haysois · 2 years
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Woman Holding Child, Cuzco (Perú), 1948
Photo: Irving Penn
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haysois · 2 years
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Rome, Italy, 1954
Photo: Dan Weiner
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haysois · 8 years
White House Tempest por Holly Cawfield Por Flickr: This is not intended as any kind of political statement but more of an observation. We've rarely seen the like of Donald Trump, and love him or hate him, he certainly creates conversation. He is constantly surrounded by controversy and chaos seems to have invaded the White House, if the news outlets are to be believed. Everyday seems to bring another tempest, whether it's genuine or hyped by the network news. I didn't start this picture with the intention of making it Trump but it kind of evolved and, as I was working on it, his sartorial trademark red tie and his distinctive hair seemed to emerge. We live in a most interesting time.
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haysois · 8 years
Dog Waiting In The Sun .... (Explored) por JOY Por Flickr: .... outside the Zephyr Cafe in Squamish. Only the really big piles of snow are left now.
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haysois · 8 years
Misty morning at Mankwe Dam
Misty morning at Mankwe Dam por Sumarie Slabber Por Flickr: Pilanesberg National Park, South Arica
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haysois · 8 years
The Sky Lantern Festival in Pingxi 平溪天燈 Taiwan por AKMAN BOAT 蔡小船 Por Flickr: It’s once listed by Discovery to be the” second largest Carnival in the world” And was recommended by CNN as “the 52th worth doing something new” Also,The word’s biggest publisher Fodor’s listed the Sky Lantern Festival as one of “14 must-traveling destionation before death”.
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haysois · 8 years
Sunset at Ham wall { Explored }
Sunset at Ham wall por Graham Hall Por Flickr: Went for a stroll around Ham wall with ex-cook this afternoon. I stuck the 'Plastic fantastic' in my pocket... Glad I did, the big lens didn't really get a look in. We did hang around for the Starlings but they all headed up the Shapwick end.
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haysois · 8 years
Nel viale por Stefania
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haysois · 8 years
Sunrise @ Reine | Lofoten por Dave Wong
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haysois · 8 years
Italian Castle por Albert Dros Por Flickr: Long exposure taken last week during my visit to Portovenere, Italy.
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haysois · 8 years
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haysois · 8 years
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“Si quieres viajar hacia las estrellas, no busques compañía. “
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haysois · 8 years
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“La felicidad es darse cuenta de que nada es demasiado importante , y saber que la música es la mejor medicina” 
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haysois · 8 years
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Hay alguien que siempre cuidará de ti. Se llama “mamá”.
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haysois · 8 years
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13K notes · View notes
haysois · 8 years
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196 notes · View notes
haysois · 8 years
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