heart3yed · 1 year
💛 💜 ❤️ || she is no fool to NOT take in the city's utter weirdness, though perhaps she is a LITTLE bit of one to embrace it. here for so long, there's little else to do besides take it all in. a shut in isn't much of a shut in if she's a member of proper society, after all. the clicker of her pen rests between her lips, tapping against them in idle thought between scribbled notes. she hasn't really done much exploring really, not in QUITE some time. winter has always been a bit rough on her ever since she learned what a winter actually was. but perhaps there is always an opportunity for change - as far as she's concerned, she's stuck here FOREVER.
❝has anyone here truly bothered to look into the different properties of this island? like … cataloging everything we know in one volume. this place is … truly AMAZING in its own way.❞
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || satori does not often feel OVERWHELMED, but in situations that feel firmly out of her control. and she cannot turn back now, not without causing a ruckus. which would in turn only INCREASE the burning emotions rising from her chest. a polite tilt of her head as she keeps back her anxiety through WORDLESS breathing exercises. 
❝oh, i can't say they're PRESENT where i am from either.❞ she seizes this particular point of interest to speak of, PLUCKING it from the air that hangs between them. ❝i can't say oni have much PATIENCE for little cocktails.❞ not that she's experimented in this regard. 
oh, in a SIMILAR boat, aren't they? it almost makes her laugh. satori waves her hand idly. ❝something light and sweet … i suppose it is only LOGICAL to pick something that lacks the strength to topple bodies.❞
@geidonteispostergirl / starter call.
💛 💜 ❤️ || alcohol, she could SAFELY say, wasn't her first choice of drink, and perhaps it wasn't even her fourth or fifth. satori does not care for the heaviness in her stomach nor the buzz of her head. unlike most youkai it seems, she often thinks, reminded of when she'd be DRAGGED into the streets of former hell by the arm of a particularly drunk oni. but the promise of an experience most unusual, she's feeling SLIGHTLY more daring.
and well, not all alcohol stings and burns and REARRANGES her entire body inside and out. surely, she could enjoy a smidge of a drink without FEAR, could try something without heavy consequences. gazing at the menu intently, brow furrowed as if she were reading a thick and heavy volume instead, but she's well and truly at an ENORMOUS loss for words. and it is too late for her to turn back now! the scene she would make would be far more embarrassing by far - ❝does anyone have any suggestions? i hear they serve UNUSUAL drinks you can't have elsewhere.❞ and i fear my curiosity has run me ragged. 
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heart3yed · 2 years
@queenofbubble / starter call.
💛 💜 ❤️ || poachers. she's very FORTUNATE to never have interacted with that sort - or perhaps they ought to be fortunate to have never interacted with her. not once has animalkind given up on her; she'd be remiss to give up on them in turn. it is very DIFFICULT to ignore the cries of animals, besides, her thoughts in tune with theirs.
… and in this particular instance, IMPOSSIBLE to ignore.
satori mildly recalls how put off she was by these creatures when she first toured the city of glass. how FUNNY it is now that she's scolding someone else for trespassing upon their lands. 
❝you there, what in the world must be so IMPORTANT to you for you to be here?❞ she doesn't even bother to register that the other unmistakably reeks of youkai as she speaks, just the OVERWHELMING aura of wealth and opulence. ❝no amount of gaudy accessories or clothing could be worth DISTURBING this population.❞
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || she would be a fool to not notice how CAREFUL her companion is about his prosthetic, further information tucked away to not gawk and stare or otherwise pry too much. … being a mind reader it may as well be EASIER said than done.
her gaze shifts skyward, following her companion's REVERENCE with a tug of a smile. ❝you see how utterly SILLY i've been, then? so wrapped up in my own thoughts, i didn't even CONSIDER thinking about anything else…❞ in a breathy whisper she speaks between delicate bites of her biscuit. 
❝that's a fascinating way of putting it, and i DARESAY, you aren't wrong. humans tend to thrive on being social.❞ though she can't say she has first hand experience on that front. ❝even an introvert such as myself can find the act of banding together to be an ADVANTAGEOUS thing.❞ the small, cynical voice in the back of her head can't help but whisper 'maybe that is WHY people put up with you.'
💛 💜 ❤️ || ❝oh … i see … ❞ well, now this RAISES a great deal more questions, but she’s enough sense to keep them to herself. no amount of reading medical texts would be enough to help her UNDERSTAND it all. and this is a more convincing prosthetic than anything magic could conjure up.
but it seems she learns the stranger’s limits well enough, VOWING never to push forward despite that morbid curiosity of hers. hands pluck open the latches of her picnic box with a little nod of her head. 
❝the atmosphere HELPS with my creativity. dangerous, but beautiful and mysterious.❞ so wrapped up her own mysteries! satori gently places the tin of biscuits between the pair. ❝there’s MUCH to do here - but the island isn’t KIND to those who aren’t brave, i’d think.❞
[ 🎸 ] Sal reached over and plucked out a biscuit from the tin; first holding it in his right hand, while he used his left to loosen the bottom straps of his prosthetic so he could eat comfortably. He was able to reach under the prosthetic to allow himself a delicious bite of the crumbly treat; while also still hiding the majority of his face.
 “Yeah, this place is pretty beautiful, despite the horrors. Or like, because of the horrors.” He looked up at the line of twisting trees and fog before them; wondering what might be out there lurking just out of sight in the dense mist.
“I guess that’s why so many of us work together and seek the company of people we don’t know. We can be brave in the face of adversity as long as we’ve got some friends to rely on. The island doesn’t have to be kind, because the people here pick up that slack.”
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heart3yed · 2 years
@geidonteispostergirl / starter call.
💛 💜 ❤️ || alcohol, she could SAFELY say, wasn't her first choice of drink, and perhaps it wasn't even her fourth or fifth. satori does not care for the heaviness in her stomach nor the buzz of her head. unlike most youkai it seems, she often thinks, reminded of when she'd be DRAGGED into the streets of former hell by the arm of a particularly drunk oni. but the promise of an experience most unusual, she's feeling SLIGHTLY more daring.
and well, not all alcohol stings and burns and REARRANGES her entire body inside and out. surely, she could enjoy a smidge of a drink without FEAR, could try something without heavy consequences. gazing at the menu intently, brow furrowed as if she were reading a thick and heavy volume instead, but she's well and truly at an ENORMOUS loss for words. and it is too late for her to turn back now! the scene she would make would be far more embarrassing by far - ❝does anyone have any suggestions? i hear they serve UNUSUAL drinks you can't have elsewhere.❞ and i fear my curiosity has run me ragged. 
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heart3yed · 2 years
i could use a few more threads so feel free to LIKE this for a starter of varying length. tentatively not capping this ad. in this house we charge in no thoughts head empty.
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || ❝oh … i see … ❞ well, now this RAISES a great deal more questions, but she's enough sense to keep them to herself. no amount of reading medical texts would be enough to help her UNDERSTAND it all. and this is a more convincing prosthetic than anything magic could conjure up.
but it seems she learns the stranger's limits well enough, VOWING never to push forward despite that morbid curiosity of hers. hands pluck open the latches of her picnic box with a little nod of her head. 
❝the atmosphere HELPS with my creativity. dangerous, but beautiful and mysterious.❞ so wrapped up her own mysteries! satori gently places the tin of biscuits between the pair. ❝there's MUCH to do here - but the island isn't KIND to those who aren't brave, i'd think.❞
💛 💜 ❤️ || perhaps she came on a little STRONGLY. satori has a habit of speaking her mind, a byproduct perhaps, of quite literally reading the thoughts of others like pages of a book. there’s little means of which one could be unfazed by the horrors of the world when one has TRULY seen so much worse.
❝no no, it’s perfectly fine. i suppose my little comment may have seemed a tad UNCOUTH.❞ certainly to someone who doesn’t know just how morbid her little mind can spin! ❝i do not fear very many things, so i suppose i am just DESENSITIZED. being walked upon in the middle of the woods by a stranger in a mysterious mask is perhaps the least of my concerns.❞
she sets aside her notes, instead lifting up a little box at her side. ❝i’ve got biscuits, if you’ll take them as an APOLOGY. i always pack extra.❞ she once made the mistake of not packing near enough and spent her entire EXCURSION in an uninspired fuss.
❝i need a break, anyways. probably isn’t GOOD for my health if i keel over in the middle of the misty woods.❞ 
[ 🎸 ] “It’s a prosthetic, actually. Not a mask.” Oh, how many times has he said that? He’d certainly be rich if he had a dollar for every time he’s said it. Though, it wasn’t something he liked to dwelled on. He felt like it was a waste of energy, especially if the other person had the self-awareness to apologize.
 “You’re fine. I’ve heard worse.” Sal would take the apology biscuits in stride. 
He sat himself down next to the girl, though he kept a polite distance between the both of them as to not crowd her. “Heh. Yeah. So do you come out here a lot? I know it can be kind of dangerous…but I guess my curiosity got the better of me. I’ve been having trouble staying in the places that I’m most familiar with…I think I’m getting bored.”
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || ah, that'll do it. it was a bit UNFORTUNATE, for someone to always be on the run from his enemies. though she can't help but WONDER if he DESERVES it. a brow raises.
❝well then, if it is any CONSOLATION, you probably won't have to worry near as much here.❞ a slightly ominous way to end that note on. he's FLASHY enough to likely cause trouble for days.
she does as REQUESTED, slipping the object into the slot and waiting for the go-ahead. to her, it only takes a second for the machine to whirr in acceptance, but she remembers her first time using one. how long it SEEMED till she was able to receive her prize! but oh, this bottle falls without incident, through the hole and right into her palm.
❝here you go. quick and convenient. there's vendors for food too - some other AMENITIES as well.❞
💛 💜 ❤️ || if she was OFFENDED that he called her a little girl, satori shows no expression to indicate such. eyes so blank, unblinking, yet very wide.
❝are you … USUALLY in danger of being ambushed?❞ she remarks wryly, fishing through the machine’s maw for her now purchased iced coffee. ❝so jumpy, my goodness –❞
– and kind of rude. but she’ll chalk it up as a BYPRODUCT of his fish out of water nature. no need to poke at a man already vulnerable.
❝here, do you want me to SHOW you? you certainly won’t get anywhere by just talking to it.❞ well, there goes being antisocial.
“You’ll be surprised how many time I walk into a new room or trail or corridor and suddenly groups of attackers come my way. The fact I’m still here alive shows you my skills. “ 
And how cooperative your teammates are Howl. It wasn’t just you its a team effort. You take her offer however, and hand the coin to her. Now turning to the machine as your finger press againt the glass. The number underneath the bottle reading G5
“I want that one. The coffee with the mustachioed fella with the pipe. Big Boss!”
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || if she was OFFENDED that he called her a little girl, satori shows no expression to indicate such. eyes so blank, unblinking, yet very wide.
❝are you … USUALLY in danger of being ambushed?❞ she remarks wryly, fishing through the machine's maw for her now purchased iced coffee. ❝so jumpy, my goodness --❞
-- and kind of rude. but she'll chalk it up as a BYPRODUCT of his fish out of water nature. no need to poke at a man already vulnerable.
❝here, do you want me to SHOW you? you certainly won't get anywhere by just talking to it.❞ well, there goes being antisocial.
💛 💜 ❤️ || the youkai has been well ACCUSTOMED to strange behaviour in the city, to the extent that someone seemingly engaging in conversation with a vending machine is perhaps the most IDLE of oddities. her small form peeks discreetly from behind the stranger, as if making sure there isn’t some sort of fairy lurking inside the object. what she sees may perhaps be slightly UNDERWHELMING, but satori brushes it off with a faint smile.
❝well, it certainly ISN’T a voice activated machine. you’ve got to pay up first – and THEN pick what you want.❞ as though acting on instinct, the petit girl follows through the motions, pressing buttons and inserting her spiralzon wallet. ❝PERFECT for antisocial people like me.❞
You yelled out as the form of pink pop up from your flank. You turn to face this stranger, your back now up against the machine, ready to protect it from harm so that your caffeinated expeditions can go undisturbed. 
Oh it’s just a little girl. 
“Oi, it’s just a liddle girl.” 
Eyebrow cocked as she speaking followed by a roll of your eyes. 
“I was told of the payment system…It’s just..I am unsure onto where to place this petal I mean dust. There is no dish or tray to take my monetary offering. Tell me…R&U Vending Company how do I appease you…..”
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || the youkai has been well ACCUSTOMED to strange behaviour in the city, to the extent that someone seemingly engaging in conversation with a vending machine is perhaps the most IDLE of oddities. her small form peeks discreetly from behind the stranger, as if making sure there isn't some sort of fairy lurking inside the object. what she sees may perhaps be slightly UNDERWHELMING, but satori brushes it off with a faint smile.
❝well, it certainly ISN'T a voice activated machine. you've got to pay up first -- and THEN pick what you want.❞ as though acting on instinct, the petit girl follows through the motions, pressing buttons and inserting her spiralzon wallet. ❝PERFECT for antisocial people like me.❞
You thought Modu was the most technological advanced place you’ve visited and then you set foot here. So many sights and sounds overwhelm your senses but nothing ensnares you more than this modern marvel known as a Vendor’s Machination. You flip the coin in your hand, trying to figure out how to actually use this. 
“Soon Mr. Boss coffee man, once I figure out this contraption your caffeinated nectar will be mine and then I will unstoppable this evening.” 
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || a TITTERING chuckle slips between pink lips as she plucks a flower growing between cracks in the wall. she isn't the sort to intend ill will indiscriminately, but the atmosphere has LOOSENED her tongue more than the norm. the pollen tickling her petit nose, wrinkling it. ❝usually, others think about their truths before they SAY them,❞ she hums. ❝so really, this is just a normal day to me — just much PRETTIER.❞
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || ❝oh, i DARESAY, i am sure others would disagree. true crime is all the rage, as the kids say, not that your thoughts are necessarily as terrible as that of a serial killer, of course.❞
is she challenging yukari? satori isn't smiling near as presently as the other female, but she's not frowning either. hand shifts to press into her chin, legs crossing. she's talented at stuffing her foot in her mouth and speaking BEFORE she thinks. a byproduct of hearing others thoughts before their words, she supposes.
❝that's the thing, isn't it? we aren't given a chance to leave. this fascinating world is a BITTERSWEET one. what's the point in all this knowledge if you're keeping it to yourself.❞ her fingers tap against the line of her jaw. ❝you're not wrong about people being more accepting. the first person i met after being whisked away from former hell said that what i could do was ‘cool’ … and he wasn't lying. are the people here MAD?❞
💛 💜 ❤️ || it is the same dance she’s danced before, and with quite the proficiency at that. hands flap. ❝you know, the more you think about me reading your mind, the more likely a TERRIBLE thought will crop up.❞
she’s not offended, however - far from it - for it is difficult to be offended over something that’s essentially a regular occurrence, albeit one from her old life. certainly difficult to gauge from her heavy eyes and slight frown that may as well be a PERMANENT fixture upon her face.
❝nevertheless, i suppose i can AGREE with that. though you likely would have already slipped off if we were back in gensokyo. i don’t believe this is a fate that i’d gladly bestow on many.❞ despite her grousing, her lips turn just ever slightly upwards. ❝the fact that i can’t leave is still a MISERABLE thought, but besides that – i don’t mind being here.❞
☱  : yukari is disinclined to continue this conversation - the prospect of simply opening up one of her gaps and vanishing into the ether comes to the forefront of her mind. the only thing keeping her from doing as much is an intense curiosity and the simple desire to save face. perhaps, just this once, she can afford to allow a sliver of her mind to slip through to the satori. it might be nice to be understood as well, for once.
‘oh, i have plenty of terrible thoughts. most of them aren’t very exciting, i will warn you.’
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‘it’s a pleasant enough place, if you ignore the occasional violent outbursts. i don’t know how i feel about being kept here like a specimen in a jar.‘ the smile that hasn’t left her face lags a bit, but it’s back in a split-second. ‘i suppose this place is much more accepting of you than those back home. it must be an improvement, yes?’
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || the young woman hums, resting her chin upon the backs of interlaced hands. ❝always FASCINATING, how a holiday to one man may be just another thursday to another. every day is a holiday of some kind to everyone.❞ 
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || perhaps she came on a little STRONGLY. satori has a habit of speaking her mind, a byproduct perhaps, of quite literally reading the thoughts of others like pages of a book. there's little means of which one could be unfazed by the horrors of the world when one has TRULY seen so much worse.
❝no no, it's perfectly fine. i suppose my little comment may have seemed a tad UNCOUTH.❞ certainly to someone who doesn't know just how morbid her little mind can spin! ❝i do not fear very many things, so i suppose i am just DESENSITIZED. being walked upon in the middle of the woods by a stranger in a mysterious mask is perhaps the least of my concerns.❞
she sets aside her notes, instead lifting up a little box at her side. ❝i've got biscuits, if you'll take them as an APOLOGY. i always pack extra.❞ she once made the mistake of not packing near enough and spent her entire EXCURSION in an uninspired fuss.
❝i need a break, anyways. probably isn't GOOD for my health if i keel over in the middle of the misty woods.❞ 
@salfxsher / starter call.
💛 💜 ❤️ || autumn approaches QUICKLY, a season that is right at home with her sensibilities. a naturally curious, perhaps even to a fault, about the MORBID things in life, she’s well acquainted with the well and truly DARK aspects of humanity. 
her domain is the domain of VENGEFUL spirits, after all.
she must be a STRANGE sight, sitting down in the dampness of the mistwood’s borders - she’s not stupid enough to venture in too far without at least a week’s prep beforehand - pen and paper resting upon her lap. despite being rather FOND of the conveniences that modern technology provided, nothing really spurns her inspiration like the scratch of pen to parchment. the almost GHASTLY looking masked figure who wanders into her vision also does that job quite nicely. 
❝well, if i didn’t KNOW any better, i’d swear that you’d try to kill me just now.❞but i DO know better. legs uncross. ❝usually how it goes from the movies, i understand. LUCKILY, this isn’t a movie, yes?❞
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || ❝oh, i agree,❞ she exhales. ❝i wish i owned a photograph of my little orin. she's quite ELEGANT.❞
a lamenting sigh, for not only is her favourite feline not currently by her side, but neither is she in this city at all. perhaps she's EXAGGERATING in how elegant the twin-tailed feline may be, whether carting spirits 'cross the old remains of hell or bickering with okuu. satori has always been  a proud parent of sorts, always quick to talk about her pets as though they were royalty. she smiles fondly as she settles in a discarded chair, third eye a nestled to her chest as if it were a rather bold fashion statement. 
the smaller woman is not at all surprised by the query. after all, she is just that - small. one has, and likely will again mistake her for a child. dangerous, the streets could be considered, even if one was being generous. hands fold, one over the other upon her knees. satori isn't one for lying, but still she hesitates. the truth? a little EMBARRASSING.
❝i was still wide awake,❞ she says truthfully. ❝in truth i was so ENGROSSED in my work that i forgot to sleep. decided to take a walk outside, and i was led on quite the chase.❞
eyes lower to the feline, arched tail swishing and she rubs her head against satori's legs. a few appreciative pats before she returns to the woman in black. spoiled for attention.
❝i like to COMMUNICATE with animals. you could say that i have friends from all over the city. could be she saw my restlessness and felt the need to intervene. writer's block can be a rather fierce beast.❞
💛 💜 ❤️ || she smiles, albeit weakly, like someone who did not EXPECT company, but unexpectedly landed herself with some. it isn’t particularly unwanted, but socializing has a habit of being tiring to the youkai, even on her BETTER days. 
❝you’re right,❞ she says, once the initial shock has lifted. ❝the darlings could use all the friends they’re willing to make.❞
if it was purely up to her, she’d be PERPETUALLY showering the animals in affection, but cats could be very independent and even FICKLE at times. some, quite simply, cannot do with being too pampered, so she will settle for their safety.
❝she may have wanted us to meet. with how URGENT she was, i admit i was worried that i’d have to make a trip to the veterinarian.❞ brows pull in. no, if the colony needs any attention, there’s already someone here who’d offer it. for someone so small, DELICATE in stature, she’s certainly thinking quite a bit. ❝who knows, really. cats have minds of their own - it is HARDLY a wonder that humans used to associate them with witchcraft.❞
the FINAL puzzle piece clicks in her mind. the woman may not have the hat or the style of witches ( or more accurately, marisa, her MAIN source of knowledge in this regard ) but if she’s currently facing one, the youkai can’t say that she’d be surprised. 
sure as the waxing wane of luminescent pearl held ‘pon glittering high. the moon was ever fickle a mistress as any other, truly. where serene simper dons ‘witchy’ visage && said little feline friend circles just at her heels something almost ravenous if not sweetly subservient ( my, how quaint ) gloved palm offers the subtly of passing touch by way of open palmed pat, the low trill of purr in pleasantries a return offer for her reward. one sleek leg folds over the other proper, strands of that intricate catsuit almost sentient as all subtle movement so seemed, shimmering beneath the shine of midnight hour.
ah, the night was… how did the kids say? still young, yes.
perhaps as a marionette would dance akin to the master’s strings, ever watchful gaze of clouded grey proceeds to drink in the sight of her as if something much more finer than the still steaming brew held steadfast at hand despite the teasing drum of fingertips along tabletop, a hum rising in stead. subtle scrunch of the nose would indicate she’s been tipped towards the belief that her company is anything but human; call it a woman’s intuition.
❝ well- it certainly isn’t because they’re black. the majority of these beauties are sadly overlooked in favor of shunning them for simple color. black is staple for elegant after all. contrary to popular belief, not every lady can pull it off. so then, do tell~. what is a lovely one like yourself wandering about so late for? ❞
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heart3yed · 2 years
💛 💜 ❤️ || every offer is CONSIDERED with a palm to the underside of her chin. while blurr quite literally moves quickly, she tends to take her time in comparison. she smiles, eschewing silence as she thinks. ❝i'm happy you haven't been denied housing. a bit rude of them to dump some of us outside after they UNGRACIOUSLY kidnapped us.❞
though subdued as always, there's nevertheless a flash in her bright eyes. oh yes, the events that always seem to loom over the city like an ominous shroud. she's still standing through it all DESPITE her fragile constitution.
❝they will not break me any time soon. i'll make sure to ANNOY them to death if they try to pull the wool over my eyes.❞
she contemplates asking blurr about his life outside of radial, but it feels too insensitive of her, like she's picking at fresh wounds. she'd rather him open up about that first, but she does want to express her CONCERN. ❝it's nice that you have a solid footing, as much as i HATE being thankful towards our captors. the bar sounds nice - i admit that i am a mite peckish, but i wouldn't want to force you.❞
@intelite / starter call.
💛 💜 ❤️ || she's been around enough to REMEMBER who or what she's crossed paths with before. it isn't a new occasion, meeting up with individuals she's already met before, and the sensation most likely would not ease any time soon. hard gaze is FIXATED upon the other; she's not bound to forget someone with such striking mechanical features any time soon. lips press into a thin line as she PEEKS up over the rim of her book.
❝i may or may not sound crazy by asking this … but didn't you once REQUEST my assistance?❞ a brow raises. some people didn't remember previous stays, so an INNOCENT question may as well be the best means of broaching conversation. something that hopefully would not overwhelm. ❝i've been here for so very long, so pardon any INSENSITIVITY i'd express.❞
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heart3yed · 2 years
drafts almost done across my blogs, which means it's time for me to contemplate writing more characters >> why am i like this.
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