healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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Book online Liver Function Test cost in Delhi with 3hcare
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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Lowest cost Liver Function Test in Delhi with 3hcare
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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Book best diagnostic center in Delhi for complete Vitamin Test        
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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Choose the Accredited MRI Scan Center in Delhi with Amazing Discount
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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3hcare provide Ultrasound Test Cost up to 50% Less than Other
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
MRI of The Kidneys
How kidneys do MRI and why they are usually interested in patients who have to go through the procedure. At the same time, survey methods are varied. You can examine the urine and blood, make radiography, ultrasound, urography or CT. But it was with the arrival of the MR scan that the possibility of a thorough study of the structure of these organs appeared. Now MRI of the kidneys is done both to clarify the diagnosis and to detect pathology in the kidneys themselves and the surrounding tissues.
MRI of the kidneys: how to do?
Why do an MRI of the kidneys, you can understand if we consider the possibilities of this method? Magnetic resonance imaging uses to obtain a three-dimensional image of the magnetic field, safe for the patient. During the procedure, the physician takes layered pictures of the organs, which are then processed by a special computer program. The result is a three-dimensional image, which can be viewed from different angles and examined in sections.
The pictures of MRI Test of the kidneys can be seen:
•        Developmental abnormalities (absence of a kidney, horseshoe kidney);
•        Kidney prolapse (nephroptosis);
•        Hydronephrosis;
•        Circulatory disorders (kidney infarction);
•        Stones in the pelvis and ureter;
•        Benign and malignant neoplasms.
These pathologies can be detected during the procedure with or without contrast. Contrast makes it possible to reveal small formations in the kidneys and nearby organs according to the MRI test Cost, especially if they have active metabolic processes (in the case of cancer).
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MRI of the kidneys: indications
Indications for kidney MRI are associated with the patient's complaints or with the results of additional examinations, such as an ultrasound scan or CT scan.
MRI of the kidneys is done with:
•        Suspected swelling;
•        Pain in the lumbar region, edema;
•        The need to clarify the diagnosis detected by other methods (urinalysis and blood, x-ray, sonography);
•        Urolithiasis to determine the location of stones;
•        Preparation for surgery or after it to determine the effectiveness of treatment.
MRI of the kidneys: contraindications
Many contraindications to MRI of the kidneys are associated with the need to use a contrast agent. Other reasons for not doing an MRI of the kidneys are a pregnancy in the first trimester and the presence of metallic or electronic devices in the human body. The field created by the tomograph magnet can damage them, which is fatally dangerous for the patient if we are talking about a pacemaker or an insulin pump.
If MRI of the kidneys is done with contrast, contraindications are associated with the body's response to the drug or with its pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution in the tissues, elimination from the body). MRI of the kidneys with contrast do not:
•        People with individual intolerance to the drug;
•        Patients with renal insufficiency, since the contrast is excreted through the kidneys;
•        Patients with asthma (an attack can be triggered).
MRI of the kidneys can detect even small changes in the renal parenchyma, which indicate inflammatory processes, dystrophy, tumors or metastases, so it is made to diagnose a variety of diseases, with no contraindications to the procedure.
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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4D Color Ultrasound test in Delhi at reasonable price
More info visit at :- https://www.3hcare.in/delhi-ncr-ultrasound-test
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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3hcare offer's Lowest cost for vitamin blood tests in Delhi
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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Book your test with government approved ct scan canter in Delhi
More info visit at :- https://www.3hcare.in/delhi-ncr-ct-scan
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
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View Full Body MRI Scan Cost in the best path labs in Delhi/NCr
 More info visit at :- https://www.3hcare.in/cost-of-mri-in-delhi
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healthdelhi-blog · 5 years
Ultrasound of the Salivary Gland and Thymus in Children
There are three salivary glands: the parotid (located in front of the ear), the submandibular and sublingual. According to the ultrasound scan, the parotid gland is most often involved in various diseases in children. Swelling in the angle of the mandible is not a rare complaint in a child, and Ultrasound Test is well suited for an initial examination. The clinical history and age of the baby give essential information in the diagnosis.
Mumps is one of the most common diseases of the parotid gland in children. Causes of mumps are acute bacterial infections, such as staphylococcus. Immunocompromised children, such as preterm and HIV-infected, are most susceptible to these infections. Ultrasound shows extensive heterogeneous swollen glands with increased blood flow on the Doppler. Ultrasonography can have many hypoechoic lesions by local abscesses and the associated reactive lymphadenopathy in the neck.
Antibiotic treatment and drainage are carried out if there is an abscess fluctuation. Tuberculosis can also occur in the parotid salivary gland. The appearance of the ultrasound examination will indicate an enlarged gland, which may be heterogeneous and contain small cystic spaces and dilated ducts. Stone blocking duct can also be determined. Simple radiographs, both with an intraoral and tangential view of the gland, must be performed to exclude stones. A small reactive enlargement of the neck lymph nodes can also be registered.
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The thymus is an iron that lies anterior to the aortic arch and is often visualized in children below the age of two in the anterior mediastinum. It has the typical radiological appearance of a “sail” when a chest x-ray is made to a child. In late childhood, the thymus will atrophy. The assessment on thymus ultrasound can be done in the jugular fossa. Also, it is usually observed in children who come to us for echocardiography.
There is a relatively wide variation in the size of the thymus in the ultrasound. In all patients, the thymus has a smooth structure that has sharply defined boundaries. The echogenicity is homogeneous, and the echographic appearance is similar to the liver. Ultrasound is a very valuable, as well as fast, non-invasive method for determining normal thymus and can be used particularly effectively in the anterior upper mediastinal region.
Thymus cysts are extremely rare and can occur anywhere from the pathway of the pipeline to the angle of the mandible near the upper aperture of the chest. Sixty percent are found within the first ten years, with hoarseness, dysphagia, stridor and respiratory distress in newborns. On ultrasound, they are usually single-chamber. Also, there may be tissues of the thymus gland lying next to the wall of the cyst.
Cervical lymphadenopathy can be a normal finding in children and is often visible in a planned examination on an ultrasound scan of the neck having low ultrasound test price. In newborns, however, enlarged lymph nodes are rare, and it is much more likely that their location will be significant. If lymphadenopathy occurs in the supraclavicular region, then its finding should be considered abnormal. Any infections of the upper respiratory tract and scalp lesions can lead to lymphadenopathy, and most of them are reactive.
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