hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
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Tasman Glacier | rachstewartnz
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
“I know you will,” Genji whispered and gave a weak smile. He knew Hanzo would help him… Or try to at the very least. Maybe it was foolish of him to trust Hanzo, to believe him. But somehow he just couldn’t help himself, not even after everything that had happened. He wanted to trust Hanzo, he wanted to believe him. His heart didn’t allow him to do anything else. When Hanzo said he wasn’t going to show emotions around anyone but him, Genji smiled. “Good,” he said and slightly tilted his head looking at his brother. “That gives me all the more reason to be around you a lot.” He was somehow happy… Happy that he could be with Hanzo, the one he loved more than anyone else. He was glad that Hanzo accepted him now, even if it had taken for Genji to almost die… He was so glad. “I want you to be able to be yourself… around me and everyone else but I don’t mind if you start with just me.” He raised his hand and took Hanzo’s face between them. “I’m your brother… I know you better than anyone else, sometimes probably better than you know yourself… Nothing you did surprised me… I knew it would happen but the alternative to staying would’ve been abandoning you and I just can’t ever do that. I love you too much to do it… I was still hoping you wouldn’t… do it…” He let go of Hanzo again and as they walked down the hallway and Hanzo brought up the question of whether or not Overwatch was trying to keep them apart, he scoffed. “They probably had their reasons… They might’ve feared I would attempt to murder you which isn’t actually that unlikely. But they underestimate our bond, it’s to be expected after you so harshly tried to cut it.” He said without sounding like reproachful. They were still harsh words, Genji knew it. “However, we’re both still alive… You’re not injured… I guess we’re fine.” He looked over his shoulder at Hanzo and gave him a wink. “What I mean? I mean don’t say anything weird, Hanzo. I can’t explain the world to you. Just don’t say anything that might be inappropriate. I’m not sure if he even knows you’re here but I have a feeling he’s not too fond of you from what he heard so far. I mean, some people here know what happened, you see. It’s not like I could’ve kept it a secret. And if you met the person who tried to murder someone close to you, you wouldn’t exactly be thrilled. And in Overwatch we’re all pretty close.” He let out a sigh. He wondered what Angela would think of Hanzo. When Genji had told her his story she got really cold… it had been the first time he saw her like that. When asked about his training, Genji glanced at Hanzo again. “Well,” he said and flexed the fingers of his right hand. “The cybernetics make me superhumanly strong and fast… I have night vision – not even joking – I did nothing but train the first months I was here… I’m getting there… You know I could’ve always outplayed you if I wanted to. I’m better with the sword than you,” he taunted and scoffed. “I suck at archery, though, I suppose you were always good at that. But I didn’t lose because I was worse. Do you even remember anything about what happened? I didn’t even raise my sword against you. If you want to we can try to have a little fight with wooden swords sometime, let’s see how long it’ll take me to beat you.” There it was, that brotherly rivalry they used to have when they were younger. Unfortunately it turned into something way more serious as they grew older. On the topic of McCree Genji just chuckled. “Oh don’t let yourself be fooled. He’s clever, that one. Very good looking and charmin too. Amazing skills with his gun, although his revolver might be a little old fashioned. Wouldn’t want to face him in a fight. During my first three months here he tried to be all flirty with me too. It definitely would’ve worked before all this happened.” A smug smile stretched his lips behind the faceplate, thinking about his reputation before he almost died. At the mention of Gabriel, Genji blushed and was so grateful for his faceplate. “… We’re close.” Was all he said and didn’t look at his brother. He was embarrassed. Their relationship was still kind of a secret but Genji felt that if he ever told anyone then it would be Hanzo. “Right around the corner, don’t panic,” he warned and then turned around the corner they reached, walked down the hallway and stopped in front of a door. He knocked on it, waited a few seconds and went inside. Genji stopped in front of his Commander’s desk and gave him a nod and a wink that Hanzo couldn’t see as he was still behind Genji. “Commander Reyes,” he started and then looked at Hanzo. “The Strike Commander sent his new recruit to pick up some… files or whatever. This is my brother,” He made a small gesture with his hand towards Hanzo before he looked at Reyes again. “Shimada Hanzo.” He approached the desk and put his hand on it, leaning towards the Commander. “Did you know he was joining Overwatch forces, G-.. Commander Reyes?”
Hanzo swallowed harshly at Genji's words. It hurt him, knowing that Genji knew it was going to happen...and he still stayed, because he couldn't leave him. Because to Genji, losing his own life was more important than leaving his brother...that fact alone caused a burning sensation within his chest. It hurt a hell of a lot knowing that. ❝I know...I'm sorry...I really am.❞ He sucked in a deep breath, he wasn't going to end up crying again over something so stupid, he wouldn't allow himself to. ❝But I promise I won't betray you again. You're all I have now...I can't lose you again.❞ It was sweet, just how much their bond seemed to deepen despite the fact that it had nearly been severed with such an ease. And in this moment he knew that he would slowly begin to heal- as long as he had his brother with him everything would be okay. They would both heal and get through this together.
Fingers were resting lightly against the hilt of his sword as they walked, he let out a soft sigh- Genji did have a point. Hell, he even thought that he was going to be murdered when they had first ran into eachother, so it was completely plausible for Overwatch to try and keep them apart. He supposed that being sent down here by the Strike Commander had been a mistake on his part- he was almost certain that it had not been intended for them to run into one another. ❝I can understand why they'd worry. I myself was worried that you were going to strike me down back there. I was fully ready to defend myself against you incase you had tried something.❞ That was a lie, he was not prepared to fight off a cyborg who was probably by now way stronger than he was. But he would like to think that he'd at least have had a fighting chance when it came to that. A scoff left him at Genji's next words. He was offended almost, that Genji would think such a thing. ❝I am not going to be inappropriate Genji, do you even know me? You know I am only on my best behavior in front of my superiors. Don't worry though...I'll be sure to be on the best behavior I can be. Especially if everyone is well...not too fond of me because of what happened.❞ He really was trying his best to redeem himself, and if kissing ass was something he needed to do in order to make sure that happened, then he would do just that.
Hanzo's brow quirked upwards- night vision, that sure was....something. He couldn't help but feel a bit proud of Genji though- he had really come far and that was showing, he had no doubts that Genji was probably one of the best agents here. ❝I'm...proud of you. You seem like you've been trained into a fine warrior, brother.❞ He let out a soft chuckle at the mention of wooden swords, eyes glimmering with a hint of interest. ❝Maybe we will have to face one another again, I'd like to see just how much you've improved. I still bet I'd kick your ass though.❞ Taunting even, smirk on his lips. Oh he knew that he would be no match for him, but it was always fun to act like he could kick his brother's ass. A low hum left him at the mention of Mccree, ❝Interesting. Never thought a guy looking like that would be a good shot.❞ He wouldn't comment on the fact that yes, he was pretty damn attractive, even if he agreed with Genji on that. ❝Hopefully he leaves me be, or I really will cut off his hands. And you of all people should know I'm serious.❞ When Genji didn't bother to elaborate on what his relation to the commander was, Hanzo was more than content with dropping it. It wasn't his business and he wouldn't get involved, even if it did seem a bit...weird. When they stepped into the office, Hanzo let his hands fall behind his back and he stood back, not getting too close. This guy looked scary and he definitely wasn't going to even dare to test him by stepping out of line. A small nod was given at the mention of the files, and he would stay quiet until he was spoken to.
Gabriel seemed to be fine with Hanzo, until the mention of him being Genji's brother came up, that was when his eyes narrowed as he practically glared at the kid. When Genji got closer, Gabriel leaned in slightly, voice kept low as he tried to keep the conversation out of earshot from his brother. ❝No, I was not aware of this. I hadn't even known Morrison made such a huge decision without consulting me about it. I'm going to have to have a few words with him...❞ He shot another glare to Hanzo before letting his gaze rest on Genji again ❝If he tries anything I hope you know I will not hesitate to step in. I am not going to let him hurt you again. Both him and Jack will get their asses handed to them if he so much as lays a finger on you in a harmful manner, understood?❞ He knew that Genji adored his brother but he...he was in love with Genji and was not going to let him get hurt again. Straightening himself he shot a glance to Hanzo, hands folding on his desk. ❝Lets see...Hanzo was it? What exactly are these files that Morrison sent you down here for? Usually he's the one to pick up files, he doesn't often send...recruits, to do so.❞
It was more than obvious to Hanzo that the guy did not like him, and he found himself awkwardly tapping fingers against his side, trying to not crack under the pressure of feeling like he was being suddenly interrogated. ❝He said it was mission reports and uh...❞ he tried to wrack his brain for what else it was, taking a moment before it suddenly came to him. Oh he was a nervous mess. ❝your files on training- something to do with keeping track of the agent's performance. I dont really know what exactly it is. And he sent me down because he was busy- I really did not want to come down here, believe me.❞ He shot a glance at Genji as if just begging him to help him out here. He was hoping he hadn't said anything to piss off this Commander Reyes guy, who already seemed to be in a pissed off mood from what he could tell with the looks he received and how him and Genji had whispered back and forth between one another.
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
She chuckled and grinned at him. “What did you think I’m from here? Does my Accent not give me away? Also my skin color and how I’m not speaking Japanese,” she slightly tilted her head, letting her fingers comb through her dark hair, untangling it a little. When she heard his next words and saw that look she hummed a little, shifting her weight, causing her hips to slightly move. “Such a sweet guy, I have a weakness for those,” she said and her hand trailed across his arm once more. She honestly just wanted him to get flustered, it was kind of funny and adorable. Such a cold, distant guy got worked up over her and her flirting… Who wouldn’t enjoy that? When he spoke of his brother she decided to drop the topic. It seemed as though he was quite bitter about him. No wonder, there was always some kind of sibling rivalry going on in a family. Then again she never had a family so what would she know anyway? “You can, believe me. Everyone can dance at least a little. Just let the music guide you, feel the rhythm and move to it,” she said and tapped against her glass in the rhythm of the current song. Maybe she just couldn’t understand because music was flowing through her veins. She loved to dance, sing and she listened to music basically every chance she got. It had always helped her feel better. When he mentioned the extent of his tattoo and pointed at his chest her eyes widened and she smiled widely. “Wow that’s really cool,” she said and smiled at him genuinely. “I was thinking about getting one that goes up my leg but I just don’t have the patience, I need them done in one session as fast as possible. The skull I got as soon as it was legal for me to get one.” She giggled at the thought. As soon as she had turned 16 she got that skull. She had always wanted a tattoo and this one was a symbol of her affiliation with Los Muertos, the only family she’d ever known. When he stated that he wasn’t checking her out she winked at him. “Qué pena, and here I was hoping you liked what you see,” she said casually as she took a sip from her glass of water. In that moment she wished she got tequila but oh well. When she dragged him on the dance floor and he clearly was uncomfortable she laughed and grabbed his hands, started making him move in the rhythm of the music along with her own body. Almost like one would teach a child how to dance. “Come on, relajarte, you’re too stiff!” She said and someone bumped into her from behind, causing her to stumble a little towards him. She held on to him and looked up with a smile before she put her hands on his hips, trying to guide him through this. She turned around so she was back to chest with him and grabbed his hands, gently put them on her hips and then started grinding against him in the rhythm of the music, one arm raised and partly snaked around his neck while her other hand was resting against his hips. Her gaze fell on his hand on her hip then she looked up at him, pulling him down a little almost as if she was about to kiss him like this but she stopped before they got too close. “Move with me,” she demanded and smiled before her fingers slightly brushed through his dark hair.
A low huff of air escaped Hanzo at her words, his cheeks darkening by the second. He didn't think of himself as sweet, and yet here she was feeling up on him and calling him such things. It was stupid...why was he getting so worked up and flustered over simple words? He knew better, he was trained to be stoic and cold in every situation and yet this woman, she did things to him. His heart was racing and he wasn't sure if it was the alcohol that was making him react like this or because of how gorgeous she was. He scolded himself for that- he refused to let himself be entranced by a gorgeous woman, it would only end badly- it always did. He hated this- the stirring emotions firing up in his chest at such a trivial thing as a beautiful woman. It wasn't a foreign feeling, he had found many women beautiful in the past- but she was actually talking to him and interested in him, that's what made this so new to him.
He raised a brow at her words, watching her fingers move against the glass ❝No no, I really cant.❞ He wasn't trained to dance, to have his body be so loose and just go with the flow of things. He was used to stiff, precise movements, robotic like in the way he moved. It was necessary for his art of the blade, for his aiming of his bow. And so the whole concept sounded ridiculous to him. A soft breath escaped him as he admired her features, eyes glancing over her and taking everything in. Why was she talking to him again? He was probably the most bland person in comparison to her. He nodded as she spoke about her tattoo, ❝It compliments you nicely. I actually got mine done all at once- it took about eighteen hours of work. With breaks in between of course, but it was a pain. Couldn't sleep on that side for days.❞ It was nice, having someone he could talk so openly about this with, she was sweet...she really did seem genuinely interested in what he had to say. His cheeks seemed to darken at her teasing, gaze shifting away. Oh he definitely did like what he saw- he wasn't going to tell her that though. Although he was certain it was more than obvious by now that he did. He raised his glass to his lips and finished off his drink in one go- he could blame the flush on the alcohol if need be.
Hanzo was a mess when she had actually managed to drag him out to dance, he had no idea what the hell he was doing and this only made it more difficult for him. ❝I am not too stiff.❞ He huffed in protest, trying his best to loosen up. When she guided his hands to her hips, his grip was light- cautious even. This was the closest he had been to someone in a long time and it was proving to make him more than flustered, he swallowed harshly as he kept his gaze on her. He was slowly loosening up- but he was still awkward about the whole thing. To make matters worse, her pulling him in close like that only made him even more of an awkward mess, and he for a second really thought she might kiss him. She was a tease- a good one at that. He nodded his head slowly ❝O-Okay.❞ He wasn't going to argue, and so he tried his best to move his hips in rhythm with hers, slowly becoming a bit looser in his movements. A shaky breath escaped him as her fingers moved through his hair, his grip on her hip tightening ever so slightly in response. It was like she knew each and every one of his weak points- this was not fair by any means, but he was definitely enjoying himself. And he was even actually glad in this moment that his brother had dragged him out here.
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
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42K notes · View notes
hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
someone: do you want to talk about it?
me: maybe when i die
me: *chugs an entire bottle of vodka without breaking eye contact with them*
me: should be soon
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
She noticed his eyes scanning her body with interest. Most other men would’ve looked at her with lust, but he wasn’t exactly checking her out, he was just taking in her appearance. That was perfectly fine by her, as long as he liked what he saw. A slight smile curled her lips as she let him look at her. She glanced at him too, mustering his facial features, his long, dark hair, the thick eyebrows, the muscular arms… He certainly did look good. He looked like a fighter, that much she was certain of. He wasn’t just some guy that worked an office Job.
“Hmm, formality. Where I come from nobody even knows how to pronounce that. Mostly because I’m Latina and they speak Spanish, probably,” she joked and looked back at the people on the dancefloor. His brother? So that brother of his probably dragged him along, he didn’t seem like the kind of guy who would come here on his own free will. Sombra spotted a guy wearing a tanktop with a Tattoo on his back that looked similar to his own. He was grinding against a girl in front of him while another one was dancing behind him. “That your brother? He looks like he’s having fun.” She grinned and then looked at him again, giving him a soft smile. “But I think you could totally out-dance him if you tried…”
When she mentioned his tattoo she saw his smile get softer and more honest. She would make a mental note of that. “Hmm yeah, it’s quite daring but I love it. It suits you well from what I can see. Such fine work too,” her gaze took in every detail of the tattoo that she could see. When she heard him comment on her Tattoo she actually blushed a little and smiled. “Hmmm someone’s been checking me out,” she said and glanced up at him again. He was way taller than her and she liked it. When she caused him to almost choke to death on that drink of his, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh it’s fine, that was my intention,” she said with a cheeky wink. “Hmmm yeah it’s more like a nickname but I haven’t really used my real name in years,” she explained her alias and then turned around, leaning her back against the bar she tilted her head to the side. “Shimada, huh? Rings a bell.” Of course it did. But she decided not to talk about that now.
The Music changed from some boring Techno to something more familiar now. Definitely some latino elements in there and Sombra immediately started moving her body in the rhythm. “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” She shouted and grabbed his wrist out of the blue, dragging him to the dance floor where she started shaking her hips in the rhythm as she danced against him, encouraging him to go along with it.
Hanzo’s head tilted ever so slightly to the side at that, so she wasn’t from here…and yet she seemed so comfortable and like she belonged. It was interesting really, she was definitely someone he could see as being a social person- something he wasn’t too much of. “Latina…you definitely do have the looks of one, now that you mention it.” He shot a quick glance down to her hips before looking away, swallowing harshly. He wasn’t particularly good at this whole flirting thing in general, but when faced with a gorgeous woman who was bold and quite a bit intimidating, he just found himself falling short of what to say. “Not in a bad way or anything- in a good way.” He quickly followed up, hoping he hadn’t come off as weird about the whole thing.
At the question of whether or not that was his brother he simply nodded, eyes narrowing slightly as he shot a look towards him. “Yes, he does this quite frequently. A bit too much for my tastes.” Bitterness, only because Genji had always been the more outgoing of the two, leading him to always end up with people admiring and flirting with him. He lightly tapped his fingers against his glass, a low hum leaving him “Not too sure about that, but i’ll let you think that I could.” He was thankful when the topic had changed, not being too fond of speaking about Genji when it came to this sort of thing. With anything else he didnt mind, but he was almost jealous in a way that Genji received so much more attention than him.
He nodded slowly, “It took a while to complete. It actually goes up to about here-” he motioned to his left pec as he spoke. It was nice having someone take an interest in him. Gaze shifted away once more at her comment, becoming flustered easily once more. “I wasn’t checking you out, you know.” When she began explaining her name, his gaze had shifted back to her, listening carefully as if ever word were important. It made sense really, that she would use an alias, most people did anyways when they worked in some sort of shady business. He wondered if that were the case with her…but she looked too pretty to be someone of that type. He raised a brow at her comment, but he didn’t pay mind to it. Everyone knew the Shimadas. They were the biggest name here and practically ran Hanamura, it was no shock to him that she knew of his surname. He lifted his glass once more, taking a large sip of the alcohol before setting it back down, unfazed by the slight burning.
Eyes glimmered with interest as her body began moving to the rhythm of the music. It was…enchanting in a way, how her hips moved and flowed with such an ease. He hadn’t even noticed that he had been staring and watching carefully with a deep scarlet across his face- which he would blame on the alcohol if asked. A soft gasp escaped him as he felt her quite literally tugging him along. Oh this was bad, when he said he couldn’t dance he definitely meant it, and now he was standing here with her moving her hips against him like it was the easiest thing in the world. If he wasn’t already a blushing mess he was now, teeth lightly biting at his lip as he watched her. “Sombra,” He spoke just quiet enough for her to hear, not wanting to embarrass himself further infront of everyone “I have literally no idea what to do you’re going to have to help me out here.”
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
Her eyes watched him closely as he looked at the Bartender and ordered his drink. He had a nice voice, at least from what she could here over all the loud music and people wooing and talking. He did have a really nice face, though. A slight smirk appeared on her face  as she leaned against the bar. She was wearing high heels, a tight low waist jeans and a sparkling crop top in turquoise, making a nice contrast with her dark skin. Her hair was open and fell on her shoulders in silky waves, she wore make up but not not too much. All in all she looked like many women her age, nothing too special about her. Above her left hip bone there was a black Tattoo of a skull symbol. Sombra’s skull symbol. She chuckled at his reaction to her complimenting him. It was almost as if he never received a compliment but that couldn’t be it, right? He was stunningly handsome after all, many women were probably after him. Although judging by the fact that he was standing here alone it might’ve been a wrong guess. Women liked to be approached, most of them at least. If he didn’t do that then it was obvious why he was standing here alone. “Ma’am? I’m sure you’re at least a few years older than me, querido,” she spoke and winked at him. “Besides, everyone is the type to dance. You just haven’t tried yet,” she said with a charming smile before her gaze fell on his arm. She mustered the blue shapes of his tattoo on his left arm. It clearly was a dragon and she wondered how far up it went. As far as she could see it covered his whole sleeve. “Nice ink,” she commented and looked up at him again, ignoring the Bartender who now brought them their drinks at first. She then took out her purse and gave the guy a few coins so he would piss off again. She wanted to talk to this guy now. “If you’re not gonna dance, are you at least going to tell me your name? I need to know what to cry out later.” She took a sip from her glass and then shot him a grin as she put it down again. “I jest… it’s a Joke,” she then quickly added and giggled. “I’m Sombra. Nice to meet you.”
This woman was far too good looking to even be talking to him, she was much like the types that his younger brother would hang around. Gaze narrowed slightly, although the interest in his eyes never faded, if anything it only made him more interested in seeing what she wanted with someone like him. He was quick in taking in every detail of her- from the light layer of makeup, to the way her strands of hair fell slightly- and that tattoo. It was...interesting for sure. He hadn't by any means intended to check her out, if it could even be considered that. He had grown used to assessing people and his surroundings, so much that he didn't think twice before doing so. A soft huff of air left him, his gaze leaving her after he had thoroughly made sure to take in everything, he didn't want to come off as weird for looking too long anyways.
Hanzo's brow quirked upwards at her comment, lips pursing together for a brief moment as he let out a soft hum. Yes, he certainly was older than her...probably only by a year or two, maybe three. ❝Yes, I am sure that I'm older than you. Although it is out of respect that I refer to you as such...a formality, if you will call it that.❞ Dark eyes seemed to avoid her once more as she winked at him, he wasn't used to this at all. It was all so strange...why was she being so flirty with him- so nice to him? He didn't understand at all. Gaze shot back towards her when she mentioned dancing and he waved a hand as if it were nothing. ❝Oh no really....I don't think I'd be any good at it. Besides...that's more my brother's thing than mine.❞ A small, rather awkward laugh left him at that as he forced a smile onto his lips. Be formal, be nice, she was being nice so he found that he would have to do so as well- even if he felt rather unsure of what to do.
That forced smile soon turned genuine when she commented on his tattoo- well, what was visible of it. ❝Oh- Thank you. It's certainly a much bigger piece than most would get, your tattoo is quite nice as well.❞ Slowly, yet surely he could feel himself gaining a bit more comfortable with speaking to her. Sure he was awkward, but at least it wasn't as worse as it could get. When their drinks were brought to him, his fingers curled around his glass, raising it to his lips and taking a sip as he listened to her. He nearly choked on his drink at that, glass quickly lowered and his other hand brought up to cover his face which was now quite a bright red. Soft breath of reassurance left him as she stated it being a joke, his hand slowly lowering. ❝Apologies, you caught me off guard with that.❞ He slowly removed his hand, cheeks cooling down with each breath. ❝Sombra....certainly not a name I've heard before.❞ He gave a small smile before giving a nod of his head to her as he introduced himself. ❝Shimada, Hanzo. It is a pleasure to meet you as well, miss Sombra.❞ Once again he was being formal, but it was all he knew, he couldn't really help it.
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
Standing in the middle of the crowd, rocking her body in the rhythm of the music Sombra held up her arms into the air as she jumped up and down to the beat of the song right afterwards, along with the rest of the crowd. She grinned widely as she danced with some random guy, putting her hands on his shoulders as he grabbed her hips. She was already feeling really hot, heated up from dancing and jumping around but also from the several people around her. As the song ended she let go of her dancing partner, making her way towards the bar to get a glass of water or some more alcohol. As she reached the bar she leaned against it and noticed a guy trying to get the bartender’s attention but he was being ignored while the bartender was tending to a group of women. Sombra smiled before she climbed up on the bar, sat down on it and leaned over to the bartender, grabbing him by his tie and pulling him close. “Listen, Amigo, you’re not getting paid to flirt,” she said and locked eyes with him before she got down from the bar again without letting go of his tie, pulling him closer towards her and the stranger. “Now bring me a glass of water and this guy whatever he wants to order!” She shouted over the loud music and the bartender quickly nodded, causing Sombra to let go of him. The guy quickly got to work. Sombra played with her dark locks, twirling a strand of hair around her finger before she got closer to the stranger. He looked like he didn’t want to be here at all. She looked up at him and gave him a sweet smile. “What’s a girl gotta do to dance with someone as handsome as yourself, cariño?” She asked and her other hand brushed over his arm, fingertips trailing along it.
Dark gaze was formed into an ever permanent expression of irritation and boredom, he did not want to be here. He could have been doing better things, but Genji had to drag his ass out of their castle and yank him to some stupid nightclub that he did not want to be at. The music was too loud, the people were all wasted and equally as loud, and he for the life of him could not get a fucking drink. What did he expect though? At cheap, public establishments like this the bartenders were always skeevy, only doing their job to try and get with women. Face scrunched up slightly at that thought- how disgusting. Elbow propped up on the counter and he rested his cheek against his hand, a deep sigh leaving him as a few strands of hair fell in his face with the motion of propping his face up. He was just going to ignore it and wait it out, patience was a virtue, afterall. 
Brow quirked upwards as he watched the woman with dark locks crawl onto the bar before tugging at the bartender and to only what he could assume; bitching at him. This definitely caught his interest, causing him to straighten up just a bit and watch with curiosity glimmering in those dark orbs of his. A small, smug smirk tugged at his lips for a brief moment before they thinned into a line once more as she moved, quite literally tugging the guy along by his tie. Whoever this woman was, she certainly had some guts- asserting a situation in such a manner. He quickly spoke right after she had demanded that the man serve the both of them, ❝Whiskey.❞ It was a simple answer, voice calm and collected as if they guy hadn't just been forced into serving the two of them. Eyes watched him as he was let go and went off to make the drinks.
Then his gaze turned to the woman who decided to get closer to him. He straightened himself even more, chest rising and falling in an even manner. He watched her carefully, scanning over her face as he kept his neutral expression on those lips of his. When she spoke his cold expression faltered into one of confusion for the briefest of moments, was she actually flirting with him? He didn't know what to say or how to react, and it was more than obvious by the look in his eyes. ❝I uh...❞ he seemed almost cautious to speak. What the hell does one even say? He wasn't experienced with this in any manner. Clearing his throat he glanced away from her. ❝Apologies Ma'am, I'm not exactly the type for dancing. And uh- Thank you by the way, for you know... that.❞ He glanced at her fingertips as they brushed over his arm, muscles tensing ever so slightly and a soft shade of pink already dusting his cheeks. He wasn't used to pretty women talking to him, let alone flirting with him- they usually went for Genji, not him.
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
“You are not a monster, Hanzo,” Genji said in a tone that didn’t allow for any discussion. He wasn’t in the mood to explain to Hanzo why he did what he did and why he wasn’t a monster. Hanzo knew very well himself that he was manipulated. Otherwise he wouldn’t be standing here right now, wearing an Overwatch Uniform. And as Genji held Hanzo in his arms, listening to the quiet sobs and feeling how violently his body was trembling, shook by emotions, he considered forgiving him for good. It was easy, right? Just forgive him… Just accept what happened. But Genji couldn’t. Not yet, not so fast and not right now. He wasn’t in a good place, mentally. Every day he woke up and wished he had died instead of being found by Overwatch. Every time he saw his reflection he felt nothing but hatred and disgust. The man that couldn’t even be loved by his own brother… Or could he? Hanzo claimed that he did indeed love Genji and Genji had no doubts about that. Not after everything that just happened. Maybe Hanzo did love him… But Genji was still bitter, bitter about the fact that Hanzo’s love for Genji wasn’t stronger than his fear of the elders and the sense of duty towards his clan. “Me too,” he whispered and closed his eyes. “But I’m not getting out of there very soon… I’m still in that dark place,” he then added and his grip around Hanzo got stronger. “But now that you’re with me, getting out seems easier…” Genji was glad that Hanzo seemed to at least understand why he couldn’t just forgive him. The cyborg knew that he would eventually, he just didn’t know when and how yet. But he would. He loved Hanzo more than anything in the world. He would never love anyone or anything more than him. Genji actually managed to smile a little, hearing Hanzo say those kind words, that he still loved Genji. He raised his left hand to hanzo’s cheek and gave it a little pat, a brotherly gesture, really. “Would you look at that… Such soft eyes you have now, compared to the past… Emotions look good on you, Anija,” he said and lowered his hand again. He was happy to see that Hanzo was finally able to let himself feel, even if his emotions weren’t positive. Listening to Hanzo’s explanation as to why he was down here, Genji’s face lit up as he understood. “Right, the Strike Commander,” he said and gave a nod. “Don’t worry. He is human, he is a kind man despite how strict he is. I’ll return with you, just so he knows why you were taking so long.” He watched Hanzo pick up his sword and try to straighten his uniform. Genji approached him once more and fixed a few of Hanzo’s rebellious strands of hair that were not doing what they were supposed to. “I can’t make any promises, Anija,” he then said just as playful as Hanzo. “Let’s go to Reyes’ office. Oh and… don’t… just don’t say anything weird to him. You think the Strike Commander is strict? Well after working under Reyes for a few weeks you’ll change your mind.” Genji remembered his first weeks in Blackwatch as if it was yesterday. God, Reyes had tried to kill him with training it felt. And all that, despite Angela telling him not to overdo it. He didn’t like to think of the evenings where Genji had to be brought to Angela’s office because he overheated due to training. She usually didn’t get mad easily but she most certainly did put Reyes in his place. However, Genji and Reyes had grown close. Very close… veeeery close… He scoffed at the thought. Hopefully that scoundrel wouldn’t make a naughty commentary in front of Hanzo. Genji went to open the door and left with his brother. “So, are they training you hard? I have to train with Tracer – Lena Oxton – ever three days. She and I… Well… We’re both kind of a scientific experiment so they thought it would be a good idea to have us train together and see how it works out.” Genji shrugged and then looked up as someone walked past them. It was a man, dressed in all black, wearing spurs and a cowboy hat. McCree. He looked at Hanzo curiously and shot him a charming smile and a wink but didn’t make a comment. Good, otherwise Genji might’ve had to cut off his hand. “Ugh, ignore that one. He’s constantly making flirty remarks, but he’s not really serious about it. Just make sure he doesn’t try anything funny. If he does, cut off his hand I’m sure Gab- Commander Reyes understands.”
Lips were thinned into a simple line as he heard that strict tone from Genji. He should just listen to his brother and not have any doubts...not think of himself as awful as he really was, it was that easy no? His breaths were semi-shaky but they were slowly steadying. Ever so slowly. It was difficult, yes, but that was what came with what he did- every action had consequences and him killing his brother...these were the consequences, granted they should have been much worse. He was lucky really, Genji had every right to kill him as soon as he got him alone but he didn't- and that's what separated the two of them, because he had every reason in the world to kill Hanzo for what he had done to him and he refused to- because he loved him. An ache tugged at his heart, swallowing harshly as it did. It made him feel so awful, knowing that Genji still cared for him and loved him so very much as if nothing had happened.  Hearing that Genji was still in such a dark place was like rubbing salt in the wound, and he found himself nearly about to break down once more. Grip tightening ever so slightly as he let out a breath, ❝I'm so sorry...❞ he spoke quietly, apologizing yet again for what he had done. Those words that followed up though -now that you're with me, getting out seems easier-. They caused a small smile to fall on his lips, if only for a second. ❝I'll do anything I can to try and help you...to make up for what I did. Being there for you is the least I could do.❞
Face scrunched up slightly as Genji's hand pat his cheek, he hadn't been expecting it and it came as a shock to him almost. His small smile only widened ever so slightly once he heard those words, eyes rolling as a soft laugh left him. ❝Yeah yeah. Don't get used to it, you're probably the only person I'm going to show emotions around.❞ He was only being honest, as far as everyone working in Overwatch went, they had never seen him smile or act happy. Just stoic, cold, bitter, Hanzo. That was all they knew and he intended to keep it that way, it was only to protect himself.
Palm smoothed out the fabric of his coat, placing his sword in the sheath on his hip. Eyes glanced up at Genji when he heard him speaking, brow quirking upwards ever so slightly. ❝He can be kind sometimes, yes. Very rarely though, but I don't hang around him much.❞ A slight pause as that smile cracked onto his lips again for a brief moment. ❝Thank you, Genji. I really appreciate you actually going out of your way to walk back with me. Although...I wonder if they'll be upset over you and I running into each other, it seems like they were trying to keep us apart.❞ Up until today he had no idea that his brother was even still alive, let alone working for the sister branch of the organization he had recently been recruited into. It was a bit weird really, how they kept it from him. But he figured they had their reasons, maybe the angry confrontation with Genji could have been avoided had they actually said something.He was quiet as he listened to him speak, a low hum leaving him. He didn't know this Reyes guy on any personal level, nor had he met him before, so he could only take Genji's word for it. 
❝I'm not sure what you mean by don't say anything weird. You know I respect our superiors more than I should. Although you're making me a bit scared of him, if he's as strict as you're telling me he is.❞ God, he could only imagine how awful it had to be working under him. Not to mention that Blackwatch was a more...interesting, division. Hanzo was almost certain that they were doing all sorts of illegal missions, so he could only imagine what kind of guy would lead such an underground operation. Probably broody looking and barky.He was quiet as he listened to him speak, a low hum leaving him. He didn't know this Reyes guy on any personal level, nor had he met him before, so he could only take Genji's word for it. ❝I'm not sure what you mean by don't say anything weird. You know I respect our superiors more than I should. Although you're making me a bit scared of him, if he's as strict as you're telling me he is.❞ God, he could only imagine how awful it had to be working under him. Not to mention that Blackwatch was a more...interesting, division. Hanzo was almost certain that they were doing all sorts of illegal missions, so he could only imagine what kind of guy would lead such an underground operation. Probably broody looking and barky.
Steps were even and paced as he walked alongside Genji, hair and uniform neat as ever- as if he hadn't been a sobbing mess in his brother's arms not too long ago. He pondered for a moment on Genji's question, low hum leaving him. ❝I wouldn't say the training is difficult. But then again, I spent most of my free time training and working on my combat skills, as you would know.❞ He really didn't see the training that Overwatch put him through as difficult, if anything it was less frequent than the daily training he had done under his own accord when he lived in his Clan's castle. ❝Hows that going? Your training that is, I bet you're a lot better than you were when we were kids.❞ A compliment, something unusual from him, but he felt comfortable around him- regardless of him being a cyborg or not. Eyes trailed over the man walking past them, widening and brows raising- no way. There was a fucking cowboy walking around here? Hanzo immediately moved a hand to cover his lips as they crossed paths, only when the other man had been out of earshot did he let out a quiet snort. ❝Oh don't worry about that, Genji. I wouldn't dream of letting him try anything. I mean...did you see him? He's dressed like this is some godforsaken western movie, I couldn't take him seriously if he did try to flirt with me.❞ His brow quirked upwards at the near slip up from Genji. It was...strange, he wasn't expecting his own brother to call his commander something different. It sparked a hint of amusement in his gaze as he watched him carefully. ❝Well I trust you on that, brother. You seem like you know the guy pretty well afterall.❞ Slight teasing in his tone at that, but he couldn't help himself, he was his brother he had to do it. ❝Anyways, where's this guy's office? I'd prefer to get back to Morrison as soon as possible, I don't need him getting upset again because of me being extremely late.❞
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
"Did you know your a hoe?"
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❝I wasn't aware I was an only child, but I guess I am.❞
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
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       –&& is your SR 4500+ ? Are you within the top ten ? Part of the        Grandmaster league? Then congratulations, you will last exactly        three seconds on D.VA’s pending list before being declined!  ❤
       .. or you can donate to her stream by LIKING or REBLOGGING       this post & she will check you out !  As moderated by Kuja!! ㅡㅅㅡ
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
Reblog with your muse's height in the tags.
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
// I needa be here more lmao i promise i shall
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
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❛    well,    fuck me gently with a chainsaw.    ❜ ❛    do i look like mother theresa    ?    ❜ ❛    my teen - angst bullshit now has a body count.    ❜ ❛    chaos is what killed the dinosaurs,    darling.    ❜ ❛    you look like hell.    ❜ ❛    yeah,    i just got back.    ❜ ❛    are we going to prom or hell    ?    ❜ ❛    god    !    i sound like a fucking psycho.    ❜ ❛    i felt bad everytime i did it,    but i kept doing it anyway.    ❜ ❛    now i know you understood everything.    ❜ ❛    now that’s deep.    ❜ ❛    there are no stupid questions.    ❜ ❛    that’s the stupidest question i’ve ever heard.    ❜ ❛    the extreme always seems to make an impression.    ❜ ❛    what’s your damage    ?    ❜ ❛    how very.    ❜ ❛    i just killed my best friend.    ❜ ❛    i can’t believe you did it.    ❜ ❛    i was teasing.    ❜ ❛    i loved you.    ❜ ❛    there’s a new sheriff in town.    ❜ ❛    you don’t deserve my fucking speech.    ❜ ❛    so what’s the deal    ?    ❜ ❛    what a waste    !    ❜ ❛    oh,    the humanity    !    ❜ ❛    our love is god.    ❜ ❛    let’s go get a slushie.    ❜ ❛    is your life perfect.    ❜ ❛    i don’t really like my friends.    ❜ ❛    maybe it’s time to take a vacation.    ❜ ❛    now that you’re dead,    what are you gonna do with your life    ?    ❜ ❛    why do you have to be such a mega - bitch    ?    ❜ ❛    because i can be.    ❜ ❛    did you have a brain tumour for breakfast    ?    ❜ ❛    i say we just grow up,    be adults and die.    ❜ ❛    if everyone jumped off a bridge,    would you    ?    ❜ ❛    why are you pulling my dick    ?    ❜ ❛    that knife is filthy.    ❜ ❛    some people need different kinds of convincing than others.    ❜ ❛    you’re beautiful.    ❜ ❛    did that sound bitchy    ?    ❜ ❛    this isn’t just a spoke in my menstrual cycle.    ❜ ❛    you were nothing before you met me.    ❜ ❛    she’s my best friend.    god,    i hate her.    ❜ ❛    i shop,    therefore i am.    ❜ ❛    a true friend’s work is never done.    ❜ ❛    god had cursed me i think.    ❜ ❛    we’ll crucify her.    ❜ ❛    what’s the up - chuck factor on that    ?    ❜ ❛    ugh,    such a pillowcase.    ❜ ❛    nice guys finish last,    i should know.    ❜ ❛    get a job.    ❜
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
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an unlikely sort of friendship 
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
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I too am in the mood to  kill my younger brother to restore my family’s name™ 
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hcncrbound-blog · 7 years
// Honest to god i fuckign forgot to log onto this account lmao im sorry im a lazy mf
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