harrisonteller · 5 years
spent the day at work and then I was on TLOU Factions.... 
reminds me how great this rp has been so far. 
I’d love to start up some new interactions and connections if anyone is interested, hmu!
I’ll be on most of the night and I’ll try to be on tomorrow but not until late afternoon I think since I have a tattoo appointment early morning.
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harrisonteller · 5 years
Overbearing panic attack entrenching my veins In an hour I'll be OK I pray that this pain will go away permanently someday I've seen more than I should have to 
I've seen this on my own
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harrisonteller · 5 years
For once there wasn’t much Harrison wanted to be a part of things. He didn’t normally care for many of the events organized but there was something that had gotten him in somewhat of a negative mood over the past few days that made him jump at the chance of being a guard for the night while everyone else got the night off to join the festivities. Bonfires weren’t exactly something he felt were a good idea anyway since they attracted too much attention in his opinion. Most of the time it was negative attention given the fact that they were no longer living in a safe world. He wasn’t necessarily someone that voiced his opinions around the place though, at least not just just anyone. There were a few people he felt comfortable around whom he could talk to openly on just about anything. This had been an exception though and instead of potentially ruining the fun some were planning on having, he kept his comments to himself and took himself away to the location he had been designated to for the evening.
He’d only been at his post for a little over an hour but time felt as if it were going by unnervingly slow. Even watching everyone else enjoying themselves wasn't making time go much faster but the more he looked out to the crowd of people at the bonfire the less he noticed how slow time was trickling by. Every time he had enough time to be alone with his thoughts he wondered how it was possible for many people to take certain things so lightly as if there weren’t horrible things just outside the walls that could destroy everything in the blink of an eye. For him it just wasn’t that easy but he had been beyond the walls on his own for far too long before he found some safety inside Fortuna. Harrison was grateful for the opportunity that had been presented to him when he was allowed entrance. Admission meant that he was going to be able to sleep at night without having to worry too much about what would happen if the wrong person or thing were to stumble upon him in the middle of the night. Still, there were some nights when it was nearly impossible to sleep anyway. There was a calm that didn’t fully sit well with him and at times it made him want to pack his things and leave as soon as possible. He wasn’t sure why, but most times he would shrug it off and tell himself that he was being much more careful than he had to be. After all there were people that were dedicated to the safety of all of the Fortuna residents, but one could never be too sure.
Stretching his arms out for a moment, he felt a bit of calm as he looked out into the city. There hadn’t been much to see lately and things seemed relatively harmless since the announcement that had been made a few weeks ago. Whatever was out there hadn’t made itself known to everyone yet, but there was no way to confirm that there even was a threat out there waiting for the Fortuna residents to fully let their guards down. Leaning back against a rail, his eyes scanned the nearly pitch black horizon. “I wonder if you’ll ever go back to what you once were,” he said to himself as he was going to turn back to look at the bonfire once again. Before doing so though, a flash of light caught his attention out of the corner of his eye making him dart his gaze back around. “What the fuck,” he mumbled seeing the light disappearing before he could even focus on it. Harrison kept his eyes in the same spot for a long moment, his hands gripping the railing in front of him hard, but nothing came back up. 
Fire, flashlight, the moons reflection on glass, or it might have been his mind making things up. It was almost as if he wanted to see something out there, but whatever it was that might have been there was now gone. And with that, he looked to the bonfire once again and hoped the night would soon be over.
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harrisonteller · 5 years
hey guys, I know my activity has been very down the past week but I’ve been a bit busy with work since I’ve had to relocate and this weekend I’m also celebrating a first year together with my girlfriend so I’ve been planning stuff for her. After this weekend though I am gonna be putting way more time into being on here. I’ll be replying faster to threads and I’ll be very open to starting new ones since I see many great new characters around.
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
- Mason
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harrisonteller · 5 years
JC wasn’t exactly the most knowledgeable person in this new world, and that meant that he wasn’t as calm and collected about life threatening encounters. – To him, when things got scary, he panicked, and either fought, or ran, depending on what the scary thing was. And when knives were being thrown at him, and he was expected to just…. React and catch it, he wasn’t going to… – Well, do exactly that. How was he expected to just…. Shrug that off?
“Okay. But here’s a fun fact, Harry. – How the fuck was I supposed to know that?” JC wasn’t mad, or even a little irritated, he just wanted the other man to understand exactly what he was expecting from JC, the man who knew next to nothing about weapons, or how to use them. “Well, It’s was treating me fine up until my friend tried to throw a knife at me.” He shot before chuckling to let the male know that he was saying it in jest, and not malice. “Honestly, though…. I don’t have a front door, and there’s a lot of sketchy people in this place. So…. I guess it’s a pretty mixed bag? – What about you?”
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This was something that he’d never hear the end of and a small part of him was regretting having scared JC the way he did but another part of him didn't really care. There were much worse things to be scared of but he understood where JC was coming from. “Alright alright, I’m sorry. But next time read my mind and know it wasn’t serious,” he added jokingly, offering a smile hoping it would appease the man. “I’ll try to keep my knives to myself.”
It had been a while since Harrison had arrived at the outpost and despite the time and all of the people he had met there, many of them were hardly what he’d consider decent conversations but JC had been one of the few exceptions since he had arrived. “Don’t like that small but very important lack of privacy, huh? Neither do I but if it’s really that big of an issue for you I’m sure there’s something that can be done about getting you a door,” he suggested. “I don’t know why some people here prefer that though. It’s a little weird that there are so many people willing to be open like that as if the world wasn’t full of unexpected crazy shit these days. Things are going alright though, I can’t complain — too much anyway. My biggest issue lately has been the lack of bagels and cream cheese in the mornings.”
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harrisonteller · 5 years
“That bazaar is gonna be the death of us all” She commented, knowing the feeling of losing track of things as she perused what was there. Though, she rarely bought from the place unless she absolutely needed to. Eyes rolled as he brought up the watch to show her, a playfully annoyed smirk forming on her lips “That wasn’t even funny the first time you did it” she hummed, tongue clicking against the roof of herr mouth as her gaze lingered on the broken item for a while. She wondered if he only kept it to use as the punch line of his joke or if it had some other importance to him. Either wouldn’t be a shocking answer.
Once he had reached her, she turned and headed back to the messy work station. Tony had always worked best in a little chaos “God, that would have been an amazing find. Working is always so much better with a cold beer” She could almost envision what she meant. A hot day in the city met with a cold, crisp drink in hand. “I think it’s salvageable. It’s not in the best condition but I’ve definitely seen worse. She’s got a bunch of parts we’re going to need to replace, though. I honestly kind of want to see if we can get our hands on some solar panels and alter it. Make it more useful for the long term”
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There wasn’t much in the form of entertainment around the outpost. Whatever there was to do only held his attention for short periods of time as well, and if it weren't for the select few people there that he could actually crack a joke with from time to time, Harrison would have already gone insane. “Not even a little funny?” he asked with a smile knowing he had used the joke one too many times and there was always something a little lame about prop comedy even if it wasn’t stand up comedian level of exaggeration. Still, he was grateful that she put up with him for as long as she did. 
“You’re gonna make me want to go out to look for beer with the way you’re talking about it right now. And I bet there’s some place outside that’s stocked full of the stuff and the people going out just haven't found it yet,” he said looking up from the generator for a moment before turning his attention back to it. He wasn’t sure how well it would work out for them to find some of the things they needed to replace but where there was a will, there would always be a way. “Have you gone up to one of the watcher post they have on the south wall? Cause I was up there a few nights ago.. and there’s some building about seven or eight blocks away and I noticed there was something reflecting some light off that didn’t exactly look like glass. I’m not saying its a solar panel but it could be,” he shrugged, “but I haven’t been able to go back up during the day to take a better look. I don’t think they like people that aren’t wall guards up there.”
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harrisonteller · 5 years
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Theo James as ‘Will Younger’ in ‘How it Ends’
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harrisonteller · 5 years
Tony was already knee deep in random parts, metal plates thrown carelessly over the work table she was already hunched over. The sound of a voice echoing through the old building caused her to jump, metal sheets falling to the floor in a ringing clang “Yeah!” She called out towards who she could only assume was Harrison. Removing herself from her mess she stepped out from behind a wall and into his line of sight “You’re hella late” she greeted him, a smile on her face. She didn’t mind, they all had things to do and this side project wasn’t even one she was sure was going to go anywhere at all. 
“Not gonna lie, this kind of shit makes me really miss beer- I’d offer you one if I had any” She teased a little though the reality stung a little. A nice cold beer, some good music, and a night taking apart a generator sounded amazing. Unfortunately, she only had one of those three things so Harrison’s company would have to do the work of the other two. All comments she kept to herself “I already started- it’s in pretty rough shape, honestly”
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Hearing the clatter from metal hitting the ground he could only assume that whoever it was, had heard him and would either be upset or glad that he had finally shown up but luckily it was the latter. “I know, I got a little caught up at the Bazaar,” he answered, making her way towards her. “My watch is broken though.. Time just slipped by,” he joked holding up his wrist where the very broken watch was situated on. It was a joke he had to let die once and for all but it was somewhat of a humorous excuse piece.
Taking a look around he noticed that a few things were scattered around but in a manner where they had clearly been purposely placed in and not just thrown around even by accident. Whatever she had already managed to do was only scratching the surface of the bigger picture she was trying to get at with the generator. “I actually was thinking about beer earlier. That’s why I got a little caught up but there wasn’t any to be found,” he shrugged, his voice apologetic. “Yeah, no kidding...” he said getting closer to the subject of their project, “How’s the engine on this thing looking to you though?”
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harrisonteller · 5 years
Harrison hated being late. He never cared much for the excuses people ever gave for it yet he always managed to be one of those people himself. To be fair though, now it was much harder to tell whether anyone was late or not given their lack of time telling resources although the outpost had somewhat gotten that on track. Still, he somehow managed to show up later than he had mentioned that he wouldn't. Like most days he had ended up spending more time at the Bazaar than he had originally intended but that was usually when it meant he’d had successful trips but this time was the exception.
Making his way to the agreed meeting spot, he knocked on the large metal door  before pushing it open a bit hoping that Tony hadn’t assumed he ditched her or forgot completely. “Tony, you here?” he called out once he stepped inside figuring someone had to be there since a few large lights were on inside. He had shown up late but at least he brought a few tools of his own that would come in handy during their project. 
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harrisonteller · 5 years
She had been taking her free time to really explore the compound- there was something about not knowing where she was when everyone else did that made Daina feel especially vulnerable.  She was surprised when she came upon a Merry-Go-Round.  However disheveled and rotted it appeared, it was a harsh reminder of the simplicity of life before, and how much had changed.  After a couple more minutes of exploring, she found a garden, and a few people tending to fresh fruits and veggies, some she hadn’t seen in years.  She let her fingers graze the plants, grinning at a person to her right.  “Are these…is this for everyone?” she asked, elated.
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Too long... too damn long did he always spend trying to find people he was looking for at the compound. It was time consuming and for one of the first times he had been there did he wish that cellphones were still a thing. “This is the last time I try to do anyone any favors,” he mumbled to himself as he made his way through the garden on his way back to the bazaar, stopping when he felt he’d stepped into something he shouldn’t have. Looking down at his feet, the remnants of a rotten tomato smeared all over his shoe and quickly began undoing the laces. “I love this place,” he thought, not noticing someone had been standing next to him admiring the fresh vegetables until the person spoke. “They’re for everyone but not necessarily whenever you want them,” he said as he finished cleaning off the boot and putting it back on. “I think you gotta see with whoever is running the place today to see if it's alright... or you could just take a strawberry or two as casually as possible and pretend like you haven’t done anything,” he added, half joking although he never cared for when he heard the word no at the garden.
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harrisonteller · 5 years
JC was finally growing comfortable with his surroundings, starting to settle and relax a bit more every day, and yet, he still felt extremely tense and worried that something bad would happen. A lot of things were still very unknown for him, and that made the male exceptionally jumpy. It didn’t help that he had decided to befriend a man who apparently found throwing knives at people a definition of a fun past time. As he heard the man’s voice, he turned, only to see the knife coming at him, a loud shriek shot from his throat, immediately cowering down low, causing the knife to fly over his head and collapse in the dirt behind him.
“What! The! Fuck!?” JC shouted, more in shock than anger. “Who throws knives at people for fun!?” The man added, his eyes filled with bewilderment. After a few moments, he took a deep breath and calmed down. “Please… Never throw pointy objects at me… ever again…” Shaking his head, as he placed his hands on his hips and tried to calm down. “But seriously… Why are you throwing knives at me?”
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Of all the things that shouldn’t be done during the time they were currently living it, it was definitely throwing weapons that could potentially be deadly. You didn’t just go throwing around guns and sharp objects at people but this was hardly one that qualified as a sharp object anymore. Still, Harrison should have known that of all people, JC wasn’t the right person to throw weapons at even if it wasn’t in a malicious way.
“Oh come on,” he shook his head, making his way over to JC and the Swiss army knife only a few feet behind him. “I’d hardly call this a pointy object anymore JC,” he added, picking the knife off the ground. He held it up for JC to see. “It’s not sharp anymore and it wouldn’t even make a decent butter knife. If I wanted to stab someone with this, it would take it at least a year for it to cut through your skin.” With that though he quickly put the small knife into his pocket. “Anyway, how has this place been treating you lately? Mind you, I’m genuinely concerned given how you reacted to seeing a two inch knife thrown at you.”
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harrisonteller · 5 years
“I think that would suit you.” She chuckled softly at her own joke. Better than a swimsuit with pineapples on it, though, would be an actual pineapple. Even the canned kind. Once when she was a child Cory tasted a piece of chocolate covered pineapple, and as far as sweet treats went it was one of the best things she had ever tried.
Plus she could actually eat a pineapple if she had one. They weren’t really going to the beach, whether any of them owned appropriate swimwear or not. Her gaze darted over his shoulder, scanning the area around them for a moment. Then she looked up at him again.
“Have you been to the Bazaar recently? They have anything good?”
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“Ah she can make a good joke,” he laughed a bit along with her. It wasn’t every day that many people even thought to smile these days. It was all gore, infections and imminent death. It wasn’t anything they weren’t all used to but this was a good change of pace as far as a conversation went. 
“I try to go as often as possible. Most of the time they have decent things but nothing I actually put any effort into trying to get,” he shrugged. “I usually head over to the guy that has a strange array of candy. He challenges me to a game of darts and loses more often that not. I end up walking away with a trinket or two that he bets. Have you been recently?”
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harrisonteller · 5 years
“Too many times” She agreed. There were a lot of people lost along the way. Some from the lives they all had before and some were companions they had met during their travels “Cheers to that sentiment” She held up an imaginary bottle of whatever- making the motion “Oh- well. We should totally set up a poker game if that’s the case.” She commented idly, nodding her head at his suggestion “She’s an old beaut, don’t think she’s been run since before the world ended kind of situation. We could make a night of it”
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“You always think about the first and most recent experience with that,” he said nonchalantly, “hardly ever the ones in between.” Harrison couldn’t really remember the last time he legitimately played poker, especially since the money aspect was no longer involved. That somewhat made it lose most of its fun. “I did manage to find the last few cards I needed to complete a proper deck, so you’re on as far as both things go. If we’re lucky we’ll get that generator to start up as it once was.”
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harrisonteller · 5 years
“I’m not saying it’s ever gonna- just that it’s one of the hugest disadvantages of using a gun. You gotta bolt afterwards” Still, she grinned a toothy grin at the man. It was a strange compliment, but it was close enough in her mind “No clue- with a hundred something people and evacuation plan is basically impossible- wait, poker? That’s a bummer, would have been a fun night, I’m sure. I was just gonna spend the night fixing a shitty generator that keeps blowing. So not completely heartbroken I was pulled away but it’s still gotta get done so” she shrugged her shoulders, slight annoyance written on her face. 
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“I know what you mean, we’ve all seen people not be fast enough in deadly situations,” he replied with a sigh thinking back to the last time he had the misfortune of witnessing the situation. “I’d rather think that it won’t happen than to psyche myself out.” Shaking his head, he smiled for a moment, “There wasn’t actually a poker game, I’m only kidding. I was just going to check out what was new a the bazaar but anyway, you need a hand with the generator? Two heads might be better to figure out what's up with it.”
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harrisonteller · 5 years
“No, me neither. They’re fast but they’re loud and I’m not the quickest in the herd” She kicked her braced leg out, a huff of a laugh escaping her. She hadn’t let it slow her down yet but she knew her limits “yeah” Tony agreed, glancing around the area and watching the pockets of people chatting “I suppose it’s better to address it quickly and let the people know they’re aware of the rumour than to let the bat go around rambling about a bulletproof monster. I had other things planned but it’s gotten pretty damn late”
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“Oh, come on you and I both know that it would take a lot more than an injured leg to stop you,” he said matter-of-factly. He’d seen perfectly healthy people be taken down within seconds because of sheer stupidity but some people were just survivors. “I supposed it is better for everyone to know something than nothing at all. I just wonder exactly how it is they’re going to want us to start preparing for the possibility of that thing coming here, but I did have a game of poker I had to postpone for this. So you see I also had my plans ruined.”
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harrisonteller · 5 years
Cory’s lips curled up slightly at the corners. Her eyes twinkled with amusement, though she didn’t make a sound. The idea of anyone lathering up on a rooftop was comical. The more she thought about it, the more it sounded like something she’d actually like to see. Something purely funny. It wasn’t often that they got to experience that in this new world.
“A trip to the beach?” she echoed. He was… joking. Again. He must be joking.
“I’d like to visit an amusement park, but I wouldn’t say no to the beach,” she continued, teasing in return. Of course she would say no. She hadn’t made it this far, all the way inside the wall, just to leave again on a fool’s errand. But it was fun to imagine the trip even if she would never take it. 
“Do you even have a swimsuit?”
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Harrison stretched out his arms feeling like a stretch was necessary after the announcement that had been made. They’d been in place for what seemed like ages. “Yeah a trip to the beach would make for a really great bonding trip. An all in one experience don't you think?” he asked but couldn’t help but laugh a little at how absurd the whole thing was.
There was no way that people were thinking about going to the beach to relax and do a little tanning. He couldn’t remember the last time he was even close enough to the beach to think of such a thing. “I don’t have a swimsuit... yet,” he added with a smile. “I’m sure I can get a hold of one at the Bazaar and I’m hoping to find a red one with little pineapples on it. What do you think?”
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harrisonteller · 5 years
“Come on, Teller! Stop being an asshole and give me a rematch!” he heard from a distance as he made his way out of the Bazaar shaking his head knowing that the next time he went back, Marty from the rare candy finds tent was going to pressure him into another game of darts. They had played for a pack of Hubba Bubba that neither of them was sure if it was even still good or not, but the thrill of kicking Marty’s ass at darts was still there —barely. “He’s crazy,” Harrison said to himself putting the gum in his back pocket and taking the small Swiss army knife that was in there that he’d also won from Marty a few weeks ago. It wasn’t a good army knife but he liked holding things like this over the guy’s head for fun. 
It was getting dark out and there were less people around, and sometimes by six p.m. a lot of the Fortuna residents acted as if a harsh curfew was enforced. Opening up the army knife he tossed it up in the air as he walked, catching it by the blade every time and it wasn’t until he noticed a familiar face in his peripheral that he stopped and turned in their direction. “Hey, think fast!” he called out to JC, tossing the Swiss army knife in his direction hoping it would be caught. The blade was dull too, so the chances of any accident were extremely slim.
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