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This picture is going to play into my rant which’ll be comin’ soon.. So. I wanted to start my first post with a rant, cause I wanted to express my disdain for a certain portrayal of a certain DC comics character. Obviously, I’ll be talking about the wonderful Harley Quinn. I thought that this will be better on this blog cause instead of my other one cause why the hell not? I wanted to start off by saying that I have nothing against Margot Robbie, she was only acting in the way she was told to and she was portraying the character that they had written. But my god did I hate how she said ‘puddin.’ Honestly, I cringed every time she said it. It just didn’t sound right. I’ll try to describe it for those who do not understand. While Arleen Sorkin (the only Harley I’ll accept to be honest) puts emphasis on the 'u’, making it actually sound like the word pudding. Margot Robbie, on the other hand, said it without any emphasis on the 'u’ and instead saying it with with an 'uh.’ (Therefore pronouncing it 'puhdin’) That was just a little pet peeve I had with her. I don’t know, maybe it’s just my family and I who noticed this, but it annoyed me to no end. As for the writing, I get it. You guys think we all like the New 52. In all honesty, DC comics fans HATED the New 52. At least, the majority did. Not only that, but because of the marketing, you have brought people who have no knowledge of DC comics (or the amazing-layered-characters it contains) to the theater and are lead to believe that each of these characters are walking stereotypes. One example of this is Killer Croc, who is another amazing, layered character that you stripped everything away from. They wrote Harley as this stereotypical crazy, edgy, girlfriend who only wants to fix her abuser. While I’m at it, I might as well bring up the fact that they romanticized Harley and Joker’s relationship. What the hell? Why? Just why? Not only have you mislead the general public that you marketed to that they’re just two crazy people in love with no problems whatsoever, but people actually believe that they are 'relationship goals.’ I honestly roll my eyes whenever I hear anyone say ’*random everyday life thing*-goals’ cause to me it’s kinda stupid, but this just makes me nervous. If they were to actually pick up a fucking comic book, they’d either be horrified by Joker’s treatment of Harley (to which I applaud you, because you aren’t one of the people that I’m gonna mention next), or they’d immediately be in denial and say 'that’s not like them, they love each other and Joker would sacrifice himself so she got to safety.’ No. That isn’t how it works. That is not the relationship Paul Dini had intended on when he first wrote their relationship. You do not want a relationship like that. Harley also isn’t that person who’d want a regular life with him. She’s accepted Joker for the twisted person he is. Hell, she might not like him as much if he were normal. So that dream sequence was bullshit. Not to mention the fact that she’s smart enough to know that there is no going back from what they’ve done. There is no normal life. They’ve committed awful crimes, there’s no normal life for them anymore. They wouldn’t be able to have kids and keep them. Hell, in the 'Injustice’ comics (which is post-52 launch), Harley admits to Black Canary that she had a kid with Joker and he didn’t notice. She gave their kid to her sister so she would have a better life, so she wouldn’t be taken away from them, so Harley could stay in contact with her daughter. Another thing that bothered me about the movie was the excessive use of feminist characterization for Harley. If you’ve made it this far into my post, then you know that she was far from a feminist when she was first written. Hell, she was written to jump out of a cake, but Joker ended up doing that himself anyway, so she was really just there but evolved into something beautiful. She was originally a tale of domestic abuse and how she struggled with it. Sure she was able to break away from Joker for a bit, she’d always come back. Introducing Harley with a song called 'You Don’t Own Me’ really isn’t the best choice for her. Cause that’s exactly what she is to Joker, a possession. He owns her, but she doesn’t see it that way. If I am correct, he says something like 'I don’t like people touching my stuff’ in 'Assault On Arkham.’ So in other media, Joker treats her like a possession. Don’t get me started on the club scene, where Harley sits on some random guy’s lap saying 'Hey, you’re kinda cute.’ No. Just no. Even if Joker were trying to trade her, she wouldn’t openly flirt with some guy in front of Joker. Even if he was cute to her, she wouldn’t admit it in front of Joker. Now for my least favorite part (and I believe Ms. Robbie’s least favorite part as well) the costume. I fucking HATE this costume. I hate it with a fucking passion. It looks cheap. It looks awful and I feel nauseous every time I see it. Who the fuck thought THIS (the gif at the end) was a good idea? The thought process behind this was 'Yep, I’m Harley Quinn so I’m gonna wear a t-shirt, some short shorts that have the colors of a harlequin jester outfit, fishnets, and wear my hair so it resembles the harlequin hat!’ It was stupid. That, my friends, is where the picture at the top comes in to play. They claimed that none of the pre-existing outfits worked out for the movie. I have come up with something that-most likely-would have worked out. Use a material like spandex for the suit, and you should be good. Oh, and instead of heels, use combat boots. That should help with moving around. The best part about my little design, is that there is an alternate version without the jester headpiece! Isn’t that great! So you could have a Harley Quinn outfit no sleeves, a belt for her tricks (and treats), her classic domino mask, and her jester headpiece or her red and black-tipped ponytails. Speaking of the ponytails, I hated how it was pink. Like, where the hell is there pink in Harley’s original colors? Yes, I added a cute blush in the design, but that’s just the makeup that would suit someone who’s been laughing, cause I know that when I laugh my cheeks get red. And why was Harley’s hair bleach blonde? If anything it would’ve been closer to Michelle Pfeiffer’s hair color. Ah, and now I get to Dr. Quinnzel. I found a post that showed her tights. Her tights had things like 'spank me, eat me, etc.’ written on them. What the hell? This just proves to me that the costume department took one look at each picture they were given for Harley Quinn without doing background research and thought 'oh, so what? Is she some sort of… sex pot or something?’ And just went to town. No, Warner Bros. She is not just some sexual object. She is sexy, but only to Joker. In the pre-52 launch, that is. I give video games like the Arkham series and Injustice a pass because they’re video games. They do stuff like that, they sexualize their female characters and, quite frankly, unless it fucks with my logic, (how the hell is THAT armor gonna help a girl) I don’t care. But DC comics saw that people liked the Arkham version of Harley and gave us some… discount, cheap cosplay of it. I’d like to point out that with the loss of her jester costume, she was less fun. A lot of her personality traits such as her childlike charm went down the drain. She was less funny. It was truly a shame. This next part really has nothing to do with the portrayal of Harley Quinn or the Suicide Squad but I’d thoroughly appreciate it if you’d keep the Suicide Squad posters AWAY from the Negan ones cause they really have nothing on my dearest Negan and it annoys me when I turn the display thing and see THAT after I’ve laid my eyes on GREATNESS!! Thanks! Xoxo -Harleen
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