hanakorohskova · 5 years
Interview with Ruth Cunivida, Strategist.
“I remember when I saw the Glitch, they (the other Strategists) told me there was no running from my Bane. I didn’t really believe them until the first time I died. There was a forest a bit outside of where I grew up that I stayed in for a while, but then I heard them. Chainsaws. One after the other the trees fell down. It wasn’t long after that until I saw the cranes, the hammers, the wood, the steel. ‘New development,’ was what they told me. ‘There’s a housing crisis y’know. Gotta make some more room.’ I retreated further into the forest, but they just kept coming. Every time I moved, there’d be more development following right behind me. You can't outrun your Curse. Only delay it for a while.
Eventually… I don’t remember the exact details, but it was one of the falling trees. That was when I died the first time, I think. ‘Come with us, we can tear Creation down so it can never hurt us again,’ the other Strategists told me. I went along with it for a while. Did some things I’m not proud of. Eventually I realized that everyone around me was dying constantly and I wasn’t too far behind them. We never made real progress to tearing down the world, just left a few scratches on it.
I left after a while. I realized there was nothing I could do to stop it, so I might as well live as comfortably as I can manage. It got a bit easier after that. Things slowed down. I found my rhythm. It wasn’t perfect, of course they still followed me everywhere I went, but it was an improvement.”
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hanakorohskova · 5 years
Ice cream
“There is exactly one good thing about this sinful modern world,” Ruth began. “And that’s a bowl of ice cream.”
“Ice cream?”
Ruth takes another bite. “Ice cream. Even that is inherently wrong. See how after I eat some, that’s it. It’s just gone. Everything in this world changes from one moment to the next, and we may never recover what was lost.”
“I mean, you could just get some more. Like there’s a grocery right around the corner.”
“Mhm. Then it costs money, and the grocery store has one pint less than before.” She makes a circling motion with her hand. “Everything changes, small-e entropy moves forward, what was lost may never be regained. And that, my dear, is proof of the world being wrong.” The stars in her eyes twinkle.
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hanakorohskova · 5 years
Ruth, on her Sanctuary
"People like to ask me 'what are the Lands Beyond Creation like?', as if that’s a meaningfully answerable question. They just are. It’s not something that people of Creation can really make sense of and any description of what I would 'experience' (and I use air quotes heavily here) in my sphere would be woefully incomplete. I suppose I could try though.
Hm. I’m not really in a 'place' when I die and return 'home.' I am the place. There are not-trees, not-grass, not-animals, etcetera. I am part of those things. My 'home' is me. I am the not-trees, the not-grass, yadda-yadda. Then of course you lot come around and start arbitrarily dividing things. That tree is separate from that tree a few meters over. That blade of grass is a different entity than the river nearby. It’s quite disgusting really.
Believe me, what you see as cruelty, we see as self-defense."
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hanakorohskova · 5 years
Helping Hand Talks To Mara
“I brought you a soda.”
Mara, startled out of her fugue, tears away her vision from the city down below and over to Helping Hand. He offers the soda to her. She takes it and reads the label. “Sorry,” Helping Hand says. “They were out of Vanilla Coke.”
Mara shrugs and sips from the bottle. “That’s fine, I still like Pepsi.” The teenager swings her legs from the rooftop, several stories up from the ground. “How’d you know I’d be here?”
“Because you always come here to brood.” Helping Hand takes a seat next to her. “What happened?”
Mara looks down at the bottle of Pepsi and is silent for a moment. “One of my friends got busted by the cops,” she says. “It’s his second offense, I’m not gonna be hearing from him for a while. As if pick-pocketing a wallet is a big deal,” she scoffs.
“It’s probably a pretty big deal to the guy who lost his wallet,” Helping Hand points out. “Still, it’s hard to lose touch with a friend for stuff like that. Especially one in situations like yours.”
“That’s the thing, right? The cops always go on about how they want to help us make better things of our lives but then they don’t do anything but arrest us.” Mara glances at the people walking by on the sidewalk below. “It’d be nice if they did something to actually help us for once.”
Helping Hand nods. “Not everybody has the powers to get into that program too, right? It’s a shame for those that don’t have any other options.”
“Is that why you haven’t signed up? Because you feel like you’d be betraying your friends?”
“Nah,” Mara says. “It’s not that, it’s that the program itself is kind of messed up too. Like, ‘put your lives on the line and be basically a cop in a cape using your powers for the quote common good unquote, or else we’re gonna toss you right back out again’. Isn’t that messed up?”
“Yeah,” Helping Hand says. He looks out to the horizon. “It is.” He puts a gentle hand on her shoulder. “You’re a good kid, Mara. I hope you know that.”
“If you say so.”
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hanakorohskova · 5 years
Combat Talent: Sword & Shield
• Slippery: When you roll a weak hit on a Clash and the monster attacks you, you may roll Face Danger with +Edge. On a Strong Hit, you evade the blow entirely. On a Weak Hit, you stumble and Suffer -1 Momentum, but you evade the blow. On a Miss, Pay the Price. • Quick Thinking: When you Secure an Advantage by using one of the items you prepared for the hunt, you may add +1. • Ailments: When you Strike, you may choose to Suffer -5 Momentum to keep your Initiative on a Weak Hit.
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hanakorohskova · 5 years
Ritual: Shapeshifting
• Roll shadow whenever you attempt to don a form different from your usual humanity. On a strong hit take +2 momentum or add +1 to your next roll. Therian and Otherkin characters also take +1 spirit. On a weak hit take +1 momentum. On a miss, Endure Stress (1 stress). ○ As above, and unarmed attacks while shapeshifted are now deadly weapons. You may inflict 2 harm (instead of 1). ○ When you perform this ritual, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
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hanakorohskova · 5 years
Wasted Paper
Saul runs his fingers through his greying hair and groans in frustration. "I swear I'm never going to get this scene right," he says as he crumples up a sheet of paper and throws it into a wastebin, becoming the newest in a growing pile of rejected pages. As Saul touches his pen to a new sheet of paper he suddenly clutches at his chest. His heart beats erratically and he quickly gets to his feet. In his mind he hears a voice that has slowly grown to be a constant companion of his.
"Saul," comes a pleading, desperate voice into his mind. "Please, help me."
"What's happening, Sonja?" Saul is immediately alert. He grabs his coat from the hanger so he could leave immediately. His Power needed him.
"I'm scared, I don't want to die," Sonja half-sobs. "I'm so sorry."
"Where are you? I'll be there as soon as I can."
"I-" Sonja's next word is suddenly cut off. In that silence Saul feels a deep emptiness. It isn't long before the link between them fades entirely.
Those present in the Locus Kethredamen suddenly hear a long scream from the grieving author.
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hanakorohskova · 6 years
25 Reality Syndrome Hacks and Experiences
Hack: Baba is You
Experience: Does this spark joy?
Hack: Lootboxes
Hack: Guitar duel (alternatively, The Devil Went Down to Georgia)
Experience: A good name for a rock band
Experience: The noodle incident
Experience: That video game level you just can't beat
Hack: A great concept for an original character
Experience: The dog that is happy to see you
Experience: The man your man could smell like
Hack: I'm on a boat
Experience: The uncertainty of whether or not somebody is straight
Hack: Fuck it, we'll do it live
Hack: You could make a religion out of this
Experience: Not any more, there's a blanket
Hack: How about I do anyway?
Experience: That's what she said
Hack: Not with that attitude, you can't!
Experience: List of burn centers in the United States
Experience: Cuteness Proximity
Hack: The fun has been ended!
Experience: That's so sad, Alexa play Despacito
Experience: In The Pear Wiggler
Experience: Who invited Moon Moon?
Hack: Three wolf moon shirt
Experience: Is this loss?
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hanakorohskova · 6 years
Public Insecurities
Stars twinkle in the sky while Sonja lies in the grass below. It’s a late, chilly night in her hometown and she can’t stop thinking about the events that occurred for her that day. In particular how she ran and tried to avoid the conflict her Familia was enduring.
“Bit drafty tonight, isn’t it?” Kristel asks as she sits on the ground next to Sonja. “Hard day?”
Sonja turns her head to look at Kristel. “Mhm. Social gathering didn’t go well. Sasha accused Soil’s Regal of collaborating with Dominus Heat in the global warming thing. Maddie was Maddie. Lionel tried to defuse the situation as best he could, but it deteriorated rather quickly. Hence the,” she gestures to her nose, “injury.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Some. I’ve had worse though, nothing like an arrow in my lung again.”
Kristel shivers at the memory. “That was unpleasant.”
“You’re telling me,” Sonja says with a laugh, though her expression quickly darkens. “I fled. Left my Familia to handle the situation without me.”
“That doesn’t sound like you,” Kristel says. “Usually you manage to keep it together.”
“I don’t know why it was so bad tonight, but I just… ran. Maddie eventually went looking for me. Showed me a Noble trick for staying confident in situations. I wish I’d had that when dealing with Akira. In any case I managed to go back out and support my Familia.”
“Good.” Kristel smiles and kisses Sonja’s cheek. “You’ll make it through. You always have and always will.”
Sonja’s face flushes slightly pink and she smiles. “That’s the hope at least.”
“You should talk to your Familia more about your fears. If their souls are as close to yours as you say, they should be able to help. Maybe they had some of these same fears when they were new. For the other Nobles however it sounds like it would be good to mask your fears.”
Sonja nods and looks back up to the stars. “Mhm. I’ve been thinking the same.”
“For now, let’s just enjoy this evening.” Kristel lies down next to Sonja and takes her hand. The two of them spend a few more hours there together until Sonja sits up.
“I have an idea,” Sonja says. With nothing else said she disappears from within her book with an audible pop. “Dominus Heat’s gonna hate this one,” she thinks to herself with a grin. Exiting her chancel, Sonja weaves a miracle into the world.
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hanakorohskova · 6 years
Famine, that is Dust
The name of Famine is Dust, the devastation of farmland and plague of hunger
The heralds of Famine are Strong winds, sudden storms, poor harvests, and swarms of locusts
The weapons of Famine are Hunger, poisoned air, indifference, and selfishness
You turn Famine aside by Packing up and leaving, hoarding food for yourself, and looking out for you and yours
Famine kills you by Rotting your food, turning neighbor against neighbor, drying your wells, and salting your lands
Famine is drawn to Oversized farms, commercialization, and casual indifference
Famine hungers for Gluttony, hunting and gathering, migration, and your return to the dust from which you came
You may kill Famine by Presenting a unified front, affecting radical change, planting trees, and dancing in the rain
Famine is reborn when Communities grow complacent with their situation
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hanakorohskova · 7 years
Superior Alien
Superior Alien 0 You're an alien, but pretty much only to other aliens. Superior Alien 1 There's something about you that's just out of this world! You might have a certain magnetism that draws people to you because you're quirky and fun. Superior Alien 2 You're an alien. Maybe you're from Mars, maybe you're from Eris, the point is whatever you are, you're not from around here. Beep boop. Superior Alien 3 You're not even human-shaped any more. Klingons? Vulcans? They have Superior Alien 2. You're more like the Hanar from Mass Effect. You don't work the same way as other people and so other people can have trouble relating to you. Superior Alien 4 People have trouble recognizing that you're even alive. Your thoughts and feelings are different and complex in ways people struggle to understand. Superior Alien 5 You have nothing in common with the people of Town. For all intents and purposes you're an elder god. Normal humanoids don't even register for you, that's how far removed you are.
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hanakorohskova · 7 years
The Winds of Change
A silver quest for when you want to change something on your charsheet.
0/35xp Things are different these days. Your life has changed, your thoughts have changed, you have changed. You’re not the person you used to be. Your old assumptions and thoughts of yourself don’t really apply any more. Once per chapter, gain an XP towards this quest whenever you notice you’re not behaving in ways you used to.
When you finish this quest, name what’s changed. Phrase it out loud, or on paper if you wish. Make the relevant change to your character sheet.
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hanakorohskova · 7 years
This Quest is Gay Culture
A basic Melodramatic quest! So you're gay. You're really gay. That means you're gay culture! Yes, you! And that means you get to decide what is #gayculture. Take an XP towards this quest whenever you declare something is gay culture.
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hanakorohskova · 7 years
The Whispered Words of Seleckis Prysos
I wouldn't say Seleckis is my friend. Or my ally. Or even an acquaintance. We talk regularly of course, like I talk with everybody else in my notes. She seemed trustworthy enough when I first met her. She knocked, politely introduced herself, and asked if we could talk for a few minutes. It wasn't long before I heard her voice whispering to me. How could I not have noticed her eyes? How could I be such a fool, as to think that she was harmless?
I am damned for my mistake. I write so you may see her and not suffer the way I and many others like me have.
The Whispered Words of Seleckis Prysos... ...speak themselves softly to your ear ...drive you to despair ...offer you an escape ...reassert themselves when ignored ...wear the mask of truth
Attributes: Aspect 0 (5/5 AMP) Persona 1 (5/5 PMP) Treasure 4 (5/5 TMP)
Skills: Smooth Talker 3 Poisons 2 Gentle Touch 2 Daggers 1
Bonds and Afflictions: Bond 5: I inspire trust in those I meet. * "What do you mean she killed your wife? I know Seleckis, she'd never do something like that." Affliction 3: People look into my eyes and see a thing of Creation. * "Look I know it's hard to understand, just... if you see her eyes, you'll see why I did these things. I'm sorry." Bond 1: I naturally fit in, wherever I go. * "You let an Excrucian in?! What were you thinking?" Affliction 1: The name of the creator causes me physical pain. * "I don't know what happened! She just started screaming!" Three points are intentionally left free for the GM or Player, though I suggest "Bond 3: I lash out in anger to those who see through my lies"
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hanakorohskova · 7 years
Witchcraft: A Magical Skill
Those who practice witchcraft are in tune with the forces that make up the world in which we live and are able to use these forces for their own purposes. This is usually a learned skill, but some have a stronger aptitude for it than others, usually due to a drop of faerie blood in their veins. If for some reason you object to the term "witchcraft", you're welcome to also call this "folk healing" or any other appropriate name you can give this.
Known magical techniques include: [Obstacle 0] Identify illnesses, omens, curses, general maladies, and magical flora and fauna. [Obstacle 0] Sit and meditate, becoming more in tune with the world and its energies. This is really helpful for reducing anxiety or stress, should you be feeling it. [Obstacle 1] Identify a plant by its physical properties. [Obstacle 1] Take flight upon a broomstick. [Obstacle 1] Create a protective circle to keep out spirits. [Obstacle 2] Create a charm to ward off evil. [Obstacle 2] Use some herbs and other materials you’ve gathered to create a potion, elixir, or salve. I’m leaving this fairly open to interpretation but it should be thematically appropriate and within the realm of modern human medicine. Sleep aids, potions of dreaming, and cures for illnesses are appropriate here. When in doubt, ask your HG. [Obstacle 3] Curse somebody with bad luck for a chapter. When taken as a wound, this is usually a surface wound.
Passively the skill also grants certain basic knowledge without using a technique such as holidays and common ritualistic practices as well as how to perform them safely.
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hanakorohskova · 7 years
Julie Matsushima: The Automaton
Nona once made an expedition to Earth in search of some unimportant thing someone asked her to retrieve. Luckily her destination was one of the kindled areas of Earth, one of the areas that was rescued from the Outside wave and is actually real again. While she was there she found in a dumpster a girl who looked like she was dead. When looking over this girl Nona discovered multiple lacerations to her skin, but instead of blood there were severed wires and circuits. Somehow she managed to find a person on Earth capable of repairing the damage to this girl and somehow this girl woke up!
She says her name is… some long initialism that I can’t remember exactly but she wanted to be called Julie, the name of the woman who helped create and teach her. Turns out Nona and Julie got really close and Nona informally “adopted” Julie as her baby sister. They’re both back in town now of course and I’ve had some opportunities to talk to Julie on her own. She’s pretty secretive with details of her creation but whatever it was I can tell something really bad happened.
Also she kinda freaks out if you take her to Arcadia. Something in Julie’s head bugs out and she has a bit of a breakdown any time she goes somewhere that’s too bright, too loud, or too smelly. She’s fine afterwards of course but it’s always really stressful for her, poor girl. These days she lives in the outskirts of Fortitude, mostly away from people. She doesn’t hate people exactly, we’re just not quite intuitive to her.
Name: Julie Matsushima High Concept: The Automaton Type: Mundane Age: Unknown, appears 13 or 14 Species: Robot Gender: Female XP Emotion: Offering You Comfort XP MP: 1/1
Suggested XP Actions: Science, Faith, and Sorcery: * You take a leap of faith and admit to someone that you’re actually secretly a robot. Suffer Adversity: * You experience sensory overload due to an overwhelming environment. Obsessive Action: * You find some part of you that doesn’t look quite human, so you start trying to fix it far beyond what’s reasonable or rational.
Skills: Precision 3 Endurance 2 Domestic Tasks 2 Self-Repair 1 Socialize -1
p>Perks: Bond 2: My programming isn’t complete and my movements are jerky or visibly artificial. Affliction 0: I come off as foreign or shady and people are suspicious of me.
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hanakorohskova · 7 years
Ruth: The Drifter
(cw: Transphobia, Gender Dysphoria, Homelessness)
So for sake of privacy, this person's name has been changed. It took a lot to get her to trust me with all this so you'll have to deal with a fake name.
Let's call her... Ruth I think. That's a good fake name! Ruth lives in the Walking Fields on her own. In so far as you can call it living really. She doesn't have a place to stay. Closest thing she has is some hideout that she declined to show me. She's got a bike and a backpack, and the entire remainder of her possessions in all of Creation are in the backpack. Not too much to work off of unfortunately for her. Ruth's just so used to it by now though, she doesn't want help from anyone.
Being kicked out for being trans didn't exactly help matters either.
Name: Ruth (not her actual name, just the one she gave me) High Concept: The Drifter Type: Miraculous Age: 16? 17? She wouldn't say. Species: Human Gender: Female (and she'll punch you if you say otherwise) XP Emotion: Thumps-Up! XP MP: 5/5
Suggested XP Actions: Shared Action * You run into another drifter on the road somewhere. You camp out together for the night. You connect! Wicked Action * Somebody offers you aid and you turn it down even though you know it would help you. Science Faith and Sorcery * You take a gamble on somebody you're not sure you should trust.
Skills: Endearing Personality 3 Survival 2 Biking 1 Brawl 1 Hunting 1 Socialize -1
Perks: Bond 2: I keep accidentally wandering into the Outside. Affliction 2: I'm chronically homeless.
Arcs: (Miraculous) Accursed 2+ (CMWGE:543) * Your Curse: Gender Dysphoria * Your Trigger: Being misgendered or otherwise fitting into a male role. * Your Sanctuary: Hidden somewhere in the Walking Fields.
(Miraculous) Become Somebody 1 (CMWGE:494) * Your Truth: You're Independent * Your Failing: Your Pride * Your Role: A Woman
You can't just invoke Unstoppable all the time because you're female. Unstoppable is specifically invoked when you're specifically focusing on your womanhood and trying to convey that to other people. This can probably get a bit silly. Not that you even have access to Unstoppable at Become Somebody 1 anyway!
Additionally, what kind of woman you are is for you to work out in play for yourself!
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