hallofthegeekqueen · 5 years
you wanna see some badass shit from the early 20th century?? The Lumière brothers created the first full color photograph… in fucking 1903! So these dudes dyed potatoes (in red, blue, and green), mashed them down into just pure fuckin’ starch, and used these dyed potato starches as filters to block out/let in certain wavelengths of light. They coated one side of a glass plate with the starches and sensitized the other side with a mixture of gelatin and light sensitive materials (silver nitrate) and loaded these plates in their cameras.. This is a really simple explanation of the process and I may have missed some things A few of my favorite autochrome photos:
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hallofthegeekqueen · 5 years
Thunder only happens when it’s raining
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Players only love you when they’re playing
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
im like a religious art piece. grotesque, haunting, full of melodrama and guilt and unsettlingly horny.
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
Drawing some hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number art so hop on in!
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
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Nicole Kidman as Satine in Moulin Rouge! (2001)
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
proof that tik tok is dark vine
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
Inspired @connorsquarter ‘s post
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
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I’ve received a lot of letters from artists asking to check out their artwork and their blog, and I’ve noticed that a lot of them openly write unhealthy amounts of negative comments about their artwork, it was super depressing, honestly.  :( Confidence plays a very very important role as an artist, it’s what helps us learn and grow without the constant feeling of doubt and jealousy!  You are a unique individual who must go down your own unique path, and as scary as it sounds, you can’t rely on others to hold your hand all the way through.  You are the only one who can get yourself to where you need to go, and beating up your artwork is not the way!  Trust yourself and your abilities to make a change, and you can do anything!! Love your art, love yourself!
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
i downloaded this god damn episode just so everyone could watch this fukkin clip
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
You wouldn't happen to know any spells for gaining knowledge or to enhance your own psychic abilities? Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me have a good day!
Hey there! So I wasn’t able to find anything for gaining general knowledge, but you could look into study spells for when you are studying, or focus spells to stay focused, or memory spells to help remember what you have learned! As far as psychic abilities, there are a few things:
How to Develop your Psychic Abilities Fast
Neptunian Clairvoyance
Psychic Enhancement Satchet
Psychic Exercises
Card Exercise to Enhance Psychic Skills
Psychic Enhancement Jar
Third Eye Anointing Oil
Psychic Awareness Room Spray
Hope that helps! Good luck!
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
Small Tips For ClipStudio
I have some hours before work so I’ll use them to actually detail why I’ve found CSPaint to be so efficient for bastard-aligned painters who like to take shortcuts.
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This will seem familiar to most of you guys, but this functions a little bit different from Photoshop. It turns everything you draw on the layer into editable curves, but retains the aliased smoothness of an ordinary raster layer. Practically a cheat to access the whole suite of amazing tools CS offers for lineart. Such as:
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The vector eraser is The Best™. You can be as messy as possible and this tool erases the excess. One pen-flick and it’s done. Much faster than cleaning it up by hand. You can also tweak the settings of this brush to encapsulate more/less lines as you erase but that’s getting a little more involved. Anyway, last thing:
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Maybe the only thing better than the vector eraser. There are multiple settings, but these three are the most handy. You can smooth wiggly edges, connect broken strokes, and tweak the width/weight to exactly how you want it. This also has a ton of settings you can play around with. It’s great!
There’s a lot more tools you can use, but you get the point! It’s a really good drawing program. I recommend it!
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
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Planetary Essential Oil blends - can be used to anoint items, add to spells, and much more. 
Please remember to always dilute with a carrier oil of your choice!
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
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I miss these poo heads so much .
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
Reblog if you say "Y'all"
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
A Spread for Cards that are Hard to Read
Do you have any of those cards that when they turn up they make you really uncomfortable and you never feel like you can properly describe their meaning to someone you’re reading for? I know I do – The Lovers, The Queen of Wands, and The Emperor have haunted me since I started reading. Cards that are difficult to read can teach us a lot about ourselves and can help guide our shadow work.
I’ve been toying with this spread a little and I wanted to put it out there for others to try out. The idea is that you let the deck speak to what’s blocking your understanding of a given card – which if you’re interested in shadow work, often highlights areas of ourselves that need to be given attention.
The spread is laid out as follows.
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Shuffle the deck and find your chosen card. Place it in the first position. Take the cards immediately following it or proceeding it depending on which will have enough cards to fill every position in the spread. An alternative is to draw the card, put it in first position, shuffle how you choose, and draw the top cards to fill the remaining spots.
The first card is pretty straight forward. Choose a card that’s giving you trouble, that makes you uncomfortable every time it comes up. I think people tend to pick major arcana cards here but don’t be afraid to pick a minor card. All blocks have something to teach us
The second card is how your past influences how you read this card. It could be an event, a belief, an unresolved fear – anything really. Our past often dictates our expectations of the future. So when a card is difficult to read it often points to an expectation we’ve picked up from our past and it either challenges that expectation or confirms something uncomfortable.
The third card is how your perception of yourself is influencing how you read the first card. Similar to the second card, when a card is difficult to read it often challenges our image of ourselves. It may make us feel like bad people when we think highly of ourselves or vice versa, highlight an area we’ve struggled with, or make us question the narrative we tell ourselves.
The fourth card is how others in your life inform your reading of the first card. Often we see other people in the cards, ones we like and ones we don’t. Our feelings for or about that person will often undermine how we read this card in relation to ourselves and to other people.
The fifth, sixth, and seventh card are all what those influences can teach us about ourselves. The lessons they highlight can also offer clues as how to unblock your reading of the main card.
I hope folks find this spread helpful. I’m still tweaking it and toying with it. If you use it to create something new or come up with a different way to do a similar task, please reblog and/or let me know! I’d love to boost more materials on this.
As always, take the best and leave the rest and if you have any questions let me know!
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hallofthegeekqueen · 6 years
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veins! veins!! veins!!! // frank iero and the patience
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