First, he'd asked Takane to visit him in the hospital, easy enough. When she'd get there, however, she might see almost every single window decorated with pictures of her, each with 'I love you!' written in different fonts and maybe even languages.
There was also the matter of the giant banner written 'WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?" that covered half of the hospital's front, with a gigantic picture of her on it.
And of course, there was the matter of the idiot (Haruka) himself, standing on the roof with a boombox -yes, a boombox-, playing the cheesiest teenage romance songs know to men, smiling upon seeing Takane arrive, running down to meet her and giving her a kiss.
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Takane tilted her head.
"Errands? In this weather? Why not tell your friends to get the stuff themselves?"
She shook her head and mumbled to herself. "Geez, laziness pisses me off." She ignored her own hypocrisy, though.
☂ ((hello by the way))
☂ — My muse encounters yours just as it starts to rain.
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[○]Mekaku City was apparently plighted with rain today, and as such, Konoha had donned a rain coat. He glanced up at the falling rain drops, blurring his vision. The android blinked, wiping the rain from his face as he continued down the sidewalk. It was desolate, as the precipitation had driven people inside their homes, but Konoha was able to spot a lone girl down the street, and he wasn’t sure if she had a coat or not. Quite unlucky of her, really, to be caught in the rain.
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((This is v ery funny to me for some reason.))
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Munday questions!
❤ - Your age?
@ - Your top 3 favorite celebrity crush?
æ - Random fact about the mun?
£ - Random fact about the muse?
¥ - A photo of you?
ƒ - Do people ever mistake you for another age?
ñ - What is your ultimate OTP, broTP and nOTP?
▒ - Do you need certain things to help you sleep (nightlight, fan, stuffed animal or blanket)?
Φ - If you could pick three people on tumblr to meet irl, who would they be?
╕ - Things that annoy you on tumblr?
╣ - Things that annoy you irl?
α - Muse's thoughts on mun?
ß - Mun's thoughts on mun?
Σ - Do people ever mistake you for a celebrity?
π - Relationship status?
σ - Anyone you have a crush on?
Θ - If you could have three wishes, what would they be?
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"Hey," Takane responded in a bored voice, looking up from her iPhone screen to talk to the gleeful boy. "What're you up to now?"
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"Hey, Takane!" The boy cheerfully greeted his friend, setting down the sketchbook he was scribbling in. 
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[ Text ] mmmm fine
[ Text ] heyyyyy yano
[ Text ] u evr sleppt wijt sodaby
[ Text ] isit fun
Send ⁇ for a high text
aYano i realllly wanna fuck HIM mmmmmMMMMMMM
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You're all a bunch of assheads
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Send ⁇ for a high text
aYano i realllly wanna fuck HIM mmmmmMMMMMMM
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kan o u mothrfuke r bett er expla n wha go ng on
0 notes
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Send ☏ for a loving text
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Texting meme
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((Happy Munday!!))
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Awed into silence, Takane stared at Mary. 'I tried to kill... an orphan?' she thought guiltily. She clenched her fist and told herself to snap back into it; the girl had asked her a question.
"Yeah. It's been my goal to kill them when a terrible guy killed my... friend." Her voice trailed off as she remembered Haruka, his soft hair, his art, his smile. "The guy was after the powers of the medusa. Rotten powers. I devoted myself to killing 'em all."
To Kill a Snake - a MonsterHunting!Takane AU RP with imaginativeprincess
"Yeah," she whispered in response, gulping loudly. "My mom’s…gone…so it’s just me." Mary laughed nervously, hands still playing with her dress and eyes still glued to the wooden floor. She was too afraid to look back into the girl’s eyes.
"…And….you’re looking for…monsters?"
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A sigh left Takane's lips as she pulled on the coat.
"The thing is, I was at school," she replied with a sheepish grin. "I had to stay late to work on some shit and got caught in the rain. I'm waiting for my Grandma to pick me up."
She sighed again and shook her head. "What's your story?"
☂ ((hello by the way))
☂ — My muse encounters yours just as it starts to rain.
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[○]Mekaku City was apparently plighted with rain today, and as such, Konoha had donned a rain coat. He glanced up at the falling rain drops, blurring his vision. The android blinked, wiping the rain from his face as he continued down the sidewalk. It was desolate, as the precipitation had driven people inside their homes, but Konoha was able to spot a lone girl down the street, and he wasn’t sure if she had a coat or not. Quite unlucky of her, really, to be caught in the rain.
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u seem to spend a suspicious amount of time w him, though...
✘ ((Im intrigued. o u o ~))
Send ✘ for a hateful text
((OH BOY))
i can’t believe u! all u ever do is fawn over sodaboy! its like u don’t care about anyone and ur head is always in the clouds!
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I'm Takane Enomoto. Uh, should I introduce myself? I'm a gamer, I guess... and a student.
5 came to visit!
askshslfukawa haku-from-the-yuki-clan thetwostorytellers headphonelightningdancer this-is-no-walking-stick
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"Hello. It seems you are not from around here. My name is Kyouko Kirigiri. You are?"
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((Hey non-KagePros))
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((Don't be afraid to interact with Takane! If you read the "About Takane" and "What's KagePro?" pages, you should be good!))
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She was never truly one to talk to others unsolicited. However, when you're getting soaked by a sudden downpour and you have a warm meal to get to, exceptions are easy to make. Besides, something else was clear in Takane's mind - curiosity. Quietly, she stepped up to the mysterious boy.
"Uh, hey. Can you maybe, uh, spare an umbrella or a coat?"
☂ ((hello by the way))
☂ — My muse encounters yours just as it starts to rain.
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[○]Mekaku City was apparently plighted with rain today, and as such, Konoha had donned a rain coat. He glanced up at the falling rain drops, blurring his vision. The android blinked, wiping the rain from his face as he continued down the sidewalk. It was desolate, as the precipitation had driven people inside their homes, but Konoha was able to spot a lone girl down the street, and he wasn’t sure if she had a coat or not. Quite unlucky of her, really, to be caught in the rain.
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