hcreath · 6 months
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i am alive just been super busy, i should be back on next week
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hcreath · 6 months
ACTION PROMPTS FOR LEANING *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of the prompt
[ kiss ] sender leans in to steal a kiss from receiver
[ tuck ] sender leans in to tuck their face in receiver's neck
[ secret ] sender leans in to whisper a secret in receiver's ear
[ hide ] sender leans in to receiver's body, hoping to hide against them in a moment of fear
[ nose ] sender leans in to kiss receiver's nose
[ hair ] sender leans in to fix receiver's hair
[ crowd ] in a busy, noisy crowd, sender leans in to receiver to speak to them
[ mess ] sender leans in to clean something off of receiver's face
[ paint ] sender leans in as they're painting (or applying makeup to) receiver's face
[ comfort ] seeking comfort, sender leans into receiver
[ establish ] sender leans into receiver in front of other people, hoping to establish that they're in a relationship
[ question ] sender leans in and asks receiver a question
[ intimate ] sender leans in to say/ask something intimate to receiver
[ head ] sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder
[ freeze ] sender leans in to receiver's body, shivering cold and seeking warmth
[ scar ] sender leans in to see a scar on receiver's body
[ peer ] sender leans in to get a better look of receiver's face
[ squint ] sender leans in and squints at receiver
[ hug ] sender leans in and initiates a hug with receiver
[ rest ] sender unintentionally falls asleep leaning against receiver
[ speak ] sender leans in to hear receiver better as they're talking
[ touch ] sender leans into one of receiver's hands, eager to be touched by them
[ news ] sender leans away from receiver after hearing bad news
[ disgust ] sender makes a face and leans away from receiver quickly, disgusted by something they said or did
[ hurry ] sender leans away from receiver to try and pretend they're not together or not in a relationship
[ disbelief ] sender abruptly leans away from receiver, shocked by something they just said or did
[ away ] sender leans out of a hug between them and receiver, ending the embrace
[ distance ] sender backs away from receiver, desperate to establish distance between them
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hcreath · 6 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Currently considering becoming a bother and a nuisance, maybe even a menace or a rascal. ”
“   Hungry? Eat the government. ”
“   Yes, I wanna fuck after every argument. ”
“   Silence, you uneducated peanut! ”
“  They should invent a being alive that isn’t so difficult. ”
“   Women have to think I’m hot or none of this matters. ”
“   Due to personal reasons I will be named an enemy of the state. ”
“   Being overdressed is a myth made up by people who didn’t want you to have fun and be sexy. ”
“   What even are daddy issues? Just traumatize your father back. ”
“   I LOVE complaining! You can’t take that away from me! ”
“   I went to the silly goose convention and they all knew you. ”
“   I’m simultaneously ‘I’m tired of this grandpa’ and ‘that’s too damn bad!’ ”
“   The word ew coming out of a pretty girl’s mouth holds so much power … I think that it can tear apart nations. ”
“   Someone made fun of my shoes and the whole time I just thought of ways to push them out the window. ”
“   If you’re short, simply get taller. ”
“   I better think twice? Buddy I don’t even think once. ”
“   My off putting looks, awkward demeanor, and strange behavior have captivated you. ”
“   There’s something deeply, fundamentally wrong with you. Can we kiss? ”
“   You are a fool. When you walk, clown music plays. ”
“   I mean yeah he’s evil and all but what if I were his favorite? ”
“   I really do hate thinking. ”
“   In my defense, I simply do not vibe with the law. ”
“   I’ve done nothing wrong. Except all the atrocities. Besides that, I’m innocent. ”
“   Sorry I couldn’t hear you over my internal monologue. ”
“   Of course you have white hair and trauma. ”
“   So apparently the bad vibes I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress’. ”
“   Stop calling me a bad person just because I’m orchestrating your downfall! ”
“   The more lip gloss I collect the longer I live. ”
“   Sorry that I am obsessed with you in the unhealthiest way possible. As if it's my fault ”
“   The multiple failed assassination attempts against me have helped build both character and self esteem. ”
“   I could be your loser boyfriend. Do you ever think about that? ”
“   Accidentally went and got myself killed yesterday, but god wont let me die so I’m back ”
“   What do you mean napping isn't a good coping mechanism? What do you mean my problems are still here? ”
“   Academic validation is required for my sanity. ”
“   RIP to everyone killed by the gods for hubris but I’m different and better. Maybe even better than the gods. ”
“   Researching the stages of grief to see if I can get them finished in ten minutes tops. ”
“   My parents were like I’m gonna make a child that is so beyond help. ”
“   It’s not easy to admit when you’re wrong, and that’s why I won’t do it. ”
“   Why can’t this family ever have a funky good time? ”
“   How do I show people that I’m more than my unethical career choice? ”
“   I fucked my way into this mess, and I’ll fuck my way out. ”
“   You look so biteable today. ”
“   Why am I suffering? I have so many correct opinions and takes. ”
“   Challenging authority, angering gods. The family business. ”
“   Third base is me telling you about my father. ”
“   Hey girl. Plagued by terrifying visions? ”
“   Got caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing. ”
“   I didn’t ‘miss’ the red flags; I saw them and thought that they looked sexy. ”
“   Do my dark circles and deteriorating health make me look hot? ”
“   I get my news from the only reliable source, cryptic symbolism in my dreams. ”
“   Another day of being a bisexual disaster. ”
“   I’m going to let myself be a little unhinged today, as a treat. ”
“   Some of you act like murder is such a big deal. ”
“   You wanna hunt me for sport so bad that it makes you look stupid. ”
“   You’re not a girlboss unless you’ve killed someone. ”
“   It’s so weird how no one ever has correct opinions about things except for me. ”
“   Hello, my love — I mean, my rival ”
“   No one is calling me baby and it’s outrageous I can’t believe it. ”
“   No talking stage. Mutual obsession and you see god in my eyes or nothing. ”
“   Yes baby your emotional walls are high and impenetrable can we kiss now? ”
“   Affection is disgusting. Drown me in it. ”
“   I am gatekeeping my respect from you. ”
“   Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. ”
“   I am equal parts fuck around and find out and please don’t yell at me I’ll cry. ”
“   Short legs, big butt. I’m a corgi. ”
“   Fuck being the bigger person; I’m going to start biting people. ”
“   Well that wasn’t very slay of you! ”
“   May I please get a crumb of affection? ”
“   I crave power! Please don’t yell, though; I’m sensitive. ”
“   You call it a near death experience; I call it a vibe check from God. ”
“   Here are some scissors. Now cut it out. ”
“   Might commit a little tomfoolery, maybe even some shenanigans. ”
“   All these flavors, and you choose to be salty. ”
“   How can I live, laugh, love in these conditions? ”
“   What if I said ‘to be honest’ but then lied? ”
“   I'm financially at a stage where I understand why people do fraud. ”
“   Yes I may be evil and morally corrupt, but I’m also incredibly beautiful and I think that makes up for it honestly. ”
“   Debates are stupid. Why would I want to sit down and argue with someone blatantly dumber than me? ”
“   I forget but I do NOT forgive.. I'm just walking around hating bitches can't remember why ”
“   Ding dong your opinion is wrong! ”
“   I’m coming for your kneecaps. ”
“   You dropped your nose you fucking clown. ”
“   Are you a fire alarm? ‘Cause you are really fucking loud and annoying. ”
“   Call me an escalator, because I let people down. ”
“   I love me a good lesbian scandal! ”
“   If you can’t run away from your problems, you’re not running fast enough. ”
“   Everything I want to do is illegal. ”
“   Don’t make me hit your ankle with my Barbie scooter! ”
“   I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke. ”
“   Fuck! I dropped my mental stability! ”
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hcreath · 6 months
dare I do a shipping call for all kinds of interactions because I love all kinds of relationships
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hcreath · 6 months
For Tamar, it’s easy to forgive because it’s her way of downplaying things. To let whoever offended her know that what they did didn’t impact her life remotely in any way, essentially any time she says 'it's fine, you don't have to be sorry', it's a power move and a way to stonewall someone. Her forgiveness is at the very least, somewhat petty.
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It's when she's unable to forgive someone that it actually matters to her. The cases are few and far between. She's able to take slights against herself but never against those she cares for. She forgives her ex-husband for his infidelity, for example, but she'll never forgive him for how dismissive he was with their daughter.
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hcreath · 6 months
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IN LOVE AND WAR, EVERYTHING GOES. a sentence meme based around the subject of allies, enemies, war and enemies to lovers and more of the same tropes we all love. change pronouns, names and locations as you see fit. these are all scrambled around.
“Friends ask you questions; enemies question you.”
“You can live safe and be protected by people just like you, or you can stand up and be a leader for what is right.”
“Where do we find allies?"
“War created bizarre allies, while peace itself could be divisive.”
“I promise you, nothing will happen to you.”
“I choose my allies carefully and my enemies more carefully still.”
“People fight wars over ideas.” 
“Wars begin when you will, but they do not end when you please.”
“I was raised in hatred, Roma. I could never be your lover, only your killer.”
“We were enemies, no matter the truths. No matter that I loved him.”
“He’d set fire to the world around him but never let a flame touch her.”
“She's not the type to swoon for pretty lies.”
“The feud keeps taking and hurting and killing and still I couldn't stop loving you even when I thought I hated you.”
“These violent delights have violent ends."
“Men without morals are dangerous beasts.”
“The spiteful, little stars.”
“Death is real. Death is inevitable. Death comes when you're not ready for it. Be ready.”
“I was alive, but I wasn’t living. You took things from me. My soul―my heart.”
“You’re supposed to keep your enemies close. Therefore, it stands to reason that your sworn enemy should be kept closest.”
“When will you see I'm not your enemy, but your weapon. Wield me.”
“Can’t even get out of my grasp? Or is it because you secretly don’t want to?”
“Why are you confessing all of your crimes?”Are you trying to get hit?”
“You're a hero and I'm a monster. There's only one way that story ever ends.”
"Tell me you came to find me. That you changed your mind."
"How--how can you even say such things,on an evening you are meant to choose another as your bride?"
"My sweet nemesis, how glad I am that you returned."
"I hate you so much that sometimes I can't think of anything else.”
“The road for hell for me is paved with everything I would do for you, and that list never ends.”
“You have consumed my thoughts since the moment I met you."
“You have no idea what I could give you."
“If you mean to take me captive, you need only ask. I would come willingly.”
“I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine.”
“I don't think I've ever met anyone as vexing as you."
“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.”
“A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.”
"We're on opposite sides, you know."
"You're the one claiming we're all villains. There's no black or white, only gray area. We can coexist somewhere in the middle, can't we?”
“A man with no enemies is a man with no character.”
“I smile to myself knowing that they may be dead.”
“I like your savage brutality."
"That's a poetic observation, coming from such a savage creature.”
"And you are mine, Victor Nox. whether you agree is irrelevant.”
“Bitter people are not interested in what you say, but what you hide.”
“Enemies can't break your spirit, only friends can.”
“In order to know your enemy, you must become your enemy.”
“Such a pretty face, but so weak and emotional. Just a regular man, after all.”
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hcreath · 6 months
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Tamar used to go out dressed to the nines with nice jewellery, subtle makeup, and high heels, but she went for more practical and 'drab' clothing when she got divorced. Because who the fuck was she dressing up for? Not herself, apparently. Outside of her uniform and mystic codes, she has gone back to dressing like she used to because there's something about being vaguely fashionable that brings her comfort.
In most of her mystic codes, she wears higher heels than the default protagonist, and her skirts are either longer or replaced by pants. Doesn't stop her from wearing jewellery like she used to though.
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hcreath · 6 months
Tamar's ex-husband was 6'3'', and she could lift him over her shoulder. She's going to be lifting Eden until Eden's at least 20. She took one look at the tallest servant Chaldea summoned and was like, 'challenge accepted,' and then she complains about feeling old and her back hurting-
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hcreath · 6 months
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She's seriously considering moving on from lifting people to just booping people.
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hcreath · 6 months
boops tamar. boops tamar. boops tamar. boops tamar. b
The boops catch her off-guard, but her confusion soon turns to a look of determination, Tamar can't help but look down at Gilgamesh with a grin. This means war.
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"You." Boop. "Have." Boop. "No." Boop. "Idea." Boop. "What you've just started." And she'll boop him on the nose for good measure.
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hcreath · 6 months
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"Oh, the youth of today have no consideration." And she's gonna boop back, like she's not only seven years older.
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hcreath · 6 months
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"They say that you're only as old as you feel." Boop. Boop. Boop. "So." Boop. "I." Boop. "Feel." Boop. "Old." Boop. "Technically, I'm merely an employee, a supervisor if you will." And she's going to boop him on the forehead for good measure.
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“Nonsense!” Boop. “You’re in your prime!” Boop, boop! “You have all the energy in the world!” Boop, boop, boop! “Now get out there and show them who’s the boss around here!” More booping!
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hcreath · 6 months
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"Caster, I'm an old lady. I'm dreaming of retirement. The sheer amount of boops is too much for my old heart." By anime protag standards, she is an old lady, way past her prime. Her back hurts. She's gonna boop anyway. But she's old.
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hcreath · 6 months
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"Alas, I am too old for the boop war."
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hcreath · 6 months
“You will love again the stranger who was your self.”
— Derek Walcott, Love After Love
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hcreath · 6 months
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The realisation that Tamar probably knew Goredolf or at least knew of him before he became the new Director because they're the same age and are both Clock Tower adjacent.
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hcreath · 6 months
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The urge to boop rises.
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