haramagda · 2 years
It’s ok to want more. You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone.
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haramagda · 2 years
pep talk #1:
be as delusional about your desires as possible. have the AUDACITY to believe you deserve every little thing you want. i don't care if the physical reality shows you otherwise.
your sp barely acknowledges you? girl they're in LOVE with you they just don't know how to put it into words. you have them speechless every single time!
that 10,000 dollars still ain't hit your bank account yet? it's making its way to you right now just hold on, damn. someone has to count that LARGE sum of money you have, right?
you manifested weight loss but you see no changes? no problem. with every step you take, every breath you breathe, you've already lost several pounds/kg. it's vacuuming off your body AS YOU READ THIS so stop worrying.
that apartment you've dreamt of? someone's moving out of that bitch. hell they're probably BUILDING it right now, exactly to your liking. it's gonna find its way to you.
PLEASE you know how long i've been manifesting my crush? it doesn't matter how long, because you know what? he already is in love with me. i persist in that idea and guess what? i feel relieved knowing i've got exactly as i created.
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haramagda · 2 years
I was sad today because my four of winter (four of swords) card is missing. I was hella anxious and my toxic impulsive habits made me want to purchase another deck so I could replace the missing piece. But this post calmed me down. I hope I'll see my card again.
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haramagda · 2 years
tw mental breakdown tw mentally ill girl tw mental illness tw crazy girl tw insane girl hashtag female hysteria
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haramagda · 2 years
The grass greener on whatever side I’m standing on bitch
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haramagda · 2 years
“You do not have to limit your power of belief to what your reasonable mind dictates. The choice and its limitations are entirely up to you, for all things exist in the human imagination and it is from your imagination that your belief stems. If you go beyond the dictates of reason, it must be via your imagination, and since all things now exist there, you can at any moment go beyond what your reason and senses dictate.”
-Neville Goddard’s “All Things Are Possible” (1969)
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haramagda · 2 years
This. It took me so long to learn this and I'm still learning. It's so hard when you grew up pleasing people. Time to let that go and live for myself.
Don't allow others to consume you. If they don't call, go to sleep. If they don't message you, put away your phone & have a good day. If they are distant and refuse to tell you what's wrong, go home and do something fun. You live for yourself first. They are secondary.
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haramagda · 2 years
Stop questioning yourself. Start trusting yourself.
Stop asking question how can I… where will I…. Start meditating and tuning into your emotions.
Every time you doubt yourself, you give away your power. No doubting. No fearing. No wondering where are you going to get your desired results. No asking how are you going to manifest. You are doing yourself a humongous disservice, once you allow for the doubt to continue. There is no space for that. There is only room for KNOWING, BELIEVING and PERSISTING.
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haramagda · 2 years
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Water Nymphs by @LukasWerneck
Such a happy picture! Screams three of cups.
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haramagda · 2 years
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Follow your spirit dreams 💜
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haramagda · 2 years
i don't go by the book but i personally believe that its okay to read tarot everyday. (for myself) my decks are my friends, and my 'counselor', i shuffle them when i want to hear something and doesn't want to talk to gods forsaken humans /s
in all seriousness, find balance so you don't lose ur independence in decision-making by depending way too much on ur decks. anything can be an addiction. u are the master of ur own life, they're ur lovely tools, they're YOURS, don't be a slave to them, they're just one tool in ur entire life tool kit. addiction is disempowering. use ur lovely tarot in the way they'll empower you
i personally use spirituality to cope. and my beautiful decks help me with journaling and grounding myself. blessed be <3
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haramagda · 2 years
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So who‘s the baddest witch in town?
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haramagda · 2 years
your thoughts create your reality
think of yourself as this breathtaking angel that charms everyone that comes into contact with you. think of yourself as the bad bitch who knows her worth and never settles. think of yourself as a gorgeous princess that lives in a gorgeous castle and sleeps in gorgeous silk bedsheets. think of yourself as the filthy rich woman who can go shopping, travel and have fun all day without any worry. think of yourself as the magnet of love that no one can resist.
your thoughts create your reality. spoil yourself with good thoughts, and you’ll notice how you already are all that you want to be.
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haramagda · 2 years
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haramagda · 2 years
im the adhd witch
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haramagda · 2 years
Getting Into Glamour Magick
Today I have decided to start trying to get into glamour magick. I've been reblogging a ton of posts on it with spells, information and tips and I'm here to combine them all into a simple list of things I want to try.
💋 Enchanting and charging my makeup
💋 Making my own magickal perfume
💋 Enchanting my mirrors to improve the self image of anyone who looks in them
💋 Drawing sigils on my face with my foundation when I put on makeup
💋 Saying incantations when I brush my teeth in the morning and at night to help my voice have the effect I want it to have
💋 Carrying around sigils associated with beauty and glamour magick
💋 Enchanting my jewlery
💋 Learning more about glamour magick
💋 And trying a bunch of the glamour spells I found here on Tumblr (:
If there are any additions ideas or tips you would like to give me please comment with them! Any help is greatly appreciated! I will be posting an update soon detailing the changes glamour magick brings into my life and what I think of this type of magick.
Blessed be, Christina 🌕
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haramagda · 2 years
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Simz Art on Instagram / Tumblr / Patreon
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