hcmbound · 2 years
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steddie + love 💜 tropes / “any kind of 💜 steve + eddie” commission for @greymantledlady
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hcmbound · 2 years
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Kieran had just gotten a new tattoo from Anchors down the road. His new pride and joy, Cynthia, from The Rugrats. Enjoying his new ink, he was feeling himself just dancing to the music from his earpod down the sidewalk. No one who saw him gave him a weird look, a second glance, or really even judged him. Maybe they did, but they never said a word. Kieran had always been like this for as long as he, or anyone, could remember. If he could walk, he could dance. If he could talk, he could spout weird thoughts at 1 in the afternoon about aliens and their plans for world domination via marble statutes held in Italy, or mixing ice cream flavors. He was a wild card so this....this was normal. What wasn’t normal was the person he almost twirled into, taking his hand instead to dance with him. 
“Tryin’ to holla at me. I don’t want no scrub. A scrub is a guy that can’t get no love from me.”
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hcmbound · 2 years
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Alex had been out to get inspiration. At least that’s what she told her dad when he called this morning. Really, she just wanted to go find the biggest plate of fries she could find. Preferably waffle, but she’d take what she could get. She was doubtful a place like this would have a vegetarian or vegan burger. It wasn’t until she happened upon a small blue and white ice cream shop that she truly stopped. 
It was quaint, like everything else here. It wasn’t fries, but ice cream could do the trick. Scoops Ahoy. Funny, she thought. Walking in with the door chime, she smiled softly at the girl behind the counter, looking around at everything before properly walking up. “Oh are those waffle cones? Fuck, I haven’t had one of those in forever.” She looked down at the flavors of ice cream like a kid in a candy shop, only to look up and see a different person in front of her instead.
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hcmbound · 2 years
Still squirming and kicking, Billie tried to free herself but had no luck. “Yes, okay, it’s a yes to the movies. Now stop with the tickling before I hurt you. And don’t think I won’t.” It was a threat. Having grown up with two older brothers, Billie was always more than ready to defend herself.
For the most part, Billie played her cards close to her chest. Letting Bryce know just a little bit more about her was a big step for her. But, she liked him, and she knew that if she really wanted anything to happen (though she wouldn’t admit to that), she had to lower her walls just a little.
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Bryce stopped tickling her, sitting back on his heels. He smiled sweetly at her and held out his hand as a truce, to both stop tickling her, and solidify a deal for a date. He didn’t really have a problem with letting people in. Bryce was a lot softer than his appearance (or attitude) let on. When he was in a relationship he was soft, kind, caring. He liked a good snuggle while watching movies and eating popcorn together. Of course that wasn’t all of him. He still liked to adventure and have fun, but he was more than just a jock. 
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hcmbound · 2 years
“She always tries to act like she isn’t into pulling shit, I knew she was bullshitting.” Kit shook his head, a slight smirk on his face. If he was being honest, he was kind of impressed. However, if Billie hadn’t set the guy up and he had just got rejected, Kit did feel a little bad. “I guess it would be a little awkward to ask, but don’t you wanna know? I kinda wanna know.” He looked off into the distance as if in deep thought. “Should we ask Dave what to do? Or Mom?”
The whole thing about sports went right over Kit’s head, so he focused on the sushi of it all. “What kinda sushi are we gonna get? I think that’s the most important thing here.”
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He shrugged. Kieran really didn’t think much of it anymore. The moment was passed. He was a little upset that he wasn’t asked out by the tall man, but it was okay. He’d move on. When food was mentioned again, Kieran looked back to his little brother with thought. “Oh. I hadn’t thought of that. I don’t know. We could get a couple different things. We could try something new!” He knew that he wouldn’t. He’d pull up the menu and get the same thing he always got. At the end of the day, really all he wanted was rice balled up in a nice little circle, vaguely sticky. 
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hcmbound · 2 years
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Penny walked into the bathroom, a dissatisfied noise as she picked up her gown to walk. She stood in front of the mirror to fix her hair. Taking a break from the way they were droning on and on about people she didn’t care about was wearing her down. She just wanted to know if she was going to win her category or not. “Supporting Actress” was never her dream roll. She moved out to Hollywood to stare, not just to act along side of people. She had been in various teen shows since she was an actual teen, and while it was flattering, 15 years of playing a 16 year old was growing old. 
Penny wanted more. She wanted to play dramatic rolls, big rolls, emotional roles. She was ready for more than what she was nominated for tonight. To play the bitchy best friend in another Rom-Com was what she was worried about being type cast as. It was a double edged sword. If she won tonight, it’s all she’d know. If she lost, chances were she’d be back to lead the cheer squad on some Riverdale-esque show the CW could think up next. 
“Do you have a piece of gum?” She looked over at the other woman through the mirror while she adjusted her chest in it’s place.
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hcmbound · 2 years
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every fallon carrington outfit: 2x19
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hcmbound · 2 years
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Miley Cyrus, 2018
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hcmbound · 2 years
“That’s my brother.” Billie nodded, trying to control her laughter. “I totally let you do that completely on purpose.” Billie wasn’t a sore loser by any means, but she sure did love to win. And this win was so satisfying. “Our parents own Scoops, that’s why we all work there.” She explained, giving Bryce some much needed context.
She was just about to answer his question, but when he started tickling her, she started trying to wiggle her way to freedom without accidentally kicking anyone. “Stop, stop, stop. If I say I’ll go to the movies with you, will you stop?” She barely managed to get the words out between laughs.
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Bryce wasn’t too hurt about it. It wasn’t a real question og going out with him, so it wasn’t a real rejection. His record still stood. Finding out more information about her and her family was nice though, to know her family owned the ice cream shoppe. It was cool. His parents didn’t really do much like that. His father was a 10th grade English teacher, his mother 2nd grade. 
He continued to tickle her, being careful not to get injured himself or kicked somewhere he didn’t want. When she offered to go to the movies he paused, giving her a stern look. “Is that a yes to the movies, Miss Roberts?”
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hcmbound · 2 years
Kit might not have been the smartest guy around, but he was loyal. No one could argue that. He wondered if Kieran would do the same if he’d been the one to receive the phone call instead. With a shrug to answer his unspoken thoughts, he pocketed his phone and turned to face his brother.
“That was seriously weird. Do you think she set him up? It kinda sounded like she set him up. I dunno what their deal is, they act like they don’t like each other even though it’s clear that they do. I don’t get it.” Romance wasn’t something that Kit was well versed in. Sure, he got dates, but he’d never done whatever it was that Billie was doing. 
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Kieran thought about it for a moment. “Knowing her, probs. I mean, can we ever really know? We could ask her but wouldn’t that be just as awkward? You got asked out by a hot guy and you turned him down. That’s like, a nerds dream. You turned down the catcher of the football team’s jump shot guy. Bro, that’s super cool of you.” He had no idea what anything to do with sports was, but he tried his best. 
“And, we’re still getting sush tonight. It’s a win all around. Except for Rice, who got rejected. That’s sad for him. I hope he recovers okay.”
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hcmbound · 2 years
The moment the truth came out, Billie snorted, and the sound garnered her more than a couple of odd looks from other people at the party. She looked at Bryce and tried to keep a straight face despite her obvious laughter. The jig was up, but it was so worth it. “Aw, Kit, that’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me all week. Up until now Kier has been my favourite brother, but now you’re definitely back in the running. Love you, thanks, bye.”
Quickly taking her phone back, Billie ended the call and bit her bottom lip, waiting for Bryce’s reaction. “That was kind of a fail, huh? I bet you don’t get rejected a lot. How’s your ego? Not too bruised, I hope.”
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Bryce just blinked, sitting there as she quickly took her phone back before he could protest or defend himself. “You.. That’s your brother? You totally let me just do that, didn’t you?” He moved so he wasn’t sitting next to her, but back in front of her again. It was true though. Bryce didn’t get rejected. Maybe it was just his confidence in person that got people. It was doomed from the start because it was her brother this whole time. 
“At least he’s got an excuse to say no. What’s yours?” He leaned forward to tickle her, a grin on his face.
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hcmbound · 2 years
The offer to see a movie took Kit by surprised. He thought there would be more conversation about his hair, although when he saw Kieran’s face, he knew it was probably best to let the subject drop. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his brother to cut his hair, it was just that he was particular about it. It wasn’t personal.
“Uh, I dunno. That seems a little weird. Even for me. Going out with someone who’s interested in my sister? That’s a little too… close… for me.” Kit still had a suspicious look on his face, confused about what was going on. Why was this guy asking him out? Not that he didn’t love going to see movies, but he was certain from the interactions he’d seen between Billie and this Rice guy that they were into each other. Not to mention the fact that Kit was straight. “If this is some kind of joke, dude, it’s not really funny. Billie is a nice girl, you shouldn’t just get close to her to get to me. That’s mean.”
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Kieran hung on every word. He was sure rejection wasn’t easy, as he had been through plenty himself. He was a little surprised that Kit could still say no. He figured a free movie and snacks, why not? He didn’t have to sleep with the guy. It was a noble thing to do for their sister though. If Rice really liked Billie, why was he asking out Kit? Was he just using her to get close to him?
“Wow, so that was awkward. Pretty wild.” He gave his brother a face as if to say yikes.
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hcmbound · 2 years
Already it was off to a good start, and Billie was having a hard time keeping herself from laughing. She could always count on her brothers, no matter what, even if they didn’t know what they were doing. “You don’t need to borrow Ted’s car, Kier.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “Bryce here just wants to talk to Kit. Everything is fine.”
As Kit started reacting to the compliment about his hair, Billie had to hold her breath just to keep from bursting out with laughter. Once she was sure that she had control, she looked at Bryce and motioned to the phone. “Go on, ask him.”
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Bryce just listened as he kept talking, opening his mouth to respond but closing it as Scoop guy kept going on about his hair. He looked at Billie as if to ask is he always like this? before she motioned to continue. 
“Right, yeah no I get that. So I was curious if you wanted to see a movie on Saturday if you aren’t too busy or anything.” He didn’t have any particular movie in mind. It was a blank slate until he got a yes, and they could pick a movie from there. He knew he probably shouldn’t have kept up the act, but he wasn’t going to let Billie win this one. 
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hcmbound · 2 years
Kit was confused by the fact that his sister had called him and then passed him off to who he quickly recognized as the Rice guy. That voice was one he wouldn’t forget. Especially after hearing it hit on his sister. Something felt odd about this whole thing, and he shot Kieran a suspicious look. “Uh, thanks, Rice. I can’t say I get many people calling me to tell me how nice my hair is, but it’s always nice to hear. Most people just say it to my face and then ask to touch it. Usually I let them, depends on how creepy they look.”
There was another pause from Kit as he looked to his brother. ‘What is going on?’ he mouthed silently, an eyebrow raised. This was really weird.
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Kieran listened, confused as to why someone was asking Kit out instead of himself. If Rice was really as hot as everyone claimed, why was he busy trying to mack on the guy at the ice cream shop? Though, he had to admit, Kit was one of his favorite people. He had good qualities. Any guy would be lucky to have him. Though, it was a weird pairing if he said so himself. 
Hopping up on the counter space by the register, he listened to the call, grumbling to himself because he wasn’t the one who even cut Kit’s hair. He had nothing to do with how luscious it may or may not be. It got him to thinking about the rest of them, his own hair, his sister’s, Debbie. When his brother mouthed to him, he just shrugged his shoulders, almost dropping his water on the ground.
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hcmbound · 2 years
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JACOB ELORDI for TAG Heuer Monaco
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hcmbound · 2 years
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You ever been to a Baskin-Robbins? They’re like half a Dunkin’ Donuts, and they’re open all night, and it’s 3:00 a.m., and nobody’s switching out those giant empty barrels of fudge ripple. That’s me.
The Umbrella Academy: 3x03 | “Pocket Full of Lightning”
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hcmbound · 2 years
When Kit finally answered the phone, Billie got ready to speak but was interrupted by her brother. “What? No, I’m not.” She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Shut up for a minute, okay? I’ve got this guy here who wants to talk to you. You remember Bryce? He’s come into Scoops a few times. He’s here with me and wants to have a chat.” Looking up from the phone, Bille watched Bryce to see what he would do.
Pranks weren’t usually her thing, but this was something that had just fallen into her lap. She couldn’t not do it. Handing the phone over to Bryce, she sat back and waited for things to play out, knowing that one or both of her brothers would say something to make this awkwardly hilarious.
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Bryce just rose a brow at the conversation he heard. He didn’t know what to make of it, but both men on the other side sounded frantic. He was trying to think up what he was going to say or offer or do. He hadn’t planned on this originally, and asking someone out over the phone wasn’t usually his thing. Sure, a text message maybe with a hot person he met, but a phone call? What was this, 1998? 
“Uh, hey there. Sorry but I just had to say something and the moment came up, you know? I just...” he tried to think quick on his feet, remembering what Billie said before she called, “really wanted to say your hair is cool. I dig it.”
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