harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
Let’s not fall in love the series
Side note: I don’t want you guys looking through my feed to find the chapters so I’ll be adding every post on here after I post :) please enjoy the series :)
P.s they are in order :)
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
Let’s not fall in love: Jin Younghoon
“Let’s not fall in love, we don’t know each other very well yet”
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Another day another time to hang out with his best friend Younghoon had texted her to meet him at there place where they first met
Flash back
Riding his bicycle Younghoon had just ran away like always from his step father and his mother house sure he will be back he still wants a roof over his head considering since he still doesn’t have an apartment yet but sooon and his step father didn’t have a good relationship they had gotten into a fight and he thought his mother would take his side but boy was he wrong his mother took his step father side and that made him mad so he ran off like always like the “coward” he was like his step father put it in his words
He ride to a random place arrive to a basetball court that was in the middle of a school surprising it he found a bench and sat down on it letting his bike lay on the ground as he screamed out in frustration
“Looks like someone having a bad day” he flinched away as he turned around seeing a girl she was so beautiful brown long silk hair and black dark eyes she looked so beautiful the way she smiled and giggled at his reaction as she sat down signaling for him to sit down with her as he did so
“Why are you screaming there are students in class” she asked Younghoon told her everything as she stayed there listening giving him advice as he gladly took it
“I’ve got to run my mom wants me home before dinner” she stood up
“Will I ever see you again?” He asked her she smiled and nodded as she gave him her number and ran off
End of Flashback
Arriving he saw her sitting down waiting for him thankfully he didn’t bring his bike so he could sneak up on her walking through the school gate he took slow steps as he felt his heart beating
He admits that he has liked her since the day he met her at first he thought it was puppy love but in all honestly it grew to be actual love like he really did love her a lot and didn’t want to lose her
He sped walk as she stood up he smiled and wrapped his arms above her chest hugging her as he pulled away as they sat down he crossed his legs as she smiled making fun of him
The young soon to be adults talked and laughed with each other even playing around such as holding hands, hugging, messing with each other hair, play fighting and more
“You didn’t bring you’re bike today” she ask he replied with a simple no as she smiled
“Good thing I brought mine” Younghoon looked around for it as he got up and ran to get on her bike as he started riding in circles around her
Her body moving in circles as she followed his movement laughing and smiling as he watched her while riding in circles
He has to admit he fell very very hard for her
He ended up crashing into the gate as he was to deep in thought thinking about how to confess to her which in all honestly he didn’t know how those thoughts even came to mind
She ran over to him asking if he was okay as he nodded telling her he was okay they sat back down as she scolded him for looking at her and not where he was going which he replied
“I couldn’t take my eyes off of something so beautiful” as she blushed hitting him as he kept teasing her
He dropped her off as she parked her bike outside her house she was about to go in before he stopped her
“Would you like to go watch a movie with me this weekend” Younghoon blurted out as she smiled at him and nodded giving him a quick peek on the cheek as she went inside
He stood there frozen holding his cheek as he had the biggest smiled slapped onto his face he then went home patting himself on the back for finally manning up and asking her out on a date
Or so he thought it was a date
A few days later they were at the movie theater picking out a movie
“What kind of movie do you want to watch” he asked her
“Let’s watch something funny” he nodded as he payed for the tickets and food as they went to go find there seats
Sitting down the movie began 40 minutes later while they were eating and watched halfway in a kiss scene came out of no where as they both looked at each other
Younghoon closed his eyes as he leaned in to kiss her but she giggled and bop his lips
“Silly I can’t kiss you I have a boyfriend” she giggled going back to watching the movie he opened his eyes as he looked at her heartbroken
Was he blind did he not see the sighs he leaned back as he sighed watching the movie in silence as he just wanted to go home and cry due to embarrassment and heart break and shame as well
What a dumb idiot he was indeed
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
You’re so beautiful broken the other way come get you’re funky love story
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
New series called “let’s not fall in love” ( inspired by Big Bang of course ) there will be 5 chapters in total and will feature the group onewe :)
1. Younghoon ( T.O.P )
2. Kanghyun ( Daesung )
3. Dongmyeong ( Taeyang )
4. Cya ( G-Dragon )
5. Harin ( Seungri )
I watched the mv closely and picked who suited who better and then made the final line up here’s the order and who will play who I’ll be posting Younghoon chapter tomorrow and we’ll go from there :) I hope you guys enjoy this series I’m making up for being gone for over 100 days :)
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
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Hello everyone I’m back sorry for being gone for 126 days I’ve been busy with school forgot about this account and forgot my password but I’m back :) later I’ll post something a short story for you all :)
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
Zico: Hey babe you want to know what’s big
Kyung: don’t say your dick you know damn well Taeil has a bigger dick then you
Zico: I was gonna say your smile but damn
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
Zico: did it hurt
Kyung: did what hurt?
Zico: did it hurt when you crawled your way out of hell?
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
Starlights and melodies where y’all at
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
You Were Beautiful
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Genre: Sad
Pairing: Jaehyun x Dowoon
Summary: After the passing of Dowoon Jae pushes himself to cope with his death one day alone in the office he comes across a file titled "you were beautiful" something that Dowoon would always like to write on his or Jae or both there shared stuff for some reason
Chapter 1
( only 1 chapter )
i look to the side of my desk looking at the files that are waiting for me to finish up or if not start before the dead line i look at the tab that is opened on my computer i debate weather to do my work or go on my computer and just do anything
after debating for awhile i decided to put my work on hold to give myself a bit of a small break since i haven't had one yet i hold my mouse as i rest my chin on my hand i start typing away as i keep looking at my clock next to the pile of books
11:42pm i sigh deeply as i stretch a bit in my seat while keeping my eyes glued to the computer taking a sip of my coffee i stop as something catches my eyes a file titled "you were beautiful" i put my cup down next to my clock as i look at the file closely rereading the title over and over again making sure im reading this right 
i even take off my glasses cleaning them to make sure i read it right and i did i bite my lip thinking if i should open it or not if i want to unlock these memories that i never wanted to unlock why not just give it a try 
i click on the file as a small black screen appears i click on the video as it shows a big screen a video shows a male running in the snow dressed in winter clothes all cozy up I look carefully trying to see the male face as the male turns towards the camera
my eye light up as i see the male face it was me smiling at the camera i smile a bit as i watch the clip it shows me running in the snow smiling and talking to the camera the audio wasn't working because the camera ended up breaking from the audio thing but at least the video was working right
the clip continue as i keep running but ended up tripping and falling backwards onto the snow the camera goes above me as i start making a snow angel the clip changes to me laying on my side looking not at the camera but at the person behind it im smiling it continues with me playing with the snow throwing some towards the camera hitting it
then im leaning a railing i signal the person holding the camera to come towards me they back away a bit going to the side as i start making faces and doing random hearts and other funny stuff
i keep looking at the camera as i just smile at it i keep smiling at the computer like an idiot as the clip ends i assume that it ended but i was wrong another clip comes on as i just get comfy incase more clips start playing after 
the next clip shows me waddling to the front of a store window where there are 3 mannequin as i start posing like im a fashion model then there me running down the white stairs as i stop in the middle i pout turning towards the camera looking at it with a hurt expression
the next clips show me in a karaoke room singing i was wearing a blue shirt white shorts and shoes that weren't even mine but they were dowoon i stop the clip as i move my seat back looking down at my shoes i was wearing the same shoes that belonged to him i smile a bit as i unpause the clip as it continue playing  
i play around in the karaoke room singing and playing with the random instruments i smile at the computer a big wide smile i start laughing at myself loudly as i start coughing laughing even more I ended up falling in the clip as I laughed it off and got back up having more fun
the next clip is me running on the side walk in the night where no one was around i look at the camera with a big smile one that i haven't had made for a long time till now the next clip was during the summer time 
i was playing with a water gun shooting the camera with some water as i hear a bit of the audio it was his soft voice 
"yah stop doing that meanie" i chuckle at his response it keeps changing as im squatting down shooting him with a water gun laughing and smiling standing up as i run towards him shooting him hitting him with more water as i hear him whine
Laughing thats my dowoon the clip changes again as i stop laughing looking at the computer closely it was a clip of dowoon singing a song playing with a guitar i put my feet on his lap as he looks at me pushing my feet away 
"you nasty" i laugh at his reaction as he puts his guitar down to his side as he goes for my waist tickling me as i laugh since im very sensitive i keep smiling a lot at the computer with my smile becoming bigger and bigger with each moment 
The next clip is the camera sitting on the table as i was shown feeding dowoon noodles making sure he doesn't spill anything since i don't want to clean up his mess since he is a lazy man who doesn't like to clean then we play games as i was winning against him while he was losing 
Since i was wearing a hat he pulls it down blinding me so he can win the game and not lose again i put my hat up as I start hitting his head as we are laughing loudly im betting that the next door neighbors could probably hear us
it changes again as we are shooting water at each other with water guns running around watching our steps since we don't want to fall and hurt ourselves or watch each other get hurt it was getting dark and it was already past 1:00am but i didn’t care
Then there me looking around as dowoon slides towards me holding popcorn and one sode with two straws with the recipe between his lips i take the recipe as he takes a sip of the soda it changes to us smiling at the movie i don't really know or remember what we were watching but we were both smiling like two idiots 
it changed again to us both singing in the karaoke room dancing and jumping around like crazy while singing looking into each other eyes the next clip was me looking at a small white puppy as dowoon looked at me smiling with so much love in his eyes watching me play with the small puppy
it changed to me painting dowoon nails as he was looking up at the ceiling he seems like he is thinking about life haha well kind of but then he went to smile with his unhappy face i don't know why i sigh deeply as i look down at my keyboard 
The bad memories started hitting me again when i was in a angry mood and he kept trying to cheer me up but i wasn't in the mood and i got angry at him pushing him away as i walked off he looked at me confused i have never acting like this towards him 
then it all went down hill it was the worst time in my whole life i was somewhere one night as i was talking to dowoon over the phone i wanted to end it all with him i don't know why but i just didn't want to be with him anymore i still loved him but i wasn't okay at that time 
i ended up breaking up with him that night leaving him crying and all heartbroken then i remember the good times the time where me and him would walk around the streets holding hands kissing each other ignoring every one stares as we were in our own little world 
the file closed as i wiped away my tears that i didn't even notice falling from my eyes i sigh deeply turning off my computer as i lean back in my seats he was gone it was all over but i still went to say my last goodbyes i know he in a better place now 
he was a beautiful person a nice person...
you were beautiful yoon dowoon i love you so much... I’m sorry
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
Day6 Yandere Profiles
Tw: everything literally EVERYTHING
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yandere type: nice
Although you can sometimes act like a little bitch and annoy him to death you can’t get to him there was a clear reason why he loved you so much it was because you are annoying sungjin never had any one around him that acted like you that’s why you were so special to him you thought annoying him would make him snap but baby were you wrong he would smile at you if you called him names hurt him or did anything he didn’t like he would hurt you with a smile on his face he didn’t see this as hurting you more as a punishment that why his smile never fell from that face of his he would only have a cold face when ever he woke up or saw someone that was not you other then that smiley Sungjin all day long
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yandere type: funny sadist
Ever since you met him he was always funny and was the joker of the class but of course not everyone stays the same after high school after that you both got married and his true colors showed Jae had a cold straight face and never really bothered showing emotions only when he was hurting you he would he would dare to laugh in your face one time he tied you down and started cutting your stomach open slowly like he was teasing you as you screamed in pain and pleading with him but he laughed in your face as you cried even when you guys were about to have your daughter Suzy he would hurt you but not anywhere near your unborn even after you had Suzy he would still hurt you but not his daughter she was his little angel you were afraid Jae would turn her into him a monster
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yandere type: violent stalker
Younghyun doesn’t like it when he gets rejected so when he first asked you out and you rejected him he was furious he said fuck it and just knocked you out he kidnapped you and he took you to his house locking you in his basement the second you woke up he started shaking you violently by the shoulders and hurting you anything he could get his hands on he would throw at you after he was finished with you you were half dead bruised and cut badly you didn’t know him but he knew you he had stalked you since middle school and when you didn’t pay attention to him he would swear to himself that he would end you he grabbed a handful of your hair forcing you to look up at him as your vision was getting blurry
“The next time you reject me I’ll kill you for real Y/N” he would say throwing you aside as he would leave you there on the dirty ground half dead
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yandere type: sweet BPD
Wonpil never had any good relationships in the past causing him to have BPD he felt empty inside till one day he saw you he knew deep down you had to be his no matter what when you guys first met he was sweet and nice to you but once you got into a relationship with him your Wonpil you knew and fell in love with was gone he was replaced by a mean Wonpil Wonpil would make fun of you hurt you even go as far as threatening to kill you if you left him he once caught you were your male best friend and once he saw you two hug he lost it he went into full rage mood seeing red only as he beat him half to death he would grab your hair dragging you inside and the moment you looked up at him he was smiling at you and hugging you you were scared of him one minute he would be crazy and shit the next he’s suddenly all nice
“Don’t ever leave me baby” he said with a smile on his face
“Or else I’ll kill you then myself” he would say hugging you tight as you would stay still trying to process what he just said
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yandere type: Manipulative
Dowoon as the youngest in the relationship knew very well how to break you easily he wasn’t really a yandere he was just manipulative well sometimes he would hurt you but he would end up apologizing after but would still do it again you wanted to leave him and one day you were ready to leave but you couldn’t something was stopping you dowoon cried and had a box cutter up to his neck if you ask dowoon he wasn’t afraid to die without you by his side life was just meaningless to him in his eyes he didn’t see a reason to continue on he would guilt trip you
“I-I swear I’ll do it I’ll end my life and you would be the one to blame” he would say slowly drawing a cut against his throat you had begged him to stop which he did but he would fall to the ground bleeding as you called for help
In the hospital you would promise him you wouldn’t leave and cried begging for forgiveness watching you beg made him smirk to himself he got you right where he wants you no matter if he had to ruined his body for you
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Thank you for reading and I honestly try with my tired ass goodnight y’all
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
Turning you in: Dojin AU
Two souls breathing heavily for air as one goes back to kissing his lover aggressively as he returns the kiss trying hard not to push the criminal away
“I love you” Sungjin mumbles as Dowoon looks at him for a second then looks away as Sungjin attacks his neck
“Are we going to be okay”
“Yes my love don’t worry I won’t let them hurt you”
Dowoon cruses as he kicks the gun out of Sungjin hands and grabs his wrist making a run for it
“What the fuck was that Dowoon”
“Sorry I was trynna say your sorry ass”
Sungjin laughs pushing Dowoon away as Dowoon chuckles to himself and runs off leaving Sungjin behind
“HIDE” Dowoon yells as he hides dragging Sungjin with him
They hear police officers yelling at them to come out and put there hands up
Dowoon looks up at Sungjin and kisses him as he pulls away
“Good luck motherfucker” he says smirking as he kicks Sungjin in the gut causing him to stumble out his hiding spot as the police grab him pushing him to the ground
“YOON FUCKING DOWOON” sungjin says as dowoon was gone dowoon chuckles as he finally turned that bastard in as he looked at the bag full of jewelry laughing to himself
“Finally that bastard gone”
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
My first reaction when I first joined tumblr: this might be fun
[ A day and few hours later ]
*shocked by all the sm3t and funny memes*
I found my happiness *cries in starlight*
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
Lovely writer
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Gene walks into the room ignoring Nubsib hello as he cups his face pulling him into a kiss which Nubsib gladly returns and whispers in between the kiss
“So needy baby boy” causing Gene to growl as he pins him down against the chair kissing him aggressively while Nubsib wraps his arms around his waist holding him tight afraid of letting him go
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
VIXX Reaction To You Debuting With Them Not Knowing At All
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Hakyeon: You and Hakyeon went all the way back you guys were only 2 years apart you guys went to the same school together from elementary all the way to high school you two separated in college since you moved to the other side of the world to study aboard
2 years later you were scouted by a big label and trained for about a year and 2 months to debut when you first debuted you had no one you were alone all your friends who you knew didn’t become idols since they all had followed different paths
Debuting wasn’t easy the moment you stepped on stage you felt nervous as a rookie there were a lot of idols watching you perform you had to set a good example for those who will come after you and already came before you you calmed down and gave it your all the first few steps you almost slipped due to your big boots but you caught yourself and continued on like a professional after that performance you went off stage and smiled you finally did it you finally debuted while you were having your small little party you bumped into someone tripping they caught you before you fall face first and meet the floor with your face
They helped you back onto your two feet as you bowed thanking and apologizing to them looking up you were shocked as they looked at you surprised
“Chocolate” you said as the male eyes widen
“Vanellope” he smiled as you smiled back and attacked him with a hug catching him off guard as he soon returned it not caring if other idols or stage were watching
“I thought I lost you when did you even debut as an idol” he says you chuckle pulling away
“Since now let’s talk some more later I gotta change out these shoes first” you say running off as he chuckles to himself then goes back to his group who tease him about you
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Taekwoon: Taekwoon was your boyfriend of almost 5 years he was shy calm and quiet and you were the complete opposite you were outgoing loud and happy you two were different but some how you two ended up together
About 3 years into your relationship you started seeing him less and less and soon you guys stopped seeing each other you two were still together just that you never had time for him anymore and he didn’t say anything since he was also busy he was getting busy for the college exams and you were getting busy to debut
Soon the day had arrived and although he was getting ready for it he deiced to go visit you when you called him over you two haven’t seen each other in almost a year he was surprised to see that you invited him over to the Music Bank building he thought maybe you were someone manger or stylist that why you were so busy someone came out to grab him and took him through the back the person escorted Leo to a room as he saw you getting dressed he turned around towards the door waiting for you to notice him as you went up and kissed him on the cheek
He turned around and smiled at you looking you up and down confused you were all dressed up your hair was dye blonde with purple strips and you had some makeup on he was going to ask you about it but you sat him down and told him you have to go as you ran out leaving him with his word in his mouth
He looked around and looked at the tv as the two mc appeared
“Now we will be having a new idol debuting here today can you please introduce them for me Jisoo”
“Yes Minhyuk today a new rookie will be debuting please welcome Y/N with her debut song Bomb” as they announced you you were on stage as your music started which caught Taekwoon off guard he watched as you perform flawlessly like if it was your comeback instead of debut
Taekwoon was surprised and then it hit him that’s why you were so busy you were getting ready to debut after you had finished you got off stage and came back the moment you stepped back into the room Taekwoon hug you tight as you returned the hug
“Congrats on debuting my little Purple head” he says as you chuckle
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Jaehwan: you and Jaehwan meet during the first day of school you had ended up bumping into him and since you were from Thailand you didn’t know Korean well but luckily he knew some English and taught you the language
Since then you two have been best pals one day you two went to go to the arcade and you saw a flier for an audition to be an idol you took it putting it in your pocket and went on with your day
Arriving home you thought long and hard about it you thought if it was worth it and after thinking long and hard you went ahead and audition and a month later you were accepted you had to drop out of school so you lied to Jaehwan that you would be leaving to go back home
He felt sad but promised to visit you once school finished and off you were you had to lie to him so you could focus on your training with no distraction
Training for about 4 years you debuted in a duo and off you were to your first performance during your time training you revived letters from Jaehwan he would tell you about life and told you that he had to break his promise since he had to focus on his exams
After you had successfully debuted you and your manger left Music bank as he droved you to Jaehwan college stepping out you put a mask on as you walked in people soon noticed who you were and asked for pictures you took some and thankfully your fans were nice and kind they escorted you to Jaehwan class as you stepped in waving at Jaehwan who looked at you shocked
He run to you and hug you as you returned the hug he was in the middle of the class so you handed him your Album and promised to meet him after class he told you how proud he was of you debuting
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Wonshik: You and Wonshik are cousins you remember when you were younger how he bragged and bragged about him becoming an idol since it was his dream and when ever he bragged your aunt his mother would tell him to stop talking nonsense but one day he made it and debuted in a boy group under the name Ravi
You were happy and when you saw him debut you were surprised by how confident he was on stage he wasn’t nervous he didn’t show it he showed how he can do it as someone who came back with a comeback isn’t of it being a debut
Ravi inspired you to be an idol the moment you saw how confident he looked on stage you had thought this is what I want to do I want to sing and so you went around auditioning falling most of them till a company accepted you it was a small company but it was well known for 2 of there groups
They had plans to debut you in a group but soon put you under soloist they had found someone to produce your album and you went to meet them knocking on the door they said come in as you stepped in you were shocked to see it was Ravi and when he saw you he was confused
You explain everything telling him you were debuting soon and he was happy he was happy you were debuting and was happy he would be the one producing your album
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Hongbin: You and Hongbin met when you guys were working together he had made a fool out of himself and slipped causing the drink he was going to deliver to the customer to get all over him you broke down laughing but still helped him it was his first day and he already fucked up but you confront him telling him it was okay
After that he deiced to change his shifts to be with you so you could protect and save him from making a fool out of himself after a few months of working together he fell for you and he confessed and you accepted him and you guys started dating
Soon you started to come to work less and days went by and you never came back he tried getting in contact with you but you never answered he thought you had left him till one day you came back he didn’t recognize you right away since your hair was dyed pink replacing your beautiful black hair
You called out for him and once he heard your voice he knew it was you looking up he had tears forming in his eyes as he hugged you you returned the hug and he replied angry
“I thought you left me” you whipped away his tears and told him you had to leave since you had audition to be an idol way before you met him after that he forgave you and told you he was happy you were following your dreams and promise to support you till the end
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Sanghyuk: You were a photographer you have been one since you were young it wasn’t really something you had wanted to do but hey at least it was something right
You and hyuk met when you were first taking pictures of him for his debut album Hyuk was a soloist he was well known for being an actor back in his days before debuting as an idol
You two grew close since you both had the same amount of love for singing he had promised to support you on what you choose to do in life so when you were accepted to be a trainee under his label he was surprised but was happy for you
Once you debuted he feat in your album you two were like siblings and once his singing career ended and he went back to acting you deiced to take his stage name to present him and because you were also thankful that he was there for you supporting you and teaching you his ways
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It took me all morning to finish this up and it’s not the afternoon I’ll make more later see y’all *dances away*
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harinthedrummerboy · 3 years
Reaction To Them Becoming A Teen Dad
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Sungjin: You had called him over after school you haven’t been to school in almost 3 months and Sungjin was worried you didn’t allow anyone to see you not him or your family
Sungjin thought he did something wrong that’s why you were avoiding him till now you weren’t avoiding him on purpose just that you wanted to make sure about what you were going to say and tell him that he had got you pregnant and he was going to be a father soon a teen father
You guys were only in the 11 grade you two haven’t finished school yet and you were scare about how he would handle the news the door bell rings as you walk down the stairs slowly opening the door as he pulls you in for a hug
“Aish Y/N I was so scared I did something wrong that you were avoiding me as a punishment” he said burying his face into your neck you return the hug as you walk him up to your room sitting him down on your bed
“Sungjin... I have something to tell you” you say he looks at you worried as you hand him a small box that holds your positive pregnancy inside
He looked up at you confused then opens the box he pulled out the pregnancy test as he looks at it then looks up at you shocked
“Surprised your going to be a father” you say as he stays there shock you start to worry but soon you see tears forming in his eyes you thought it was because you had ruined his future plans
“Sungjin are you okay-“ he cuts you off pulling you into a hug as he sobs loudly catching you off guide
“I thought you were ignoring me cause I did something wrong but I’m going to be a father soon” he says trying to control his tears he pulls away smiling at you kissing you softly
“Let’s figure out a name for our child is it a girl or boy” he ask as you chuckle to yourself
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Jaehyung: Another day of being a trainee Jae had been a trainee for about almost 3 years now during those 3 years he met you you were also a trainee under the same agency as him you two met when you guys were introduced to each other to have a duet together as a monthly evolution
After that you two grew close together and soon become a couple relationships among trainees were forbidden since of course you both had one goal which was to debut and you two didn’t want to risk losing that chance after training and giving everything up for there dreams
One day you two were alone and you know what happens with a male and female are alone in a room you two did that you both forgot to use a condom and then it happened
You kept running out the practice room ever time you were in the middle of practice at first the teachers didn’t care till it started happening every single day
Soon you were called into the office and the truth was forced out of you you told them you were pregnant and soon you were kicked out the company they didn’t want to debut a pregnant girl they had asked who the father was but you did good in convincing them that it was someone from your home town saving Jae future career and risking yours for his
7 months later Jae ended up debuting in Day6 a 5 member boy band and you were almost close to giving birth during those months Jae couldn’t visit you thankfully soon he came to visit you one day and saw the bump he was surprised and asked if it was his you broke down crying saying it was his and Jae was happy sure you two were young to have kids you were 16 and he was 17 but he was happy to have a kid with you no matter the age he promised he would work hard for you and your guys child and to give you a good life since you gave up your dream for his but of course after giving birth to your daughter a few years later you debuted as an actor becoming successful like your now husband Jae
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YoungK: You two were both in a school band together he was a guitarist and you were a vocalist you two were very well known for flirting with each other and kissing on stage you both did this all for show you guys weren’t together it was all just for the stage performances and after you guys both got off stage you would laugh it off and joke around like friends
One day you guys decided to make it official you two knew it was just puppy love at first just small kisses here and there you guys were still young and didn’t know the world well but soon after growing up you guys started learning more and knew that beside showing love with kisses and hugs and holding hands there was also more ways to show love to each other such as sex...
It happened when you guys were being reckless teens alcohol in hand smoking and shit under the influence you would do anything and I mean anything and then it happened you guys woke up the next day and laughed it off but once you started feeling dizzy sick and missing your periods YoungK started getting worried about you
He took you to the hospital and you guys found out you were pregnant you two were young you thought YoungK was going to leave you and your child but he was happy sure he didn’t want to be a dad till he was over the age of 25 but it didn’t matter he was going to work hard for you guys and take care of you both no matter what 
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Wonpil: You were an idol and he was your manager he was 17 and you were about to be 18 in a few months like in 11 months you two were awkward around each other at first since you were older by a year but soon you guys grew close since you both liked to enjoy playing the piano you were mostly a soloist who dances you never really played the piano in front of anyone you would mostly play it in a room alone by yourself
Once you caught Wonpil playing the piano you were surprised you thought you were the only one who knew how to play but along came Wonpil you two loved the piano and even once you guys had a duet with him on stage for everyone to see your guys talent
After that everyone was shipping you both you two ended up catching feelings for each other and one thing lead to another and you both slept together it was only a one time thing but you two had feelings for each other
Soon you ended up missing your period and that worried you and you started gaining weight you had visit the hospital and they told you that nothing was wrong just sickness but soon you started throwing up you knew something was wrong the only thing left was to see if you were pregnant
You took a pregnancy test and it came out positive you took another one to make sure it was true and the same result you took a few months off of being an idol to focus on your pregnancy you didn’t tell Wonpil till you were going into labor he was surprised at first but after giving birth to your baby son he was happy and thankful that he would be able to take care of you and the child all the time since of course you continued being an idol and he stayed being your manager
You didn’t spend much time with your son but you knew Wonpil was taking good care of him for you
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Dowoon: dowoon had liked you since you two were young little kids like in elementary school dowoon was the innocent type he didn’t know much about life since his parents had wanted to teach him about the world till he was 18 they planned to keep him innocent but that didn’t last long
Although you can keep a kid innocent you never know what type of people that will hang around him would teach and tell him one day he had the guts to confess to you and you accepted he hang around with a gang of older kids you two were 16 they told him that it would make him look cool if he had sex with you
Dowoon being the dumb idiot he was got you in bed and he got you pregnant you two were scared but went through with it he took good care of you and helped you after you had your daughter dowoon was Nervous it’s not that he didn’t love you just that he wasn’t ready to be a dad yet but soon he accepted it and was the happiest human on earth
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