#motoyama kotaro
outofmyhead · 1 year
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otobabe · 10 months
Omg girlie (gender neutral) I was not expecting you to include Kondou!!! If you have others you’re thinking ab def tell us!
ugh kondou is just so good!!!! and that's not just my daddy issues talking!!!
More praise thoughts/headcanons~
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(from) Harada: He's infatuated with his partners, that much is certain. Especially in the beginning of a relationship (or fwb situation) he's full of compliments that make you feel like you're in the center of a nsfw fairytale, examples like "oh my god you're adorable" and "you really know how to get me going". Later on, if you express interest in exploring~ and more praise, he'd get really into praises that emphasize size differences or age differences. "I love to see your little hole taking my big cock so well", "My older man/woman/partner is so good at teaching me new things", "What a cute little princess/prince/majesty you are, riding daddy's big dick so well " (yes i am assigning sano both milf fucker and daddy kink, this is my barbie dream house)
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(to) Souji: in the right moments you'll send shivers down Souji's spine with a "Souji-kun~ you look so cute like this~", praises with a teasing edge, almost on the brink of sounding degrading, can get him blushing and embarrassed from how hard he gets hearing it come from your mouth. He likes to banter and has more attitude and walls up than most can bear, just make sure if your praising him it's playful and not too serious or accidentally hurtful ;)
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from) Amagiri the type to kiss you mid-moan then send you reeling with his low voice telling you "Quiet now, I want to hear how wet you are for me/I want to hear you take in my thrusts". Erotic, deep, sensual, that's the game Amagiri plays, but it comes out naturally. Nothing he says will sound like he read it from some '50 ways to get in their pants' how-to book. He's kinky, but classy, urging you on both with his words and his fingers, and it's a pleasant surprise when you catch him teasing you with a hint of a smile like, "don't give in now, I'm just getting started".
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to) Motoyama: To be friends with Iba and to have taught Iba many many things over their lives, Motoyama has got to have some special characteristics, one of those is that he loves to be praised. Iba might praise his partner often, but as far as his bestie goes it doesn't happen often but is very genuine when it does, and that's something Motoyama craves in romantic experiences too! I know I said this about Nomura as well, but it's true for both of them: Motoyama looooves to be called a "pretty boy", he doesn't have that haircut for nothing. He's also a reader and though he's not normally reading romance, he does love praises with a little more substance to them, "You're intoxicating", "i love how obedient you are", "you look so silly squirming like that, but don't worry, I know you can endure this<3", all examples of words that will keep him straining in his pants 💖
more praise headcanons below the cut!
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from) Ootori: Ahhhh Ootori Keisuke, my sassy "30-something" plot device lol. He's such a tease, you'd be surprised how much filth can come out of his outwardly-polite mouth. This tea drinking, romance novel reading, aristoCAT is all about shmoozy words in bed. Honestly, he's quoting from stuff he's read before and hoping you won't notice. "You look as beautiful as the morning glory's flower, my love~ Your legs are opening up for me quite nicely~", whenever he opens his mouth it makes you question whether or not you should expect better from him, or whether it's exactly the kind of charming corniness you need in your life (it is). He wants to come home to you trying on some new lingerie and praise "what a thoughtful little slut you are<3", he wants to bring you almost to orgasm over and over again and then tease that he "loves how needy you are".
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from) Kimigiku: Ugh the most perfect femdom is here!!! She can give you gentle or kinky, it's all about giving YOU what YOU want. While not exclusively a service top, she does love to give a lot of coaxing like "doing so good, princess/prince/majesty" and "i'll take care of you cutie, i promise, just give me one more, I know you can". Now let's say you've touched her nerves a little this week: stayed out a little late with your coworkers, or gave her attitude a couple times... She's more than willing to tie you up and taunt you, telling you "Oh, I'm sure you can get out of those restraints yourself, right? Such a big strong man/woman/lover that I have". She'll degrade you and make it sound like the most enchanting curse you've ever heard; "I love using you", "No one else could ever match up to you, my biggest whore<3", "You don't need to cum, right? It's enough just to please me, right?"
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from) Yamazaki: Hakuouki's own sweet little romantic nerd + killer spy <3 Idk if anyone else was surprised that he's canonically supposed to be 30 but I was when I first saw it lol! He's experienced: with sneaking around, one night stands, keeping things quiet, but when he finds someone special he turns into a blushing mess. His duality also pertains to praise, he likes hearing it and giving it, and he also likes giving and receiving degradation, just not normally at the same time ;). If you want him to he'll definitely put on his spy persona in bed for you! That said, he loves to assure you "Don't worry, you're safe with me, you can let it all out, you sound so beautiful", and loves to make little promises in bed when you're pleasing him like "That's my baby, I'll reward you so well for this. I love to see you full of me".
to) Yamazaki: Like I said, I think he's a duality-pleasing man. Praise him in bed and he's working double time to please you. Very enthusiastic when hearing what you like, if you tell him "I love it when you give me head", he'll make sure to spend extra time pleasing you down there~
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to) Miki: Beat up his ego a little bit. Unlike Souji, Miki is a brat who can take what he gives. He's down with being called a slut/whore/etc or being referred to as your sex toy. If you top him it's a secret turn on of his to get embarrassed so saying "I know it hurts but you're taking it so well!" is an insta-nut. He's also into hearing you egg him on when he's being a brat and rub it in when he gives in, "You're such a good listener when I give you what you need, huh?" and "Can't you beg sweeter than that? Or is it beneath you even when you're already on your knees for me?"
from) Miki: Aaaaand he gives as good as he gets~ His mouth is filthy, and he's shameless when it comes to fucking you. Brash and abrasive, he'll tell you that "you look so beautiful with my cock in your mouth" with a haughty smirk on his face and he knows his confidence is a turn on in this case. He's not pussyfooting around what he means, with "you can beg better than that, little slut" often proceeding a later groan of "your screams sound so good baby". If you've been flirting or sexting before meeting up, he loves to throw in a "I've been waiting all day to put my cock in you" as soon as he walks through the door.
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nollatooru · 3 years
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I had a small holiday but here’s continuation for character challenges.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 3 - Short Episode #5 “Drinking in Moderation” English subtitles
here’s what might be my last post of the year. if i don’t upload anything after this, it’s due to getting my third shot today and being out of commission because of it... going to try my luck at a pop-up-clinic in a few hours.
as always, my translation may not be 100% accurate... though im too tired to check for errors since its past 6 in the morning and didnt exactly sleep... 
as for why im still awake, its cuz i was editing the hd hakumyu saito-hen file i downloaded (unlike the others, this was broadcast on 日テレプラス). unfortunately its was from OD so i can’t share it... kazama-hen is now the last of the musicals i want an hd version for, though i’m still going to continue to keep an eye out for another source for saito-hen and reimeiroku. 
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Have some moms
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smugshiranui · 5 years
Hakuouki Headcanons: Favourite Game Genre
Nagakura, Shiranui, Kazue
Okita, Yamazaki, Heisuke
Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley;
Kazama, Hachiro
Puzzle Games;
Itou, Sannan, Takeda
Otome Games;
Harada, Ryouma, Motoyama
Fighting Games;
Kondo, Nakaoka
Hentai Titty Games;
Nomura, Miki, Serizawa
Hijikata, Saito, Amagiri
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personauserindigo · 5 years
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Can I just take a moment to say how much I love and adore Motoyama. 
I wish he had his own route cause he is a funny beautiful Cinnamon Bun that needs to be loved and protected at all cost!!! 
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hakutines-blog · 5 years
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HAKUOUKI VALENTINE’S DAY ICONS — PACK 2 Pack 1 can be found here!
To celebrate and get ready for the upcoming event, here’s some more Hakuouki themed Valentine’s Day icons for you and your friends!
Please leave a like or reblog if you plan on using these and spread the love! ♡
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hakuimagines · 5 years
Hi Chi! Thanks for running this blog! Can I request some confession scenes or HCs for Nomura, Motoyama, Takeda, and Miki Saburo? :'D
Thank you for the request and I apologize for the long wait. It’s a long post, so I’ve put it underneath the cut.
He doesn’t really want to admit it himself, especially not first. A few weeks prior to the confession, he asks the men of his unit for advice on how to get a woman to confess first. He jots down all of the advice he believes to be somewhat useful on a scrap of paper and drills himself.
Some of the other captains have pointed out how spacey he’s been the past couple of days, Takeda vehemently denying the allegations. In actuality, he’s been daydreaming about how the conversation would go but would never dare to admit it.
Finally, he manages to catch you one evening and strikes up a, err- interrogation conversation with you. Takeda attempts to word his questions and statements in a manner that would to get you confess first (if literally at all possible).
He’s trying very hard and frankly, it’s a little painful to watch. On the other hand, the hurt glare he shoots the scrap of paper hidden in his sleeve from time to time is kind of cute, so you decide to keep quiet and let him flounder some more.
Eventually, when he realizes that his point isn’t getting across and that he spent the better part of an hour talking in circle, his frustration gets the better of him. The attention of everyone nearby locks on to him the moment he snaps, Takeda practically shouting his confession of love to your face.
When he realizes that: the two of you weren’t the only ones in the area, the fact that he literally shouted “YOU THICK FOOL, I LOVE YOU!” to your face, and that the other captains were watching, his face turns dark red with embarrassment. He freezes up for a solid few seconds before silently leaving the scene to save face.
He then locks himself in his room for a week, turning away all visitors and sulking. However, during this time, he follows up by (hesitantly) writing you an apology letter and a calmer confession.
You found the note in front of your room one morning and read its contents then and there. To your surprise, the letter was more genuine and gentler than you thought possible, considering its author, even causing your cheeks to redden.
He’s thought about this scernario over and over again, finally mustering up enough courage to finally ask you out. All he needs now is to find a good opportunity.
Motoyama decides to ask Iba for advice on how to make this go smoothly because he really doesn’t want to mess up his chances with you.
As a result, Iba sends him out with a small shopping list (flowers, sweets, and some sort of gift that Motoyama feels would suit you), that were to be given to you whenever Motoyama did confess.
Much to his suprise, you run into him when he first begins to shop. After a brief conversation, you ask to tag along on his shopping trip. He tries to turn you away at first but was quickly overwhelmed by the strength of your puppy eyes.
The two of you have a great time while you’re out: chatting, telling jokes, and haggling with merchants for this and that. You and Motoyama even share the occasional sweet treat (following Iba’s recommendations).
He leaves momentarily to purchase the flowers and notices you longingly staring at a nice accessory when he returns. He cheerfully walks over to the merchant (now standing beside you), asking them if you’d be able to try the accessory on first.
He helps you put it on the best that he can. When it’s in place, he takes a step back.
Motoyama is genuinely speechless. He never expected that such a small adornment could suit you so well. He can’t seem to look away.
“You’re beautiful.” He says, without even realizing it. When he’s able to process what he just said, his cheeks turn a visible, gentle pink.
At this point, he figures that he can’t take back what he said, so he decides to confess to you then and there.
With a practiced and suddenly nervous hand, he hands you the bundle of fresh flower he’d just bought and asks you to spend the rest of the day with him.
He walks you walk home late that night, holding hands. When you arrive at your home, he sees you off with a kiss to your cheek. He keeps waving at you until he sees you disappear inside.
The first move Miki makes is when he tries to book a whole day in your schedule, just for you and him. He claims that he wants your full attention because he’s planning on making an important announcement that concerns you later that evening.
While finding fabric to fix a tear in his own outfit, Miki then decides to buy the necessary fabrics to make himself a brand new formal outfit (just for this date) and even makes a matching one for you too (I headcanon that he stress sews).
Although his public conduct hasn’t changed very much since he’s begun planning this, he is an anxious wreck in private.
In fact, he’s consulted Itou day and night, everyday for three weeks, worrying about how to phrase his feelings. Itou, as usual, said nothing helpful.
Finally, the day comes and Miki is practically sweating bullets. With your permission, he drops by your house to pick you up and walks you to the restaurant that he booked a table at.
He’s a little taken aback to see that you actually decided to wear the outfit he made you, internally very pleased with how it looks on you.
He’s very dashing in his new outfit, the folds and cuts of the fabric matching his figure. The style of it all also suited him to a T. You can’t bring youself to tell him though.
It’s a place well known in the area, specializing in your favorite food item. He tells to to order as much and whatever you desire, just wanting to treat you to a lovely dinner with Itou’s wallet.
During the dinner, he’s trying to play it cool but he steals glances at you (in the outfit he made) and blushes really darkly.
He hasn’t brought up the topic of your outfit just yet, which disappoints you a little bit, but you’re able to tell what he think through the intensity of his blush (that he tries really hard to hide).
After your lovely time at dinner, he then escorts you to a local and famous date spot for couples.
Miki attempts to set the mood for his so called “Big Announcement” by telling a story about the date spot.
However, he fumbles about two sentences into his story and accidentally slips right into his confession.
He vividly remembers that day and would rather die than talk about it. You, however, will never let him live it down.
Everyone except for you can tell that Nomura has a big crush on you.
You like him too, but can’t quite tell if he likes you back. Everyone can see that also and it drives those around you both insane (because neither of you will confess when it’s easy to see that you both like each other).
Seriously. It’s obvious given how he blushes whenever he’s around you. Not only that, but he always tries extra hard to make you laugh and smile, because he genuinely loves it when you your smile. Your laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world to him.
He even sticks around to help you with chores and tasks you could easily do on your own, helping whenever you give him permission to. He just really wants to help you out.
After copious amounts of “gentle coersion” from the other guys, Nomura finally gets the courage to ask you on a date. Rather, to quote him, “Do you think we could go on a- a… da- day out tomorrow?”
Regardless, you accept, feeling kind of nervous and excited about what this could mean because you suspect he actually meant to say date (which he did).
He does his absolute best in utilizing his master tier page skills to organize a day of fun for you both, asking Kondo and Hijikata for permission to take the day off.
He overworks himself in both work and his efforts in asking the locals about what activities could you two could do on your date.
When the day finally arrives and he sees you all dressed up for the date, he blushes so bad. He hides his face with his hands and all of his fatigue seems to just melt away.
Seeing this, you assume he’s sick, reaching out and feel his forehead. It’s burning up! He takes a step back and denies that he is sick, attempting to go forth with the original date he had planned.
Still concerned for his health, you press the issue and he pushes back.
Nomura eventually caves in, confessing with a shy stammer that the reason why his whole face was warm was because of the fact that he likes you and thinks that you look like a dream.
Your face flushes embarrassed immediately and you hide your face in your hands. When you slowly peek out from behind him, you notice how deflated he looks, hurt and dejected at your apparent refusal to he him out.
You quickly lower your hands from your face, your profuse blushing providing some comfort to him. Your hands are quivering and you can’t seem to help it.
Nomura gives his confession another, more coherent try. He was planning on confessing later on in the day, but its too late for that now. He gently closes his hands around both of yours, hoping to ease their shakiness.
His hands feel feverish against yours and you realize just how anxious he is. You give him your undivided attention while he speaks to you.
By the time he finishes, his expression has melted into something very soft and sweet. You haven’t said anything yet and that is making him very nervous. Although… Actions speak louder than words, right?
You lean forward and kiss him chastely on the lips, giving him the biggest, sweetest grin you can. (How’s that for an acceptance, buddy?)
He absolutely dotes on you for the rest of your date, but is still partially in shock at what the heck just happened today. His head’s even higher up in the clouds now and he isn’t coming down any time soon.
Kondo gets five ryō from Hijikata because he bet on Nomura successfully confessing to you. Hijikata is mildly displeased but is happy for you both.
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fuckyeahbakumatsu · 5 years
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Daily mood
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iba-hime · 6 years
A Pirate’s Life for Shi Ch 2
CH 1
“His Royal Highness heir of the Kingdom of Nandine, Prince Iba Hachirō!” Trumpets blared as Iba made his descent down the ballroom stairs. People clapped as he flashed the crowd of noblemen and noblewomen.
Iba Hachirō literally embodied the textbook definition of a perfect prince-kind, good looking, compassionate, wise, intelligent. There were many that looked forward to him inheriting the throne because of his great qualities. There wasn’t a single soul in the kingdom that could badmouth the Prince.
Iba spent the night dancing away with single daughters of noblemen that shyly brought up the matter of marriage. He was way past the age of marriage, something his mother was concerned about since the father of his younger brother kept meeting with potential girls to marry. Iba had illusions, dreams, of finding someone he fell in love with to marry. He couldn’t give into an arranged marriage, and he’d managed to somehow avoid it for this long, though he didn’t think he would be able to avoid the meetings his mother was trying to set up as he danced.
His world was filled with the finest and luxurious of things, though he was a compassionate Prince, and he helped those in need that were in front of him, he was was clueless and rather naïve about the way of life of his subjects. He was aware that there were people that were oppressed, going hungry, victims of crimes, of pirates, but he wasn’t fully aware of the crimes committed by those people that lived in his world.
Iba leaned over the balcony, staring up at the moon, sighing a bit. Many would envy his life, but there was an emptiness, a void that he couldn’t fill with gold, nor the finest clothes…he was missing purpose. Adventure. Life. Everything he did was monitored or controlled. He lived by a schedule, doing one thing and then another to prepare for when he became King.
Iba turned to face his younger half brother, Motoyama Kotaro. His mother had remarried about two years after Iba’s father had died, and had another son the year after. Though people wanted to separate the two because there were people that would rather see Motoyama on the throne instead of Iba. Nonetheless, the brothers cared for each other and were filled with affection for each other.
“What is it, Kotaro?” Iba gave him a kind smile and leaned back on the rail, looking up at the sun. Today, they were on a cruise, taking in the sun out at sea. They would return before evening for dinner.
Motoyama handed him one of Iba’s favorite deserts, castella. “They have a table full of them over there, Onii-sama.”
“Thank you.” Iba happily took a bite and asked him how his studies were lately. The two continued their friendly conversation until they heard a soldier’s footsteps come towards them.
The soldier bowed and whispered in Iba’s ear. “Turn the ship around at once, we’re going back to land.”
“Onii-sama, what’s going on?” Kotaro followed him as his older brother followed the soldier to give out more orders.
“Pirates.” Iba whispered. “Get as many people below deck as you can.” He urged his younger brother.
But before long, the pirate vessel had caught up to theirs before their masts could catch wind. Pirates started invading their ship with hooks and planks. Iba’s soldiers readied themselves for combat.
The Prince unsheathed his sword when he saw the pirates going near some noblewomen and charged towards them. He turned his head when he heard some screams coming from below deck and more of them being dragged above deck. If this kept on any longer, more people would lose their lives.
He took a breath and sheathed his sword and marched up to the man that had been giving the pirates orders, the Captain. He held his hands up as he approached him. “This vessel is for enjoyment,. None of these people are-”
“We’re pirates, ya think we care about the innocent?”
A couple more women screamed and Iba took another step forward. “I ask for a trade, then. Take me as hostage and leave these people be.”
“Onii-sama, no!” Motoyama cowered back when a pirate moved his sword closer to his neck.
“And how would you be of any use to us?”
“I’m the Prince, heir of Nandina Kingdom.”
The Pirate’s eyes widened with interest. “The Prince of Nandina, ye say?” He rubbed his scruffy chin as he took a few moments to think.
“You’ll have access to a large ransom and immunity. You just need to ask for it as long as you let this ship and the people on it go. Do we have an accord?” His soft green eyes were filled with determination as the stared the Pirate Captain down.
After a few moments, the Pirate cackled and tapped his sheathed sword on the deck, twice. “Let’s go! Loot up what you can carry!” He beckoned two of his crew to grab Iba’s arms and tie his wrists together.
Once they had made him board the ship, the pirates started celebrating by breaking open a barrel of rum.
“Cap’n, what are we to do with him?”
“In the brig! We’ll keep him for a bit to let the value go up!”
One of the pirates that had grabbed him roughly walked him down the stairs before tossing him into one of the damp cells. He sat up and stared at the ropes that bound his hands, trying to loosen them, but they would not budge.
He was stuck at sea, with a bunch of pirates. What was to become of him?
CH 3
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outofmyhead · 2 years
Top/Switch/Bottom (Shinkai boys Edition):
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Bonus from the backstage:
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shenanigumi · 7 years
SHINKAI + WOLF PUPY TWEETS (inspired by @kazama-hime)
Ryunosuke: things haven't been going well these past few as long as i can remember
Iba: "i think this is something we can all agree with" - me gesturing to everything i have ever said
Souma: to truly understand something you must first not understand it, then later understand it
Sakamoto: people often say at me various words or whatever, and to me this is such a waste of time, i have better things to hear, like my own thoughts
Takeda: i know absolutely nothing about anything and i refuse to learn about anything but at the end of the day my opinion matters more than most
Miki: when you get your revenge on someone always immediately hit them with a second revenge, undercuts any counter-revenge or betrayal they have
Nakaoka: instead of spending all your time trying to make things better and failing you can cut out the middleman and just make things worse
Motoyama: i did what was expected of me, which was nothing
Nomura: as someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, i feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 3 - Short Episode #5 “Drinking in Moderation”
This is my first post of the month, so I’ll start by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share…. and if you are able to remove watermarks from a video, please contact me…
special thanks to @funjoushi for helping me with Iba’s relative’s name back in July when i put this into the spreadsheet since i made that adjustment to this post after (i normally just input stuff into the spreadsheet and leave it for someone else to review it since i’m not translating from Japanese).
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HIjikata ・ Iba ・Motoyama
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 3 - Short Episode #5 “Drinking in Moderation”
Translation by KumoriYami
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Motoyama: I, I really didn't expect that the Shinsengumi would actually invite us to drink/s. Ha, haha......
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Kondou: Don't be so stiff. We knew each other while we were still in Edo.
Motoyama: Well, that's true...
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Iba aside, I’m not very good at kenjutsu, so it might be boring to drink with me/s you might get bored if you drink with me.... Haha...
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Iba: Motoyama, you shouldn't look down on yourself/put yourself down like that.
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Hijikata: That part of you hasn't changed at all. You’re a vassal of the Shogunate now, right?
How can you be like/Why are you like this when you fight against Imperial Nationalists and those other foreigners. 
Motoyama: I, I understand that, but...
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Kondou: Since we've here, let's order something to drink. Motoyama-kun what would you like to drink?
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Motoyama: Oh, is that okay!? Ah, there won’t be an issue with that, right!? [reword later?]
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Hijikata: As long as this guy hears about sake, he'll get excited [reword later].
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Iba: This is the only thing he has in common with Nagakura-san, Harada-san and Heisuke-kun. I've also been taught how to drink by Motoyama.
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Motoyama: That's because Iba's adoptive father/father-in-law, Gunbei-san, asked me to to teach Hachiro all sorts of things.  I tried to take him to Yoshiwara a few times, but... he's always managed to run away/escape.
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Iba: ...I'm still training.
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Hijikata: It's not good too be too inflexible.       If you’re not able to adapt at the right time, that might cause problems in the future.        For example, when being pestered/hindered by a woman.
Iba: I was also told that by my adoptive father/My father-in-law also said that.
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Kondou: We'll first order sake for the time being. I'll go ask about store staff for their recommendations.
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Hijikata: Hey, Kondou-san. You don't have to do that—
Kondou: It's fine. Everyone, please wait here.
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Hijikata: Really, he could have just called for a server to come over.    
Even though he's the Chief of the Shinsengumi now, he's as humble as always.
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Iba: But that's the best thing about Kondou-san/But, I think that’s Kondou-san’s strength. 
Kondou: Everyone, I’ve brought everything over! There’s shōchū and doburoku/unrefined sake, so drink whatever you want/like.
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Motoyama: Oh, thank you!  This amount of sake will be enough/fine for drinking!
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Iba: Motoyama, I'm telling you, you need to drink in moderation/be careful about how much you drink. Ours and Kondou-san’s positions are different from the time we were in Edo [reword later].
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Hijikata: Things were dreadful/very scary back in Edo.
Every/Each time he got drunk, he'd start by taking off his kimono, then run around with/in just his fundoshi.
Iba: Yeah... once the alcohol get to his head/once things got to his head, he'd try to jump into the nearby river. And that was despite not knowing how to swim...
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Motoyama: That's all in the past! Don't bring up each and everything that happened.
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I'm also an an adult/I'm already an adult. I’m not going to cause problems for everyone with my drinking.
Iba: That would be nice/good/It would be nice if that happened...
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Motoyama: Ah~, the moon is so beautiful! Kaguya-hime must still be looking down at the earth from there. 
Alright, I've decided! I'm going to/going to go to the moon! Farewell, Iba!
Iba: Please stop it, Motoyama! Saying that in such a loud voice/so loudly will cause trouble/will trouble the others in the store!
Hijikata:...Hah, I figured that it'd end up like this.
Kondou: We-Well, he's very spirited, isn't he.
Hijikata: There should be a limit to how spirited one can be...
Motoyama: The pine tress over there look suitable for climbing! Now—
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Take care of yourself/It’s fine, Iba! I'm a man on the moon!
Iba: I'm telling you, you can't/no! Get off of that tree!
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msbeastlyeevee · 7 years
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Rest of human characters plus the order of command.
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Apparently I'm addicted to sending these but... FMK - Miki, Motoyama, Nakaoka
Yay for the less popular bois, bring em in!!
Imma fuck Miki, hands down… blue hair has started to spell “fuck-buddy” in this house and sorry that’s the way things are with me…
MARRYING MOTOYAMA, no doubt about it. What a sweet and cute boi, I love him and want to protect him. He’s making me gush thinking about the kind of good husband he’d be, and you can’t convince me otherwise, I’ll fight
I don’t like Nakaoka, though he IS hot in edo blossom… with his hat? JESUS! BUT not good enough, he wouldn’t wear that in the bedroom or every day around the house… unless with some convincing, but otherwise, no, get out
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