hakutines-blog · 6 years
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From the sword Kashuu Kiyomitsu to his Master, Okita Souji. Of whom he lovingly calls dad. All of the opinions stated are solely his and not mine:
To dad:
Happy Valentine’s Day. I know we are Japanese and this is kind of a high school holiday, but I wanted to take the time to say thank you and I love you. We don’t say it all that often and don’t expect this every day. Just know, I love you, Dad. You’re an awesome swordsman and I couldn’t be a prouder son. Please go back to teasing me and ruining my life tomorrow.
From your cutest son : Kashuu Kiyomitsu
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day! I know Matsumoto-sensei said you have to eat healthy, but I think you should have a little konpeito on this special day. Please, enjoy it. I also wanted to say, your strength amazes me. Every day, I hope for your laughter and pray for your smile. I am glad you have allowed me to remain by your side. I care for you so much. Please, don’t consider yourself a burden to me. I want to ease your struggles in any way I can. I like you, a great deal, Okita-san. Your hugs reassure me. I feel so at ease with you now. I don’t know where I’d be without you. You’ve become so important to me. Please, stay with me longer. Don’t rush off to another battle just yet. Please allow me to rest by your side and nurse you to health. I want to see you strong again.
-Yukimura Chizuru
P.s. Really, Okita-san. I really, really like you. A lot. Very much. So much. So, so, so much.
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
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I wasn’t planning on doing this, but Happy Valentine’s Day. You can be so much to handle, always running about helping others and inserting yourself into situations way out of your depth. Still, just on this little card, I admire you for it. I feel calmer with you beside me. Your positivity is annoyingly infectious. I strive to be as strong as you. Don’t leave my side. You’ve taken good care of me after I got sick. I want to take care of you, too. Let’s protect each other more in the future. I… I care about you. But, if you tell anyone this, I might have to kill you. Stay cute and keep blushing for me.
-Okita Souji
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Kimigiku-san
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Kimigiku-chan! Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you for helping Chizuru and I dress up that one day in Sumi! You do amazing work as an oiran and your shinobi skills are really impressive. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman as strong and beautiful as you! Senhime is very lucky to have someone so loyal by her side. I don’t think anyone will have to worry about her so long as you’re there. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day! Do you think maybe you and Senhime would like to meet with Chizuru, Kosuzu, and I for a short while to get some dango? I know you’re very busy but it might be fun! I’m sorry Chizuru and I couldn’t leave with the two of you. I know it would make your lives easier but I have to stay to help the men and Chizuru is trying really hard to do the same. I hope you understand.
                                                                        - Saionji Sayaka
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Senhime
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Happy Valentine’s Day Sen-chan! You should come out for dango with Chizuru and I! It’s been wonderful to have you as a friend and I hope we get more opportunities to have fun spending time together instead of worrying about the demon and human conflicts. Remember when you tried to convince Chizuru and I to leave? Thank you for respecting our decision. It means a lot to me to be able to stay here with Okita-san. As far as I’m aware, he still doesn’t know how I feel. But now it’s my turn. Do you have anyone you’re interested in? There are bound to be people interested in someone such as yourself. Anyone good? I’m just teasing. If we’re going to talk about love we may as well do it over food and drink. I hope to see you soon. Take care!
                                                                  - Saionji Sayaka
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Yamazaki
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Yamazaki-san, Happy Valentine’s Day. I know you and I don’t get to speak that often considering your duties as a member of the watch keep you quite busy but I felt like it might be nice to let you know that I really appreciate everything you do! Your loyalty is inspiring and you’ve always been very passionate. I think that’s amazing. Don’t forget to relax now and then though, okay? And no, you aren’t allowed to ask Saito-san for help relaxing. He isn’t really good at it either. Please continue to do your best and if I can help you, let me know. And for helping with Okita-san, I really can’t thank you enough. There aren’t words for how much I appreciate that.
                                                                            - Saionji Sayaka
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Hijikata
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You probably think this is foolish of me, Hijikata-san, but Happy Valentine’s Day! I wanted to let you know that I really appreciate everything you’ve done, not just for me but all of the men. Your dedication to helping Kondo-san is incredible and inspiring. You’ve definitely formed a strong resolve since the days of the Roshigumi. I will continue to do my best to ensure things work out well. I know you probably won’t take one but I think you deserve a break. Really, Hijikata-san, if you want to take some time to yourself just let me know and I’ll do my best to help with your workload. Take care of yourself, okay?
                                                               - Saionji Sayaka
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Amagiri
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Amagiri-san, Happy Valentine’s Day. I have never written a valentine to another man before but I was told this day can be used as a day of appreciation and not just romance. So, here I go. I deeply value your friendship. I believe that you deserve much better treatment from Kazama-sama considering how many problematic situations are avoided on account of your sincerity and calmness. Your incredible strength is matched only by your amazing ability to think clearly even in infuriating times. Thank you for everything you have done. I am glad to have made your acquaintance. You are truly an honorable man.
                                                              - Saionji Yukihisa
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Shiranui
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Happy Valentine’s Day to my favorite (and only) drinking buddy! Shiranui, you have slowly but surely forced me to learn to relax and appreciate having a good time. Sake tastes better in good company. Thank you for encouraging me to open up and let loose instead of simply blindly following Kazama-sama. Your antics breathe life into countless otherwise boring days. I hope that once the war is done you will be free to act independently and enjoy your life to the fullest. Let us drink again soon. 
                                                               - Saionji Yukihisa
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Kazama
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Kazama, Happy Valentine’s Day. If you say one word about making Chizuru or myself your bride, I will kill you. Otherwise, I am sorry that we are stuck on opposing sides in this conflict and that you have such a strong disdain for humans. I do not like the use of ratsetsu either but I understand why the people I am close with have chosen to take the ochimizu. Please do not interfere with us. I would like to avoid harming you but if you cause trouble for my loved ones it is highly likely I will lose my temper. Perhaps you should try to court Chizuru kindly by asking her if she wants to go out with you for a meal or if she wants to explore Kyoto instead of forcing your way into headquarters and trying to abduct one of us. Pro tip, women don’t like being abducted. Not attractive.
                                                        -  Saionji Sayaka
Kazama-sama, I would like to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope that you will begin to open your mind and accept humans a bit more as doing so has the potential to make your life easier. I respect you greatly and I believe you have great potential to become a man with a good heart. While I have my obligations outside of the oni realm, I have chosen to protect you. I will do my best to ensure your survival in this war as even for a great oni such as yourself there are many risks in a conflict this large. Please, have faith in me. I have faith in you.
                                                             -   Saionji Yukihisa
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
Dearest Shio-dono.
I have fallen for you from the first time I have ever laid my eyes and taste buds on you.
Like diamonds, you sparkle in the sunlight.
You open up a new world full of wonderful experiences that I never would have had.  
You bring such an amazing depth of flavour to everything I consume- nay! INHALE.
OH glorious Salt, how I long to caress you. And yet, I cannot. You are much too small in your beautiful crystalline form. In the ocean, your presence shines through whenever I breathe or part my lips.
You are my one true love.
And I, the great, yet humble Takeda Kanryusai, can only wish that you may one day feel the same.
Forever yours,
♥♥♥ Kanryusai-kun ♥♥♥
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Saito
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Hajime-san, Happy Valentine’s Day. I am glad to have met you and I deeply appreciate you looking out for my sister as you have. I hope that as time goes on we may become closer friends. It is nice to have a kindred spirit around. You are a man who deserves great success and happiness, that I sincerely believe. Please continue to work hard and I will see you soon. If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to ask me for aid. I owe you a debt for watching over Sayaka.
                                                            - Saionji Yukihisa
Saito-san, Happy Valentine’s Day! Are you having a good day? I have some sweets to share with everyone if you would like some. Is it ever strange for you, having your birthday so close to Valentine’s Day? Anyway, Saito-san, thank you for being so wonderful. I greatly enjoy spending time with you and our friendship is one I hope to never lose. You are incredibly important to me and I wish for your happiness in life. Don’t be shy, I’m always happy to speak with you. I will do what I can to help you fight for what you believe in. Having something so important is precious.
                                                                  - Saionji Sayaka
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Okita
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Souji-san, Happy Valentine’s Day. I have great respect for your fighting spirit and your skill as a swordsman but allow me to give you a warning… be kind to my sister. If you harm her in any way my respect for you will not prevent me from giving you due punishment. She is precious to me, the only family I have, and I will not permit you to cause her pain. That being said, the respect she has for you is unrivaled although it is unlikely she will come out and blatantly tell you how she feels for quite some time. I would much prefer to welcome you into our family with open arms. I look forward to a hopefully pleasant future with you.
                                                          - Saionji Yukihisa
Okita-san! Happy Valentine’s Day! I’ve made some onigiri and dango for you if you would like to have some with me today! If you are feeling well enough, perhaps we could even talk a walk. Every moment of my time with you I have thoroughly enjoyed and I hope we can spend much more time with one another in the future. In you, I have found someone irreplaceable. You are precious to me in every way and while I know you don’t need me to protect you, I will defend you with my life. Thank you for everything you have done for me, I appreciate it greatly! I promise that everything will be alright, you just have to trust me. I know that is easier said than done but I will make sure you can be happy, I really will. You deserve it.
                                                            - Saionji Sayaka
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Kondo
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Kondo-san, Happy Valentine’s Day! You are an absolute pleasure to have around and I want you to know that I really appreciate you! From the day I met you at Shiei Hall until now you have been nothing but kind and supportive. The Shinsengumi would not be what it is without you. I’m glad to see you and Hijikata-san on the way to achieving your dream! Thank you for everything you’ve done and I’m excited to keep working with you. Please, buy yourself a snack. My treat. And, as for Okita-san, I promise you I will do everything I can to help him. You don’t have to worry, I’ll take care of him. I’ll make sure he’s okay. He really loves you and doesn’t want to worry you. I think if you pay him a visit and just act like everything is normal it would make him pretty happy.
                                                                    - Saionji Sayaka
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Iba Hachiro, From Kaho (OC)
Esteemed Iba Hachiro,
From the northern mountains, the lonely winds carry south a sweet caress. Shall the blossom, resilient and strong, ne'er waver from its willful press?
In the wake of spring, a gentle song bird does take flight While slumbering green wakes to taint a canvas of white.
Like the silver moon that pursues the golden sun from times of old, Are longing dreams and aching woes all I will ever come to hold?
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Inoue-san
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Happy Valentine’s Day Inoue-san! Ever since we met, you’ve been a constant positive force and I’m really glad I got to meet you. How are you always so optimistic and kind? I know everyone gets upset, it’s only human, but you always handle things so well. I really admire you. I hope one day I can be at least half as good a person as you are. We’re all very lucky to have you as a part of the Shinsengumi. Please continue to give us your support. If you ever need anything, feel free to come to me. I might not be able to help but I will do my best!
                                                           -   Saionji Sayaka
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hakutines-blog · 6 years
To Sano
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Sano-san, Happy Valentine’s Day. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend, I really appreciate you always being there to talk to me when I need it. You have a comforting presence and it puts me at ease to talk to you. I hope that you and Nagakura-san don’t go too hard with the sake tonight so that maybe you can have a memorable experience… that you actually remember. Have a great night though, Sano-san! You deserve to have a good time with the guys, you’ve been working really hard lately! I’m proud to say I know you.
                                                                    - Saionji Sayaka 
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