haniawrites · 6 years
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A piece a did for my AP art class last year. The theme was literary conflicts. This piece was the conflict “man v. woman”. I choose to take a twist and show the two identities together ft. My beautiful gnc girlfriend and the nonbinary pride colors, because the theme was sexist and we don’t play like that.
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haniawrites · 6 years
Try strict structure poems (like haiku tanka or sonnets if you’re feeling fancy) first, and once you get a feel of rhythm and rhyme develop your own structur
i kinda wanna get into writing poetry but idk where to start 🤔 any advice bottoms and gamers?
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haniawrites · 6 years
A Camel to Venice
I want to take a trip to Venice.
I would take a plane,
but the money is a menace.
So i guess I’ll abstain.
A train is an affordable idea,
but that is for the commoners,
who have the creativity of a tortilla.
I couldn’t ride with them for kilometers.
So I will take my camel.
He can carry me and my baggage;
such a noble mammal.
With him I will surely manage.
We will travel with class and poise,
so don’t you dare to stare.
We’re well behaved boys,
who make a genteel pair.
The unreasonable looks did come our way.
Same on all members of society,
who participate in ruining my day.
I came to their life to add variety,
and they created my with incredulity,
with laughter and with ridicule.
But I have formed immunity,
as according to the cynic school.
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haniawrites · 6 years
The non requiter
How I wish I could fall in love with you
I want to see the joy spark in your eyes
I can see you are handsome, kind, and wise
I would happily be in love with you
If my feelings were real, not just a guise,
We would go on long walks on summer days,
And drive around in your red Polonez
Our future marriage would be no surprise
But since my love for you is not a thing
Our future together cannot exist
It’s nothing, and I’m not a nihilist
I will always reject you, stop trying
“Man delights not me” as Hamlet once said
Accept the friend zone, get off of my head
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haniawrites · 7 years
someone: why isnt that character as developed as ur other ones….
me: bc i havent found the right songs to daydream them to yet
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haniawrites · 7 years
Allism Speaks
Allism was first diagnosed in 1940. Since then, an epidemic of allism slowly grew to its modern statistic. 87 out of 88 people are allistic. Due to their concerns, many autistic parents with allistic children, came together to form “Allism Speaks”, an organization whose goals are to raise awareness of Allism and solve the puzzles allism gives to us.
Allism Speaks has founded many research programs to help their allistic children. “I just don’t know how my daughter will contrive in a work environment”, says Lin, one of the founders of Allism Speaks “She never says what she really means. She either says the exact opposite of what she means, or uses some weird fraze and just expects people to know”. Lin also expressed her worries with her daughter, Ashley, constantly changing her schedule and routines. “She doesn’t always do things in the same order, or go to the same places. I’m worried her coworkers won’t be able to adjust”.
That is just on of the many unusual behaviors of allistics. Other parents expressed their concerns with their children's future while lacking basic skills, so obvious to autistics. Allistic children show a large variety of shortages in social abilities. Problems with clear expression of ideas are just one of them. Many parents are also concerned with their child’s inability to break eye contact during a conversation or about them asking meaningless questions as conversation starters.
Asking and answering questions is very troublesome to allistic people. They find certain answers inappropriate or even offensive. “Hardly ever does Ashley expect a honest answer”, says Lin. “Usually she just needs you to reaffirm what she thinks. I try my best, although it is hard to always guess what she wants to hear to not upset her”.
Organization is another difficulty allistic children face everyday. “We tried our best to explain to her that sizes, colors, and textures, go together. We told her that you don’t put the big, blue, soft items with small, pink, rough ones, but she doesn’t have any idea what we’re talking about.
Allistic people have a very different approach to emotions than normal people do. They don’t move in accordance to them as them speech, and they never stim. Its most challenging part of this behaviour is how important allistic people’s strange and complex emotions are to them. They seem completely blinded by them. They don’t think rationally whenever emotions are involved, which is almost always for allistics.
Allism is a condition what affects the person and their whole surrounding. The parents of Allism Speaks have done a tremendous effort to help us better understand their allistic children. They are still thankful for their allistic children. As Lin always says “Ashley taught me I don’t have to understand to love. I would never have learned that important lesson if it wasn’t for my allistic child”.
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haniawrites · 7 years
me, the motherfucker with over 50 abandoned works in progress: i have another idea
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haniawrites · 7 years
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I’ve been working on some backgrounds with watercolor, and boy, do I enjoy it!
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haniawrites · 7 years
Write a letter apologizing to your body for any hatred and ingratitude you may have expressed. 
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haniawrites · 7 years
Using the appropriate vocabulary in your novel
It is very important that the language in your novel reflects the time and place in which the story is set.
For example, my story is set in Italy. My characters would never “ride shotgun”, a term coined in US in the early 1900s referring to riding alongside the driver with a shotgun to gun bandits. 
Do your research! A free tool that I found to be very useful is Ngram Viewer. 
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You can type any word and see when it started appearing in books. For example…one of my characters was going to say “gazillion” (I write YA) in 1994. Was “gazillion” used back then?
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And the answer is…YES! It started trending in 1988 and was quite popular in 1994.
Enjoy ^_^
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haniawrites · 7 years
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Suffering from writer’s block? Why not develop your character a little bit more? 
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haniawrites · 7 years
"Where the fuck are any descriptions"
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what’s up this is my band Comma Overload
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haniawrites · 7 years
gay culture is writing poems in the notes of your phone at 3am
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haniawrites · 7 years
🏳️‍🌈This blog supports all sexual orientations and gender identities
Reblog if yours does too.
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haniawrites · 7 years
To nic nie znaczy. Ludziki zwyczaj bez sensu. To nic nie znaczy. Każdy to robi. To nic nie znaczy, Czemu płaczę? To nic nie znaczy. To nic nie znaczy. Ja nic nie znaczę.
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haniawrites · 7 years
The Alphabet of a Dependent Relationship
Anywhere But not here Can we go? Don't make me stay Everyday I want to leave Forget about this place Go somewhere else Have some space I need a break Just Keep myself away Leave Move out Not look back Out of here Please, Quit forcing me to stay Reverse the roles Stay with me There Unasked Visibility enjoy my company Wherever I want Xylitol to my soul You Zooming through my mind
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haniawrites · 7 years
Osiągam sukcesy Każdy mi klaszcze Na co zda się wyjątkowość? Splendor wypełni pustkę
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