#haku headcanons
animeomegas · 2 months
There’s a tik tok trend where people refer to their partner as their spouse (when they’re in the bf gf stage) to see their reaction and I think this would just be too cute with the Naruto boys monarch😫😩 the alpha referring to the omegas as their husband to other ppl even when they’re dating 😫
Awww, so cute! I think they'd all have funny reactions haha. Here are my thoughts, Queen <3
If you referred to them as your husband before marriage:
Where's my ring? Where's my ring? Give me my ring then. Give it! Let's get married now, why wait, let's go: Naruto, Shikamaru, Lee, (non-massacre) Itachi
*Existential crisis*: Sasuke, Kankuro, Kakashi
Is this a hint?? Am I supposed to propose?? Did they mean to say it? Did they say it because it was easier? Panic, panic, panic: Shino, Yamato
Eh, you probably just wanted to say the more simple thing and move on. It helps people take your relationship more seriously, whatever: Kiba, Haku, Shisui (makes a flirty joke about it though)
Is a normal person, so he feels warm, maybe fantasises about what it'll be like when you do get married, but knows that it doesn't mean you have to get married right then and there: Chouji
Tingling nerves and anticipation. He WILL take this as meaning you're going to propose soon. If you don't propose within 3 months of saying this, he will be SAD: Neji
Assumes you said it by mistake. Corrects you: Gaara, Sai
WHAT?! Husband... ah, sdjfdjfhgdjfgsdfhg: Iruka, also Lee
Don't call him that: (canon) Itachi
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mytokyodebunker · 1 month
Asking The Ghouls To Do Your Hair
Jin Kamurai
Jin… Doesn't know. Probably hands it off to Tohma- I'm just joking…UNLESS-. He's actually pretty caring of others so he might learn one or two different braids but that's it. He seems like he's probably good at putting your hair in a clip or a bun but nothing else.
Tohma Ishibashi
Tohma…..He would be good at it probably. If not, then surprise!!! He is now. He's used to taking care of Jin anyways, adding hairstyles or braiding to that list wouldn't be that bad.
Kaito Fuji
Kaito would absolutely love to do it but he would probably be bad at it. He's SCREAMING at the fact that he's touching your hair with your permission, extremely happy the entire time. Might be confused during the process but he's not complaining at all.
Lucas 'Luca' Errant
He doesn’t know but won't give up until he knows every hairstyle humanly possible. Every time he asks you with earnest eyes to let him practice again, and every hairstyle is more elaborate than the last. The process is always long and painful on your scalp, but the end result never disappoints!
Alan Mido
Our young grandpa himbo. We all know he wouldn't know how and he would rather not accidentally hurt you in any way, even if you flinch at the slightest tug, he'll stop immediately.
Leo Kurosagi
Leo knows different hair styles, but doesn't know how to execute it. He knows what's trending and what looks good on a person. Little bastard wouldn't give the advice until you mess up though.
Shohei 'Sho' Haizono
He wouldn't know until he get comfortable with your hair and he'll pick up on it after awhile. The type to learn quickly. Alternatively, he does Leo's hair when Leo makes him do it, and he always does a good job. Very gentle.
He also strikes me as Leo's unwilling makeup artist and lighting/photoshoot assistant so you know that he has some sort of experience.
Haru Sagara
He's the best person to ask if you want someone to brush your hair nicely (and quickly), since he's the one who grooms all the animals at Jabberwock. Can't do much else to your hair - maybe add a bow? Would still somehow injure himself in the process though.
Towa Otonashi
Surprisingly good at hair. Would probably also put flowers in it too while he's doing it. Sunny sunny day the entire time....may or may not eat the flowers while it's in your hair. He knows One (1) style and proceeds to make everyone he can get his hands on look like a fairy princess. There's no choice.
Ren Shiranami
Doesn't know. Doesn't WANT to know. Frankly, he is offended you asked him. He hasn't touched a comb in ages, his hair is short enough and it'll get messed up again anyway.
If anything, you would be combing his hair. But be warned, he will loudly complain whenever you get the comb caught on a tangle.
Taiga Hoshibami
Taiga….Nope. He will pull and tug on your hair. Forget anything about braiding or any hair styles, he'll fuck up your hair worse than you ever could. Taiga would rip your hair out or else cut the tangles out with scissors if you ever asked.
Romeo Lucci
He had strong opinions about your hair (and the rest of your look) from the start, so if you let him he'll give you a full makeover.
he'll know what your face shape needs and wash & style your hair nicely, then complain that your skin is crap and give you a facial and apply your makeup, then put you in a better outfit so that your shitty clothes don't ruin his hard work. Then make you work the casino floor because his services don't come for free and no he won't pay you. Do you have any idea how much the perfume you're wearing costs?
Ritsu Shinjo
Doesn't know. Could learn. Will he though? Probably not, it's nothing he needs to be a lawyer. If you insist, then he proceeds to over-gel your hair while you die inside. Later, he'll genuinely ask why you haven't asked him a second time.
Subaru Kagami
Subaru would say he doesn’t know anything about hair but if you insist then maybe he'll just brush it out for you, but secretly he probably knows all of the theatre hairstyles for kabuki. He prefers leaving your hair loose though.
Haku Kusanagi
He can, and is ridiculously smooth at it too. No head pain, can tell if you've got a sensitive scalp, knows all of the staple styles - ponytail, bun, braid. It's strangely therapeutic to get your hair done by him, like spending time with a big sibling.
Zenji Kotodama
Zenji would make some rendition of maiko and geisha hairstyles but with his own spin on it, but it will take hours and your scalp will be screaming at you and he won't shut up all through the process. He would spout off poetry while at it. Might sing too. If you don't like his voice, too bad he's doing it every time he does your hair if he gets the chance.
Yuri Isami
He insists that he, a genius doctor, is adept at everything that requires dexterity, but he refuses to spend his incredibly precious time braiding your hair. Suggest he's not actually that good, and he'll change tune. He'll sit you down and plait your hair with perfect surgical precision (ha), then demand endless praise and fawning.
Jiro Kirisaki
Doesn’t know. Probably hasn't used a comb before. He could learn, but that's so much effort. Thinks it'd be easier for both of you if you just cut it all off.
Rui Mizuki
Rui won't touch your hair, because he's worried about his curse, but he'd notice right away when you change your hair. He'll happily compliment it, and might suggest hairstyles he'd love to see you wear in the future.
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hakucho-art · 8 months
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The Kaneki family <3
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letssugame · 9 days
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So some headcannon about the boys reacting to PC / MC only one month left until the date of the curse, under the cut.
Kaito Fuji
A crying mess.
He would avoid MC for at least a weak.
"I'm too useless, I can't even go on missions to try to help them!"
Luca would try to talk to him, but will be to triggered and would get angry at him.
Romeo would make him come to his senses, unexpectedly.
Romeo: So You want to remember MC like a dead body in their funeral? I don't think that would be pretty.
Of course no! He wants to be MC's knight in a shinning armor. But he can't save them.
He would not avoid MC anymore but he would act like a sad, clingy puppy with them.
He'll probably end up going into debt (again) with Romeo if it helps find a solution for MC.
Haku Kusanagi
Boy with a lot of internal anxiety.
He would shorten his hours of sleep trying to look for solutions or cases that could lead to a solution for MC's curse.
In front of MC, he would act like nothing happend.
Probably would ask if MC need to talk about it.
He would listen, he would feel like trash, but he would comfort the MC.
Probably he would start to smoking again.
MC: You smoke Haru?
Haku: Oh- mn yeah... sometimes...
The lines between life and death we're always blurred for him.
But he doesn't want to imagine MC becoming a ghost.
Ritsu Shinjo
He would talk to MC about getting everything ready legally just in case if they were to die.
He would sit with MC in the cafe to write MC's last will.
Ren would go full "what the fuck are You doing?"
"writting MC's last will, obviusly"
"they're dying... Maybe You can read the room for once???"
"yeah for that i-"
He would notice the look of absolute panic on MC's face as she read the paper in front of them.
He would change his priority to first MC's curse and second the Laurel Crown.
He doesn't want to find another partner.
And probably Darkwick wouldn't celebrate the Gala if someone like MC died.
He would listen to MC's voice record more often that he does.
Specially the ones when MC talks about their curse.
He would try to talk to Taiga because he was there.
Probably wouldn't get anything new from Taiga.
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Thank you for your service smol o7 this game has been on my thoughts 24/7 lol so it’s nice to see someone writing for it!!
I was hoping I could request some jealousy headcanons about the ghouls being pouty MC is hanging out with others so much because of their missions with other houses. In particular I was hoping for my boy Haku (I know we don’t have a main chapter for him yet but he did have those two chunks of screen time—if he’s too difficult because of not enough info don’t worry about it then!); as well as maybe Jin, Luca and whoever else you’d like!
Thanks again~
Just like another ask i got, I'm gonna write Haku based on the vibe I got from him. This could be proven entirely inaccurate in the later game and I am okay with that lol. I'm gonna round it to an even four characters. All these will be before any relationship actually happens. Like there's a crush there but no one has said anything yet.
And thank YOU for sending in a request and enjoying!
Be aware! These will contain minor spoilers for episode 3!
I feel like silver spoon Jin has no experience with certain types of jealousy. Materialistic jealousy? Doesn't know her. But when he heard how close MC had been getting with some of those Vagastrom thugs? Oh it made his blood boil.
At first I'm sure he thought it was because on of his orders was being defied. But that feeling only got stronger when MC was finished with Vagastrom and moved onto Jabberwok.
Good luck to Tohma because mans here does not know what to do about these emotions. This is one of those problems that can't be fixed with money and he is NOT happy about it. He goes back to brooding in his room for a while to think things through.
He will not tolerate any disrespect from any theories that the Frostheim gossip elite have. But when he noticed the like dove flying in the direction of MC'S dorm, things suddenly started to click in his head.
Our boy here is another one who isn't necessarily familiar with jealousy. Its for similar reasons of, he comes from a well off family, but different in the way he was raised and things he's been through as a little kid.
He's glad to see MC making more friends and making possible progress on breaking their curse, at first. When they get to Jabberwok however, he hears from Kaito that their vice captain Towa is a bit of (how Kaito put it), "a fucking weirdo", which gives him some pause.
When Kaito came running up to Luca showing him a WickChat post about MC having a possible boyfriend (its false, its just Towa being affectionate and someone saw). He feels his heart sink a little bit
He made a mental note to text MC later to ask about it and get all the information he could about their relationship and about the Jabberwock students. He promised to protect MC not matter what. Hopefully they could explain the strange twist in his chest while they talked too.
He doesn't really get jealous. Period.
I think he's the kind of guy to know how strong he is, he knows his reputation. He's tech hopeless, not a moron. So just being around him can scare off people from getting too close to MC while he's around.
He himself overheard about MC having a possible boyfriend (same post from Luca's) from Leo telling Sho. He didn't pay any real mind to it until he heard Leo mention how affectionate they were.
That's the one thing he gets jealous about. He's a bit more aware of his feelings than people might think, so he knows he has a crush on MC. He just hasn't had the time to tell them that.
The rumor takes some wind out of Alan's sails for sure. He's more likely to believe that MC would pick someone else over him since I think he'd be more hesitant on something like physical affection.
He knows his strength and he knows MC'S ability, he would be too afraid that he'd lose control and do something else he might regret, so out of everyone on this list. I think Alan would be the one to take longer to confess because of jealousy and his insecurities.
I don't remember if it's explicitly said anywhere (my memory sucks butt I'm sorry) but he gives older sibling energy with how he cleaned up after Taiga in the prologue. So I KNOW he's been worried about MC since they last saw eachother.
He was at least somewhat relieved when he found them hanging out with the Frostheim second years, but there was a pang in his he couldn't quite place. He chalked it up to just being a worrywart and left it alone.
But when he heard that MC had gone missing in episode 3, he was READY to jump in to go help the search and rescue team. His heart was racing and he was suddenly confronted with feelings that were coming out of left field (no they weren't)
When MC returns back safely, Haku has half a mind to go fight with the professor Hyde about sending the very human honor student on such dangerous missions. He keeps a much closer eye on them from now on and with his status as an heir to (what i assume) is a beloved shrine, he tries to request that MC be sent to work with Hotarubi next.
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lyomeii · 2 years
ghibli boys soft headcanons
╰┈➤ with appearances of haku, howl pendragon, seiji awasawa and ashitaka
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-> don’t admit it but loves to watch you doing your duties from afar, seeing you doing your best with the orders along the other girls make him feel happy and proud
-> he knows that you can take of yourself if he is not around ( which don’t happen often ) and loves to see how you act embarrassed and your face goes red when you catch him watching you, a small smile rise in his face
-> when you are off of your duties, he takes you to walk around the gardens and the food tents, haku don’t need to eat but enjoy to watch you enjoy the food, how you cheeks full is a such adorable view, making sure no one try to touch you or take you away
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-> i can see ashitaka is a man who enjoy spend time with you no matter what activities you are both doing, maybe is working, walking close to the forest, the only things that’s matter if have you on sight, knowing that you are safe makes him feel comfortable
-> also, teaching you how to use his weapons, as his bow, when he puts his hands over yours and notice how focus you are in order to shot the arrow to the target, a little blush appears in his cheeks and become more evident when you shoot the arrow and look to his face
-> the little injuries in your body show to the world two things, one! you are training with ashitaka often without giving up and two! you are spending time with your beloved one
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-> you hugging him as he rides the bicycle around the town, the destination doesn’t matter, as long he can feel you hold him and your face resting in his shoulder, seiji would take you anywhere you want if he receive a kiss as a payment
->he loves seeing you speaking about the future, you imagine both of you living somewhere, with him following his dreams along your, he can’t wait for this to happen
-> but for now, he will kept imagining this while you both are young, but deep down in his heart, seiji knows that he need to find another way to make you his, maybe a ring!
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-> showing his magic tricks to you, after all, not only he likes to impress you but loves to see your reactions, how your lips curves to a gentle smile and your cheeks goes red when you receive a kiss from howl
-> when he is around the castle, he loves to learn how to cook, maybe is just because he wants to prove your foods before being ready, or just to put his hands on you hips and rest his head on your shoulder
-> and when he is not around, he makes sure you wear a jewelry, maybe a necklace, earring, don’t matter, just to keep an eye on you even though he knows you aren’t never leave him
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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shrkichigo · 5 months
I lost my other first iruka edit so I remade it :3
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Also ebisu is underrated
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I hate zabuza and haku
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jongyjongy · 1 year
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˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
ᴘ1ʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ - ɪɴꜱᴇᴄᴜʀᴇ ( ᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ ꜱᴡɪᴍꜱᴜɪᴛ ) | gn !
ᴋᴇᴇʜᴏ -
• would definitely butter you up and tell you how good you look.
• if you two are sat at the lounge chairs he'll make circles around your stomach while you to talk.
• plays with the him of your straps ( bottoms? ) slightly, asking if you need it to be adjusted.
ᴛᴀᴇʏᴀɴɢ -
• you won't feel left out, because he feels the same about his swimsuit.
• once you explain that you feel uncomfortable, he'll offer you a towel if needed.
• "do you need this?"
• "we can buy a different one if you want?"
ᴊɪᴜɴɢ -
• he'd be shocked that you're insecure.
• he'd fight against your words, explaining how amazing you look in it.
• gives you a towel just in case you need it, he understands.
ɪɴᴛᴀᴋ -
• before you even told him your feelings towards the swimsuit, he'd already have his eyes on it.
• once you tell him, he'll try to gaslight you.
• "no you love it."
• "hey, not a big deal for me."
• "what? You said you wanna keep it on?"
ꜱʜᴏᴛᴀ -
• he'd be confused.
• wouldn't understand what you mean by, 'insecure'.
• tells you that you can buy a shirt if you need it, you clearly ain't getting his ( ouch )
ᴊᴏɴɢꜱᴇᴏʙ -
• would kinda panic
• scared that the swimsuit he picked for you was too much and he made you feel weird.
• gives you his shirt, telling you that he won't be picking your clothes anymore.
• more worried than you are at this point.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺
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canonsinthehead · 10 months
A Naruto Headcanon - The Culinary History of the Ninja World.
i'm back and not so bare with me. this headcanons is related to a story telling how chouji and karui's marriage went down. ill post it eventually.
Konohagakure (Country of Fire) Konohagakure aka the land of the free. Many things make up the uniqueness of the cuisine of the country of fire. First, they are the king of importation, so their diet is really diverse and touched all sectors evenly. They grow all kind of vegetables to meet the need of its residents. While there are not has much native plants from the area in their current diet contrary to other villages like Suna and Kiri.
Konoha being built on a vast forest, their main fruit consumption comes from small fruit trees and fruit trees like apples, pears, and pomegranate. Anything that grows on a tree is often easily available since it takes its roots in Konoha’s founder Hashirama Senju.
The country are the main producer and consumer of eggs and meat especially pork (which they export all over the ninja world) this where you get the whole BBQ concept and omelets. Another downfall of the cuisine from Konoha is the heavy presence of processed goods in everyday cooking preparation. The current culture is far more removed from its traditional cooking methods. Referred to as the Senju Diet is almost getting lost and seen has a flower from the past. Many (often older individuals) resist the hard change that came trough time and tries to uphold the consumption of the way ninjas ate in the past.
Lotus Root is a staple of the Senju Diet
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Even Naruto can testify to this and noticed how it hard for him maintain the same diet as when he was a child (aside eating ramen), the way fast foods chains have almost came out of nowhere and took over the market deeply concerns him (especially how its taking hold of this younger generation). The deliberate effort towards modernization and proving the country is the first in everything, can reach everything, can eat everything, can win against anyone basically walking like they are the goat of the ninja world has affected negatively old traditions in subtle ways and in other more obvious ways. Like how the Konoha can keep escape the threat of famine by stealing other nations resources.
At the same time, the combination of different culinary practice gave birth to various more dishes with various diverse ingredients and interesting like Takoyaki, okonomiyaki & dango
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Like mentioned before, industrialization gave birth to many processed who are a staple in those dishes. products who are often only found in the country of fire like fish cakes & narutomaki. The land of fire is the soup & noodles master, it’s like their national food for being convenient and versatile with they make the infamous ramen but other dishes like stir-frys Yes, it a generous filling cuisine to overflow your stomach
Classic/Staple Konoha Meal=Shoyu Miso/Pork Ramen with Narutomaki, Apple Salad, Dango, Sushi, Takoyaki, pickled radish, Beef BBQ
Sunagakure (Country of Wind) The cuisine from Suna is unique. Not only emerging from a desertic land, but it was also able to survive the test of time and stay true to its original roots. Based on the high temperatures and sandy soil of the land of wind, the residents have access to interesting crops who cannot be found elsewhere in the ninja world. Suna is the homeland of dates, they are the main intake of sugar in its diet. They are used in countless recipes like sweet & pastries. they are used to sweetened teas since tea drinking is a big thing. Offering tea is a tradition when receiving guests and tea was used by nomads who made long trip in the desert in order to stay hydrated.
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In Sunagakure, they go hard on sweets. Especially dates since the are the only producer of them. They have countless of pastries, candies and date-bases recipes because it was once use as a method of survival in the long windy season in the desert or to have the sugar necessary to be transformed in a energy source to endure long trip in the desert. They are a national pride since most nuts in the ninja world grows in the country of wind; almonds, pistachios, walnuts, etc. they also showcase delicate and unique culinary practices when it comes to pastries who set Suna apart from other nations. It is the only place to find citrus, olive & argan trees used to make oils mostly made for exportation & their lucrative citrus production industry.
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Their eating style is different since it is not uncommon to eat with your hands. For a long time, families were large so the habit of having a large plate to share with many emerge from that condition
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Due to frequent drought, the country of wind has specialized themselves in the production of survival crops like grains like millet, sorghum & wheat who are also a staple in the cuisine of Suna. they most of the time milled to make flour to produce various types of bread crepe and flat breads (also see as more convenient since they don’t require yeast to be cooked). Alongside that, the consumption of legumes like lentils and different kinds of beans is the main source of protein and prized as all around superfood. They are cooked in paste and stew often eaten with bread.
Staple/Classic Suna Meal=Large plate of various pastes/creamy sauces made of beans & lentils, grilled eggplant, hummus, flat bread, millet crepe, spinach, citrus tea,
Kirigakure (Country of Water) The main meal is Kiri is grilled fish.
Unfortunately, Kirigakure has the reputation of eating ANYTHING that swims, crawls, run or fly in the ocean. First and firmly base on their location and how the practice of fishing is part of so many residents lives.
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Also, it comes from the lack of access to goods from importation of other nations. For very long time, Kiri and the surrounded regions were left on their own when a bad harvest happened, or if the climate hindered the quantity of fish collected. In those cases, the villager learned to make anything of every single thing they found (in the ocean). Due to their different economical system (mostly based on exchange of goods), it took a long time for Kiri to join the market of importation and exportation. Now they are the main exporter of seafood of various types and fish (a staple in their diet). The land of fire became the main consumers of seafood above the country of water itself. The never-ending high demand for sea product (including fish) has opened the door for illegal activity to create non-approved fish farms and illegal fishing. The country of wind is guilty, while having no access to water yet desiring sea products (which is recent because they try to follow after the country of fire and the whole globalization narrative).The Country of Fire being the biggest culprit due to their insatiable desire to reach all and taste all (even without permission).
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Their known cultural theft has implication in the problem since a traditional dish named サメの目 (Same no Me written Samenome meaning Shark Eyes) which consist of thin layers of fish rolled and stuffed with black wild rice and bitter herbs (it is name like this since it resemble the pupils of sharks) was ‘’discovered’’ by ninja scientist from Konohagakure during early invasion of the country of water by various bigger nations for natural resources in this case being clay who was abundant along any body of water (used to make pots and tolls before the emergence of various metals) also to take control and harvest the almost infinite amount of fresh water. The devastation of natural habitat and the disruption of the ecosystem cause a destruction that couldn’t be healed instead it changed the nature of the environment. Since then, most bodies of water in the land of water turned into seawater, the once flourishing pastures of green leafy galore died and the remaining surviving plants gave birth to what we know today as bitter herbs (ex: dandelion, wormwood, chamomille, peppermint, etc) and they are a staeple in the cuisine of Kiri, for some their main intake of green plants. They are also valued for their medicinal values (you know them plants Haku was collecting in the woods)
Learn more about bitter herbs here: https://dirthappy.com/bitter-herbs/
(Going back to what we were talking about)The discovery of Samenome was then taken back to the country of fire and after being merged and modified with the local crops and different culinary practices became what we know today as sushi; the captain of Konoha’s cuisine along side with Ramen. The seaweed paper also originally comes from Kiri, they were not used as food but fertilizers for growing crops. The practice of harvesting seaweed became popular in the southern part of the country of fire after the nori seaweed was discovered in its waters. Meanwhile they still import wakame from the country of water since it’s a staple for various soups and side dishes.
In The Country of Water, they consumed more the wild varieties of different crops like wild black rice, quinoa & amaranth as a main source of carbs.
In Kiri, they seasoned everything with pepper, everything; rice, bitter herbs, fish & seafood, grains. Some regions of the country of water house the spiciest pepper you can find in the warm months of the summer and the most frost resistant cabbages during the cold months. Now, they import a lot of pepper product from The country of lightning during the most of the year. Most of the seasoning is onion-based but the access to salt from the waters allowed the spectrum of seasoning to widen but also utilize is in order to ferment or pickle foods for the winter making pickled goods a staple in the cuisine of Kiri even for pickled fish.
Staple/Classic Kiri meal= Grilled fish, Samenome, spicy pickled cabbage, amaranth crepe of fritters, bitter herbs, pepper sauce
Kumogakure (Country of Lightning) The cuisine of Kumogakure is different than typical meals you would find in other nations. Like Suna the uniqueness reveals itself in their cuisine since its most popular dishes are made of ingredients that can only be found in the country of lightning. Cuisine of Kumogakure follows various principals making their reputation.
Beef is a luxury food. Due to its location, residents of the country of lightning were consuming other animals like sheep and goat who are abundant in rocky areas. The first wild buffalos were in fact imported from neighbor countries and are domesticated for food in small quantities because most green pasture (outside of main cities) are already occupied by sheeps. Many attempts were made to grow the bovine population but failed due to competition for food and access to grass.
Meat is more regarded as side dishes since their protein source mostly come from green vegetable and beans. Like in Suna, where legumes are praised for their high nutritional value but in the country of wind they eat lentils & chickpeas, meanwhile in Kumo they are eating kidney beans, black eyes peas and their infamous black beans. Each nation has a particular legume/bean/pulse they cherish in their cuisine. The Country of fire is house to all types of sprouts like of mung bean and edamame/soy beans. Interestingly, the practice of making tofu comes from Amegakure and has spread to neighboring nations. In Kiri, they eat beans in their original form, simple steamed and sometimes raw so they prefer yardlong beans and peas of different kinds.
· The land of lightning is famous for their abundance of herbs & spice. Hence why they weren’t as enthusiast to rush into meat consumption since they can make many vegetables taste amazing by seasoning it right. Plants like ginger, turmeric, various varieties of peppers, allspice, paprika, star anise & parsley are native to the area. the exception is garlic since it can be found abundantly across the ninja world.
· The cuisine of Kumo could be defined as quick and simple. Hence why they are numerous meals in bites sizes like fried dough (a popular street food), samoussa, meat/bean patties, dried sweet potatoes chips (chouji’s favorite). Unfortunately, frying/pan-frying is a prominent method of cooking so to balance the diet the preparation of vegetables filled stews and soups comes in the picture and they don’t eat foods like white rice. First, because it does not grow in the region at all, instead it’s the rare place where eating brown rice is thing and meals like fermented pureed yam are often use as a substitute for rice along many sauces and stews (after white rice became popular across the ninja world.). In Suna, they sticked to basmati rice and Kiri to black rice but white rice & sweet rice (hybridized in the country of fire) has always been one of the first food to be distributed is smaller nations in food crisis and for daily consumption because of how easily it is to massively produce and for their poorer nutritional value.
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(ex: meat/beans patties, sweet potatoes chips, deep fried dough (bottom pic above) called ふわふわ/Fuwa Fuwa meaning Fluffy since the yeast used to make them creates a treat light and airy/fluffy like clouds & samoussa)
· SAUCE, SAUCE, SAUCE. Again, we said people from the Cloud love when it’s simple (hence why many dishes from Konoha like Takoyaki seems like an equation of calculus to them but those who could taste it enjoyed it actually). Its ‘’we dump all in the pot and let it cook’’ cooking style. If your meal doesn’t have a sauce of any kind, its not from Kumo. Many of them contained some form of peanut butter (a national pride food). The country of lightning is the biggest producer of peanuts and use it in various dishes
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(exemples: peanut soup, fermented cassava pulp, cassava leave sauce, callaloo/amaranth soup, spinach peanut butter sauce )
· Did you know that Kumo’s peanut brittle’s distant cousin is the Nougat from Suna? It’s the Raikage’s favorite snack. Like the menu of the wedding feature the country most prized, popular, and fancy meals, most of them are the raikage’s favorites.
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(from left to right, Nougat (from Suna) & Peanut Brittle also called 稲妻バー/Inazuma bars meaning Lightning Bars) because when you prepare them it is tradition to punch the plate in the middle to break it into smaller portions, it looks like the food got hit by lightning.
Many exotic tropical grows outside of big cities like mangos, pineapples & papayas making fruit the main sugar intake in the Kumo diet.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid is a translunar transtidal digigender angechic lovegender trans angeladored asexual demigaybian biflux lesbian who uses any pronouns!
Bot is dating Kagamine Rin, a femmefluid nonbinary playfulcutie lesbian who uses she/her, they/them, fae/faer, and pop/pops pronouns!
Faer brother Kagamine Len is a bisexual veldiaflux MLM boyloser trans boy who uses he/him pronouns!
Megurine Luka is an aroace nonbinary agender outherine deityadored springoddess who uses it/its, they/them, and she/her pronouns!
MEIKO is an angled aroace woman who uses she/her pronouns!
KAITO is a gay agenderfluid genderjendere man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Kiyoteru and VY2!
Kasane Teto is a transmasculine chimeragender manixieamgirl bi gaybian who uses any pronouns!
Akita Neru is a damselpunk gendertsundere yellowdarling arospec bi lesbian who uses they/them, he/him, and she/her pronouns!
They're dating Haku Yowane, a genderyottadere depredemareboy depregender girlloser girlfreak girlfail alloaro aroflux aphrodite omni lesbian who uses she/her, it/its, and sometimes he/him and they/them pronouns!
GUMI is a femme ply aroace agender nerdgender transfeminine person who uses it/its, they/them, and sometimes he/him, she/her, vae/vaer, and xe/xem pronouns!
Kamui Gakupo is a GNC wargod princedream divinedream nonbinary biplatonic solian who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
v flower is a bigender transmascfem agender deathdeity deliriumdeity gendercute kuuderegender genderkuudere gaybian who uses all pronouns!
Uta Utane/Defoko from UTAU is a bigender boygirl transmascfem agender bigenderfluid eclipsian demixenic techgender aroaceflux velaurian lesbian who uses she/her, he/him, x/xs, and it/its pronouns!
Momo Momone is a cupiospec aromantic bellusromantic bi straight asexual transfeminine maidgender idolmaidic person who uses she/her and mae/mair pronouns!
Fukase is a chaosgender cannibalfreak who uses he/him pronouns!
IA is an aromantic spacegender universegender moondeity who uses they/them, she/her, and it/its pronouns!
Lily is a punkgirlish bi straight lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
MEIKA Hime is a nonbinary genderless cutegender sistergender plumgender genderspirit bi lesbian who uses they/them pronouns!
MEIKA Mikoto is a nonbinary genderless coolgender sistergender plumgender genderspirit bi turian who uses they/them pronouns!
Hiyama Kiyoteru is a gay twink scienteacher man who uses he/him pronouns!
Nekomura Iroha is an ay catgender catgirlgender mechangender bigender person who uses nya/nyas pronouns!
OLIVER is a menheragender angelboy who uses he/him pronouns!
Otomachi Una is a bisexual punkgirlish eelgender gummygender juxera person who uses nyeh/nyehs and she/her pronouns!
Nyeh is best friends with Rana, a genderless rainbowgender girl who uses it/its, they/them, she/her, and luv/luvs pronouns!
SF-A2 miki is a GNC MLM boy who uses she/her and he/him pronouns!
Utatane Piko is a femme digigender bi gay boy wh ouses he/him, bot/bots, it/its, and byte/bytes pronouns!
VY2/Roro is a punkboyish popunke popunkmasc pinkgender twinkgender homoflexible gay man who uses he/him pronouns!
VY1/Kobushi Kiku is an aromantic asexual transfeminine woman who uses she/her pronouns!
Anon is a futch bi lesbian who uses they/them and she/her pronouns!
Kanon is a femme omnisexual boy who uses he/him, they/them, and she/her pronouns!
Kaai Yuki is a trans boy who uses he/him and she/her pronouns!
Ryuto is a GNC girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Tone Rion is a bisexual bigender bungender maidgender idolgender transfeminine person who uses he/him and she/her pronouns!
CUL is a transvestic intersex demongender boy who uses any pronouns besides they/them!
Yuzuki Yukari is an abrosexual pangender moongender bungender person who uses all pronouns!
Aoki Lapis is a pansexual magicalgirlgender lapisgender fairycoric person who uses fae/faer and she/her pronouns!
galaco is a straight genderhimedere girlboy who uses she/her pronouns!
MAYU is a femme alterous princessgender gendergoth deadgender demiboy girl who uses she/her or any pronouns!
Merli is a fairycoric lesbian who uses they/them pronouns!
Macne Nana is an omnisexual bordergender person who uses she/her pronouns!
Yohioloid is a futch lesbian who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
Kokone is a bisexual lovecoric person who uses she/her pronouns!
Tohoku Zunko is a cassaroace mochigender bigender girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Chika is a chocogender drag queen who uses any pronouns with a preference for she/her!
Yumemi Nemu is a NEETgender gamergirlic sapphic bi lesbian who uses she/her and nya/nyas pronouns!
Masaoka Azuki is a bi lesbian who uses she/her or any pronouns!
She's dating Kobayashi Matcha, a deadgender lesbian who uses she/her or any pronouns!
dni link
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animeomegas · 4 months
Glad to see your wrist is doing better! ^^ a short and quick one; how do the Naruto boys handle trantrums?
Thank you! <3 Tantrums from their pup? Interesting idea! Let me see~
If their pup was having a tantrum about not getting a toy, or something similar
Naruto - He hates when his children cry, so he simply can't help but bribe them with things to stop.
"Hey. hey, hey, what if instead of the toy, tonight we can play some video games together, how does that sound, huh?"
Yamato - He basically begs them to stop crying, and when that doesn't work, he offers something that he can give them instead.
"How about I give you a piggy back ride while we shop, do you want that?"
Deferring/giving in:
Sasuke - Panic, panic, panic. If you're there, he defers to you. If you're not, he gives in immediately so that the tears stop.
Shikamaru - Crying gives him a headache, and he doesn't like having to deal with it when the reason is so bratty. Giving in is the fastest way to get it to stop.
"I will give you 500 ryo to spend on toys if you stop crying now."
Taking them aside and talking them down:
Chouji - He assumes that they're over-stimulated, so he takes them somewhere quiet and let's them cry it out in a hug. Once they're calm, he explains why they can't have the toy, before bringing the pup back into the shop.
"Shh, there's no need for this, calm down."
Gaara - He's a big 'take the pup for a walk' kind of parent. If they have a tantrum, Gaara will take his child by the hand, and walk outside with them. Once they've calmed down, he discusses why they got upset.
"You're okay, I promise."
Removing them from the situation and going home:
Shino - He doesn't not like public tantrums. At. All. If his child starts having a tantrum in public, he is picking them up and bringing them straight home. He can get a bit frustrated if they don't calm down, but once he's at home, he can deal with it better. He probably puts a TV show on for them and sits with them as they calm down.
"We are going home. Why? Because clearly you cannot control yourself today."
Itachi - He takes his pups home too. They're upset, and when pups are upset, they should go home where they feel safe. He carries them home, and puts them in his nest. Once there, he gets them a snack, and they have a cuddle. Itachi will reprimand if it was super bratty, but mainly he comforts.
"We're at home now, it's okay. I think we need a quiet day inside, yes?"
Ignoring them:
Kiba - Kids cry for many reasons, some good, some bad, and Kiba is an expert at knowing which is which. If it's a stupid tantrum, he'll literally ignore them and keep shopping. He probably has loads of other kids with him too, like he can't just leave. So he lets them wail behind him until they've calmed down.
"Wow, this is a nice shop, I'm having a nice time, everything is good."
Haku - Haku also ignores the tantrum, but he spends the whole time talking to his pup as if nothing is wrong. Once they start calming down and answering him, he offers a hug, and then pretends that nothing happened.
"It's such a lovely day today, which kind of weather is your favourite?"
Neji - Neji is going to put the pup on the naughty step. If there's a space to do it in public, then he will. But if not, he'll probably go home to punish them. After one minute per year of age on the naughty step, Neji asks for an apology, and then gives them a hug. He probably does something quiet and lowkey with his child for the rest of the day.
"Why did you get put on the naughty step? I want you to apologise to me."
Iruka - There is also a punishment from him if the tantrum is very bratty. He takes them for a time out/cool down period. If he's in public, he makes the pup just stand against the wall for a few minutes. If they're at home, he has them sit in a room alone until they calm down. After that, he gives them lots of cuddles and tickles until they're smiling again. He might shout if he's already stressed, but he tries not to.
"I told you no, that means no. Stand here and think about what you did."
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momobani · 2 years
P1Harmony Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus head canons  - 1.8k
*my contribution for Piwon’s 2nd anniversary, i can’t believe it’s already been 2 whole years like wtf time flew by!! Anyways, i was wanting to do something special for their anniversary so this is what i came up with, hope you enjoy <3
Keeho - Son of Aphrodite (goddess of beauty and love, fertility):
Dude knows his fashion, knows how to wear it and work it. Charismatic powerhouse as you might know (you do because you have eyes duh and if you don’t, I can’t help you).
Makes the orange Camp Half-blood shirt look expensive. Sometimes leads his cabin mates out for capture the flag as if the way to the Big House is a runway. Is the source of many a nymph’s jealousy since he has that *model* vibe.
Can charm speak but with his beautiful voice you could argue he doesn’t have to usually. Only uses it when it can be weaponised on a quest (or sassing harpies back when they invade the already pristine Aphrodite cabin) or that time in capture the flag where he charm spoke the opposition into giving him his team’s flag back before they crossed the creek and won the game.  
Loves to hang out with the Pegasi since the Aphrodite cabin looks after them usually. They like him because he’s generous with treats and so Theo accidentally on purpose started a nickname and it stuck (origin of the Keehorse nickname anyone? sdhsdihusnds jk).
Good at leading quests and gets sent out a lot, it’s all “Keeho do this” and “Keeho take Shota out for a walk and vaporise some monsters while you’re at it” and “Go rescue a dryad from a tree” (lmao he fell for that one when Jiung told him to do it as a prank, lol dryads are the trees). Honestly is tired and needs a vacation but you don’t get those when you’re a demigod.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Theo - Son of Demeter (goddess of grain, agriculture, harvest, growth, nourishment):
Here me out - plant husband Taeyang? Yes, no? Anyway. Grows amazing sunflowers, strawberries and what not. Very much in charge of the strawberry farm at Camp Half Blood, as well as some of the business part of selling them to mortals.  
Also the man is obsessed with fishing, he often gets into fights with some of the naiads (river nymphs) when he fishes in their territory, so he gives them some of the freshwater fish he catches as a peace offering because he knows that you do not get on a nymph’s bad side if you want to live. (little does he know, they only pick fights with him cuz they have a crush on him lol).
Is feral enough to fight but sucks at it. Makes bad decisions on the regular because of it; the time he sassed an Aries kid and landed in the infirmary for two days since he can’t sword fight for shit, the time he bet a crate of strawberries that he could win an archery contest against the Apollo cabin and lost miserably - it’s like he gets an adrenaline rush from setting himself up. Thus, rarely gets sent on quests and if he does, it’s usually with Jiung who has a self-preservation instinct.
On the other hand, he’s very athletic in other ways - excellent at climbing the lava wall and got really popular by coaching other people on how to do it, also organises a volleyball tournament every summer for all the cabins, where the winning cabin gets - you guessed it - strawberries.  
Jiung - Son of Hermes (trade, travelling, thieves, communication/ language, messenger of the gods, sports):
Very difficult to conclude Hermes, since he really could be an Athena or Apollo kid, but I have very specific reasoning; he’s an absolute ace and jack of all trades like I just think he can do anything, hence the god of literally everything.
Also Jiung speaks like 4 languages so communication king indeed, very big brain of him. He’s also very eloquent and thoughtful. Also responsible so is very often one of the campers sent out to seek out new demigods and deliver them to camp safely.  
In charge of beads every year (treats it like a hobby), generally really involved with Big House affairs and likes to be in charge of stuff, like organising camp fires, or helping put together quest teams, and even started an escape room club with Jongseob (more on that below).
Hangs out with the Apollo kids a lot because of his love for music. And also because Apollo tried to claim as his own before he reached camp (long story) but Hermes got pissed off and made sure that Jiung arrived at camp with some of those winged sneakers just to make sure everyone knew who he was. The entire ordeal was far too embarrassing for Jiung but because it happened, he’s a camp big shot who everyone respects since it’s rare for the gods to show up.
One time, he got so excited about a quest that he laughed really hard and a monster nearby revealed itself amongst mortals because it was shocked by the sound/frequency.The pure unhingedness of Jiung’s laugh vaporised it on the spot, talk about powerful demigods omg. (btw don’t get me wrong, I adore Jiung and his laugh haha).
Intak - Son of Apollo (god of the sun/light, music, arts, prophecy, medicine, archery):
Kid literally glows, what can you do. All that passion and self-proclaimed swag, where does it comes from we wonder; it’s a no brainer. Born showman, ready to take the music world by storm. Throwback to the introduction videos and Intak talked about his shower concerts lol.
Very intuitive, handy with a sword (or most weapons cuz he practices) and has a hero quality so he gets sent on a lot of quests, usually with at least one of the 01’s so they can reign him in in case he decides to do something too heroic lol. Despite this, he still got stuck in an escape room with Soul that time (see below).
Apollo is also actually the god of dance, so of course Intak’s into dancing. He puts together dance performances for the camp fires since usually there’s only sing alongs and he wanted to spice it up. Organises the occasional flashmob at the pavilion also, just for fun, including not only campers but nymphs and harpies if they’re feeling favourable.
Surprisingly really bad at capture the flag. The poor boy isn’t one for strategies but likes to act on instinct, he doesn’t think twice (or even once sometimes), and usually gets berated by Jiung and Jongseob when they have to rescue his ass from the opposite team’s jail (Theo makes it a sport with Keeho, betting on how many times they can capture the Intak instead of the flag).
Because of his prolific quest resume, the gods know him by name, whether they’ve been helped by him or crossed by him, and when they need something (chaotic) done, they seek him out personally. Intak would just be minding his business, maybe shopping in the mortal world and an olympian would pop up out of nowhere in a cloud of smoke and startle him. In conclusion, he now gets his shopping done online, in which case only Hermes comes to him in a DHL disguise.
Soul - Son of Hecate (goddess of magic, witchcraft, night, moon, ghosts, necromancy):
Here’s the logic behind this: ain’t nothing on god’s green earth that can explain Soul’s existence lmao. The kid’s a mystery, can’t figure him out, but that’s his charm; a total enigma, so the answer is magic duh.  
Absolute expert during quests. His natural survival instinct is so strong that he doesn’t even need magic to vaporise monsters but likes to use it for fun. Begs to be paired with Keeho since he feels like he’s just going on a bro bonding trip instead of a quest.  
Once wandered too far into the woods during capture the flag with only a magical Swiss army knife and went missing for a week. Coincidentally some of the stray monsters in the woods were chased into camp by something or somebody that week, but it’s an unconfirmed theory that it was Soul. (jk it 100% was, they ran for their lives but you didn’t hear it from me).
That time he and Intak went into the beta testing for Jiung and Jongseob’s newest escape room and they got stuck because somebody (ahem* Shota) decided to use magic instead of his brain to try and solve the puzzle/riddle. Needless to say, lessons were learned and a sign prohibiting magical items was placed outside the entrance.  
Likes to dabble in magic of course, was once working on a new transformation spell and managed to turn himself and Jongseob into axolotls. BUT he forgot to make the antidote beforehand so they had to wait a few days for the spell to wear off. In the meantime, Keeho pleaded with the Hephaestus cabin to design them a temporary tank with a self-heating mechanism so they wouldn’t die. Soul now keeps actual axolotls in the tank since he thinks it’s too nice not to be lived in and turns into one to hang out with his pets every once in a while.    
Jongseob - Son of Athena (goddess of wisdom, reason, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, handicrafts):
Smartest cookie around. There is a big brain in that head of his. Seriously, the way that Jongseob carries himself at his age and if you’ve been following him since debut (or even at YG treasure box) he’s so mature and thoughtful.
He’s in charge of the Athena cabin book club (have you seen his adorable plogs where he gives recommendations?) That but with all the other campers and he hosts the meetings at the Big House every week or so.  
Him and Jiung started an escape room club at camp using the Athena cabin’s ingenious designs and blueprints to create the rooms. Comes up with the most sophisticated puzzles to be solved intellectually, which led to Intak and Soul getting stuck in a celestial bronze lattice room for five hours before they could break them out.  
Besties with pretty much everyone since he’s universally beloved by all cabins and is everyone’s kid brother, but especially besties with Soul so is often the victim of his failed magic tricks/ spells - he has yet to forgive the axolotl incident. Permanently lives his life as a guinea pig basically.    
In his spare time, he’s designing an underground music studio that incorporates the labyrinth tunnels into it, since when you’re an Athena kid, architectural genius flows through your veins. So far he has blueprints for a retractable slide when you don’t feel like taking the state of the art escalators, as well as a comfy lounge where you can sit on a beanbag or whatever chair and be transported to a VR scene of your choice by wearing some sunglasses. He’s currently haggling with the Hephaestus cabin about how many of his ideas are physically possible to be built.   
 A/N: thanks for reading, feedback is always appreciated!! I’ve been a p1ece since debut and i’m super excited to see how well the boys are doing, it’s been a pleasure watching them grow and i can’t wait to see where we go from here. If you don’t stan p1harmony, do it - you won’t regret it!!! (also i love pjo and hoo so this was very fun, i might do it for more groups since i already did it for svt)
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
B, D, E, T for Itachi plz💕
hi, anon! i'm guessing you're requesting for the a-z dirty headcanon because someone liked that post and 5 seconds later this showed up on my askbox, soooo we'll do it that way. and also because i have zero energy to do the fluff version as well.
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⚠️ c.w.: +18, bondage, dom itachi (but also sub itachi - just slightly)
b - bondage (do they like it? do they not? do they prefer to be the one being tied or the one doing the tying?)
itachi and bondage are two things that match so much that when you think of one, you instantly think of the other. he lives for it - tying you up, obviously. he actually spends a good amount of time learning and practing new knots. to be honest it's not really about the sex, it's more that you trust and love him so much you're willing to let him tie you up completely and immobilize you. he loves how you moan a little everytime his hands touch your skin while he works on the knots, making sure they're not too tight so they won't hurt you. loves how impatient you get eventually, because he could and would spend hours there. always starts with your wrists.
d - dominance (do they prefer to dominate, or be dominated? do they have experience as a dom? do they have a dom that they trust already? what kind of things do they enjoy as/with their dominant partner?) 
itachi is a natural dom. it's some sort of gift, it comes with the sharingan. this trait of his is present not only during sex, but in every other moment. because he's a soft dom he's more focused into actually making sure you're comfortable and okay, though he won't hesitate in punishing you if he feels the need to - he usually doesn't. he's just the kind of guy who will make sure everything is perfect in the tiniest details for you - but by his standards. if you say something is fine, but he doesn't think it's fine, then it simply isn't. and the man's a perfectionist. and you know better than to complain.
he needs to be in control, that's it. that's why during sex he'll usually just tease and overstimulate you, never giving you what you want only so he can hear you begging and crying for him. but the truth is that he needs to feel needed, in every single way a person can be needed and more.
i also have this theory that he's kinda switch (only occasionally), because i believe that sometimes he shows his fragile side and all he wants is to be taken care of, to let you take control and show him that he is loved, he is worthy of love, and with that he is completely submissive for you, completely given to anything you want to do - he's yours.
e - extra info (any other fetishes? feet? leather? role playing? blood? fantasies that they might want to experience not on this list?)
i am a strong believer that itachi loooooves lingerie. like he will spend a lot of money and time buying lingerie for you, because he just loves the sight and feel of lace on your skin - it drives him so crazy that when he brings a new piece for you he can't barely sit still while you try it on. most of the time you have to surprise him if you want him to actually see how they look on you. he spends more money at victoria's secret than you.
also loves watching you strip, but again, can't barely stand still and never waits for you to finish the show - he's all over you before you can think.
also, not a dirty hc, but since we're talking about extra info and clothes (kinda) itachi loves wearing matching outfits with you - i'm talking those really cliche cringe ones. he just loves sharing that with you.
oh, and breeding, obviously. he's an uchiha, you know the drill.
t - top or bottom (self explanatory…) 
we kinda talked about this on the dominance hc, but itachi is always a top. even when he's submissive. it's like he'll try to top you from the bottom 🗣️ he's just not built to be a bottom (at least in the way i see him).
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taglist (i took some liberties) - @ittachiii @smutteedreams @justmyownreality @madarasthicc @knightofmight @hashira-mal @nightingaleflow @thetimelesschild @allyallygator @ur-latibule-blog
fill this out to join my taglist
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wispforever · 2 years
📂 for haku if you'd like?
Haku still has lingering triggers associated with the trauma around his family. At times, he will flinch away when zabuza reaches for something, or become afraid when he and zabuza visit a village with many people. Zabuza looks for ways to mitigate haku's anxiety without drawing attention to it
when haku finds out he's a boy, he tries to validate his gender by conforming to traditionally masculine fashion. when he finds that he doesn't like it, he wonders if he's really trans or if he is "trans enough". Zabuza, having dealt with his own gender journey, helps haku learn that gnc trans men are just as valid as gc trans men
Haku understands how lonely zabuza feels being alienated by his village and fellow rogue ninjas, even though zabuza tries to hide it - so whenever they encounter someone zabuza has known in the past or when they're just around other adults for whatever reason, haku tries to subtly encourage zabuza to make friends/have fun
before zabuza caved and taught haku how to fight nonlethal battles/gave him needles as weapons, they spent time trying to get haku to master swordsmanship techniques and use his kekkei genkai offensively. at first, zabuza forced him to manifest ice spikes and such (the same moves haku used to kill his father and escape from the mob), unknowingly giving haku flashbacks. Zabuza stopped pushing and started looking for an alternative after haku had a breakdown following a sparring match in which zabuza sustained a minor injury from his kekkei genkai
related to the above hc^ it was not haku's idea to use nonlethal weapons. he would've endured a thousand retraumatizing fights if it meant it would please zabuza. Zabuza is the one who established new expectations and changed the training he and haku were doing together in order to minimize haku's pain and suffering
haku teases zabuza about stupid shit he does like how he's 30 but acts like an old ass man, his fashion sense, the tough guy act, etc. I also hc that zabuza gets crushes really easily cuz he's lonely and affection-starved, so every fucking person he has any semblance of an engaging interaction with, he's liable to develop feelings for. after the first kakashi fight, zabuza's ass is in a sling, he just laying there, quiet for hours, then is just like i can't believe the copy ninja knows who i am and HAKU LOSES HIS SHIT. rip zabuza bullied until the end of time by 15 year old son
one time when kisame came to visit zabuza and haku, he brought itachi with him. Haku noticed itachi's sharingan, and he was really quietly thrilled because he'd never met another person with a kekkei genkai. Haku hesitantly asks him about it (bc itachi is a stranger and he doesn't want to be intrusive), and itachi politely indulges him (bc he's a big soft pushover bitch for kids). they get to have a nice conversation about the discrimination against folks with kekkei genkai in the shinobi world, and haku feels a little better about himself being reminded he isn't alone in his trauma
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lolrentz · 7 months
you think haku yuki from naruto is a trans girl....i think haku is a trans boy. we are not the same
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theshippingcorner · 8 months
haku from spirit away being a dad headcanons?
Somehow this was really hard to process because reasonably I know Haku is an adult because he's literally an old ass river but he looks so little and baby shaped sometimes lmao
I do love him though he's a big puppy
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First of all I think the only way he'd be a "dad" is in the sense that rivers can have these little branches that form into smaller rivers? And even though his river was filled in maybe one of those little branches lives on and that rivers spirit would by extension be his son/daughter?
In which case at that point he's throwing his hands up like "welcome to the family we are extremely dysfunctional you get used to it."
Like he's trying so hard to make sure this kid doesn't forget who they are somehow and has to keep guiding them AWAY from the dangers
Because let's be real his kid would be a danger magnet
Hes also trying desperately to make sure this kid doesn't somehow get lost because the area around the bathhouse is huge???
Plus he has to keep them fed which God forbid, have we ever even seen this man eat besides being like forced to or being unconscious?
Like yeah let's let him be responsible for another living creature when he can't care for himself (me fr though)
He would at least try though honestly, he's trying to be a good dad.
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