halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
I feel like the Noah guy is the new Matt Daddario in the rp community now... And he kinda looks like him too tbh.
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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It’s time for the annual Mate Hunt. Foreigners from every realm gather in one grand place in hopes of seeking the one destined for them. Some people get lucky on the first visit, others have to try again next year. Muse A has been going every year since reaching marrying age in their kingdom and has yet to find a mate. This year feels different. This year, just by entering the grounds, they can feel that their mate is close by.
This is Muse B’s first year. They’re nervous, sure, but they’re also ultimately excited by all the details they’re learning: fancy rooms equipped with everything for a safe and romantic night in, parties every night, all the food and booze one can ingest, and to top it all off, everyone is single. What’s not to love?
It’s simple to start with. Register your name, get your discreet wristband that shows your preference, get your room number, and start mingling. If you meet someone you’re interested in, simply register your coupling and go at it. It gets difficult after that.
Muse A knows that Muse B is their mate, but in order to fully make the claim, they must wait three days for the next first reveal ceremony after their coupling. If Muse B displays Muse A’s mark after three days, whatever it may be, the mating was successful!
– Plot Twist: Muse B bears the mark of two families, and it just so turns out that Muse C is Muse A’s long time rival. Can they agree to put their differences aside in order to love and cherish Muse B without stepping on the other’s toes?
inspired by books and fics and stuff. not my gifs.
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
plot: we broke up right before a giant roadtrip our friends planned and we don’t want to bail on everyone and ruin the trip so yay, looks like we get to spend a five hour drive and a weekend in a cottage together.
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it was the worst timing to break up with him right before the roadtrip, the breakup was still fresh and it hurt like a bitch, but the both of them ended up going on the trip anyway. they felt bad to bail on their friends, everything was already planned out and paid for, so they agreed on keeping themselves in line and make no drama.
the ride was a little awkward and she couldn’t look at him, it hurt too much, so she avoided looking at him as much as she could, but other than that the ride went surprisingly well. of course, their friends wanted to celebrate the first night in the cottage, that’s why a party got thrown. booze, music, dancing, games, chatting, it was a fun night. but not quite for cara. even though she tried to loosen up and enjoy the party, every time she saw him made her think about their failed relationship and how much it hurt. she looked over and it seemed he was having fun, laughing with others, genuinely enjoying the night, while it felt like a torture for her. “sorry, it’s getting hot in here, i’m going to get some fresh air,” cara excused herself with a small smile and walked outside and into the garden through the sliding door. as soon as she was out, cara closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the fresh, cold air. it felt so nice...
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
muse a & b are neighbors. a is a single parent (for whatever reason) and b just wants sleep. b goes over to a’s house (next door or across the hall) and they offer a help bc they have a nephew/niece and know this stuff. a is skeptic about it all but gives in anyway due to exhaustion. muse b holds the child and a watches them to make sure b isn’t kidnapping their baby or something, b notices and says it’s fine. muse b convinces muse a to shower or something. an hour later muse a wakes up from an accidental nap and muse b is sleeping with child. muse a won’t wake b up so the child doesn’t wake up but also because b actually looks really peaceful. 
muse a asks b if they can babysit later because they need an extra shift at work and b isn’t so sure but does anyway as long as that means keeping the child quiet. but b and child end up getting along and bonding (depending on age) 
bonus: someone sees muse b with child and assumes they are dating and they should totally come over together with the child. one of those “oh nonsense, you’re not a burden. you’re coming over for diner and it’s final. see you later” type of invites. 
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
neighbors muse a & b are always at war over the washer and dryer in their condos and muse b accidentally takes muse a’s bra in his clothes. he and his gf were already having problems and she wouldn’t leave and used him for his place and money. the gf found muse a’s bra and asks who’s bra it is. there’s a knock on the door and muse a is all ‘you have my bra. can i have it back? i know that you have it.. bc i accidentally ended up with your underwear too’ 
bonus: muse a and the (ex)gf are enemies for whatever reason and muse a actually has a secret crush on b but whatever
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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Claire was finding it difficult to keep it together, eyes red and sad as tears slowly fell down her cheeks. The girl wasn’t usually this emotional, but she couldn’t seem to control herself right now. A small wave of relief went over her as she felt Ryder arms wrap around her, face nuzzling into his neck. The sound of his voice immediately made her feel a little better, just his presence calming her. “We broke up.. he had been cheating for a while.” Claire sniffles. “It’s okay. Just having you here helps.”
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Arms loosening a little Ryder pulled back to look her in the eyes as she spoke, it pained him to see tears and sadness in them. Oh, how much he hated this! As her words left her lips Ryder led out a barely audible fuck. He had never liked the guy and now he disliked him even more. He wanted to break his face for doing this to Claire, but he shoved this thought back where it came from. Claire didn’t want him to go beat hat guy up, and he respected her wish, even though he wouldn’t feel bad for arranging that guy’s face. Not one bit. “Well he is a top level jerk for doing this to you. Or to anyone to be honest.” His arms once more wrapped tighter around her as he pulled the girl closer.
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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In order to have a good day, you’ll need a cup of coffee and a big book.
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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cara: oh lord cara: she did not! cara: i’m going to kill her! i hope you won’t miss her cara: but seriously, you don’t have to do this. it’s fine! i’m good on my own :)
OPEN TO F/NB – based on this post. ( doesn’t have to be extra accurate i just hate going in blind even when it’s snapchats lmao. ) +stats
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erik: please tell me my sister got you caught up on her rather evil plan…… erik: bc otherwise this is awfully awkward and you must wonder why i’m sending you a snap erik: anyways, the wedding, apparently it’s now forbidden to go date less so i guess we have to match outfits and whatever else that implies erik: oh and at what time should we meet up at the airport tomorrow?
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halcyyyxn-blog · 6 years
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“Hey, hey, I’m here now,“ he breathed rushing over and immediately wrapping his arms around her. Ryder dropped everything and came right away. Hearing her being upset over the phone broke his heart, so as soon as he hung up Ryder grabbed his car keys and drove over. “What happened? Is there any way I can help? Do I need to beat up someone? I’ll do it. Just say the word.“
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