heartofjesus · 4 years
This is why I say democrats care about people.
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heartofjesus · 4 years
Look at your life and see all the times Christ has rescued you. Keep in mind you woke up this morning because you were protected by God.
So do not say to yourself, why has God abandoned me, or why isn't he coming to my rescue.
Instead say, thank you Jesus for what you have done for me. You are with me. You have gone before me and arranged blessings for my future.
Open my eyes that I may see the big picture. You have a plan for me and it is not starting tomorrow; in fact, your plan started before I was even born.
So I surrender to your will. Let it be done according to the richness of your eternal mercy.
I trust you. I believe in you. Wipe the tears from my eyes, so that I may see your light paving the way to victory. Amen!
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heartofjesus · 4 years
Suffering is not from God, but rather it is onto God.
For it is not God's will that you should suffer, or be oppressed, or be sick physically or spiritually.
God's will is that you should rejoice and be glad, and be free, and be healed physically or spiritually.
So do not listen to the devil when he tells you that God is testing you, and has place you in the painful condition you are in today.
God knows everything there is to know about you. He does not need to test you.
Therefore, rebuke the enemy. Tell satan to leave in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Listen to the voice of truth, Jesus Christ. Let his tender love bring you out.
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heartofjesus · 4 years
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heartofjesus · 4 years
Do not seek to die for the Kingdom. Instead seek to live for it.
For if you seek death, you will find it; but if you seek life, it will surely follow.
So do not pick up the sword to defend Christianity. Pick up the Cross instead.
Love those around you untill it hurts. Then when it hurts, love them some more.
Always remember what our Heavenly Father said concerning sacrificial offerings. "I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings." (Hosea 6:6)
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heartofjesus · 4 years
Guilt without repentace leads to torture and misery.
Repent. Ask God to forgive you that you might be released from your suffering.
For "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)
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heartofjesus · 5 years
We live in a world where the wealthy and powerful have plenty, but the poor is left with nothing but despair. While some are constantly battling hunger, others casually trow away food without concern. Our healthcare system is set up to keep the rich going, and to maintain the poor at arms length, in the hole and suffering. And many of those who are not wealthy, but are fortunate enough to have enough to fill their bellies every day (the middle class) speak against injustice as if they were taking part of some passing trend. For that reason, hunger persists; injustice prevails; oppression becomes even more powerful. But such is the way of this world. Imperfect and broken. Some say that the only way to change that is by having a political revolution. Some promote socialism; some capitalism; all promote imperfect solutions. I say Christ Jesus is the answer to this world we live in. The revolution we need is Christ. Listen to the attached music video and join the true revolution this world needs.
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heartofjesus · 5 years
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heartofjesus · 5 years
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heartofjesus · 5 years
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heartofjesus · 5 years
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heartofjesus · 5 years
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heartofjesus · 5 years
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heartofjesus · 5 years
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heartofjesus · 5 years
Christianity can't be inherited by way of founders, by biological birth, by race, by place of origin or any other argument one may use to claim it. To be a #Christian one must accept #JesusChrist as Lord & Savior.
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heartofjesus · 6 years
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heartofjesus · 6 years
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