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We are in the process of changing a few things on the website, which has created some issues in the last couple days (and may continue through today) - to make up for the inconvenience of having to message/email me your orders, please accept this coupon code for 10% off your order (Sorry10!) - it is good through the entire month of November! #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #rebranding #sorry #influx #discount #bathbombs #plantpower #smallbusiness #hey! #remembertostickittothemantoday #blacklivesmatter #dontforget #peoplearepeople #lovethyneighbor #stopkillingmarginalizedpeople — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3BIimeR
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Keeping it simple today. Pumpkin spice, anyone? #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #pumpkinspice #bathbomb #fizzy #relax #butdontforget #blacklivesstillmatter #justiceforALL #lovethyneighbor #publicserviceannouncement — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/30pcZEg
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Super fun! #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #bath #shootingstar #color #astronomy #star #hey #fuckchristophercolumbus #thatsallfortoday — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3ArGYb6
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More fun with painting! #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #monkey #banana #bathbombs #cute — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3m2H0ki
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Painting today. I’m almost as poor a painter as I am a photographer. Haha! Anyway. These were fun to make and to paint. Gonna go test one right now! #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #poison #bathbomb #skull #purple #dark #halloweeniscoming #myfavoriteholiday #donttrickortreatatmyhousethough #ialreadyateitall #hey! #blacklivesmatter #incaseyouforgot #dontforget #doyourpart — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/39yezFk
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My little friend is turning 3 this week so I needed to whip her up something special. This bubble bath is scented with strawberry shortcake and the fragrance oil is spot on! This is a limited run and is not infused , but now that I’ve got a little more help in the shop, I think that not only can I incorporate cbd, but I can do larger batches to keep up. Keep an eye out for more of this because #whodoesntlovebubbles #smallbusinessowner #treatyourself #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #bubbles #bubblebath #handmade #knowwhatsinit #strawberryshortcake #fruity #maisie #sweet #periodicreminder #blacklivesstillmatter #everyday #dontgetittwisted #lovethyneighbor #doesntmatterifyoureblackorwhite #justdoit — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Yyi5wZ
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Love these! Scented in Vanilla Latte, these little guys are adorable. I haven’t quite gotten to the point where I am willing to make these in Pumpkin Spice, but I know that when I do, @meganewills and @dawn.did.it will be appreciative. Twitch. #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #vanillalatte #coffee #starbucks #cups #friendlyreminder #blacklivesstillmatter #everyday #createthechange #lovethyneighbor #wearamask — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3BJQlUq
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It’s almost October! Whereas some of you are excited about pumpkin spice lattes, THIS is what I am excited about. And since ya’ll are drinking your coffee, I’m gonna be making these! #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #bathbombs #plantsarefriends #glass #blood #watchyourgooglesearches #somebodyclearmyhistory #bubbles #friendlyreminder #blacklivesstillmatter #todayandeveryday #lovethyneighbor #oratleastprotectthem #thanksforcomingtomytedtalk — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3DmZtjL
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Sick of single use plastic?? Me too!These are tablets that you drop into a foaming pump and it produces a wonderful foam for washing your hands with. These are cheaper than the 8oz of hand wash they produce, take up less storage space, and enable you to reuse the empty plastic bottles you’ve hidden under your sink because you aren’t sure what do do with them otherwise. #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #ecofriendly #tablet #washyoself #foam #washyourhands #friendlyreminder #blacklivesSTILLmatter #thebattlerageson #doyourpart #yourcommunityneedsyou #vaccinate #pleasedontkillgrandma #thoughtsandprayersdontcutit — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3gob7Rv
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Another labor of love. Hah! Things have been very busy around here lately, and I hadn’t gotten as much design time as I would have liked, so I wrestled a little bit from the Time Lords and managed to make these little guys. If you know, you know. <3 #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #bathbombs #create #design #3dprinting #vashon #cbd #amazeballs #dontbeadick #blacklivesstillmatter #reminder #vshole #keepvashonweird #keepvashonsafe — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/238899975_987023972121589_5401828761492939845_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=051cCrIiZdoAX_B-ZDO&_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=5fd9189ebddda67f4baf670eb696c57a&oe=611EF91E
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Happy Pride Month, y’all! #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #bathbomb #rainbow #loveislove #mindyourbusiness #peoplematter #lovethyneighbor #stayoutofotherpeoplesrelationships #unrelated #yesonsb749 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3xluRew
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In the spirit of the dreaded summer cold, made even more undesirable by the influence of COVID, I present to you: the new and improved shower steamer. We have upped the weight, and added a notch so that you can get two showers out of one bar! No more breaking the squares in half! Yay!! #showersteamer #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #menthol #steamthatcongestion #ahhhhhhh #relief #breatheeasy #kickitupanotch #lovethis — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3ylIXOe
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Today only, I am opening these up and preparing to make them all day if necessary, and I’m offering them at a 10% discount! Scented in citrus sage (which I find to be HILARIOUS, as sage will be needed when the orange guy finally vacates). We can all use a little relaxation and a break from the last 4 years. #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts @homemadehandcrafts #bathbomb #relax #itsalmostover #washthatmanrightoutofmyhair #sageburning #byedon2020 #getout #hopefullythishelps #notawholelotofhopeleft #butmaybe #letsallremember #blacklivesstillmatter #murderisillegal #nomorekidsincages #childabuseisnotok #institutionalabuseawareness #stopkillingblackpeople #loveyourneighbor #cantwealljustgetalong #racismhasnohomehere #abuseisnotokay #iseeyousurvivor #dowhatyoucantomaketheworldabetterplace #useyourplatform #breakingcodesilence #353 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2M91gTn
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Today’s delight. Scented with fresh squeezed orange juice with “kiss off” which is one of my favorites! #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts @homemadehandcrafts #bathbombs #orange #kissoff #valentinesdayiscoming #showsomeonethatyoucare #sorta #anddontforget #blacklivesstillmatter #andkidsdeserveachildhood #stopkillingblackpeople #accountability #nokidsincages #breakingcodesilence — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3bIHclf
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These are live. So are some blank ones. Not everyone enjoys my sense of humor (ie: not everyone is hilarious!) and that is ok! Each scent/color will have its own saying, so as to not overload. I love these! #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts @homemadehandcrafts #bathbombs #valentines #tacos #smellgoodstuff #raspberry #conversationhearts #oncemorewithfeeling #buffyreference #eitheryougetitoryoudont #but #justincase #ifeeltheneedtomention #blacklivesstillmatter #kidsdeservesafety #nokidsincages #letstrytoactlikegrownupsinthecomingdays #seriously — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/35ARAb1
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Ahhh. Sunday. #homemadehandcrafts #happycamperbathbombs #relaxing #colors #plantpowered #purple #hearts #bathbombs #truthbombs #hey #guesswhat #blacklivesstillmatter #asdoesdemocracy #notthesameasdelusion #notok #childrenmatter #wearblue #humantraffickingawarenessmonth #stopthetti #breakingcodesilence #research #and #vote — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3oxSLiJ
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Mold testing for the Valentine’s Day bathbomb lineup. I think it’s going pretty well. #bathbombs #valentinesday #happycamperbathbombs #homemadehandcrafts #testingphase #antivalentines #6feet #itsyounotme #breonnataylordoesntgettocelebrate #blacklivesstillmatter #reform #stopkillingblackpeople #stopabusingchildren #useyourplatform — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/351DHm6
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