heartinzion · 5 years
How to Retarget Ads to Engaged Instagram and Facebook Fans
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Want more sales from your Facebook and Instagram marketing? Have you considered retargeting people who already engage with you?
In this article, you’ll learn how to create a Facebook and Instagram ad campaign to target people who have engaged with your Facebook and Instagram content.
Why Engagement Remarketing Ad Campaigns Work
Before diving into how to create this type of campaign, you need to understand where this campaign type exists in your ad funnel.
There are three stages to a successful Facebook ad funnel: awareness (level 1), engagement remarketing (level 2), and website remarketing (level 3). This framework allows you to move someone from a stranger to a paying customer by showing the right ads to the right people at the right time.
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The campaign type you’ll be setting up is part of the engagement remarketing stage and sits alongside a video remarketing campaign that targets people who have watched the video content you position at the awareness stage of the ad funnel.
This engagement remarketing (level 2) campaign targets “warm” audiences of people who have engaged with your business on Facebook or Instagram and involves creating page and profile custom audiences.
By targeting warm engagement audiences, you’ll see higher engagement and conversion rates. You’re capitalizing on the fact that your audience already knows your business because they’ve interacted with your organic posts or other ads.
#1: Create Custom Audiences From Engagement With Your Facebook Page and Instagram Business Profile
Before creating your engagement remarketing campaign, start by creating your custom audiences. To do this, click on the main menu in Ads Manager and select Audiences from the pop-out menu.
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When the Audiences dashboard appears, click on Create Audience and then select Custom Audience from the drop-down menu.
This opens the Create a Custom Audience window where you’ll see options you can use to target ads to people who have engaged with your business either on Facebook-owned properties or on your website.
Under Use Facebook Sources, select the Facebook Page option.
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The Facebook page engagement creation window opens next.
In the Add People to Your Audience section, select your Facebook page. Then move to the engagement condition field where you’ll find six options:
Everyone Who Engaged With Your Page
People Who Visited Your Page
People Who Engaged With Any Post or Ad
People Who Clicked on Any Call-to-Action Button on Your Page
People Who Sent a Message to Your Page
People Who Saved Your Page or Any Post
Select People Who Engaged With Any Post or Ad. With this condition, the audience will include people who have engaged with a Facebook page post or ad. This includes reactions (Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, Angry), shares, comments, link clicks, and carousel swipes.
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Next, set your audience duration, which is the number of days that people will remain in your audience after they engage with your ad or post. People will be removed from this audience after the set time unless they engage with your ads or organic posts again. You can set a maximum duration of 365 days, but here you want to start with 180 days.
You’ll be creating multiple engagement custom audiences so using a set naming convention will make it easier to manage them. To visualize this, you might use a name like “PEA – Facebook Ad Engagement – Last 180 Days.” In this case, “PEA” stands for page engagement audience, “Facebook Ad Engagement” tells you the platform and engagement condition, and “Last 180 Days” shows the audience duration.
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Repeat this process and create four additional page engagement audiences using the same engagement condition but with these audience durations: 90, 60, 30, and 14 days.
By creating multiple audiences, you can test to determine which is most effective. Each audience will be a different size and level of responsiveness based on the time people first engaged with your ad or posts.
Once you’ve created these audiences, repeat this process for the Instagram profile engagement custom audience. This time, select Instagram Business Profile as the source.
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In the custom audience creation window, choose your Instagram business profile and select the ad/profile engagement condition. Then set your first audience duration to 180 days.
Name your audience using similar naming best practices (like “PEA – IG Ad Engagement – Last 180 Days”) and click Create.
Follow the same process to create the remaining Instagram profile engagement custom audiences with durations of 90, 60, 30, and 14 days.
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#2: Create Your Engagement Remarketing Campaign in Facebook Ads Manager
With your custom audiences created, you’re ready to move on to creating the campaign, starting with the objective.
With larger engagement custom audiences, use the Conversions objective. For smaller ones, use the Traffic objective first and then switch objectives once you start increasing the number of conversions.
Pro Tip: If you have more than 50K people in your engagement audience, start with the Conversions objective, optimizing for the lowest action in your funnel such as Purchase. If you have fewer than 50K, start by using the Traffic objective and optimizing for landing page views.
In this example, we’ll use the Conversions objective. Click on Create in your Ads Manager dashboard. Then in the Quick Creation workflow, name your campaign and select Conversions from the Campaign Objective drop-down list.
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Finally, name your ad set and ad, and click on Save to Draft.
#3: Edit Your Ad Set
Once the edit window opens, navigate to the Ad Set level of your campaign by using either the top navigation in the edit window or the side navigation on the left side, as shown in the image below.
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In the ad set, choose the conversion event you want to optimize for. You want to select the event that’s the lowest in your sales funnel (such as Purchase or Contact), depending on your business type.
Scroll past Dynamic Creative and Offer to the Budget & Schedule section. Now set your budget. The most important thing to understand about ad budgets is that your budget dictates your audience reach. If you set it too high for your audience size, you’ll quickly encounter ad fatigue issues. If you set it too low, it’ll take longer to see results.
There’s no set way to determine the optimal budget. You need to gather data once the campaign is running and then make adjustments. If you’re unsure of what budget you should set, start with $15–$20 per day if your audience size is fewer than 50K. If it’s more than 50K, start higher by going with $20–$40 per day.
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Move to the Audience section and in the Custom Audiences field, select the largest of your Facebook engagement custom audiences, the 180-day audience duration.
Unless you have very defined age or gender demographics of your customers, keep Age, Gender, Languages, and Detailed Targeting open. The reason for this is that these audiences have been narrowed already due to the engagement condition.
Next, set your placement. If you’re using the Conversions objective with the lowest event action in your funnel, like Purchases, start with Automatic Placements. The reason for this is Facebook will push your optimization to the most effective placement that has the highest-quality converters, typically feeds on Facebook and Instagram.
If, however, you’re starting with the Traffic objective with the landing page view optimization (because you have a smaller audience size), don’t use Automatic Placements. You’ll end up with low-cost, low-quality visitors as Facebook pushes your reach to the Audience Network.
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Continuing with the example, we’ll leave automatic placements selected. For a full breakdown of the placement options and the best time to use each one, click here.
Moving to the Optimization & Delivery section of your ad set, go with the default setting, optimizing for conversions with the 7-day click and 1-day view conversion window selected.
#4: Create an Ad for Your Product or Service Offer
The final step in setting up this campaign is to create your ad. To do this, navigate to the Ad level of your campaign by clicking on the Ad link at the top of the edit window or in the main navigation on the left side of the screen.
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Once at the Ad level, you’ll see four sections: Identity, Create Ad, Languages, and Tracking.
In the Identity section, select your Facebook page and Instagram profile from the drop-down lists.
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In the Create Ad section, start building your ad like you would with any other campaign. There’s no right or wrong ad format to use. The important thing is what you position in your ad.
At this stage of your ad funnel—where you’re targeting warm audiences that already know your business—you want to position a product or service offering.
For the ad copy of your offer-based ad, use what I refer to as the SBA copy method, which is made up of the Snap, Benefit, and Action.
The Snap is the attention-grabbing first line of copy. What this first line says will depend on what product or service offer you present in this campaign. Suppose you’re an eCommerce company offering a product discount. In this case, the Snap would be the discount and the specific code to use at checkout, such as “Get 10% OFF when you spend over $50 using the discount code FB10.”
The Snap is then followed by the Benefit. Here you want to list core features of your product or service and the benefit of each. When it comes to effective copy, simply listing features isn’t enough; people want to know how those features benefit them.
The third part of the SBA copy method is the Action. Here you explicitly state the action your target audience needs to perform to take advantage of the offer you’ve positioned in your ad.
Keeping with the eCommerce example, the action would be a sentence at the end of your ad copy such as “Click the link below to shop now” or “Tap the Shop Now button to get started.”
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Make sure you link to the specific product or service page, not your homepage. Also, use relevant creative, images, or videos of the product or service you’re offering.
Once you’ve created your ad, ensure that your Facebook pixel is enabled in the Tracking section and publish your campaign. Pay particular attention to tracking because often when you duplicate ads (which we’ll cover next), the Facebook pixel is turned off by default.
Let’s quickly recap. You’ve created your engagement custom audiences for Facebook and Instagram, chosen your campaign objective, set up ad set targeting for the largest Facebook engagement audience, built your offer ad, and then published the campaign.
#5: Create a New Ad Set in Your Campaign to Target Your Largest Instagram Engagement Audience
The next step to creating your campaign is to duplicate the ad set you just made live and change the custom audience to your largest Instagram engagement custom audience.
To do this, navigate to the Ad Set level of the campaign you just created. Select your ad set and click on the Duplicate button.
In the duplication window, leave Original Campaign selected and click on Duplicate. Facebook then creates an identical ad set and ad in draft form below your existing one.
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Edit your ad set and change the name to reflect that the audience will be for Instagram engagement.
In the Audiences section of your new draft ad set, delete the Facebook page engagement audience from the Custom Audience field and select your largest Instagram engagement audience, the 180-day duration audience (just as you did for the Facebook engagement ad set).
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#6: Use the Post ID Method to Select the Original Ad
Now navigate to the Ad level of your new ad set and use the Post ID method to select the original version of the ad you published in the first Facebook engagement ad set.
When you first look at the ad in your new ad set, it will be identical to your original one. However, if you were to publish this ad, Facebook would treat it as a separate, new ad and give it a unique ad ID. In this case, you wouldn’t keep any social proof that’s building on the original ad.
Instead of using that new ad, click on Use Existing Post. Then click on Select Post.
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This will open the post matrix. Filter by Ad Posts and then select the original ad you created for this campaign.
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Finally, with the original ad being used in this new draft ad set targeting your Instagram engagement custom audience, check that your Facebook pixel is turned on in the Tracking section and click on Review and Publish to set it live.
Start driving new leads or sales for your business with engagement remarketing campaigns that target people who have already interacted with your business on Facebook and Instagram.
When implemented correctly, these campaigns can be a great source of high-quality traffic that not only converts at the time of ad click but also populates your website custom audiences. These people then go on to buy when shown your website remarketing campaigns.
Orignal Sourceof this article: https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-retarget-ads-engaged-instagram-facebook-fans/
The post How to Retarget Ads to Engaged Instagram and Facebook Fans appeared first on Age Doesn't Matter.
from Age Doesn't Matter https://www.agevd.org/instagram-facebook-retargeting/
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heartinzion · 5 years
We Give You The Tips And Tricks That Lead To Personal Development Success
You can often learn a great deal about yourself from other people. There are many great professionals, friends, and teachers that can help you understand your thoughts and discuss your feelings.
Try using affirmations to make yourself see how great you really are. Repeating phrases like “I am strong,””I believe in myself,” “I am healthy,” etc. can really help you feel better about the kind of person you feel you are. It really helps increase your self-worth and personal strength to achieve your goals.
Be true to your self, and be the best “you” possible. Be honest about what you need to be fulfilled and happy, and reject those things that do not bring true joy into your life. Be the best “you” that treats yourself with respect, love and caring. If that version of you does not yet exist, work on finding and developing it.
To help you endure the often daunting task of self help for your emotional uneasiness, you must keep your mind open to all positive energy and surroundings. If you let the bad thrive in your life, you will never be able to overcome your issues. It is important to stay positive.
Another vital tool that can aid in your quest of personal development is a mentor or life coach. This individual can act as someone who you can simply vent to, express concerns and ideas with, or even go on adventures with to step out of your comfort zone. Having support increases your chances of accomplishing your goals.
Make sure you protect yourself. Having an excellent set of healthy defense mechanisms against the world’s troubles means you’ll be more likely to stick by your convictions and make good on your promises. Your worst enemy can be yourself, so turn your own worst enemy into your own best ally.
To increase your chances of success learn from others’ mistakes. There are many blogs, books and free seminars that you can attend that will help you set your own goals and guidelines. This helpful advise can give you direction and help you avoid mistakes; however, when you do make a mistake, and you will, learn from it and move on.
Exercise can benefit almost anyone, even those who are not trying to shed excess weight. There are many different reasons to exercise. When you exercise, your body is stimulated to produce hormones and chemicals that work together to keep you calm and happy.
Are you an alcohol abuser? Are you a smoker? What activities do you engage in that have negative effects on your body? Your body should be treated with the utmost respect. If you want to start improving your life, you have to stop engaging in harmful activities. Examine your habits, and determine whether any of them are harmful. Work toward eliminating them.
It should be a privilege and honor to get to know yourself in depth. Be kind and true with yourself as you go through life, and feel good you have an understand of who you truly are.
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from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/we-give-you-the-tips-and-tricks-that-lead-to-personal-development-success/
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heartinzion · 5 years
Mindset da riqueza | Bate papo com Thiago Nigro sobre dinheiro, escolhas e mentalidade
Neste vídeo eu bato um papo com o Thiago Nigro, O Primo Rico. Conversamos um pouco sobre dinheiro, escolhas e mentalidade.
Conheça o canal do Thiago https://www.youtube.com/thigas/ Instagram – @thiago. nigro. Facebook – O Primo Rico. Site – oprimorico.com.br.
Livros:. Pai Rico Pai Pobre – https://amzn.to/2KNWatf. Geração de Valor – https://amzn.to/2Nugmiq.
Abra agora sua conta na Rico – http://bit.ly/corretora-rico.
Inscreva-se no canal do Telegram para sempre ser notificado dos vídeos – https://t.me/vocemaisrico. Lembrando que este web link só funciona nos smartphones.
Quer ter acesso a nossa Planilha da Liberdade Financeira e ainda ficar sempre a par de nossas novidades? Então se cadastre em nossa lista de email clicando no link abaixo:. http://bit.ly/listavocemaisrico.
Sugestões de vídeos relacionados:. 1. A maior mentira que te contaram na Educação Financeira – https://youtu.be/ioc9NMJE3Mw. 2. 1 ano sem emprego 3. 5 dicas para juntar R$ 100.000 com Thiago Nigro|O Primo Rico – https://youtu.be/qpCU_gAqvCk. 4. Como empreender com pouco dinheiro – https://youtu.be/yLTNQXiCjyo. 5. 4 livros que mudaram a minha vida|Eles podem mudar a sua também – https://youtu.be/17NIAa2Rxoc.
Acesse nosso site e siga-nos nas redes sociais:. Blog site – http://vocemaisrico.com/. Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/vocemaisrico/. Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/bruno_perini.
Não se esqueça de dar um like no vídeo e inscrever-se no canal!
Abraço e até o próximo vídeo!
Este vídeo é patrocinado pela corretora Rico.
ATENÇÃO: As publicações deste canal tem caráter exclusivamente educativo. O conteúdo aqui existente não se trata de recomendação, indicação e/ou aconselhamento de investimento, sendo de única e exclusiva responsabilidade do espectador a tomada de decisão e os consequentes riscos.
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from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/mindset-da-riqueza-bate-papo-com-thiago-nigro-sobre-dinheiro-escolhas-e-mentalidade/
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heartinzion · 5 years
O que é Mindset
Descubra Como Alavancar Sua Empresa na Imersão 8Ps: http://bit.ly/imersao-treinamento
O que é Mindset – 01
Olá, tudo bom? Nesse vídeo vou te mostrar como funciona a mentalidade de uma pessoa rica e ainda te dar algumas dicas de como mudar seu mapa psychological, como escolher o mapa certo para aquilo que você precisa para atingir seu sucesso pessoal e profissional, e fazer com que você cresça e prospere financeiramente.
Se as suas finanças andam na corda bamba, talvez esteja na hora de você refletir sobre seu modelo de dinheiro, que é um conjunto de crenças que cada de nós alimenta desde a infância e que molda o nosso mapa psychological e consequentemente o nosso destino financeiro.
Nesse vídeo, vou te ensinar passo a passo o que é cada uma dessas coisas e como isso afeta na sua vida, no seu destino e no sucesso da sua empresa. Então, assista ao vídeo, garanto que você vai adorar esse conteúdo e vai aprender muitas coisas boas que vão te ajudar muito, porque nesses meus 20 anos como empreendedor eu já quebrei muito a cara e aprendi do jeito difícil. E por isso, fiz esse vídeo para te ajudar na sua caminhada para o sucesso!
Relatório GRATUITO sobre Como Vender Pelo WhatsApp – society aqui para baixar: https://bit.ly/2IBsEqK.
Participe da próxima turma da Imersão 8Ps – meu treinamento intensivo de 3 dias que valem por 3 anos de conteúdo de advertising e vendas para empresários.
Imersão 8Ps é o maior treinamento de Marketing Digital e Vendas do Brasil! No nosso site você encontra todas as informações do evento, information, neighborhood, horário, como funciona, e depoimentos de pessoas que já participaram! Acesse http://bit.ly/imersao-treinamento.
Siga nas outras redes:.
– Instagram: http://instagram.com/conradoadolpho. – Facebook: http://facebook.com/conradoadolpho. – YouTube: http://youtube.com/ConradoAdolpho. – Site: http://8ps.com. – E-mail: [email protected].
Assista a outros vídeos do canal:.
Como Ter Uma Mente Inabalável – Palestra Motivacional Para Contém 1g – Conrado Adolpho. https://youtu.be/eehO6YQycBQ.
State Of Mind Avançado – Conrado Adolpho. https://youtu.be/cFysUo8FO4g.
Frame Of Mind Avançado – O Que é Mindset? https://youtu.be/1KTrTR46Nc8.
As 11 Objeções Clássicas e Como Matá-las. https://youtu.be/PYlCCXp24Z0.
Método 8Ps – 3 Anos em 3 Dias de Marketing e Vendas. https://youtu.be/YFONIhOebdo.
Como Vender Pelo WhatsApp. https://youtu.be/fY5lgq4RqUA.
Como Manter o Foco? https://youtu.be/trGoFAs6gNQ.
Como Criar Uma Empresa de Sucesso – Palestra Fator X Live. https://youtu.be/3LD2SgpuD4U.
O Que São “Gatilhos Mentais” e Por Que Funcionam? https://youtu.be/PqNl4G0TvRg.
Os 4 Gatilhos Mentais Mais Poderosos Para Vender. https://youtu.be/JRbgDG4GaOA.
Playlist:. Todos os Vídeos do Canal Conrado Adolpho. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPEv5tPDkKbCYgEfi1wWnzktyU4YTL9g0.
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from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/o-que-e-mindset/
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heartinzion · 5 years
Take The Initiative With These Self Help Suggestions
Our lives can be viewed as a mirror image of all the combined decisions that we make. Making the right decisions can lead to success, and of course the opposite is also true. Taking a journey on the road to personal development can be a key component in living a successful life. Let’s discuss a few tips that can help.
Learning more about personal development can steer you away from pitfalls and dead-ends on your own path to success. The copious amounts of books and other materials available on the subject are valuable resources. If they provide nothing else, they will illustrate negative examples: Dangerous practices that the committed personal development enthusiast can learn to avoid.
Don’t give up. Think of a small seed growing. You can’t see it until it bursts through the ground, but it’s been growing underground for a long time. It may seem as if you are getting no results and that things are going badly for you, but things are likely happening right below the surface and are about to bloom.
Study your text’s index! Indexes are made to put the contents of a book at your fingertips. Used wisely and they aren’t just quick references for page numbers. They are ready made lists of the information you should be learning. Review the indexes of your texts frequently to see if you are progressing as you should.
Enlist the help of a homeopathic remedy for situational upsets. A relationship breakup or death of a loved one can send your emotions into a tail-spin. This sometimes results in a depressive response, called situational depression. A homeopathic remedy, Ignatia amara, is derived from the Saint Ignatiur bean and helps dissolve feelings of grief or hysteria.
Give certain parts of yourself back to the people who need you most – your family and friends. Identify those specific behaviors, habits, and thoughts that take your best qualities and devotion away from those who love you most, then make a conscious effort to eliminate those negative aspects of your character.
One of the most rewarding and enriching things you can do is learning a new language. Many adults never pursue this goal, reasoning they cannot learn a second language as well as children can. This is because many people are not willing to devote more than one or two hours per day to study. Babies are exposed to language for up to 16 hours per day. To improve your results, consider devoting 6 hours a day to studying.
In all aspects of the self-help process, it is extremely important not to get too discouraged with yourself. Your road to improvement is a marathon, not a short-distance race. You would do well to remind yourself of this fact every once in awhile. Understand that there are going to be bumps along the road.
Living your life the right way is vital if you want to see success. As we have discussed in this article, success is all about the choices that you make. Making a choice to take a journey on the road to personal development can be a key component in reaching your own goals. Follow the tips we have provided here and that journey can be yours to take.
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from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/take-the-initiative-with-these-self-help-suggestions/
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heartinzion · 5 years
Great Personal Development Tips That Can Help You Reach Your Goals
The tools needed for personal development are different for everyone and it can be difficult to find just the right advice to get you started on your path. Here you will find a number of tips that you can apply to your everyday life. Your journey to a new and improved you, begins now.
Keep studying personal development resources to identify new ideas, maintain focus and get inspiration. There are tons of books, tapes and videos out there to assist you in reaching your goals. By making a habit of reviewing these resources you can pick up new tips and tricks to make your own personal development routine more successful.
We all know how easy it is to say your going to change something about yourself and it never happens. It is important that you find some niche that will let you surpass the phase of just saying you want to change. Their has to be something that can convince you, something that will click in your mind, that will let you help yourself!
While going through the many emotional crisis that can occur in your life, some self help suggestions always help. Although, while trying to help yourself mentally, it is as important to take care of yourself physically. Healthy eating and exercise will leave you with many more positive thoughts than you had before doing such.
Personal development is a process of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. Some goals are their own rewards. Other goals could use a more tangible reward, though. Rewards for success should be set in advance so they can be used for motivation. Treating yourself to a reward for a goal achieved also reinforces the success of the personal development process and encourages you to stick with it.
Write a personalized affirmation. Make a list of all the good things about you, and put it on a postcard. Keep this card with you, and read through it when you feel your confidence flagging. Better yet, read the list out loud while recording yourself. Why not?
Everyone needs friends. They might not know exactly how to help you in every instance, but sometimes just being there is what counts the most. True friends and long-term relationships will be there for you no matter what happens. They are essential to your well-being so view them as precious and make sure you continue to nurture them.
When looking at life try to focus on the positive. It is just too easy to look at the negative and compare yourself to others and see that they have this or that. Turn it around and just focus on yourself and what it is that you actually do have. This will give you a better outlook on life.
You can now take the personal development advice that you have learned here and move forward with the tools that will set you on a permanent journey towards progress. Use the information to stay motivated and implement the tips that you find relevant, to wake up each day a better and happier person.
The post Great Personal Development Tips That Can Help You Reach Your Goals appeared first on Age Doesn't Matter.
from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/great-personal-development-tips-that-can-help-you-reach-your-goals/
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heartinzion · 5 years
Law Of Attraction Works | How I Changed My Life Using Law Of Attraction
This video clip has to do with Legislation Of Attraction Works|Just how I Transformed My Life Making Use Of Legislation Of Tourist Attraction
Take a look at all my tunes and also let me recognize what u believe: https://youtu.be/Dkc2NRG-LLA
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My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandonrashad_/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/brandonrashad_
For Business Inquiries: [email protected] For Copyright concerns: [email protected]
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allocation is produced “fair use” for functions such as criticism, remark, information reporting, study, scholarship, and teaching. Fair use is an use allowed by copyright law that may or else be infringing #LawOfAttraction #Awakening #RaiseYourVibration
The post Law Of Attraction Works | How I Changed My Life Using Law Of Attraction appeared first on Age Doesn't Matter.
from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/law-of-attraction-works-how-i-changed-my-life-using-law-of-attraction/
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heartinzion · 5 years
Some Tips For Success In Personal Development
We all want to be the best we can be, but sometimes don’t consider the effort it takes to get there. Character is one of the most important qualities to develop. A well rounded lifestyle consisting of education, physical fitness and emotional health is key in personal development.
Admit your low-level in the universe. Admitting that you do not know all is the beginning of opening your mind, heart and spirit to the rest of the world. Each of us is but a speck in the whole universe, and we each have so much to learn, understand, know and improve.
Seek transparency when you’re looking for information to guide you on your path to self-development. Any advice you follow should have good intentions with clear origins. This protects you from eloquent, yet nefarious people out to make a dollar on others’ struggles. Protect your heart when you’re looking to tackle very intimate issues.
If you want your dreams to become reality, make them your goals. Visualizing something makes it easier to break down the components that makeup the scene. If you’re able to dream it, you can make something like it happen. By motivating yourself by making your dreams into tangible goals, you’ll find yourself in a new place in life in no time.
Live your life according to your values. Everyone has values and beliefs in which they hold dear. You will be able to feel proud of yourself if you do not make compromises and follow your values. This will also promote consistency in your life and actions, which is a trait almost everyone finds admirable.
An important tip that will improve every area of your life is to get a good night’s sleep. Intellectually we all know this already, but few of us take it to heart. Proper rest is essential to restore the body, but also to reduce stress and inflammation, protect our heart, regulate our hormones, and improve our memory. A good night’s sleep is 6-8 hours ” and some people need more. Your health and your outlook will improve greatly when you make a good night’s rest a serious priority.
Keep flashcards in your pocket! Yes, flashcards are an old fashioned approach to learning but they are also a proven approach. Make miniature flashcards in the desired subject matter and pull them out when you are waiting at the doctor’s office, riding the subway or in any other situation where you have time on your hands.
When seeking to develop your personality it is key that you seek purity as opposed to seeking eloquence. In other words, seek wisdom that is both pure and powerful. Learn how to discern the difference between truth and wickedness. Once you distinguish the difference between these two you will gain both understanding and insight.
Personal development will create the best outlook for a successful life. Many people go through life aspiring to make the most money or gain the most power. These goals are good but do not create as much satisfaction as knowing that you are the best you can be, with the abilities and talents that you’ve been given.
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from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/some-tips-for-success-in-personal-development-3/
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heartinzion · 5 years
5 Minimalist Personal Development Approaches
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heartinzion · 5 years
Self-Help Tips That Anyone Can Use
Personal growth and development takes place, whether we consciously work at it or not. Every trial and tribulation in life is another opportunity for personal growth. The way we process and handle these events determines the amount of ourselves that gets developed. The following tips can give you some ideas on how to take advantage of your next personal development opportunity.
An easy-to-implement self help tip is to make sure you’re getting enough carbohydrates in your diet. Carbohydrates have gotten a bad reputation recently and more and more people seem to be cutting them out of their diets. However, carbohydrates are very important to your mood and energy levels so it’s crucial that you’re eating enough of them.
Acknowledge and evaluate the distance between your current status and your personal development goals. Personal development does not happen overnight, so it’s best to make an honest assessment of how far you have to go to achieve your goals. This will enable you to make a path that is customized for your life and goals.
Identify bad values in your life. Systemic and institutional bias can lead us to internalize faulty things, so it’s best to address any flaws in your belief system on your path to personal development. The better you understand the basis of your beliefs, the better you will feel about adhering to it.
A crucial component of personal development is education. Want that job you’ve always dreamed of? Chances are, you’re going to need an education to do so. Check out local colleges and Universities and decide which one is best tailored to the degree you are seeking at the price you are able to afford. Already have a degree? Consider checking out some higher education or Master’s programs!
When you are going through rough patches in your marriage, but aren’t quite ready to admit it, it is not time for you to go see a marriage counselor, it is time for you try and go down a path of self help. To succeed it is important that you find a well reviewed source of information for marriage counseling self help.
A good way to achieve personal development is to practice selflessness. As you sacrifice the things that are important to you by helping others, you will begin to notice your true self. Caring and helping others makes you understand your true self and the more you sacrifice, the more you will realize yourself.
Combine email and your phone to facilitate your day. Use emails to remind yourself of things you have to do. Every night shoot off an email to yourself with the next day’s shopping list, appointment times and whatever other items you must remember. You can retrieve the emails right from your phone, the next day.
Personal growth is not always easy; in fact, sometimes it involves a lot of personal pain before the growth and development begins. As we make our way through life, it helps to maximize each challenge and look for the good in it so that we can continue to get better at finding true happiness inside ourselves.
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from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/self-help-tips-that-anyone-can-use/
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heartinzion · 5 years
7 Essential Money Mindset Shifts To Change Your Money Story
Intend to develop wide range for your best economic future? These cash frame of mind changes will help you arrive. When it comes to developing your finest life, having an abundance mindset is important. Examine out the video for even more money mindset inspiration!
And join us for our new FREE cash mastery class life next week! You can sign up at: https://onebighappylife.com/moneyplan
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heartinzion · 5 years
Read These Tips For Help With Improving Yourself
We all want to improve ourselves, but we often say that we’re too busy or our work is demanding too much to focus on personal development. Yet, improving ourselves is the most important thing we can do, and nothing else around us can be optimal until we are ourselves improved. This article will document various ways you can get some real personal development.
Try finding out what you want out of life and what you hold dear in your life. Try to figure out what your personal values are and how you apply them to your life. You need to be aware of what is important to you and what in your life gives you pleasure and pain.
A great self help tip that can help you change your life is to start breathing right. A lot of people make the mistake of breathing short, fast breaths. Breathing like this will make you anxious. Try to focus on taking in deeper breaths in order to be more relaxed.
Keep a list of all the times in your life when you felt big or incredibly strong. Try making this list every night before you go to bed. There are no things that are too small or silly; go ahead and list them. Use these remembrances to help draw on your inner strength and add those familiar feelings to who you are today.
To help you endure the often daunting task of self help for your emotional uneasiness, you must keep your mind open to all positive energy and surroundings. If you let the bad thrive in your life, you will never be able to overcome your issues. It is important to stay positive.
Increase your productivity by being a kind person in the workplace. When a worker spends their time being mean to their co-workers and causing tension it inhibits the ability to get work done. Yet being proactive in being kind and nice to ones co-workers helps avoid conflicts that waste time.
Try working in blocks of 10 minutes to get more work done. It’s true that 10 minutes is not an eternity or a great deal of time to accomplish everything, but when used correctly, you can get so much done in that short period of time. After that time is up, take a break and start again.
Break down large goals into manageable steps. Many times our goals are lofty, which is a good thing. However large goals can seem unattainable, causing you to become daunted and lose motivation. Before you start any large project or goal, break it down into smaller steps. Get as detailed as you can. Soon you will be well on your way to success.
We mustn’t make up excuses as to why we don’t focus on our own personal development. The tips given here should be utilized by us all so that we can become the individuals that we wish to be. A career or other excuse shouldn’t be used to prevent us from doing what is perhaps our fundamental purpose, improving ourselves.
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from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/read-these-tips-for-help-with-improving-yourself/
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heartinzion · 5 years
Personal Development And Self-Help Programs Are Scams
This is a short clip taken from the Maximum Potential Business Edition Event held on May 25, 2019.
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heartinzion · 5 years
You Owe It To Yourself To Practice These Personal Development Tips!
Many people will be able to help you discover things about yourself. Discovering who you are, is a lot easier with the aid of friends, professionals, and teachers to help guide you.
Know what you stand for and make any needed adjustments! Identify and rectify your life principles. Everyone has a set of internal principles that guide their daily activities and interactions. These guiding principles are the foundation of our habits, attitudes and values. Bad habits stem from bad values, and a bad attitude comes from a bad or negative set of principles.
Set a new personal goal right now: do something that scares you in the near future. This doesn’t need to be huge, so don’t worry about overcoming a lifelong fear of spiders overnight. Simply choose a small risk, plan a date, and take it when the opportunity arises. You might find that your bravery pays off!
Personal development is hard work. Developing your sense of self means lending your skill to others. Practice selflessness on your path to self-discovery. By helping others, you may find new things about yourself. Furthermore, helping others is a terrific boost for your self-esteem. This can motivate you to continue on and do other things to better the world.
Seek transparency when you’re looking for information to guide you on your path to self-development. Any advice you follow should have good intentions with clear origins. This protects you from eloquent, yet nefarious people out to make a dollar on others’ struggles. Protect your heart when you’re looking to tackle very intimate issues.
A key element in your success will be thinking and acting pro-actively as opposed to re-actively. As you try to better yourself, remember that your mind controls all things. Take opportunities and activities that come your way into consideration with an open mind, and embark on new adventures as they will provide you with experiences necessary for you to grow as a person.
Distract yourself. If you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, try to distract yourself from your problem. If there is nothing you can do about what is bothering you, obsessing is just going to make it worse. Instead, try to shift your attention to something interesting that you can actually enjoy.
Make lists, lists, and more lists! Lists facilitate action. They free up our time for more important matters at hand. Are you traveling? You should already have a list of what you will need to take. Are you giving a presentation at work? Have a list at hand of what displays you need to have in place.
Surround yourself with nature and seek out the healing power in enjoying God’s creation. His creation testifies to his name, and being in nature is very soothing and comforting. Take a nature walk, sun yourself in the backyard, enjoy a swim, go bird-watching; whatever you choose to do, incorporate this into your plan.
Knowing yourself better than other people is a great feeling. If you have a positive relationship with yourself, then it lays a good foundation for every other relationship in your life.
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from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/you-owe-it-to-yourself-to-practice-these-personal-development-tips/
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heartinzion · 5 years
MANIFESTATION #154: 🔥 MASSIVE SUCCESS in 30 DAYS with Law of Attraction | 10 Minutes a Day Practice
This legislation of destination success tale proves to us just how powerfully legislation of destination really functions. Large success accomplished in 30 days with regulation of destination using a 10 minutes a day method.
#lawofattraction #success #mindbodyspirit #inspiration #motivation
—————– Link with me: * Instagram: www.instagram.com/SuyashMBS * Facebook: www.facebook.com/MoreMindBodySpirit * Email: [email protected]
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heartinzion · 5 years
Become More Well-rounded With These Personal Development Tips
In order to live life to the fullest, it’s important to do all you can to improve yourself as a person. Whether that means achieving your dreams or developing your confidence, it’s important to focus on personal development. In this article, you’ll find personal development tips that will help you get the most out of life.
Try designating an area of your home as a landing strip. This area should be for dropping off stuff that you don’t organize right way when you get home. Usually, coming home from shopping or working leaves you exhausted and you just want to drop stuff and relax. By keeping everything in one area, you are not making a mess and you can easily organize it later.
While you need a healthy sleeping schedule, don’t ever be afraid to sacrifice a bit to work toward something that you desire. Sometimes using those extra hours can work to your favor and you can even discover new things that you never knew about. So, shake up your schedule when you need, just do not regularly deprive yourself of sleep.
Mood management can be one of the toughest goals to accomplish, but it’s not impossible. The first step is realizing that your moods are not always your own fault. A lot of the time, they occur, due to the actions and words of other people or the situation around you. As soon as you realize that you are allowed to have moods and that you don’t have to turn them off simply because others want you to, is the moment that you will slowly be able to start focusing on them and being able to choose the mood that you wish to be in.
Picture yourself succeeding. It’s no secret that the key to success is being able to visualize yourself achieving your goals. By allowing yourself a taste of what success will feel like, you are recharging your motivation and giving yourself the drive to continue on towards reaching whatever goal you set out for.
Have goals. This will help give structure to your life. You may have vague ideas of what you want to do, but having concrete goals that you write down and look at every day, compels you to get started on achieving those goals instead of sighing and saying “oh, someday.”
A key to success is recognizing the difference between things you can control and things you can’t. You cannot foresee what will happen to you, but you can control how you react to it. Learn how to be optimistic and you will find ways around the roadblocks in life. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes, learn from them than move on.
There’s nothing stopping you from being the person you want to be. Now that you’ve read this article, you know all sorts of things you can do to better yourself and reach your goals. Focus on applying as many of these tips to your life as you can. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.
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from Age Doesn’t Matter http://www.agevd.org/become-more-well-rounded-with-these-personal-development-tips-2/
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heartinzion · 5 years
Two Steps to Manifest Without Law of Attraction
Manifest without legislation of tourist attraction with these 2 easy steps. Practice this each day to manifest your wanted life. Click to learn just how to materialize an outstanding life with this powerful eCourse https://landriaonkka.com/product/break-through-fear-ecourse/ as well as get a BIG price cut by utilizing the code ‘inspirationwithlandria’ at checkout. Intend to produce a life of time and also economic freedom with a web company like I did? Go here for a free Workshop video series as well as to find out extra: https://landriaonkka.net/start-now2
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