hazardstomyhealth · 2 years
If Valorant takes place in 2050 that means that some of the mid-range age agents are pandemic babies.
Phoenix was an ipad kid for sure.
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hazardstomyhealth · 3 years
I like to think this is what people see me as
my pleasure 🙄
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hazardstomyhealth · 3 years
Cypher’s voiceline "Let's see what I have to use. Pictures of their children? Wow, way too dark." Implies that someone in the protocol has children. The question is who. Who in the base is emotionally stable enough and has the time for a child.
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hazardstomyhealth · 3 years
Yoru rolling up a gunfight with these badboys
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There little hard candies go hard man
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hazardstomyhealth · 3 years
You know everyone’s told me video games won’t get you anywhere in life, but i just listened to someone get a job offer through Valorant comms. They also proceeded to talk about workplace crushes so that’s something.
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hazardstomyhealth · 3 years
If anyone has ever wondered how I can say something stupid and go the rest if my day untroubled by my words, I don’t. I only say stupid things right before midnight when my moral compass resets.
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hazardstomyhealth · 3 years
I’ve always made sure that my sisters cats have never seen any human eat. This is to make sure that they’ll never be interested in having human food but.... do they think I eat ever? Like am i a robot to them?
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hazardstomyhealth · 3 years
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I was mistaken for a bot.
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hazardstomyhealth · 3 years
Killjoy’s the kind of character that uses warm vanilla sugar air freshener and I don’t take criticism.
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hazardstomyhealth · 3 years
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I made a couch
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hazardstomyhealth · 4 years
You know what absolutely sucks. I just had a game where three of my teammates went AFK after one round. I lost 0-6 and lost -22 MRR, for what? Having incompetent teammates? Having teammates that can’t handle losing one round? In fact I was watching them stream it on twitch. I really couldn’t care less about where my rank is right now but the fact that I’m losing points for nothing is more than a little upsetting. Right before that I won a game 13-5 and only got 20 MRR. Having AFK’s shouldn’t decrease my rank so goddamn hard. 
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hazardstomyhealth · 4 years
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THEY REPLACED HIM!!! HOW DARE! MY DARLING CYPHER HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO YOU. He- he deserves everything a- and I can only do so much. Like I get it- i do i really do. Shes new and really pretty but... they replaced him.
Anyway lets hope that I don’t rank any lower after the placement matches.
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hazardstomyhealth · 4 years
Raze, standing in front of a crumbling building: look officer, I know I said I put the “damn” in collateral damage but that was not my fault.
Raze: Absolutely not....
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hazardstomyhealth · 4 years
The number of times I’ve been called “stepmom” after using voice chat in Valorant is honestly ridiculous. Its only been two, but it’s still a lot. Especially considering that one guy asked if I was a girl or a child, then two rounds later said I sounded hot.
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hazardstomyhealth · 4 years
Ive decided that I find great joy in opening doors for people who are a little too far away. Watching them have to that little half jog to get there faster.
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hazardstomyhealth · 4 years
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Did this ao3 summary just call Shinobu an ... onion? Pardon me but...? Shrek?
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hazardstomyhealth · 4 years
Uhhh no i have not been listening to the Cypher playlist in repeat.
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