys, eyes, heart, and nerves. 
Therefore, you have to be very careful if you have diabetes and are looking for hair transplant surgery. 
Hair loss surgeons carry out hair transplant surgery in a hair loss clinic. During the surgery, healthy hairs are removed from the donor area and transplanted into the bald scalp to restore the area. 
Since the hairs are baldness resistant, they will grow in the new areas of the scalp with full strength and thickness. 
Generally, hair transplant surgeons want you to have good health conditions if you want perfect results after the surgery. 
How is hair transplant surgery done?
When you reach the clinic for the surgery, your surgeon may check your health. He will ask about your health and the issues you are facing. Therefore, if you are diabetic, you have to discuss your condition with your doctor. Hiding anything about health may cause negative effects. 
Sometimes, patients even do not know about their health condition if it is just the start of the disease. Hair loss surgeons usually do blood checkups to reach the exact cause of hair loss. Believe it or not, diabetes can be a reason for hair loss as well. 
Therefore, you need to discuss your health with your surgeon before hair transplant Indore in any condition. 
What should you consider if you are a diabetic patient?
If you have diabetes and are looking for hair transplant surgery, you have to look for a high-class hair loss clinic. 
The results of a hair transplant will depend on the type of diabetes and the level of sugar at the time of surgery. 
A surgeon will consider the following things before and during the surgery if you are a diabetic patient. 
The level of your blood sugar should be under control. Moreover, the hours you take for the treatment will determine the results as well. A lengthy hair transplant session may not be favorable for you. 
It is possible your healing in the treated area takes place slowly in the treated area. 
It is mandatory that a hair loss expert and diabetic doctor monitor the condition of your scalp and body regularly during and after the surgery. 
If you have done everything according to the treatment plan, you will give an effective treatment. 
To enhance your knowledge about hair transplant price in Indore, you can come to the Marmm Klinik for proper diagnosis and treatment. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
​FUE Hair Restoration And Its Benefits
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There are a lot of types of hair loss. In this blog, we will consider the most common type of hair loss which is called male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. In general terms, it is called permanent hair loss as well. It is called permanent since it affects the scalp of a patient permanently. A hair transplant is one of the best treatments for male pattern baldness. To undergo this treatment, you need the assistance of a capable hair specialist in Indore.  
In the procedure of hair transplant, your surgeon will remove healthy hairs from the donor region and transplant them into the recipient areas. 
Generally, two common techniques are used to remove hairs from the donor area. These techniques are follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. 
Follicular unit transplant is a traditional technique whereas follicular unit extraction is a new and popular technique. 
Since follicular unit extraction is a more popular technique and most people like this procedure, therefore, we will mainly consider this technique in the next section. 
The procedure of follicular extraction hair transplant
When you reach your preferred hair clinic in Indore,  the surgeon will administer anesthesia to reduce the pain and discomfort during the treatment. After this step, the surgeon will remove hair follicles individually from the back and both sides of the head with the help of a tiny instrument. This instrument will make random holes in the scalp. These smaller wounds will heal soon after the treatment. 
This treatment will make random scar marks in the donor area but these scar marks will be very small and they will be scattered randomly across the scalp. 
After the removal of hair grafts, the surgeon will insert these hair grafts into the recipient areas.
Benefits of FUE or follicular unit extraction
Quick healing process:
After the Follicular unit extraction, the treated areas heal very fast. You will feel the improvement within one or two weeks. It means patients may start their daily routine early after the treatment. 
No big scar marks:
The FUE technique would not leave linear scar marks on your scalp, unlike the follicular unit transplant technique. The wounds it makes in the donor area are very small. Therefore, they are hardly visible after healing when the patient wears a short haircut. 
Natural results:
FUE hair transplant technique provides natural and permanent results. Therefore, it is a popular technique worldwide. Most advanced hair loss clinics use this technique for their prime hair transplant procedure. 
This technique does not need stitches:
You will not experience pain or discomfort during FUE since it does not include the use of stitches. 
If you want to undergo hair loss treatment in the best hair transplant clinic in Indore, you have to visit the Marmm Klinik of Indore. This clinic is known to provide superior results after hair transplant surgeries. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
​A Hair Transplant Gives You Permanent And Natural Results
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Generally, bringing hair follicles back to the scalp is not possible if your scalp is facing male pattern baldness. Medicines and other treatments are effective if you have hair on your scalp. It is not easy to grow hair on an entirely bald scalp. However, hair transplant in Indore has shown effective results for patients with male pattern baldness. 
Key points to remember about hair transplant surgery 
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure. 
It removes the hair from the back and sides of the scalp of your own head. 
These hairs are baldness resistant. Therefore they grow in the treated areas with full strength and thickness. 
Donors' hairs are always borrowed from the head of the patient. You cannot get the donor hairs from your friend’s head. 
There are two main techniques called follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplant. Both are very effective to restore the bald area of the scalp. 
You have to wait for at least six months to see hair growth in the recipient area. Instant results are usually not observed. 
The procedure of hair transplant surgery 
During hair transplant surgery, the surgeon will start the treatment with the administration of anesthesia to numb the treated area. After this step, the surgeon will remove hair follicles from the donor area with the help of follicular unit extraction or follicular unit transplant technique. 
In follicular unit extraction, the surgeon will remove hairs directly from the donor area whereas, in follicular unit transplant, the surgeon will remove a strip of skin to harvest healthy hairs. 
After the surgeon has borrowed hairs from the donor area, he will insert them into the bald areas of the scalp. 
After the surgery, the surgeon will send you back with certain instructions that you follow to ensure proper results after the surgery. 
The results depend on your surgeon 
It is true that advanced hair transplant surgeries are able to provide natural results to hair loss patients. Actually, it is possible because of trained and skilled hair transplant surgeons. 
You have to choose a surgeon who has a specialized degree in hair restoration. Every surgeon will not perform hair transplant surgery. 
Looking at the candidacy is also essential to get good results
You will get favorable results after the surgery if you are a good candidate. 
the best hair transplant in Indore is a permanent treatment for male pattern baldness. Therefore, you have to be a patient of permanent hair loss or male pattern baldness to get proper treatment. 
You must have good health conditions to get satisfactory results. If you are facing any chronic disease, you need to get proper treatment for that disease. 
You are a good candidate if you have enough donor hair on your scalp. 
Your surgeon will check your scalp and tell you about your candidacy. So, you need to visit only a trusted clinic for correct diagnosis and treatment. 
The Marmm Klinik will help you to yield good results with the help of its ultra-effective tools and techniques. Moreover, the clinic treats the patients at a reasonable hair transplant cost in Indore. Make a call or send a message. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
The Most Important Facts About Hair Transplant Surgery
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A large area of your scalp may become bald if you do not do something to prevent hair loss. Hair loss is a temporary issue if your genes are not involved. If your genes and hormones are also playing their roles, genetic hair loss will take place as a result. A hair transplant in Indore is the best solution to cure male pattern baldness or genetic hair loss. 
In this treatment, the surgeon will remove healthy hair from the back and both sides of the head and transplant them into the bald region. 
To have hair transplant surgery effectively, you need to consider several factors. Consideration of these factors is not possible without proper knowledge. 
In this blog, we will improve your knowledge about hair transplants with the help of the following common facts:
Have a look! 
Hair transplant is surgical:
 However, this treatment is different from other surgical procedures but we will call it a surgical procedure. This procedure involves the removal and insertion of healthy hairs. This surgery is an outpatient procedure. Therefore, you may leave the clinic on the same day. 
A hair transplant is a permanent cure for baldness:
In fact, the hairs that grow on both sides and back of the head are baldness-resistant. It means they are not affected because of male pattern baldness. When a surgeon transplants these hairs into the bald region of the scalp, they do not leave their stable nature and grow in the new region with full strength. 
The patient’s own head has the donor site:
As mentioned above, the surgeon removes healthy hair from the scalp of the patient. Actually, this is the only option the surgeon has since removing hairs from other persons is not possible. When you face hair loss, make your best efforts to keep your remaining hair healthy since you will need it for the treatment of hair loss. 
Hair transplant is performed with two common techniques:
The surgeons use two main techniques to perform hair transplant surgery. The first is a follicular unit transplant in which a strip of skin is used for the extraction of healthy hair. 
The second technique is follicular unit extraction. In this technique, the top hair doctor in Indore will remove hairs from the donor area directly. 
The surgeon will select a suitable technique for you according to your candidacy. 
You need a qualified doctor for the surgery:
Normally, general surgeons do not perform hair transplant surgery. A doctor needs a specialized degree in hair transplant or cosmetic surgery to be able to perform hair transplant surgery. It is better if you look at the experience of the surgeon as well. 
Post-operative care affects the results as well:
Your surgeon will provide certain instructions after the surgery. You have to follow these guidelines to get optimum hair growth in the treated area. Any mistake after the surgery will affect hair growth. 
To know more about matters like Hair transplant cost in Hindi you have to visit the Marmm Klinik. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
How To Choose The Correct Hair Restoration Procedure?
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If you are facing hair loss, you have to find a correct solution for your problem. Generally, experts recommend hair transplant Indore for the treatment of hair loss. However, the treatment will always depend on the condition of your scalp, the type of hair loss, and your candidacy. 
If you are in search of a better option to treat your hair loss, your first step should be looking for a hair loss clinic. If you are successful in locating a trusted and authentic hair loss clinic, you will easily get an easy option to treat your hair loss. 
Browsing the website 
Nowadays, it is the easiest option to get relevant information about a hair loss clinic. On the website, you will find plenty of information about the clinic like credentials of the doctor, policies of the clinic, hair loss treatments, views of the former patients, and cost structure of the clinic. 
This information is enough to lead you to an authentic clinic. 
Once you have found the clinic, you may personally visit the clinic for an initial consultation. This is just the start of the end of your problems. 
The detection phase 
While you sit with your surgeon for the first time, he will inspect your scalp visually to find out the exact reason. Moreover, he will perform some tests and checkups as well to be sure about the reason and type of hair loss. 
Generally, the best hair transplant surgeon in Indore uses the following approaches to treat your hair loss:
Hair care and changes in the lifestyle:
Sometimes hair loss takes place due to your lifestyle and poor hair care. For example, your surgeon will advise you to reduce the level of stress if your hair loss is related to stress. Moreover, you should have a healthy diet if a poor diet is a reason for hair loss. 
If any medical condition is responsible for hair loss, the surgeon will prescribe proper medications for the condition. For example, if hair loss takes place due to thyroid disorders, the surgeon will treat these disorders to treat your hair loss. 
Treatments like PRP: 
PRP hair loss treatment is effective for hair loss. Therefore doctors use it to promote hair growth and to improve the health of hair roots. In this treatment, the patient’s own blood is used to extract PRP or platelet-rich plasma. The Expert injects PRP injections into the scalp of the patient to get favorable results. 
Hair transplant surgery:
A hair transplant is a surgical option. In this treatment, healthy hairs are removed from the back and both sides of the head and transplanted into the bald region. 
According to hair loss experts, these hairs are baldness resistant. Therefore, they grow in the transplanted area with full strength and thickness. 
If you want to detect your problem and wish to have proper treatment at a reasonable hair transplant price in Indore, you can visit the Marmm Klinik which is a premier place in the field of hair restoration.
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
Your Options To Treat Hair Loss
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Hair loss would not affect your scalp physically but it may cause psychological problems like depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and low self-confidence. Therefore, you need proper treatment for your hair loss problem. If conditions are very serious, you may visit a trusted hair clinic in Indore.  
If your hair loss is temporary and it does not have genetic nature, you may treat reduce the bad effects with the help of some hair care tips. 
Before we look at proper treatment options, it is better to talk about hair care tips. 
Stay away from harmful hair products:
Mainly you use shampoos and conditioners for your scalp and hair. These products are necessary to clean your scalp but they remove natural oils from your scalp and hair as well. Conditioner may be harmful to your scalp if it is oily. Conclusively, hair products like shampoos and conditioners are helpful if you consider the nature of your scalp and hair before using these products. 
Follow the same rule when you use other hair products like oils, lotions, creams, and hair colors. 
Have proper diet and exercise daily:
You hair will be healthy if you supply enough nutrients to the hair roots. Your hair needs nutrients like protein, iron, zinc, and vitamins. Besides having a proper diet, you have to exercise daily to acquire healthier hair roots. 
Avoid chemical treatments at regular intervals:
Nowadays, people have hair treatments like coloring, straightening, and perming. These treatments may be risky for your hair if you use them frequently. 
Do not comb wet hair:
Wet hair strands are weak and break easily. Therefore, you must not comb your wet hair. Allow your hair to dry first and use a wide tooth comb. Do not use your towel harshly to dry your wet hair as well. Move your hands gently on your hair and let them dry naturally. 
Do not expose your hair to air and sunshine:
It is better you save your hair from extremely cold and hot air. Moreover, keep your hair and scalp away from the sunshine as well. These factors are enough to damage your hair steadily. Thus, make it a habit to wear a hat while you go outside. 
When do you need a specialist?
If you are taking care of your hair efficiently and still, feel that the health level of your hair is going down, you have to see a skilled hair specialist in Indore at the correct time. 
Severe hair thinning and hair loss along with a receding hairline are signs of male pattern baldness. You need proper diagnosis and treatment for this scalp issue by visiting an authentic hair loss clinic. 
Hair transplant surgery is the best and most permanent solution for male pattern baldness. In this treatment, the expert will borrow your own hair and transplant them into the bald area of your scalp. To get successful results, you need to visit the Marmm Klinik which is functioning as the best hair transplant clinic in Indore. 
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hairtreatment123 · 2 years
Consider A Hair Transplant For Hair Loss Treatment
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If you are facing hair loss, you have to detect the underlying reason for your scalp issue. In fact, you cannot get proper treatment if you have not found the cause o your problem. 
Therefore are two common types of hair loss: temporary and permanent. Permanent hair loss is also called male pattern baldness. 
Male pattern baldness cause shrinking of hair follicular units. Gradually, all hairs shrink and die forever to never grow the hair again. Therefore, it is rare to see hair back on the scalp if the patient is facing genetic hair loss. 
Advanced technology has made it possible to get the hair back. This advanced treatment is a hair transplant in Indore that is used by a lot of authentic hair loss experts. 
What is hair transplant surgery?
To have hair transplant surgery, you have to visit the hair transplant clinic. While you see your doctor in the clinic, you need to have a talk about the condition of your scalp. The surgeon will check your scalp and hair. If you are a patient with genetic hair loss, the surgeon will treat your scalp with the help of hair transplant surgery. 
The two techniques of hair transplant surgery
Hair loss surgeons perform hair transplants with the help o two common techniques. These techniques are follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. 
In the first technique, the surgeon removes a strip of skin from the donor area and dissects healthy hair from the strip. These hairs are transplanted into the bald area. 
In follicular unit extraction, the surgeon does not remove a strip of skin but removes hair follicular units directly from the donor area. 
You need a capable surgeon
To have proper results after the best hair transplant in Indore, you need to find a skilled and experienced surgeon. It is better if your surgeon has a specialized degree in cosmetic treatments or a hair transplant. 
Your doctor must have artistic skills along with technical skills to successfully perform the treatment. Moreover, he must be ready to learn new things that take place in the field of hair restoration. 
Are you a good candidate for surgery?
You will get confirmed success after the surgery if you are a good candidate. To be a good candidate for surgery, you must have good health conditions. If you are facing any chronic disease, you need to talk to your surgeon about the disease and medications. 
You should visit the clinic with realistic expectations. Moreover, you should be ready for the fact that you would not have instant results after the surgery. Hair growth after the surgery will take place for several months. You must follow the instructions provided by the clinic during this period. 
To know more about hair transplant surgery, you should visit Marmm Klinik. Marmm Klinik is the best center for hair loss treatment at a reasonable hair transplant cost in Indore. Make a call or directly visit the clinic.
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