hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine Amagiri holding your hand a little too gently, afraid of accidentally hurting you.
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine sharing sweets with Iba via a kiss. Eventually, it becomes a game for you both to guess the name of the sweet based off the flavors found on his and your lips every time you kiss.
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine clasping hands with Kazama in a meadow’s clearing, huddled up togeher and facing the blanket of stars held above your heads. You both decide to count the distant flecks of silver. His face inches closer to your ears while you count ever higher, his lips almost nibbling on your earlobe as he whispers:
“We’ll have enough time together in our lives to count them all. I promise you.”
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine clasping hands with Kazama in a meadow’s clearing, huddled up togeher and facing the blanket of stars held above your heads. You both decide to count the distant flecks of silver. His face inches closer to your ears while you count ever higher, his lips almost nibbling on your earlobe as he whispers:
“We’ll have enough time together in our lives to count them all. I promise you.”
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine having your back washed by Harada, his fingers tracing over all of the sensitive spots that he can reach (at your bequest). You can feel the warmth of his breath tickling the base of your neck, his practiced hands sending sparks up your spine.
You sink down into the water to hide your blush but instead end up deeper in his arms.
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Hi!! I love your blog sm, I was wondering if you do nsfw requests?
Yes, I do. And thank you very much for your support!
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine the sea breeze whistling through Ryouma’s hair, his laughter echoing off the high seas as he stands at the bow of the ship.
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine delivering a lunch to Otori when you catch a glimpse of him trying on his western clothes for the first time, making you blush very darkly.
He’s not wearing his suit jacket yet, just a partially buttoned, untucked collared shirt and a loose tie. He also hasn’t cut his hair- it’s long, resting disheveled on his shoulders. Among other things, Otori has but a single glove on (which he and a belt to hold up his tight fitting pants. He’s slightly embarrassed that he doesn’t quite know how to wear these new Western garments, but that’s how he greets you when you drop by.
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Oh my gosh, thank you for drawing one of my imagines! I’m glad they could provide you with ideas!
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Take my hand; Take my whole life too
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine Shiranui teaching a dog to play dead whenever he fingerguns at it and having way too much fun with it.
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine falling asleep in the same room as Saito while he’s working and waking up with his scarf draped over you.
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Hi Chi! Thanks for running this blog! Can I request some confession scenes or HCs for Nomura, Motoyama, Takeda, and Miki Saburo? :'D
Thank you for the request and I apologize for the long wait. It’s a long post, so I’ve put it underneath the cut.
He doesn’t really want to admit it himself, especially not first. A few weeks prior to the confession, he asks the men of his unit for advice on how to get a woman to confess first. He jots down all of the advice he believes to be somewhat useful on a scrap of paper and drills himself.
Some of the other captains have pointed out how spacey he’s been the past couple of days, Takeda vehemently denying the allegations. In actuality, he’s been daydreaming about how the conversation would go but would never dare to admit it.
Finally, he manages to catch you one evening and strikes up a, err- interrogation conversation with you. Takeda attempts to word his questions and statements in a manner that would to get you confess first (if literally at all possible).
He’s trying very hard and frankly, it’s a little painful to watch. On the other hand, the hurt glare he shoots the scrap of paper hidden in his sleeve from time to time is kind of cute, so you decide to keep quiet and let him flounder some more.
Eventually, when he realizes that his point isn’t getting across and that he spent the better part of an hour talking in circle, his frustration gets the better of him. The attention of everyone nearby locks on to him the moment he snaps, Takeda practically shouting his confession of love to your face.
When he realizes that: the two of you weren’t the only ones in the area, the fact that he literally shouted “YOU THICK FOOL, I LOVE YOU!” to your face, and that the other captains were watching, his face turns dark red with embarrassment. He freezes up for a solid few seconds before silently leaving the scene to save face.
He then locks himself in his room for a week, turning away all visitors and sulking. However, during this time, he follows up by (hesitantly) writing you an apology letter and a calmer confession.
You found the note in front of your room one morning and read its contents then and there. To your surprise, the letter was more genuine and gentler than you thought possible, considering its author, even causing your cheeks to redden.
He’s thought about this scernario over and over again, finally mustering up enough courage to finally ask you out. All he needs now is to find a good opportunity.
Motoyama decides to ask Iba for advice on how to make this go smoothly because he really doesn’t want to mess up his chances with you.
As a result, Iba sends him out with a small shopping list (flowers, sweets, and some sort of gift that Motoyama feels would suit you), that were to be given to you whenever Motoyama did confess.
Much to his suprise, you run into him when he first begins to shop. After a brief conversation, you ask to tag along on his shopping trip. He tries to turn you away at first but was quickly overwhelmed by the strength of your puppy eyes.
The two of you have a great time while you’re out: chatting, telling jokes, and haggling with merchants for this and that. You and Motoyama even share the occasional sweet treat (following Iba’s recommendations).
He leaves momentarily to purchase the flowers and notices you longingly staring at a nice accessory when he returns. He cheerfully walks over to the merchant (now standing beside you), asking them if you’d be able to try the accessory on first.
He helps you put it on the best that he can. When it’s in place, he takes a step back.
Motoyama is genuinely speechless. He never expected that such a small adornment could suit you so well. He can’t seem to look away.
“You’re beautiful.” He says, without even realizing it. When he’s able to process what he just said, his cheeks turn a visible, gentle pink.
At this point, he figures that he can’t take back what he said, so he decides to confess to you then and there.
With a practiced and suddenly nervous hand, he hands you the bundle of fresh flower he’d just bought and asks you to spend the rest of the day with him.
He walks you walk home late that night, holding hands. When you arrive at your home, he sees you off with a kiss to your cheek. He keeps waving at you until he sees you disappear inside.
The first move Miki makes is when he tries to book a whole day in your schedule, just for you and him. He claims that he wants your full attention because he’s planning on making an important announcement that concerns you later that evening.
While finding fabric to fix a tear in his own outfit, Miki then decides to buy the necessary fabrics to make himself a brand new formal outfit (just for this date) and even makes a matching one for you too (I headcanon that he stress sews).
Although his public conduct hasn’t changed very much since he’s begun planning this, he is an anxious wreck in private.
In fact, he’s consulted Itou day and night, everyday for three weeks, worrying about how to phrase his feelings. Itou, as usual, said nothing helpful.
Finally, the day comes and Miki is practically sweating bullets. With your permission, he drops by your house to pick you up and walks you to the restaurant that he booked a table at.
He’s a little taken aback to see that you actually decided to wear the outfit he made you, internally very pleased with how it looks on you.
He’s very dashing in his new outfit, the folds and cuts of the fabric matching his figure. The style of it all also suited him to a T. You can’t bring youself to tell him though.
It’s a place well known in the area, specializing in your favorite food item. He tells to to order as much and whatever you desire, just wanting to treat you to a lovely dinner with Itou’s wallet.
During the dinner, he’s trying to play it cool but he steals glances at you (in the outfit he made) and blushes really darkly.
He hasn’t brought up the topic of your outfit just yet, which disappoints you a little bit, but you’re able to tell what he think through the intensity of his blush (that he tries really hard to hide).
After your lovely time at dinner, he then escorts you to a local and famous date spot for couples.
Miki attempts to set the mood for his so called “Big Announcement” by telling a story about the date spot.
However, he fumbles about two sentences into his story and accidentally slips right into his confession.
He vividly remembers that day and would rather die than talk about it. You, however, will never let him live it down.
Everyone except for you can tell that Nomura has a big crush on you.
You like him too, but can’t quite tell if he likes you back. Everyone can see that also and it drives those around you both insane (because neither of you will confess when it’s easy to see that you both like each other).
Seriously. It’s obvious given how he blushes whenever he’s around you. Not only that, but he always tries extra hard to make you laugh and smile, because he genuinely loves it when you your smile. Your laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world to him.
He even sticks around to help you with chores and tasks you could easily do on your own, helping whenever you give him permission to. He just really wants to help you out.
After copious amounts of “gentle coersion” from the other guys, Nomura finally gets the courage to ask you on a date. Rather, to quote him, “Do you think we could go on a- a… da- day out tomorrow?”
Regardless, you accept, feeling kind of nervous and excited about what this could mean because you suspect he actually meant to say date (which he did).
He does his absolute best in utilizing his master tier page skills to organize a day of fun for you both, asking Kondo and Hijikata for permission to take the day off.
He overworks himself in both work and his efforts in asking the locals about what activities could you two could do on your date.
When the day finally arrives and he sees you all dressed up for the date, he blushes so bad. He hides his face with his hands and all of his fatigue seems to just melt away.
Seeing this, you assume he’s sick, reaching out and feel his forehead. It’s burning up! He takes a step back and denies that he is sick, attempting to go forth with the original date he had planned.
Still concerned for his health, you press the issue and he pushes back.
Nomura eventually caves in, confessing with a shy stammer that the reason why his whole face was warm was because of the fact that he likes you and thinks that you look like a dream.
Your face flushes embarrassed immediately and you hide your face in your hands. When you slowly peek out from behind him, you notice how deflated he looks, hurt and dejected at your apparent refusal to he him out.
You quickly lower your hands from your face, your profuse blushing providing some comfort to him. Your hands are quivering and you can’t seem to help it.
Nomura gives his confession another, more coherent try. He was planning on confessing later on in the day, but its too late for that now. He gently closes his hands around both of yours, hoping to ease their shakiness.
His hands feel feverish against yours and you realize just how anxious he is. You give him your undivided attention while he speaks to you.
By the time he finishes, his expression has melted into something very soft and sweet. You haven’t said anything yet and that is making him very nervous. Although… Actions speak louder than words, right?
You lean forward and kiss him chastely on the lips, giving him the biggest, sweetest grin you can. (How’s that for an acceptance, buddy?)
He absolutely dotes on you for the rest of your date, but is still partially in shock at what the heck just happened today. His head’s even higher up in the clouds now and he isn’t coming down any time soon.
Kondo gets five ryō from Hijikata because he bet on Nomura successfully confessing to you. Hijikata is mildly displeased but is happy for you both.
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine modern!AU Shinsengumi working at the Macho Bar in Kyoto
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hakuimagines · 6 years
imagine if everyone lived u_u
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Hey there!
Could you guys please help get this brand new Hakuouki imagines blog off the ground by sending in some prompts or requests that you’d like to see done?
Thanks for your time and support!
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine finding a crumpled letter outside of your door. When you open it up, you find elegant-turned-messy handwriting— scratched through time and time again— scrawled across the length of the page. The whole document had been a love letter from Sannan that was never delivered.
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hakuimagines · 6 years
Imagine reading a paper to Hijikata, only for him to fall asleep just from the soothing lull of your voice.
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