halfax · 3 years
Everyday I feel numb. Most days I feel nothing at all. I want to feel something. I burn myself or cut myself, but I dont feel it. I see it but Im still numb. I do what I like, I dont like it. I eat what I want, I dont want it. I have no energy to be this person Im trying to be. I wish I had people to talk to, but everytime I open my mouth nothing comes out. Im not happy I never was. Everyday I hate myself I hate everyone. I want to think that there is someone or something out there waiting for me, but nobody is. Im alone and there is nothing I can do about it. I want to feel something real, something I thought never could exist in my universe. “If I could be a different person, I promise you I would”. 
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halfax · 4 years
Bitch tell me why I’m so depressed like wtf
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halfax · 4 years
why does this speak to me tho? kinda reminds me of Kat from Euphoria lol
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My part of a “draw this in your own style” from jj8love on TikTok.
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halfax · 4 years
lol a guy I sold a bread to texted me and he said he wanted to get to know me better but there is a catch I was with someone and he thinks the person who called him to tell him that I had his bread was my cousin. So I sounded how he wanted me to sound but I didn’t look like how he wanted me to look like. Thing is is i’m not even mad about it i’m so used to it that it doesn’t even bother me. PS it was the sunglasses btw lol.
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halfax · 4 years
I’m back and you want to know something I feel okay about it. I started driving on the highway (sort of) I don’t think driving on a road that leads through other street count as highways. However, I am driving for sure on the highway tmrw and I am so nervous mainly because 1 I don’t have a drivers license and I’m scared of getting stopped and getting a ticket that cost more than my FAFSA. Anyways, I’m stressed and I’m going to meditate on that today because have you tried meditating? You should it’s good. I’ll keep you updated and if I die tmrw then I want you to know that I know where I’m not going AKA (Hell). Jesus loves me bro. :)
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halfax · 4 years
today I am super busy and I still am I am going to be doing my homework tonight. When I finished working out I decided to watch a meditation video and as the guy was speaking he said picture something that you want to happen or see  that will make you smile or be happy, and I pictured my family (mom, dad, sister, brother and me) sitting at a dinner table talking and laughing and actually being a family. I didn’t realize it until later that I was crying. So tomorrow I’m going to try for the first time I’m going to try. :) 
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halfax · 4 years
I think I have bipolar. Honestly I just know I do. I have these mood swings and days where I am happy, sad and angry. I hate it tho tbh. I lost people from the way I act. My mom hates me she said I was the “difficult child” like whatever that means. I’m just broken and the pieces are too small to be glued back together.
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halfax · 4 years
ohh what I’ll do to be here. 
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Firefall yesterday in Yosemite National Park, California [4016 Ă— 6012] [OC] by: mrcnzajac
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halfax · 4 years
“that’s why we don’t go over because you are always mad”
Thanks, sorry I can’t control my emotions when they only reason why you go over is to see each other and not me. Soooo..... thanks. 
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halfax · 4 years
search up on YouTube delete forever grimes piano. you won’t regret it. 
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Riccardo Guasco 2021
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halfax · 4 years
My fav street fighter EVER! don’t hate on Chun-li. I’ll come for you bitch.
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halfax · 4 years
I know that for every good day I have their will be a bad day. Today is not my day.
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halfax · 4 years
We accept the love we think we deserve.
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halfax · 4 years
what a great way to start the morning !
The universe might have already ended but it’s effects just hasn’t reached us yet
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halfax · 4 years
If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems. Even if you’re scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there.
Mark Sloan, Grey’s anatomy (via josefinelund)
Ahh mark Sloan never disappoints. RIP
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halfax · 4 years
We all die a little inside.
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halfax · 4 years
I came to a conclusion that I will rewatch greys anatomy today but I'm going to start on season 4 because that is where my favorite character shows up (Lexie Grey). I'm going to share some of my favorite quotes from Greys in a while. but a little update on what happened today. I got a 99 on my exam or something like that. My teacher puts one two options for each question so that's why I got what I got. If you are wondering I am studying to be a teacher of science. Well time to do my other quizzes and do nothing else with my life other than wake up repeat and sleep. 
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