hanbyul-here · 10 years
[Big Screens] Things that might help you
 Big Screens show is over ⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳°
 Since we spent a lot of + hard times on big screens, I wanted to leave some comments that might help next year class. This is specifically for people working with Processing.  If you are dealing with Cinder, Bill or Ryan can help you ( https://github.com/wdlindmeier/bigscreens ), if you wanna expand your screens to browser (which is really really great idea because you don't have to deal with goddamn ethernet cable connection) , the project of Jess & Ju would be helpful for you. 
 So... Hi Processing Friends. I will just scatter the thing that I found || people were curious about while doing our project. Oh, first, 'we' are Mary Fe & Hanbyul, our project was 'cub3s' 
 1. Since we worked on 3d environment, lots of people asked us Processing is enough for this. I might not be the best person to answer this, but Processing was good enough at least for us. As you can notice, the number of cubes was less than 1500, which is not that bad, also we tried not to calculate many things in real time.  The speed, position, angle, and color.. almost everything is already set when they are initialized. Mesh scene was little bit hard because it required running real time noise to make natural wave,so I had to optimize the number of cubes.  I don't exactly know how much you can benefit from switching to other languages, but it is true that performance based on java &jogl (opengl for java, Processing) is not that great , so you sometimes have to be careful.
 2. I personally think that the bigger cons of using Processing than performance problem (which means you are using Most Pixels Ever library for connections of screens) is testing. I couldn't figure out why, but now (December, 2013) it is impossible to test 3d sketches on local with Most Pixels Ever auto mode. It means that you always have to stage your sketch on itp screens or wherever you can spread the clients. I could see manual mode (The mode that you have to set the scene up manually, like camera things)  running on local, and couldn't figure out why it doesn't work on default. If I can find out more, I will post.
3. Sometimes it is not your problem. MPE server is not super stable, and ethernet connection in ITP is extremely fragile. If Eclipse throws 'can't find -1.xml' error, it means that ethernet connection was screwed up. You may have to physically unplug and plug cables till they are working. If controller suddenly stops talking to server, don't panic, just restart server and controller. Not to confuse controller, it is better to turn on the server before turning on controller, this was the problem we got at second performance. HAHAHA!
4. There are some libraries & functions conflicting with MPE library. Especially the library related to camera ( ex. PeasyCam ), it is not gonna work with MPE because MPE needs to take over priority to make seamless connections between screens. Even some of P5's built in function, such as camera or frustum,  don't work in auto mode of MPE. You can go to Manual mode if you want more freedom of camera, but you still can't do that many things since many parts of MPE's default camera are for lining 3 screens up. 
5. Those are not big screens, but wide screens. their screen resolution ratio is more than 10:1, which throws crazy perspective. I just edited default camera to see extremely far (Yes, I edited the library's source directly, might not be the decent way ) , so we could avoid fish-eye effects on screens. 
 I hope these things are helpful feedbacks rather than boring whine..
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
[ait] Document , impersonate
 This week's assignment was quite broad, it was doing one or more things among the options. I choose two things, first was impersonate on OkCupid. Okay, classy and not that creative, but always wondered about this online dating scene, and making false profile and observing the reactions was not that boring. 
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I used one celebrity's photo of my country, thank you Clara (her name) for being pretty like this, faked my  job as yoga teacher. I got not bad amount of messages as soon as I updated the profile, and found some interesting hook up line from people.
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I got this exact same message from two people, I googled it, and it was known as 'little sister opening line'
 I started to feel guilty, and lost interests because I can't get the point of doing this.
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How can't I feel guilty when ignoring this kind of messages for 3 times.. 
Another thing that I did is totally different thing, documenting all my web browsing history including tabbing information. I did this because I felt that I am realllly distracted a lot in these days (especially doing web surfing), used Chrome extension & localStorage to track & keep the data. Data is still very raw, but I could gather a loooot of data in very short amount of time. One thing I found interesting is the lifespan of the tab is extremely short, I don't even navigate that much on one tab. 
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One bock means one tab.
 This work is still in progress, I hope I can arrange this data in meaningful way soon.
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
[Big Screens] progress
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 Working big screens is not piece of cake. Especially when working in 3d environment, everything is weirdly stretched and perspective is crazy. I gave up peasy cam library because it is conflicting with mpe, and started to write camera's movement directly. (Which actually gives me much better code habits.) We are gonna use sound a lot to control whole things on the screens, and still have to figure out relation between visual and sound. However, things started to work properly and we are psyched about it . 
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
[ait] Chrome Extension for specific ones
So, I have two friends I used to work & hang out with. We share quite similar interests, so we send interesting links back and forth often. I thought that making bookmarks that can be shared by several people would be helpful for us, decided to make this. 
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this is usual way of communicating for us.
First thing that came up to my mind is the way to keep the data without running server. Several options were possible, I ended up with using google drive api. (What I found is actually spreadsheet can really work as database. I am using file inside of drive instead of  spreadsheet, don't think this was the best decision.) It is really simple work once I get hang of using google drive api. It is updating the file whenever put request happens, and parse the data with the rule. I put different background in case this links is more interesting to specific one rather than whole of us. It requires sharing the file which works as database and authorizing app.
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 I showed this to my friends for user testing. What I found interesting is they consider this as social tool rather than just bookmarks. ( They suggests to have @toWhom function like twitter instead of having background color, and having time records) They also said that just simple note dropping app will also work for us. 
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
[Live Web] Midterm idea - Video Streaming System
So, this idea started from about 3 years ago. My university was national, and about to incorporate it without enough discussions with students. Big movement against this decision happened Unlike normal movement in the university lead by few closed groups, lots of individual students wanted to involve with this movement, result into unique things such as music festival and guerrilla installations. Administrative building was occupied with students, and people outside of school wanted to watch what is happening in school. My friends tried hard to broadcast the things, tried with some existing broadcasting systems, but always failed. 
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 Since then, I thought about live streaming system in super light way, without having super server. Finally, I would have opportunity to hand on to build the system as a midterm for live web class.
 Now, I am thinking about streaming system relaying the user using peering. In other words, first specific number of users would connect to server directly, but if users are more than that number, first users would act like agent to stream the video.
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
[Thoughts] Data
 I am recently sitting in Data Science Story Telling class, taught by Hilary Mason. I've tried to keep cool attitude about data things, didn't want to just be inside of big boom. However, all speakers were awesome, and basically taught me that data is journalism, and this lesson is slowly changing my view for data. It means that, people who deal with data have same amount of responsibilities as journalist, the result of data helps people make a decision.
//not finished //
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
[AIT] can I have your sketch?
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  Last week's assignment was making Human Programming Interface. I spent lots of time to come up with the idea, and finally, I decided to collect people's sketches and draw them. I thought this is interesting because this input is kind of combination of human & machine language. I received 13 sketches, I couldn't draw 3 of them, because I already knew how it looks like (this one was from my really close friend), and one was using PImage, the other one was just.. too long (13 pages !!!!!)
 I printed all codes not to be tempted by hitting run button, used grid papers and colored pencils. I tried considering myself as compliler, I didn't imagine big picture of sketch, rather than, I drew the sketch line by line. However I couldn't keep the order of drawing because of layering problem. I did in reversed way, drew last element first unless order doesn't matters.
 All the results are arranged in this site :
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
[Big Screens] image test
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We could test various kind of images on real screens today. Since we are interested in giving depth on the screen, we choose lots of 3d images with perspective. (Of course, there also were kittens, oranges, some socks..) We found that
  - screen make things flat
 - screen changes color, less red, less green
 - shade & light matter
 - don't make people throw up
 This image (made by Raven Kwow ) works really well on the screen.
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 This image gave us the feeling of real warm hole!
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 Since we were the last team, we also could test sound ( which is not that good) and last week's sketch again. Here are some photos
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
[Bicycles] Quotes
I might not be able to summarize all the things from this inspiring class, leaving some quotes that will remind me some thoughts. 
 - consumer / producer : the way information is consumed
 - wayback machine ! http://web.archive.org
- culture with people who are willing to receive
- sharing != collaborating 
- collaboration in opensource code : easiest way to collaborate : what's wrong with being easy? that's the power
- illusion of web 2.0 // Alan Kay's optimism (can be compared, but different) 
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
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Telling a story through various media. 
I tried with Twitter, and IRC. I used my language on Twitter, just because that how I usually keep my Twitter account. I use timeline for useful information, but my tweets are never useful, they are usually nothing, just whiny. After I posted my story, I got no replies on Twitter but two friends of mine sent me message about this tweet. 
 Well. in lonely IRC.. I choose channel of which members were 3, and got no response at all. :( 
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
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live web assignment : portrait with html5 video
 Link : http://itp.nyu.edu/~hj657/live_web/week1/
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
[liveweb] Traveling Without Seeing Response
Article : Traveling without seeing
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Hongkong, 2008
I know how boring it sounds like, but I don't like traveling that much. I just always feel like I am not so prepared to fully appreciate all the different things from usual things that I have.
 Despite of all my not-being-interested-in-traveling, I sometimes travel even across the border. What I found from not enough travelings to generalize somethings is actually, there are not many scary different things for travelers in this world.
Native people don't stare at different looking people anymore, even if so, whatever, you have tons of co-travelers. I can taste special local menu from McDonald if I want unique local experience, buy special limited edition from fancy brands. I can even fake my traveler identity with my smartphone instead of huge map and lonely planet, so why not? 
I personally think this point is the thing that has grown the traveling industry so much, people of course want unique experience, but also want that to be 'good, not that stressful', worth paying their one month salary. Even seeing experience, which is actually most secure experience among our senses, is being blocked with all the 'wired things' as the author mentioned. 
 I don't want to say this is just an extension of this current trend of secured traveling, because the device plays total different role depending on what it is doing. It can make people to be out of physical context ( if somebody is playing breaking bad in front of Tiananmen Square) or help the existence of the current (if somebody is search for the information about why Guggenheim is round unlike other galleries) . 
The tone of this writing seems to be a bit negative, but I don't think this is bad, harmful for your 'real' experience in traveling. People have to squeeze their vacations from the crazy schedule,  basically have no time to make your body prepared to be on total different context. I would appreciate if there is anything that could comfort my fear, even if it is my small smartphone. Overcoming the fear and fully existing the place where I am sounds great, but well, this is just little break of my life, partially existing would be okay for me. 
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hanbyul-here · 11 years
Saturday Night : Live Drawing with Self Developed Tool
My awesome friend Sungjin Nam lent his song ‘saturday night’ to me for my live drawing assignment. I wanted to make awesome drawing for my friend, I built the drawing app by OF. This app includes some functions to make the lines look more dynamic, lines are reacting to sound level and performer can  capture screen shots and play those shots like gif files while drawing. You will notice these things when you watch it ! Original movie’s resolution is 1680*1050, because it is my laptop’s full screen resolution. ( Drawing in fullscreen has  much more fun than drawing on part of the monitor screen! ) Since this resolution is not very normal, vimeo doesn’t work very well, so I am adding some screen shots & link to real movie file HERE! 
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