hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
there's blood on my hands (don't make me be myself around you)
There was a nagging emptiness in his stomach and an itch behind his lips, and Mac wondered how long he had been unconscious if he was this hungry. His hands started roaming over himself in a self-assessment, and everything was fine until he got to his neck… because his neck had scabs on it.
Two scabs, like bite marks from fangs.
The second he felt them with his fingers he froze, staring ahead with wide eyes. “No,” he whispered to himself as the realization dawned on him, and suddenly he knew exactly what had happened to him, and he felt like he was going to be sick.
(Or the one where Mac gets turned into a vampire… and then Jack comes back home)
Hi there! It’s me and @thesammykinz again!
This fic, the idea for this fic is what started it all. Months ago, in the beginning of our friendship, Sammy and I were talking about how this fandom needed more vampire fics. So I said I’d write it and then we started sharing ideas and suddenly we were like, “are we collabing?”.
So, here we go. The fic that started it all.
Disclaimer: No rabbits were actually harmed in the making of this fanfic.
18,736 words
The first thing Mac became aware of… was the smell of the forest.
It didn’t make any sense, but his thoughts were too fuzzy to figure it out right now, so he focused on little things like opening his eyes. After blinking a few times he saw trees and green around him, so yeah, he was right, he was in the woods. He was… he didn’t feel well and he could instantly tell something was wrong, so he tried to remember what had happened.
Forcing his brain to work, he remembered Helman, Murdoc getting away… chasing him with his dad and then jumping from their armored vehicle right onto Murdoc’s truck. He had almost managed to attach the steel rope they had wanted to use to stop him when suddenly Murdoc had taken an abrupt turn, crashing the car… and then Mac didn’t remember anything.
The next thing he became aware of was the taste of blood in his mouth, but there was something… off about it. He wiped at his lips with the back of his hand and saw chunky, blackened streaks, not even the brown of dried blood, and when he prodded around in his mouth he didn’t feel any open wounds or loose teeth… so where had it come from? He sat up gingerly, backing himself into a tree for support, and patted his pockets – his wallet was there, but his cell phone was missing. There was a nagging emptiness in his stomach and an itch behind his lips, and Mac wondered how long he had been unconscious if he was this hungry. His hands started roaming over himself in a self-assessment, and everything was fine until he got to his neck… because his neck had scabs on it.
Two scabs, like bite marks from fangs.
Keep reading on AO3!
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
shot through the shoulder (and you're hot)
Jack stared at the item in Mac’s hand and it was clear when he realized what it was because he was too drunk to control his reaction. His eyes widened and he winced, turning his gaze away, but apparently he planned on playing dumb: “That’s a bullet. What about it?”
“It’s the bullet that was in my shoulder,” Mac said, pinching it between his index finger and thumb. “And I know where it came from.” It was a statement of fact, not an accusation, and
Mac dropped the bullet on the coffee table. He crossed his arms as best he could with the sling but couldn’t help a wince at the motion. “It was an accident, Jack.” The look on Jack’s face shifted into a tormented expression that Mac had never seen before. “I shot you, Mac,” he said, voice quiet and self-loathing. “I shot… you.” His voice cracked on the last word, his eyes full of pain.
(Or the one where Jack accidentally shoots Mac, and what happens after.)
Doom, doom, doom, doom… It’s us again, @thesammykinz and I! And what a surprise, we have a new fic for you! More angst, more porn, what else could you possibly want? :D
9,059 words
Angus MacGyver could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times he’d been on a mission that went perfectly. This… was not one of those missions. It had started out simple and wound up with him and Jack getting pinned down by a bunch of angry guys with M16s. That in itself wasn’t unusual, but the fact that this time it happened in an outdoor mall full of civilians in downtown Toronto made for a sticky situation.
He and Jack were holed up behind a row of concrete barricades with Jack returning fire where he could, but one handgun versus eight semi-automatic rifles wasn’t a winning match-up. Out of the corner of his eye, Mac saw movement, and it didn’t belong to one of the guys shooting at them—it was a little girl who’d stumbled into the midst of the fight. Civilians were running and screaming all over the place and the majority had lizard-brain instincts that told them to avoid the gunfire… but this was a kid.
Keep reading on AO3!
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
you know when i drink alone (i prefer to be by myself)
Mac’s drink arrived—some kind of fruity cocktail—and he swallowed most of it down, then noticed the glass of clear liquid on the bar in front of Jack. “What are you drinking?”
Jack tore his gaze away from where he was watching the crowd, looking between Mac and the glass before flicking his eyes away again. “Vodka.” He hoped Mac would think he was focused on locating their target and not being an ass—the truth was he couldn’t look at Mac, not when he was dressed like that in a place like this.
“Straight?” Mac asked, eyebrows rising.
“No, bi,” Jack replied absentmindedly, eyes widening a moment later when his brain registered what his mouth said.
(Or the one where the target likes gay clubs and Mac and Jack have to make out to keep their cover. Things get… complicated after that.)
Hello there! Yes, it’s me @thesammykinz again, coming to you with a brand new fic! And there’s plot here! We really hope you enjoy it!
9,282 words
Jack Dalton sat at the bar in a gay club off Sunset Boulevard with a drink in his hand and tried to figure out how many times he’d done this—not sat at the bar in a gay club, but sat at a bar and pretended to be interested in his drink when in reality he was casing the building. He didn’t have an exact number, but he was sure it was a lot. This time around he was with Mac, and they were looking for a fella named Joseph Reznik, an Eastern European by way of Chicago scumbag who liked to fence all sorts of stolen things between third parties. The name sounded vaguely familiar to Jack, but he couldn’t place why. Anyway, Reznik had a USB drive full of classified information in his possession, and the goal of the mission was for Jack to honeypot his way into Reznik’s hotel room. Apparently he had a thing for older men, and Jack fit his typecasting perfectly.
Mac sat down on the empty barstool next to Jack, covered in a light sheen of sweat. He was wearing a pair of ridiculously tight dark-wash skinny jeans and a black tank top that showed off his biceps. First he leaned over the bar and ordered a drink, then spoke into Jack’s ear to be heard over the thumping bass coming from the DJ’s speakers: “Have you seen Reznik? Because he’s not on the dance floor, but a lot of serial gropers are.” 
Keep reading on AO3!
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
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I made my first ever moodboard! What do you think?
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
I don’t know what’s going on in the MacGyver fandom and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.
But, I’m uh, actually going to ask cause us mods are not caught up with the show at present and as a result aren’t very active in fandom, but I keep seeing drama in the tags I track and if someone could provide some insight into what the holy hand grenade happened, I would appreciate it.
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
Bozer: Is it true you spent 3 days in Mac's trunk just to scare him?
Jack: No.
Jack: It was 5.
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
Mac: Jack, can you do me a small favor?
Jack: I’d kill for you, but go on.
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
helpful grammar tip! farther is for physical distance, further is for metaphorical distance, and father is for emotional distance!
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
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3.14 Mardis Gras Beads + Chair (requested by anonymous)
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
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[Image Description: Tag reading “just absolutely balls to the wall idiotic chaotic horniness”]
The AO3 Tag of the Day is: Tumblr
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
big ol butt. cowboy slut. looking at spurs, makes me nut. leather boots, assless chaps. give my big, butt a slap. and now you know, the cowboy rap.
in cowboy town we say this instead of the pledge of allegiance
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
Just a friendly reminder that shipping isn’t activism and just because you are straight and have a gay ship does not mean you are helping/supporting the lgbt+ community in any way
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hashtagmacgayver · 5 years
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You know, sometimes the best way to watch your back is to have your back somewhere else entirely. You understand?
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hashtagmacgayver · 6 years
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Ain’t you lucky?
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hashtagmacgayver · 6 years
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My man, saving the world in style! Good job, brother.
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hashtagmacgayver · 6 years
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I hope we’ll get to see some more outtakes of this photoshoot one day.
(CBS Watch! Magazine, February 2017 Issue)
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hashtagmacgayver · 6 years
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Evil before beauty + best slash moments between Mac & Murdoc (S03E06).
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