I've been tired lately:
"It's so easy to be convinced to hurry
There's no one ever gonna want you slowing down
That great weight you have been made to carry
Weighs nothing now"
The reason I love Joshua Bond's art this much might be because his art shows himself with such clearity. I just see a person: like me, like you, like everybody we see... Struggling and hoping. It makes me cry for myself with him and laugh at the absurdity as his fantastic guitar changes between chords and solos.
The weight that I carry around without even noticing has begun to make me slouch. I believe the hardest part is to realize it's there at all.
I hope that great weight I've been made to carry weighs nothing someday.
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Today I woke up and thought the world was ending:
The sun was shining different today and I woke up and said today's an orange day
The wind almost swept me off my feet while the ashes rained down like stars from the sky
The air was a woody fragrance, almost smelled like my father
The man accidentally missing the trashcan but correcting his mistake made me smile different
The sparrow drinking from a bust pipe made me think different
My home was burning today and I watched the flames and said 'Good Luck Everybody'
It really was a big day for Grimley.
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For someone I care about:
"We were here once, me and my friends
But we destroyed all of the evidence
And vanished into the night
At least we got that one right..."
I hope you relish in the naive hope against this joke of a system. Feast when you can, dream when there's nothing to feast on, lover. And I mean that last word: 'lover'. Haven't you show your ability to love so many times before? Come on now lover, rest and let the immature wishes caress you. Let me sing a lullaby to you ear as you dream of a world you'd feel at home.
"God bless us, all of us
We who learn to shun the light
God bless all vampires every night..."
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Some nostalgia for today:
"Yeah, everyone is better than me, I think
Throw your hands up if you agree with me..."
Whenever I hear that part of the song, I always imagine a big concert where everyone raises their hand to sing along with their hearts. The singer takes this as a nod, a collective agreement but actually, everyone agrees with the statement and not with the singer himself. That's what we do, isn't it? Taking all the hands in the air as a proof of our worthlessness while that's not the point.
Everyone is struggling with their own self-worth while believe the others are against them and they're all alone. Well let's say all of us are true, we're all worthless pieces of meat. Now, when there's nothing else to compare with, everyone is worth something once again.
I don't make the rules guys. Anyways, 'The Brobecks' is a project of Dallon Weekes who you might know from the P!ATD or I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME. It has a lot of tasty angst. Go wild folks.
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School's done so I'm back baby:
"Kaç oldu kurallar vurdu [Once again the rules struck]
Suya kitap yazanlar sordu [Asked the ones who write books on the water,]
Adımı niye benim annem koydu? [Why did my mother name me?]
Niye bu bakışlar nefret dolu..." [Why are these looks full of hate...]
'My Mother Didn't Give Me My Skirt" or "Annem Eteğimi Vermedi" is one of Padme's most popular songs. They are an uni band formed by four good friends. Being a punk band at Turkey is already hard enough but also openly supporting LGBT need some serious courage let me tell you that. It may not be illegal being gay around there but it is surely not legal as well. With the LGBTQ+ movements increasing everyday people are trying to tell that they're actually not bringing any new topics to the table. Individual freedom, equality, peace and solidarity social organizations are not newly discovered values and they will always continue to exist. And I think we need more people who are brave enough to scream it at the top of their lungs like these punk groups.
[A photo from one of Padme's concerts]
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Happy pride to all queer people out there folks. I hope you're having a great day and will continue to have so.
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I have exams this week so feeling a little emotional:
"I thought I heard a plane crashing
But now I think it was your passion snapping..."
La Dispute is a post-hardcore, emotional spoken-poem band everyone with a need to feel things should listen at least once. A good starting point is 'Such Small Hands' and 'King Park', two of their most known songs of their. I recommend not stopping there though. Their lyrics always manages to catch me off guard. Chills, literally chills.
The song's name comes from a poem which my father used to sing to me in my language when I was little.
"Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands..."
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Have you heard this song?
Thanks for bringing this song back to my attention!
I personally don't follow any k-pop artist religiously like some of my friends do. However that said friends are my intel about them.
Namjoon is such an artistic, emotional man and a great leader. I think his new single proves that once again. 'Come back to me' tells a very different story than what people first think after listening to it. Instead of being a love song like pop tends to be these days, it's about a journey through finding yourself once again. The song's MV is a beautiful short movie which pushes us to accompany Namjoon on this journey.
The music video starts with a man partying with his friends in his living room although he seems out of place. We watch as he navigates through his house. A scene is shown where a little girl runs up to him, bringing the man closer to the bathroom sink where he, the girl and a woman can brush their teeth. An awfully domestic picture expect the man sticks out visibly like he does not know what to do and where he is. He runs and he runs whenever he's stuck in a situation he's a stranger to and when he chooses to hide, he ends up in a baby crib with his parents towering onto him in a playful matter. But the 'baby' does not act like he's supposed to, being an adult man instead. The disappointment is clear on the parents' faces and the man sinks more into himself, hiding. When he looks up again, he's in a completely other place when an alternate version of him barges into the room, searching and running just as he is. He still chooses to stay hidden and observe but now, instead of running he follows the alternate version and the two finally meet. I believe in that moment, they realize this is where they're supposed to be. What they're supposed to do. They talk and they sit together when suddenly, everything fits into place. I think the upcoming album's name fits it perfectly: 'Right Place, Wrong Person'. It's not an another person the title's talking about, it's Namjoon's versions of himself from the past and the future. He's in the right place but he's not in the right 'time' to be exact. He keeps coming back to the past and losing himself in the future while all he had to do was to live in the present. He doesn't have to be anything he sees, he just needs to find himself again. With that realization the family becomes loving, the couple is laughing again, talking through their problems, the family is lively with the baby hugging his parents. The story is nicely executed with a soft music and beautiful lyrics from RM. I'm always a fan of acoustic beginnings that errupts into a colorful, powerful song with more layers towards the end and 'Come Back to me' did not disappoint.
I highly recommend showing your support to RM guys. Oh also, the song is six minutes long how cool is that? We're so used to micro songs and short tunes with our shortened attention span these days and it's refreshing to finally see a good song being long. Come back to me for more song recs!
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I told you I listen to almost anything:
"Ionizing radiation tears the cellular structure apart
The skin blisters, it turns red then black
This is followed by a latency period..."
Ah yes, goregrind/noisecore music. Some people do not accept these as music did you know that- you probably did. Well, it is music tho. Originating from grindcore, which is kinda fusion of heavy metal and hardcore punk, goregrind is a subgenre of songs with gorey lyrics. Be careful while listening with full volume! They're usually consist of very distorted guitars, blast beats and interesting styles with vocals- ehem I personally thing they either sound like a cryptic being murdered or an old man gargling. Although the songs' violent and gruesome nature, some bands are known to not take it very seriously. Check out Bitchfork's 'Zombie Cows From Outer Space' album and you will get what I mean.
These types of music (grindcore) first startes in late 80s. Last Days Of Humanity began in 1989 as well, but their first album came out in 1996. The song I'm recommending today is some of my favorite from this kind while being a bit less intense so I can recommend it. The lyrics are about how you can die from radiation sickness if it was not obvious.
What can I say? Sometimes I like songs loud enough to cover all my thoughts. I only can hear sick beats and guitar solos, shut up brain.
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For everybody who's going through shit:
"Well you know those times when you feel like there's a sign there on your back
That says I don't mind if you kick me, seems like everybody has
Things go from bad to worse you think they can't get worse than that and then they do..."
I have been walking on the road of hell for a few months now and I still cannot see the end. But it's a one-way street isn't it? If I continue walking to the opposite direction of where I came from, I will finally get out.
Everything ends, even we do. The birds in the sky might not sing for me today but i really shouldn't give up on them. Who knows maybe they'll write a sonata for me to congratulate my journey. I hope I get out before the devil knows I'm here. Keep on going guys.
Oh yeah, the quote from the song is Winston Churchill's if you didn't know.
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Get ready for a long one because I'm obsessed:
"Humaines comme des hommes avec un grand H [Human, like man with a capital M (H)]
Un grand H à conquérir la conquête du grand H de l'homme..." [A capital H to conquer the conquest of the capital M (H) of man]
Barbara Weldens, Oh Barbara Weldens! Born in a circus, died on the stage... You're the art itself my lady, and you are my new idol.
Chanson Realiste, or 'Realist Music' is a style of music where mostly women sing about tragic scenes and Paris's poor, working class. They used a language everyone can understand, including slangs and expression's that made the songs sound almost like it was being spoken to you. The topics they tried to uncover for people to see were about orphans, prostitutes and mother's who's children had died, poverty, sociopolitical ideas.
Barbara Weldens' one album, "Le grand H de l'homme" [Man with the capital M] talks about woman ad their struggles growing up, problems with societies expectations. She talks about love, life and how easy to break it to pieces. She cries, she shouts, she laughs and she howls. She repeats what she says with frustration; "That was not pretty enough..." It makes the songs so humane, natural. Even though you don't understand what she's saying, you wail with her and get railed up and revolt.
Most of the artists who had devoted themselves to chanson realiste had died young, usually because of the poor life conditions, the alcoholism, the drug use and suicide. Barbara Weldens was not an exception although she had not died because of any of these but because she simple was bare-footed on the stage. After she collapsed, the autopsy report said that she was electrocuted, probably from a leakage.
I have so much more to say but I am ending with another quote from 'Femme'. I recommend listening to the whole album with all my heart.
"I sometimes hear them laughing at the same table
Sharing the beautiful fruits of the earth
I sometimes hear them in the same bed
Sharing the beautiful fruits of the flesh
I hear them enjoying being equal
In the big M (H) that they conquered together
Like brothers and sisters
Like men and women."
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A little thing that happened today:
"Mais je te préviens, j'irai pas à Paris [But I warn you, I won't go to Paris]
D'ailleurs, j'ai horreur de tous les flonflons [Besides, I hate all the loud party music]
De la valse musette et de l'accordéon... [And the musette waltz and the accordion]"
Today I was listening to this song while I was on the tram and there was a stranger sitting in front of me. He looked uncannily like Micheal Sheen, let me add that detail. We both had out earphones on. He watched me as I kept a rhythm on my knee and played my air guitar. Later on, I watched him play his imaginary piano on his hand and smiled. I couldn't mustered up any courage to talk to him but it was a simple interaction. It's so sweet to see humanity's universal quirks.
Everybody knows how dance even just one finger.
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I don't think I even need to put some lyrics here. One of the most recognized songs of all time ladies, gentleman and gentlehumans: Johnny B. Good.
God, 50s Rock & Roll swing moves are pretty hard! But fortunately, you can dance however you want to this song. Today I wanna show you one of my favorite moves (I have no idea what's it called)
Step 1: Kick the air, jumping
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Step 2: Kick the air again, now sideways
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Step 3: A little transition step to the side
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Step 4: The other leg opens (you can add a jump!)
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Aaaaand repeat, gentlefolk! Do this with the rhythm and you're good to go. It may come a bit fast at the beginning but you get used to it. Don't forget the cool hand thingy.
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This is a song that changed my life, or at least my perspective of it:
"You only get to realize that you're alive once
And it's the absolute best feeling you can feel
Such silly thoughts keep us awake
The important things are not at stake
I don't lose sleep 'cause I know I'm not real..."
Best thing that could have been happened, I became obsessed with death. Not with the grim scary side of it but the hope that comes within. The realization of your value and the one in million chance you have been given...And it really was the absolute best feeling you can feel.
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Sometimes you don't have to understand the words to vibe:
"Contact, contact, just sweet remember contact
Boom-contact contact
That's the way, your first, your last, your only contact..."
What- Life Without Buildings in 2024?! I cannot believe my eyes. Well maybe it's because of Tompkins vocals feeling like they're being spoken to a part in your brain you have never even known about or maybe it's because of the dreamy music behind. Whatever it is, you should really give it a try
'The Leanover' creates a "coming of age, young-adult movies" feeling in me. A lot of cuts pasted on after the other, coming together at the end. Very bland, daily life things like; walking to school when the sun shows it's face, jumping over a puddle, walking with friends, walking alone, dancing, laughing, crying... But always moving. Even though you don't know where to go or you do but don't know how, you move forward. Because at the end, all the little alleyways you can take leads you to the same place as well.
It's an experience, growing up and it gives me hope that I can't fuck that up. We cannot fight time, maybe we shouldn't either.
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Personal shit incoming:
"This place is taking all my self-esteem
And everybody is afraid of me
And I can't make eye contact with anyone I see
This place is taking all my self-esteem..."
Ah yes, AJJ- the father of folk-punk.
Be your authentic-self they, so I comply. I tried and tried so hard to be where I am with my personal journey only for people to be scared of talking to me now. I am terrified of people. Everyday I fight to keep my self-esteem high although all the mistakes I made and people I left that appears in my dreams to ask why.
But in the end, I'm just human aren't I? Enjoy the groovy rhythm and damn relatable lyrics.
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I'm sorry in advance:
"Fuck time, seconds are too long and minutes are a joke
And hours are way too long they should be half an hour at most."
In any other time, I would write bunch of philosophical bullshit here for this stupid fucking masterpiece of a song but right now I am studying math aND FUCK MATH WHO THE FUCK NEEDS IT RIGHT? STUDYING MATH LITERALLY BENDS TIME AND SPACE HOW THE FUCK IS THAT POSSIBLE???
Anyways- do check the song out tho. İt has some terrific lyrics. Do listen or don't, I don't give a chainsaw... (About anything, chainsaw everyone and chainsaw everything, what)
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Here's a bit funky one:
"Served by disembodied hands
Mistress of the borderlands
Bony leg and iron teeth
Give her something good to eat..."
Baba Yaga Oooh... Damn, this song has a fucking catchy tune. It also tells a classic bone-chilling, scare-your-kids-to-discipline folklore story. A very important figure from the Slavic Folklore: Baba Yaga. Her name translates roughly to 'Grandmother Witch'. She's a very complex character so to say. Some claim she's one of the 'trickster' character type we see in most of the mythologies because of her varying stories. Sometimes she helps the hero toward self-actualization and in her free times... She snacks of fried children I guess.
What can I say? Everybody has their weird cravings.
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