muscletfloverbackup 2 years
Bartending part 2
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Michael and Thomas had immediately lost their driver in the crowd. It didn't matter though, they could just text him when it was time to leave. The goal was to get him to the party to relax and that was accomplished now. Next they had to move on to the second part of their plan: win over the gamma bros so they could pledge! They arrived dressed up but with swim suits under. Able to use the pool but also make that all important first impression. It didn't take too long for them to try and talk their way to the president. However he was busy moving around the party keeping everyone satisfied so they ended up chatting with the frats pool boy, Dean instead. He was friendly enough but not in any decision making position for accepting pledges as far as the pair was aware.
"Hey bros, while you wait for the prez, how 'bout a dip in the pool?' He asked and they agreed asking for a place to change. Dean leads them into the frat house, to a bathroom no doubt. However it was very unusual when instead he lead them to a room with a small round inflatable pool filled with beer. Before they could react he laughed and pushed them in! Clothes getting soaked and ruined and hardly a chance to breathe. Though the taste of the beer was good. Better than usual actually as neither noticed their hair color or complexion change. Dark hair brightening to red. Previously cut short their hair grew in length along with being wet becoming a bit messy. Clean shaven faces itched as red messy beards sprouted. Their skin became pale with some freckles as they changed to match one another. Their faces altering to become near identical. Muscles forming and bones adjusting until they were the same height and build as body hair vanished. Their clothes loose and wet as they climbed out.
"Sorry bros, forgot you had suits on" Dean laughed with a huge grin. Far from being mad though the two new irish bros started to laugh too as another man walked in, the president.
"Stop teasing the new pledges Dean" the man boomed leaving them confused. Weren't they here to pledge? They hadn't already had they? It was suddenly quite hard to remember stuff.
"You already Myles? Tiernan?" Dorian, the prez asked. Being called by their new names allowed the memories to click into place. They were Myles and Tiernan O'Hennessy, two of the O'Hennessy triple and all three of them members of Gamma! Unlike their brother they loved to drink and party! But wete shit at making any drinks. Boyfriends? Hardly. They were brothers. In fact didn't they have a party to get back to?
"You guys are soaked, heres lets got you some clothes" Dorian said and both bros nodded following him to another room where they were handed green speedos, jean shorts and some colorful button up rompers. The clothes looked ridiculous but fit them. As soon as they they put them on they felt a slight drunken lightheadedness hit them. It felt like marurity and responsiblity was being wiped from their minds. They wanted to drink, and fuck, and party! Fuck all that thinking shit. They got people to think of em, like their older (by 2 whole minutes!) Bro Jameson, and Prez Dorian! As for classes? They were art majors and C gets the degree rite? The two new bros were far too eager to notice Dorian looked every so slightly younger now as they stormed back to the party, to drink of course! And maybe drive Jameson a little crazy too!
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
Bartending part 1
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St. Patrick's day Gamma Tau special. My plan got longer than I wanted so its in 2 parts. 2nd one won't be today though. Enjoy
Josh Miller was a fairly average college guy. He was from a well to do family and 3 generations have gone to this school so he had to be the 4th. There was even a hall named after them, Miller Hall, which was used for buisness classes. He was a finance major and very serious about his studies. Too serious if you asked his friends Michael Preston and Thomas Baker.
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They were also finamce majors and met Josh in class. The two of them were gay and while Josh considered himself straight he was really more asexual, but he didn't judge them or give them any shit about it. While they too were on scholarships, from well to do families and quite studious in their own right, they also knew when to relax and put the stress aside. Josh didn't. If he wasn't studying he was failing. Which is why he initially refused to drive Mike and Tom to a st Patrick's day party being hosted by one of the frats.
"Come on dude they are accepting pledges there!" Mike practically begged.
"I have a project due the day after" Josh said. "I suppose I could drop you off and come back when your done?" He offered but Tom scoffed at him.
"No way! your coming too! Just uh, don't drink, your the driver" Tom said.
"I said no" Josh groaned.
"Take us and we can help with the project after" Mike offered. This time it was Josh's turn to scoff
"Sure let two drunken idiots help my project, that should go over well"
"You can't study all the time; your project is definitely at the passing point already, doesn't have to be perfect!" Fine. They had a point. Josh reluctantly agreed and a few days later he was pulling up to the Gamma Tau house. Music blasting and signs directing students to the indoor pool. How is it that they convinced the school to let them do this? Easy. All proceeds from the drinks were being donated to a local food bank. The same way Gamma gets away with everything. There were also rumors of the president making deals with the school and one of the Deans being a forner member and letting things slide.
The music was bumping, some guy named Kyle was DJing, Josh only picked that up from the cheering from some guys who were already drunk. It didn't take long for him to lose his friends in the crowd as he looked for a relatively quiet place to sit down. However as he wormed his way through the crowd he bumped into one of the gamma boys dressed in only a green speedo.
"Common bro I cleaned the pool for this party! Enjoy it!" He shouted giving Josh a chest bump that caused him to back flop into the pool! He quickly got his head above the surface gasping and coughing as he climbed out of the pool.
"What the hell I'm soaked!" He shouted as the guy who pushed him chuckled.
"Oh shit sorry bro, guess I bumped too hard!" he said but Josh was fuming. "Tell you what bro, pretty sure we got some spare clothes follow me" he said tossing his arm over Josh's shoulder and leading him into the house. "Names Dean by the way" he said as if Josh really cared. He was above most of these dumb muscle bound frat boys naturally, though in truth most of them had good grades. They just knew how to have a good time but Josh was too caught up in his own stereotypes to realize.
The clothes were hardly something he'd ever wear. A pair of green and black plaid boxers, a green tank top and a pair of overalls with some green socks and a pair of green and black checkered vans.
"Got anything else?" Josh asked.
"You'll look the right color for the party!" Dean grinned. After Josh was dressed in the clothes that seemed a bit loose Dean completed the look by pushing a green hat with the frat letters on it, backwards, onto his head. He turned around suprised but felt a rush to his head and before he could complain further about the outfit he suddenly forgot why he was upset. He just stood there with a dazed look. He didn't react much as Dean leads him back to the party. The music thumping room spinning a bit, the music and people chatting. The sounds kind of just blended together resulting in Dean giving him a funny look.
"Wha?" Josh asked and Dean chuckled.
"I said, know anything about mixed drinks?" Dean repeated a question he apparently already asked.
"Uh no not really" was that true? It felt right but he was really confused right now.
"Really? Thought drinking was in your genes bro!" Dean said laughing. Josh wanted to correct him but he felt too light headed to refute it, not noticing his dark brown hair starting to lighten. Or his skin gaining a sudden paler. As he was lead to the poolside bar he realized yes. He did know about the drinks. There was vodka, wines, beer, rum, soon even just looking at the brand names he knew what type of liquor it was. Soon he was behind the bar...how had that happened? Before he could question it guys were placing orders and how is it that off the top of his head, as if on auto pilot, he know how to mix the perfect Lomg Island Iced Tea, or Screwdriver? As he mixed the drinks his arms swelled with neew muscle. His chest began to inflate into 2 lean but square pecs that filled in his new tanktop nicely. His stomach always had a 6 back rite? Of course. He had known these drinks because it was in his blood rite? His face shifting to be more angular and itching as redish hair grew to fill in some stubble as freckles dotted across his face. He knew drinks, he bartended all the time for his bros! Hell his family practically had him doing it as a kid! Though unlike the stereotypes of his heritage he actually didn't like to drink a lot. Though he couldn't say the same for his 2 brothers! His memories of studying intensly began to fade. Replaced with being intelligent still, but knowing when to turn it off and have fun. His dick englarged as his balls swelled up. They burned breifly as the sperm containing his old genes died off replaced by potent ginger sperm. He was definitely still straight and definitely willing to let any girl catch his leprechaun...if she was willing to show him her pot o gold! Haha. His legs began to swell with muscle and fill his overalls snuggly as his feet grew a bit bigger to fill his new shoes. In the haze of noise and hormones he remembered. He wasn't some boring nerd named Josh...no he was Jameson O'Hennessy! A Gamma Bro, their bartender, and no party could be complete without his cocktails! He wondered where his brothers had gone but couldn't go look for them for now as he kept getting requests. Dean and Prez Dorian looked on at their new bartender with broad grins.
1 down 2 to go.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
Can you turn me into a cool smoking badboy?
You would be walking down the street to the bus stop on your way to work same as always. Every day was fairly routine. Wake up, walk to the bus stop, take the bus to the store you worked at, devote hours to the sale of some products you can't even afford and then take the bus home, watch tv, then sleep and repeating. Reading or playing video games on the days off. You were made to dress in workout style clothes since it was a sports store so the clothes were comfortable although not your usual style.
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You glance at a couple of guys leaning on a car smoking. God you find that hot. You fantasize what that would be like. Just being dumb and immature, working at a gas station or convince store. Not giving a fuck, hanging out with your bros smoking cigarettes and weed. Being a dumb tough cool looking badass. But you only give the fantasy a few moments before continuing to the bus stop to reaume your normal day. At the bench however you notice a pack of cigarettes left there. You look around wondering who left it but there was no sign and you felt a sudden need take over. Here it was, your chance to live out your fantasy. You hesitantly take a cigarette and see there was a lighter next to it as well. You light it up and take a inhale feeling a rush to your head, it felt like some need you didn't even know you had was being satisfied. You didn't even cough it was as though you were an expert. Starting to exhale the smoke as it was getting harder to think of your job, or college. Your head starting to itch as your hair suddenly began to buzz itself shorter, leaving your head shaved. It felt cold in the breeze for just a moment until it was covered by a hat which quickly screwed itself sideways. Your eyebrows got thicker and sharper as your face hardened looking slightly older, more sharp and angular, tougher and aggressive looking. Your gray track shirt provided by work turned black and cheaper.
Another inhale as that rush came. Followed by another exhale as the shirts sleeves rolled up, shrinking becoming a t shirt causing another slight chill which lasted only a moment because a warm winter coat formed. Open to show your shirt and chain. Your pants shifting to a ripped pair of jeans which sagged slightly as your boxer breifs shifted into boxers. Your clothes beginning to smell lf tobacco as your body began to shift. Chest pushing out into a slight shelf of pecs, visible only slightly through the baggy shirt as your stomach which had some slight chub to it began to harden becoming a firm flat stomach. Your arms gained some strength as your hands grew bigger and stronger as you took another puff. Your legs firmed up with muscle as your feet grew, your shoes morphing into a big size 12 pair of vans.
It was getting harder to remember your life as you started gaining new memories of slacking off in high school, getting into fights, started smoking cigarettes at 16, weed by 17, you dropped out rite? No way you went to college or worked at a sports store. Nah you worked at a gas station and you slacked of there too! The only reason you even got that job was because your boys dad owned it. Every inhale hardened and toughened your personality into a toughened badass. And every exhale caused you to lose your intelligence, maturity, self control, and your old life and memories. Your dick hardened and grew longer and thicker as your balls swelled up. Flooding your head with hormones adding further to the growing fog in your head. You were confused as the bus pulled up. What the fuck were you doing at the bus stop? The gas station is walking distance from your room. You take a few more puffs chuckling going off to hang with your bros!
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I don't think I've done a non stoner smoker story and the idea wasn't super detailed so I hope you all like it.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
Story trade with @just-a-jock hope you enjoy it bro!
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"And what are you two supposed to be?" Thomas inquired looking up at his older brother and cousin eagerly showing off their "costumes" for the party.
"Elaphants ain't it obvious bro?" His older brother Miguel laughed, smirking while their cousin Diego nodded grabbing the trunk on the costume to lift it up. "Buuur!" Was the sound he made before flexing. His attempt to copy a elephant sound. The two of them, at least in Thomas' opinion, looked ridiculous in nothing but a black elephant head thong placed so their dicks filled the trunks. Lewd, ridiculous, and...to be honest exactly what he'd expect from them.
"Wanna come with? we got one more?" Diego asker grinning and holding up a bright red elephant head.
"No thanks, I don't like those kinds of parties" Thomas said.
"Costume parties?" Miguel woundered.
"Slutty costume parties" Thomas clarified. "especially if everyones gonna be dressed like that"
"But all the chicas will love your trunk!" Diego enticed laughing. Both his cousin and brother knew Thomas was gay and they seemed chill about it but they still liked to joke. In fact it wasn't just his sexuality and interests, Thomas looked a little different from his realitives as well. They both had short straight black hair and dark latino skin, darkened more from the tan they got going outside shirtless a lot. Where Thomas had medium length curly hair and from being inside all day was certainly lighter than them.
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"No thanks" Thomas confirmed. The two of them seemed to look at each other for a moment. Then they both pounced on him, each grabbing an arm to pin him down before he could react. They started to force off his clothes. They pulled off his socks, shirt, pants and boxers. He was home so he hadn't been wearing any shoes. He couldn't even cover his now exposed crotch because Diego was still holding his arms while Miguel grabbed the third elephant head and pressed it down on Thomas' crotch, even moving it so his cock was in the trunk. It seemed too big and he noticed for the first time the trunks on his brother and cousin were different sizes. They must have ordered them so the trunks were the right size for their dicks. This red one was quite long compared to theirs. Oddly enough it was just the head, not the thong part. However that didn't last long as the trunk started to heat up as suddenly straps seemed to grow out and wrap around his waist, attatching behind him to form the thong. Diego let go of Thomas' arms as he jumped up to standing.
"WHAT THE FUCK GUYS!" he shouted at them as they high fived and he reached to remove the throng but as he did the trunk seemed to move slightly. Scrunching up then elongating again. Up and down. Up and down. Slowly, almost as if it was jerking him and as weird as it was, his dick started to harden. He let out a involuntary moan as his cock started to grow as it was pumped. "Wha? How" he asked looking up at his realitives as if for answers but they just grinned at him then grinned at each other. The trunk was slow and methodical, like an expert hand. He聽 squirms in place moaning more, wanting to stop it as his dick was getting longer and thicker beyond its normal size hard. The solution was so simple. Just take the damn thing off! But whenever he moved to do so, the jerking sped up, causing his arms to drop to his side and another involuntary moan to escape his throat. The pleasure centers of his brain, the nerves in his dick, betraying him as his cock expanded out inch by inch. "Take it off!" He pleased to his brother and cousin. He had been a decent 3 inches soft and 6 inches hard but now his cock was 10 inches hard and filling out the trunk of his new costume nicely.
"Yeah bro! Perfect for spreading the family genes with some sexy chicas!" Miguel shouted grinning as he walked over to playfully tug at Thomas' trunk covered crotch. His brother and cousin often did that to each other playfully to joke about being gay. Diego grabbed his trunk again making the mock elephant noise. Thomas felt a dumb grin spread across his face and he gripped his own trunk and lifted it up making the same nose.
"Buuurrr!" Followed by a dumb sounding chuckle. His ass starts to firm up with muscles and his thighs also begin to firm up looking like he does a lot of squats as an add thought popped into his head that his legs were perfect for wrapping around an opponent on the mat....what? Sure Miguel and Diego did wrestling back in high school but Thomas was nerdy...he wasn't on the wrestling team or any team right? However, as he shook his head trying to fight off these new memories the trunk started to speed up causing him to lose focus and moan as he started to cum in the trunk. He didn't notice the bottom of the trunk starting to swell with his cum.
The changes moved down as his calves began to ache and swell with muscle. As his feet began to grow wider and bigger. They grew from size 9 to a sexy size 12 and as much as he wanted to scream or yell at his brother and cousin or do anything he couldn't because that stupid trunk was still jerking him off! It would speed up during changes and become slow and was almost methodical as he thought of resisting, causing him to moan and let his eyes roll back effectively paralyzing him.
"Yeah bro! Nice wrestling legs!" Deigo cheered and to Thomas' horror he looked down, they would be perfect for that.
"Wanna go a round bro?" Miguel asked.
"F-f-oohh" he moaned again as the trunk jerked him off.."fuck no! I want you guys to qu铆tame esto!" [Get this off me!]. Thomas was confused by the sudden slip into spanish. He was born in the States but most of his family was from Cuba so, sure, he spoke it fluently to talk with them but to his brother who knew perfect english and outside the home he always spoke English.
His thoughts were cut off though as the trunk started to speed up again causing him to moan and gasp as he started to cum again and Miguel took advantage of the distraction, getting into a wrestling stance and jumping at him. Miguel soon had his arms wrapped around Thomas' waist and pulled him to the ground in no time. Wrapping his legs around him and sitting on his chest. Miguel laughed and raised his arm, shoving his sweaty, hairy pit in his face. Thomas had no choice but to breathe in the musky smell as the trunk seemed to quicken the jerking. A tan began to spread around his crotch and ass and down his legs and feet. His skin was already somewhat light olive from being hispanic but he was a bit lighter than his brother. Not anymore! The dark tan spread up his chest next. His stomach firming up into slight abs which tightened until he had the beginnings of a 6 pack just like his relatives. A light dusting of black hairs grew around his belly button and down forming a treasure trail to his crotch. Miguel smirked moving his pit away from Thomas' face but staying on top of him as he reached down, pinching Thomas' nipples. That combined with the scents and the constant jerking of the trunk caused him to moan out.
"S-stop!" He cried out as the tan moved up to his chest which pushed out into two large, square pecs. Pushing out to hang over is abs, which caused the nipples to hang down slightly as they started to get bigger. His brother pinches the growing nipples, eventually letting go to show they have grown errect and pointed from the stimulation. Something tells him they are going to be almost constantly like that, poking out through his shirts when he bothers to wear one. Just like his brother and cousin. His shoulders and back broadening as the tan and changes move down his arms and back. His biceps and triceps buldging out. Dark tan, dark hairs, and viens popping out along them. Even some tattoos etching themselves across his upper chest and biceps. His hands began to swell up getting bigger and stronger.
"隆co帽o si!" [Fuck yeah!] Diego shouted doing a double bicep flex as Miguel finally got off him.
"Huhuh I won!" He declared as Thomas stood up angry but before he could say or do anything Miguel was flexing too in that same pose. Without even thinking about it Thomas found himself also flexing doing that dumb pose. In doing so he exposed his armpits which previously only had a very light dusting of hair but now they itched as longer dense black hair sprouted. Instantly becoming sweary and smelly as the wirey hairs grew long enough that they'd poke out even with his arms down. Hell they'd spill out of his shirt sleeves too. The smell was a mix of sweat, BO, and something else... fuck axe body spray!
"One of us!" Diego chuckled and Thomas frowned realizing he was acting just like them.
"No way!" He shouted covering his mouth. He hadn't noticed his adams apple get bigger and his neck stronger with muscle. His voice deeper and dumb sounding picking up a slight accent as though he had grown up in Cuba like his family. He didn't wanna be like them but even just that thought was enough to cause the trunk to speed up more and more until his mind was clouded once again, being forced to cum again into the trunk. It grew heavier and swelling and filling more. He felt his balls seem to swell more with each cum, filling with strong hetero seed.
"Haha giving your rabo [dick] some practice?" Miguel questioned, smirking and giving Thomas' crotch a playful tug. "I bet the Rodriguez triplets are gonna be excited!"
"驴Qui茅n?" [Who?] Thomas asked confused.
"Our dates for the party" Diego explained. "They are some hot chicas!"
"But come as a set so we needed a third guy to go with us!" Miguel shouted as Thomas realized why they were doing this now but was powerless to do anything as his dick and body were turning against him. An intense heat overtook his face and his chin itched as facial hair grew. His face seemed to harden and age a bit. He was looking more jockish and manly. His hair started to darken slightly and shifted from curly to straight and grew out longer. Thomas' physical changes seemed complete.
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"Fuck! I don't want to go to the.." he was going to say party but was cut off by the trunk jerking him again as he moaned. Miguel pulled out his phone showing him a picture of the 3 latina sisters. Thomas felt his mind turn on him next. Shifting from thoughts of pecs and hairy bods to thoughts of tits and curves. The Rodriguez sisters looked fucking hot and while he tried to fight it he couldn't stop the fantasy of he and his bro and his cousin banging the three sisters. All three of them impressed by their massive trunks. Fuck they wanted his rabo! [Dick!] And he wanted them!
"What you think Tom谩s? Still don't wanna go to the party with us?" Diego asked. Tom谩s wanted to say no but he felt a headache as it was getting harder to think of much besides working out, showing off, sex and partying. Being called by a new name seemed to click his new jock persona into place as he came one more time into the trunk. Moaning as what was left of his old self was jacked out. The trunk had a new weight to it, pulling him down slightly as it swung with each step. The bottom filling up with his seed and getting weighted down. He hardly noticed it before but after cuming several times the collected sperm was now noticable. He should have been humiliated, grossed out! Wanting this off or at the very least to clean it out. But no, instead he gave a dumb chuckle "隆co帽o si! I do!" [Fuck yeah!]. The new Tom谩s couldn't wait to go score with his bro and cousin, excited for his new life as a jock just like them! Miguel and Diego grinned and each other and high fived! They had a new bro to party with, workout with, and just be a bro!
"Haha exciting that Tom谩s is gonna spreed the family genes, si?" Miguel asked Diego who laughed and simply said. "隆co帽o si!"
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
can you write something about a strict biology professor being hypnotized into a barefoot stoner hippie by his other barefoot stoner hippie students?
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Professor Oliver Weckman was known around campus for being particularly hard on his students. A wicked bio professor with a 1.5 on rate my professor for being insane about workload and grading. It was almost like he took some kind of pride in failing his students. However of all Professor Weckman's students, Monty, Lief, and Bud seemed to be his main target this semester. They were Biology majors with their main focus being Ecology. The cared a lot about the environment, and got very into hippy and stoner culture. Professior Weckman often caught them smoking after class on his way back to his office and frequently had to correct them for being barefoot in class and especially in lab where it was a safety hazard.
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However they were smart despite not acting like it. They often got a mix of As and Bs in the class. He was infuriated that irresponsible students were in his class but no one was more bothered by the whole situation than the three stoners. Which was why one day they couldn't take it anymore and came up with a plan.
Monty stayed after class under the pretext of asking for help on research. However mid talk Monty started to light up right there in the classroom.
"Hey you can't do that in here!" Professor Weckman shouted however rather than saying anything Monty just blew some of the smoke right into the professors face. He started to cough and used his hand to wave away the smoke but was starting to feel weird, dizzy. Monty chuckled, "that outta be enough"
"Huh?" Was all the Professor could manage.
"Your way too stressed out and stressing everyone else out too bro" Monty said. "Better if you kick off those shoes and relax". For some reason the professor found himself nodding in agreement. Kicking off his dress shoes and then lifting his feet one at a time to peel his dress socks off. Monty laughed again taking another hit then blowing out more smoke. The scent of weed started to permeate the room, making the professor even more light headed. He scratched his head as his light brown hair began to darken to almost black and stayed short but started to get a little messier. His smooth shaven face began to itch as some scruffy facial hair began to grow. His face which had aged from stress seemed to youthen from his mid 30s to early 20s. His once bright, intelligent eyes started turning red and going glassy.
"You love weed, the environment, and science but damn your dumb. You need me and the guys to help you study to even get Cs" Monty chuckled and Oliver chuckled too. It was a deep, dumb sounding chuckle that even came at a delay. Each thing Monty said was penitraiting his mind and becoming true. His posture slouched a bit. It was hard to remember stuff, he was losing his PhD, his college work. His mind regressing to a 20 year old barely staying in college. Fuck it was so hard to think...good thing he had his buds to think for him....oh damn, Montys still talkin?
"You love working out with us too a lil but the munchies mostly got you" Monty laughs again as Oliver just looked down as his chest filled out with some muscle and fat. He grew slightly in height so his limbs looked long and lanky. Soon the new Ollie was taking the blunt from Monty and puffing on it willingly. Giggling as he lost himself in the smoke. Professor Oliver Weckman, terror of the biology department was no more. In his place was Ollie Weckman, or Wreckman as his friends joked since he wiped out on his long board all the time. The school should have no issue finding someone else to teach Ecology. And life was sweet for the new Ollie.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
So it鈥檚 basically the idea is some nerd gets a new backpack. And I was thinking either the new backpack had machinery within it or a parasite. And so the idea is the nerd puts on the new back pack and the back of the backpack ,the one that touches his back, a pocket opens up with tentacles that drills into his back attaching itself to his spin and transforming him into the old owner of the backpack which I was thinking could be a jock
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It was dark and motionless. It sucked. It was much better when Host was here but he hadn't been in a while. Then after what felt like eternity there was movement, talking, then the bag being adjusted and the comforting up and down movement of waking. Host was back. Time to feel more again, how exciting! The zipper of the bag opened and a tenticle slides out and starts to reach under the shirt and...how odd. There should be a way to enter already. Maybe not Host? Start to drill a hole and enter Host. This Host is not Host, body is smaller and weaker, needs a external tool to see correctly. This won't do. Where is Old Host? He was ideal. Adjustments are needed for this one.
Andrew felt a sharp pain in his back suddenly, like he was stabbed by a small needle or something. Great was there a needle or knife in his new backpack that went overlooked by that goodwill worker? His anxious mind immediately jumped to the worst. His old bag had been the one he used since middle school and the strap that was hanging on by a thread had finally broken. Not wanting to spend the money on a new one he went to a secondhand store and bought this used one that seemed to be in reall good condition. He takes it off to look at it. He didn't notice one of the pocket zippers was open that hadn't been before but a quick look through all the zipper compartments confirmed there was nothing there save for those small packets that get put in bags to keep them smelling fresh on a shelf. Andrew shrugged and zipped everything closed and put the bag back on. He felt a strange itch up his back and neck until it reached his head causing a headache and dizziness by the time he got home. He tried his best to ignore it as he put his notebooks and text books in the back and zipped it up hurrying off to class.
The high school senior insisted on being a straight A student even through this year, despite the fact that colleges didn't judge based on senior year. His headache intensified as his head began to itch as well. The sides of his hair buzzing close to the sides while the top grew out. His hair also started to darken from light brown to dark brown, almost black. He scratched at it, running his hand through it as it swooped to one side styling itself. The itching spread to his face as some dark stubble began to grow out of his previously hairless face. An intense heat overtook his face as his jaw adjusted into a more angular and masculine shape as opposed to the boyish roundness he usually had. The changes moved down as his thin chest burned and exploded out. He coughed as his chest heaved and pulsed out, growing into bigger and bigger pecs until soft squares of muscle hung above his thin stomach. That didn't last long however as thin abs began to pop out and define themselves. His arms felt sore with heat and energy as his biceps and shoulders expanded with muscle. His skin taking on a light tan. His shirt was straining against his new muscles as his eyes gained a strange glow to them and his body moved against his will. Flexing and ripping out of his shirt. His hands pulled off the tattered remains as a dumb sounding chuckle escaped his throat. It was deeper, dumber, and manly. The changes moved down south as his dick grew and his balls swelled up with strong jock seed. His legs firmed up with muscle and hair as his feet grew bigger and stronger as his height shot up. The new Drew smirked as he kept walking to school, Andrew was pushed to the backseat of his own mind as the parasite was planning to apply for the wrestling team.
New Host is much more suited now. Increased physical activity and proper nutrition should maintain it. Not sure what happened to Old Host but New Host now looks like Old Host. Vision correction no longer needed. If New Host agrees to take care of this body like Old Host complete control will not be required. Complete control assumed for the next few weeks.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
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someone write a short little gainer fic based on this pic pls 馃檹馃槃
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
i'm a 22 year old skinny white guy visiting mexico can you change me to better fit in?
Matthew was excited to be visiting Mexico as part of his year abroad after college.聽The young, somewhat nerdy 22 year old had never traveled before and couldn't wait to see a new culture. He had taken 4 years of Spanish and was even in Spanish Honor society back in high school so he was confident that he would be able to converse and fit in with the locals.聽After a several hour flight made easier by his Switch and a few Zelda games to pass the time Matthew arrived in the Mexico City Airport. He hurried through the security and Covid screenings, eager to see the city and explore. He was caught off guard however by how different the culture and language was.聽 He felt a pile of muscle slam into his back as a hulking young Mexican man shoved past his stunned figure.聽
"Eres un pendejo" [what an asshole] the man shouted back at him in a booming voice. Matthew struggled to keep up with how the locals called out to each other in bursts of slang and dialect that high school and even a college spanish course never taught him.
He saw a group of guys about his age, shirtless and tatted up playing in the street and drinking beer. He thought of talking to them but was overwhelmed and decided not to. After a tiring walk he finally made it to his hotel just as the sun was setting.聽
"Ay... 驴Como vas, wey?" [What's up?] Matt turned and saw one of the guys who was playing in the street standing behind him smiling. The man extended a large arm and shook Matts hands nearly crushing it before laughing at the obvious size difference. He seemed friendly enough so Matt talked him up in his best Spanish, though compared to the slang the guy was using Matt probably sounded overly formal. Matt was disclosing how alone he felt here and how he wished he could fit in and make friends. The other man nodded knowingly and handed Matt a baseball bat explaining that sports are very important down here and maybe if he learned a bit he'd fit in.
Matt shook his head and gave the bat a swing nearly falling over.聽He had no athletic talent.聽His legs wobbled a bit as he felt dizzy.聽 His new friend, Jos猫, put an arm around him to steady him. Matt noticed the ground pulling away and looked over to see Jos猫 no longer had as much height on him. In fact Matt could feel his legs elongating and stretching.聽His jeans pulled up to expose his skinny white ankles as he grew in inches to about 6'1 even taller than Jos猫. Jos猫 only smirked realizing that the bat was haunted afterall. Matt looked at his hands to see them growing larger and stronger, a dark tan spreading across as they grew to have a firmer grip on the bat.聽
Surprised he struggled to drop it but found his hands no longer obeyed him.聽 "隆A huevo!" [Fuck yeah!] He blurted out as his voice got a bit deeper and louder. He watched muscles expand all along his arms, splitting the sleeves of his small polo while he continued to grow and strengthen. He flinched in pain, feeling like 1000s of needles stabbing him as a wolfish tattoo appeared on his dark muscular arm accenting his new biceps. With a flex his shirt ripped off exposing darker nipples on large, round pecs and smooth hard abs. Part of him wanted to fight whatever was happening but he still couldnt move and now there was a voice in his mind telling him to relax and enjoy the ride. He gave a big unintelligent grin as his face sharpened to be handsome and jockish with beautiful brown eyes and thicker eyebrows. His long blonde hair pulled back into a dark, stylish jock cut.聽
Matt began to give in to the spirit. Feeling two black studs pierce his ears and memories of sports and growing up poor on the streets of Mexico city filled his head. He was going to go big and get noticed. He moaned as he felt the changes pushing south. His dick lengthening and darkening in his pants which had shrunk into loose mesh basketball shorts sagging down to show off his nice v for the sexy chica's. The formerly asexual nerd found himself suddenly lusting for some latina babes to plant his new seed in. Hormones rushing through his muscular jock body. He patted his crouch with one hand and easily balanced the bat with the other as the last changes went down his legs, swelling them to support his new figure. Finally big Mexican feet burst out of his shoes and his toes wiggled in the dirt, feeling more comfortable showing off his body. One more swing and exhale and Matt was gone.聽Now Miguel, Jos猫's brother and baseball prodigy who would soon be off to the states after being scouted by the Dodgers. Jos猫 smiled happy to see his brother back and knowing somewhere in there a nerdy American boy was getting his wish to fit in. He pulled out a cross necklace that belonged to their grandma and placed it on his brother with pride as the new Miguel gave a sheepish grin ready to get some drinks and some babes before he headed back to California for the season.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
"I'm making you into a total bro, BRO!"
Damn it there was that voice again. Your friend in Beta Rho Omicron convinced you to go to one of the frats parties and as a jock got you to agree to some hypnosis. Your friend told you it was temporary, just to help you BRO out and have fun at the party. But now it was 2 weeks later and you were still hearing the voice of the dumb bro persona your friend planted. When you were gaming the voice urged you to watch SPORTS. In person, online, didn't matter. Fuck, the SPORT didn't even matter though you were finding football and lacrosse in particular to be the best. When you were studying the voice urged you on to going to the campus gym instead. You found yourself on sites like tumblr looking at hot guys. Reading jock and frat boy transformation stories all the while you were becoming one yourself. Seeing the frat boys tossing a FOOTBALL on the lawn could mesmerize you. You could lose yourself staring into a pair of SHADES. What was almost scary was how you easily you slip into it. Checking yourself out in the mirror. Taking selfies. Calling everyone DUDE and BRO. It was never a total loss of control. You don't black out and wake up at the gym. Sure the personality put there by the hypnosis eggs you on but at the end of the day the choice is still yours. And your making progressively more jockish decisions. Your becoming a completely differently person and your just going along with it. Your working out, eating healthier, being more confident amd social. Your already thinking of trying out for the football team. Your already starting to look hotter. Maybe you'll rush Beta Rho soon.
Your becoming a total bro, BRO.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
The School Paper part 4 (Epiloge)
Evan checked his watch nervously. Paul had said he had some info about what had happened to Max and called a club meeting at 5. Half an hour had passed and he was a no show. Evan couldn't help but imagine the worst. Paul being captured and by some means changing like Max, the jocks shoving a helmet on his head or tieing him to a chair in front of some spiral and injecting him with drugs while Coach Winters whispered creepy stuff until Paul was a big dumb brute just like Max. Would a jocked up Paul and Max burst through the door any second to recruit them all? Beat them up? Threaten them to stop investigating? They had all been asking around but Paul was the only one so far who claimed to have anything. If Paul said he had enough to call a last minute meeting it had to be something big.
The door finally opened and a guy none of them recognized walked in. He was dressed in a red cap, turned backwards, a black polo shirt, and sweat pants. He looked older than a student but not quite a professor either. Walking in carrying a cardboard box.
"Sorry I'm late" he said. Evan recognized his voice. Paul? It couldn't be. He was hardly a jock, though he looked like he could have been back in his prime but. This is nonsense, Paul was 22 yesterday. He was in his prime, as drastic as Max's change was he at least looked the same age.
"Paul?" Evan asked curiously.
"No, its Santa" The man said rolling his eyes "of course its me, Evan"
"Paul what the hell happened to you" Evan looked him up and down.
"Got all the sports info for you guys" he grinned. "Coach Winters can't wait for the publicity" was Paul serious? Coach Winters should be devistated. His empire is about to collapse if Paul really has any evidence. Hell just before and after pictures of Paul alone would be enough to get outside investigations under way.
"What about Max?" Evan asked. Paul scratched the back of his head. "He found stuff out and wanted to change, apparently" Paul shrugged as if to say he wasn't entirely convinced but didn't seem nearly as worried as before. Evan took the note book Paul had and flipped through it. It was notes going on and on about being a well rounded school that produced well rounded students. College was about finding yourself and some people want to be jocks even if they don't know it. Then a bunch of sports stats and interviews with jocks. What the fuck was this? Suggestions that the news paper start up a sports section to raise school pride. Nothing about Coach Winters. Where was the hypnosis? The mind control? The shadey financial deals? Evan would chalk that up to their imagination, watching too many movies but no, what happened to Max wasn't normal. What happened to Paul wasn't normal!
"What is this Paul?" Evan asked and Paul gave him a confused look.
"The stuff for September's issue?" He said opening the cardboard box. "Paul it makes no sense how did you age 10 years in a day, how did Max's personality do a 360" Evan was so confused. Why was Paul so relaxed? What was even stranger was the contents of the box. It was a bunch of sports jerseys, mostly for the football team but a few others as well, in various sizes.
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That should have been strange by itself but then there was a a strong musky smell that filled the room and the strange looks all the guys got on their faces.
One by one they each got a blank look on their faces and walked over to the box picking up a jersey. Rubbing their fingers along several before each settling on one. Then they pulled off their shirts and replaced them with the Jerseys. Once they did each guy got an even dumber look on his face. This time dumb not blank as muscles slightly bulked up. Some bulked with muscle and fat, some mostly fat and others stayed thin. Hair seemed to suck into their heads to become short jock cuts, facial hair becoming chin straps. And hair growing across their arms and chests. Some guys got taller and some didn't. Soon all the guys were looking at each other and flexing and chuckling, looking over the sports stats and interviews Paul brought and cheering.
Evan on the other hand wasn't effected by the smell, other than being disgusted by it.
"Got one more for ya bro!" Paul said tossing a jersey at Evan. Evan caught it and felt a jolt go through him. His arms started to hurt as energy pulsed through them, bulking them up. His chest pushed forward with a mix of muscle and fat. Pecs pushing out above a slight muscle/beer gut. Filling out the jersey nicely. He grew in height as his legs thickened. Hands and feet expanding. Looking down at himself he didn't look like a bulky football player. More like some frat boy fan who worked out. He couldn't help but moan out as his cock grew. His hair trimming itself short as a dumb haze started to overtake his eyes.
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Paul grinned taking a pic of all the guys to send to Coach.
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2 weeks later a huge section of the September issue was dedicated to sports. How important it was for the college, a photo tour of the SAC, interviews and stats. The paper club now filled with jocks who wanted to spread the word. Some of them got recruited onto teams but most of them weren't. They were mostly fan boys who cheered and watched on the side then reported. Still interested in journalism though now they wanted to go into sports casting after graduation. Which was why they were all too happy to have Paul as their advisor since he already was a sports announcer. Coach Winters was content in the knowledge the school paper wouldn't be digging into him anymore and was little more than an extension of his athletic department now. Full of dumb drunken fan boys eager to report how great the teams were doing on their way to regionals amd then nationals. The good PR only influencing more to join. And Paul was all too eager to be Coach's little minion and over see the whole thing for him. But there was one thing neither of them accounted for, Evan. Sure the jersey physically changed him, sure he was more into working out and watching sports now, and sure his bigger dick and being surrounded by bros and broing out with them was a easy mindset to fall into at the moment. The main mental changer was the smell in the box which he, for some reason, was uneffected by. He knew this was all wrong, he knew this was all involuntary. He knew if he tried to do anything now he'd be subjected to some stronger treatment. Good thing he was a duel major in journalism and theater. He wanted to do theater but his parents insisted he pick another major as his real career when acting inevitably fails. He was mad before but now he was greatful. He can put on a show, act dumb, hell sometimes he scares himself with how easy it is to slip into. But he has a secret folder on his computer with notes about before to remind himself. He catches himself right at the edge but never falls. He writes things down, things he's seen and is waiting for the right time to sneak off and blow this thing. He just has to be smart about it. Sometimes he sees a flicker of remembering on Paul's face too but he can't act on those not yet. "I will save you guys, I promise" he reminds himself. He just has to wait for the right moment.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
Valentine's Day Special
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Donald was confused when he walked into his apartment to see the giant teddy bear with a note saying "Be mine" and listed as "from: secret admirerer" it was valentine's day but he was not married or dating, hell he didn't even have a sex friend. He couldn't imagine who it could have come from and more disturbing, how they could have gotten it into his living room. As he picked it up to move it though he felt a slight shock pass through him. Static maybe? His hands and arms were beginning to tingle, like pins and needles. His hands started to grow becoming bigger and stronger, the palms rough with calluses as his arms bulked up. Soon the changes spread through his whole body. His thin chest swelling as he developed two firm pecs and his stomach formed into a 6 pack, gaining just a hint of that sexy v shape. His legs firmed up as his feet grew bigger and his back shot up making him taller. His hair got shorter and styled as his face got more angular. He moaned as his cock started to grow longer and a rush of hormones flowed through him. For a moment his new horniness made him think of women but soon the mental images shifted from boobs and ass to cock. From curves to chisseled angles. Before he knew it Don...Dan...yeah Danny was jerking off to erotic images of men in his imagination. He was too enraptured in his own sexiness to realize as he grew the bear shrank as if it was transfering its energy his way. He glanced at his phone and opened only fans to record a video holding the bear up "alright, which one of you fuckers mailed me this?" He laughed it off soon recording a video humping the stuffed animal for his viewers. Lated he'd go on grindr to find a date for valentine's day. Who knows maybe he'll find his admirerer. Life was sweet.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
How about an agency that specializes in turning guys who were ment to be country boys or jocks but didn't end up that way because various things into what they were always supposed to be
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Bryan was an up and coming banker. At least that was the ambition. He had gone to college for finance, graduated and got a job at a bank corporate office. He had grown up in a small suburb but for school and now work had moved to the city. Sure the lights and the noise never stopped, the rent was more than half his pay for a small apartment and there was never a square inch of personal space with how many people there were. But he had room to grow. Get higher in the company and get higher pay. He was happy with his life as it turned out. Hard to believe it almost didn't end up that way. He had been adopted by his parents. He didn't know a damn thing about his birth parents and frankly had no interest. Regardless of their reason they didn't want him so why should he go out of his way to go on some soul search and hunt them down. They could research and find him if they were so inclined. Why is it the adoptive parents are never the ones who go on a 10 year search to find their child? He didn't need to know where he came from because he knows who he is. A professional from a upper middle class family and setting himself up to be a big shot. He could imagine all kinds of scenarios for hid birth family. It could be tragic, a family that wanted whats best for him. Or it could be some poor teen woman in a low income family found herself pregnant at 16 and couldn't afford or couldn't be bothered to raise her son. He spent his childhood wondering before at 17 he finally decided it didn't matter. The people who raised him were his parents and that was that.
Everything ended up the way it was meant to.
Or so he thought. One day while walking the 2 blocks from his apartment building to the bus stop, a woman in a buisness suit walked up to him.
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She hardly stood out from the sea of other similarly dressed professionals on their way to work. What stood out was when she walked up in front of him and stopped "Bryan Wentworth?" She asked. He was annoyed, she might make him miss his bus.
"Yes thats me" he said and she nodded pulling out a badge. Was she a police officer? FBI? Well let her be, he hadn't done anything illegal. But the badge was for a agency that he didn't recognize. She identified herself as well
"Agent Wendy Markson, LCA" she said
"LCA?" Bryan asked
"Life Correction Agency" she said without missing a beat, as if she was regularly asked that question. Was this a joke? Well it wasn't funny he was going to be late.
"There's no such group, I need to catch my bus to work" he said but she kept stepping in front of him as he tried to walk by.
"Birthname Buckley Ruth, date of birth August 9th 1994, birthplace Westfield, Georgia" she said looking at a small note book. The date was right, his parents had known that, the rest was random. He had grown up in New Jersey and of course now lived in NYC. she looked at him blankly. "Glad I have your attention, our agency's job is to correct peoples lives, sometimes they end up different than whats meant to be" she explained as if this was normal.
"Well my life is fine so please let me get to work" he said trying to get past her as she stepped in front again and this time she snapped her fingers and suddenly he felt strange. His feet felt cold all of a sudden as he looked down to see his black dress shoes and grey dress socks had vanished. His feet bare against the pavement but oddly enough the roughness of the sidewalk didnt seem to bother them any. He looked up at her as she snapped again and he felt the breeze on his chest. What the fuck? His suit jacket, white dress shirt, and tie were all gone! He was shirtless and bare foot in the middle of the sidewalk.
"What are you?" He asked as he looked at him, not seeming amused or cocky, looking annoyed if anything.
"Its not a government agency if thats what you mean, my employer is a bit less conventional" she snapped again and his black dress pants had turned into a pair of blue jeans, slightly ripped at the knee and stained. There was a belt as well with a huge confederate flag buckle. His boxer breifs had also changed and although he couldn't see them he could tell they were boxer shorts now. He looks at her again but before he can say anything she snaps again and they weren't on the city streets anymore but now standing a small bathroom of a old trailer. The noise of the city gone as Bryan panicked looking in the mirror as he sees a cap on his head, his hair that he kept relatively short but neat was now buzz cut. Another snap and his face shifts, getting younger but harder, more angular and manly, with a chin strap beard. His skin tanned as his chest swells into firm pecs and his stomach became hard abs. His arms were strong with big biceps. Though it seemed more like what came from hard manual labor than a gym membership. A tattoo appearing on his chest.
"What the god damn hell did yall do ta me!" He shouted covering his mouth. His voice had a thick southern accent and he sounded so uneducated. That was aweful grammar! "I sound like some white trash hick!" He said and Wendy looked at her notebook, disinterested.
"Well yes, you were never meant to be adopted, you were meant to stay in Georgia and grow up as a redneck, you were never supposed to have the opperrunity to educate yourself" she said cooly. "So in this reality your pops decided to man up and stay with your ma, they kept you and you grew up low income in a trailer, you worked mowing lawns starting at 9, then at a gas station starting at 16, after high school which you somehow managed to pass you moved out and got a job as a farmhand. Very kind of them to let you have your own trailer on their property" she said. "Lets see you played football all through high school, had sex for the first time at 14, oh my even sex with a few teachers, well thats probably how you passed isn't it Buck?" He wanted to scream, tell her to shut up but as she said each thing that memoey clicked into place. He was forgetting his previous life, losing IQ rapidly and started to grin and flex in the mirror.
"What about my parents?" He asked and Wendy lifted an eyebrow.
"Oh well you were never up for adoption so they adopted someone else, in the previous timeline he grew up as a gang member but was meant to be a professional banker so we actually corrected two lives for the price of one in this case" Buck wanted to yell at her more but his language was turning crass, his vocabulary shrinking.
"Fuck you ya bitch!" Was all he managed. "Yeah? You want to fuck me?" She smirked, seeming to enjoy this for the first time. Is that what he wanted? She was hot. He felt his dick stirring in his pants, wasn't he asexual before? Too focused on his career to bother with relationships? Naw he fucked all the time and he fucked good.
"Yer pretty hot" he said as the light in his eyes dimmed.
"I think I can put a wrap on this case now." She said writing something down then snapped one more time, vanishing. A few seconds later Buck forgot she had ever been there and grinned. He was sweaty. He left the bathroom and grapped a beer sitting down on his couch and flicking on the old tv. It was always nice to chill after a long days work on the farm. Yup he was horny, happy, and dumb. A few beers from now and he'll be drunk too! Haha! Life was perfect.
Everything ended up the way it was meant to.
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Author's note: there were two requests that were very similar about correcting a persons life so I mixed them for this.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
The School Paper Part 3
Paul managed to get away from all the jocks grunting in the weight room by excusing himself to the bathroom. Once alone he sent a group text to the other paper members. 'You won't believe what I've found. Meet up at 5pm to show you' and the others all asked what it was but he said he didn't have time to tell them right now. They agreed to meet in the paper office at 5pm. Soon he was back in the weight room, lifting and grunting. Putting on his best empty stare to blend in. However, what had come so easy to him a few minutes ago in his mental haze was now incredibly difficult to immitate. He looked around at the others, so focused so dedicated. They kept their eye on the....Paul shook his head. No. He had enough of his wits about him to recognize it was some sort of trigger phrase. He was not about to let himself finish that thought. It was bad enough when others said it, he didn鈥檛 want to think what the reprecussions of internalizing it were. He wondered how many people here were legitimate jocks and how many were like Max? Max was only obvious to Paul because they had been friends before but Paul hardly knew everyone on campus. Academic guys could have been dropping like flies only to be replaced by jocks and really would he have noticed? Maybe that was the sort of thing Max felt he was onto? No point thinking of it now. Blowing this story wide open, getting Coach Winters in trouble, hell maybe even the school in trouble was the only way to maybe help these bros. He had to just bide his time until 5. Locker room, shower, leave.
After the workout they went to the locker room. Paul had to do his best to not blush or try to cover himself in the locker room. None of the jocks acted bashful about their nudity so he would stand out too much if he did. In truth with his bulked up body, fuck even his dick was bigger, he really had nothing to be ashamed of. He showered off, Max tapping him on the shoulder and joking "one place you DON'T wanna keep your eyes on any balls rite bro?" Followed by that dumb chuckle. Huhuhuh. Paul got the joke, don't look down at anyones crotch but the phrase did make him a little dizzy again. "Uh true bro" he said shaking his head slightly able to hold himself together for now. That dumb chuckle, the empty look in Max's eyes. Paul was doing all this to save his friend but...was there anything of the old Max left to save? Was there such a thing as being too far gone? And if so had Max already crossed that point? Soon the shower was over and he was able to redress himself after drying off. Checking his watch. 4:30. Time to get away from these brutes. The paper office was across campus so it would be about 5 when he got there. So close to being safe. But then Coach called him into his office.
"Hey Paul, got a minute?" He called. No he doesn't. But it would be obvious he had broken free, he had no choice but to give his best dumb laugh. "Huhuh. Course Coach" convincing enough? It'll have to be. Paul walls into the Coach's office and sits down while Coach sat on the desk.
"Whats up Coach?" Paul asked.
"You can drop the act" Coach Winters said with a smirk.
"What you mean Coach?" Paul asked trying to keep the dim look on his face, just a test right? No way he could tell.
"My boys aren't as dumb as they look" Coach explained. "They are all so similar they can tell when there's a faker among them, even an almost perfect one" Coach smirked. "Actually had me fooled in weight room, consider being in theater club instead of that paper?" The Coach laughed. Well no point keeping up the act then.
"What did you do to Max?" Paul demanded.
"Well he was so curious about my process" Coach went on. "So I told him" he shrugged. "I spilled the beans, I told him what my helmets do, what the equipment does, why I was doing this and why the school was letting me" Paul couldn't believe that. Why would Coach spill all his secrets? What just because Max asked? More like a movie villian explaining his plan to the hero dangling above the shark tank. So confident he's going to win he figures theres no point hiding. Paul supposed he forced Max to change shortly after, before he could tell anyone. Was Paul in that same position?
"Then you changed him?" Paul continued.
"Would you believe that after hearing my reasons he joined willingly?" Coach shrugged.
"Absolutely not" Paul scoffed. "If Max wanted to be a jock he would have gone that route without any brainwashing"
"Do you suppose people could want things and not even know it?" Coach offered. "He was drawn to the athletic department. Sure he's excuse was investigating me but, the real reason? Jealous of alpha bros and wanting to know more about them" the Coach smirked.
"So is this the part where you make me 'willingly' sign up?" Paul asked causing the Coach to laugh.
"You should already be there, but seems like you got a stronger mind then planned so I'll have to figure out what to do now" the Coach shrugged as if to say, happens sometimes. That made Paul feel more confident. He was still in control of the situation.
"So spill those beans again?" Paul offered and got another shrug from the Coach.
"The helmet combines audio visual hypnosis. Put you inba trance first then show you some scenario, being a football player in this case but really the same tech could be used to show anyone anything" the Coach went on and Paul was taking mental notes to tell his bros, the paper members everything. "The gear all gives testosterone injections to help with muscle growth, thing magic I'm afraid" the Coach laughed. And Paul laughed too. "As for the why, this school was far too academic. Barley any sports. More important to have a well rounded school with a little of everything don't you agree?" And Paul shrugged. Still malicious to do that against peoples will but. He didn't want it and resisted so maybe those who gave in really did want it? "What about you?" Coach asked.
"Everyones got their eye on the ball but everyones ball is different, whats yours?" Paul was feeling light headed again but no he was strong he can fight it, Coach said so!
"I love journalism, its my major and I wanna do it professionally" he said and why was Coach smirking.
"So reporting, announcing things to the world so maybe those who didn't see something can know about it?"
"Eye on the ball, where is it, who has it? Who passed it to who? Which team scored, and so on" Coach said and Paul found himself nodding. True there was a whole branch of journalism for sports, sports announcers.
"Our school could use an announcer, a few reporters" Coach said and Paul didn't even notice as the headset was lowered onto his head, the strange beats, and voices, fast paced eager voices making announcements. Eagerly letting people know what they can't see. The announcer keeping their eye on the ball, so the crowd doesn't have to! How useful. Paul barely noticed his muscles started to deflate a little. Not quite a jocked up bro anymore but, still more than he had before. Some stubble on his face, shoulders slouching s little. "An ex jock like you? Sports announcing is perfect" Coach said and Paul grinned as his mind fogged over again. Yeah no way he could go to college still he was...in his 30s...yeah he was a football player and journalism major....not the best but Coach gave him a job after. Huhuh yeah! Coach was the best. Paul was a bit confused when he got a text
'Where are you?'
The headset came off. Oh yeah, shit. He was also an advisor for the school paper. There was some meeting at 5. He forgot. Huhuh.
"Better go attend to club duties" Coach said handing Paul a cardboard box. "Here's that stuff the paper wanted, make sure they put it on" Coach said.
"Course Coach" Paul said grabbing the box and texting 'omw' to the paper club.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
Birthday special.
Thanks @axeegliter for the pic
William was so confused when he started getting emails from onlyfans. He was a pale skinny college nerd studying history. He would never sell his body for some weirdos online. Did someone use his email to make an account? But no the comments said his name, Will. But they were saying stuff that made no sense.
"More pics of your size 13s please!" What? His feet were size 8 but as he thought that he felt a tingling in his feet and looked down. His feet started to swell and get tight in his shoes and socks the presssure building until he heard a loud rip and saw his feet rip out of the sneakers. They grew longer and wider to size 13. The next comment came in "nice abs dude!" And a searing pain shot through his chest as his skinny stomach expanded into tight abs. "Seeing those viens as you flex is so perfect!" The next comment said as he involuntarily flexed, grinning as his arms poped with nice bis and tris as visable viens snaked along them. The next comment said "that tan is to die for!" And he felt a shiver go through him as his skin tanned all over. He kicked off the remains of his shoes and starteds feeling too hot in his shirt as he pulled that off. "That dick is my favorite" the next comment read as Will started to moan feeling his cock expand. Growing longer and thicker, snaking down his pant leg and clouding his head with hormones, making it hard to think suddenly. "Would love to smoke up with you sometime! Where'd you get that Sherlock?" One comment read as he was confused until he remembered the glass pipe he used to smoke up. Yeah he took hot pics smoking with it all the time. "I found your page through your public skating vids, thanks for those" and his head clouded even more until he chuckled looking across the room to see his board. Oh yeah he was a dumb skater. He glances in his mirror and smirks. He was fucking hot too. Thank god onlyfans lets him pay the bills because he could barely pay attention in high school. Fuck college or trade school. Fuck lifes so easy when your hot aint it bro? He pulls his pants down just to tease his followers showing off his bush a little as he snaps his next pick. Maybe this one didn't show a lot...hmm could always post it public to advertise the goods. Get more fans. Fuck yeah that sounded great!
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
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Caleb was at the local beach reading. He was fully dressed in cargo shorts, a white t-shirt and sneakers with no show socks because he was pale and a little pudgy and overall not proud to show off his bod in public. Even if barefoot and shirtless was typical beach attire he couldn't bring himself to do that. He didn't even go outside or to the beach often but with the seemingly endless lockdowns and quarantining he was feeling very claustrophobic in his expensive, small apartment. He needed to get out and the beach was the closest place. While the outside air was nice the sand blowing in his face and getting in his shoes wasn't. And it was hard to read with the constant noise. Some kids were running around screaming and laughing as they played, surfers shouted and joked with one another, and groups of people were playing music. It all melded together into just annoying distracting noise. He closed his book frustrated and apparently his agitated expression caught the attention of one of the surfer dudes because he started jogging over. The young man had short black hair, chains around his neck, and was barefoot wearing a wetsuit with the top pulled down exposing his slimly muscled, slightly hairy, tanned chest. This was the exact kind of person Caleb didn't want to talk with. "Hey something wrong brah?" Yup the guy was a sterotype all right. He smelled like a mix lf sweat, sand, and salt water.
"Yes, I'm trying to read and relax and its so loud" Caleb said feeling a bit light headed from the guys scent.
"Readings for like, when its raining or something and you can't be outside, the beach is for fun brah!" The guy chuckled "you should swim or surf"
"No thanks I have no idea how to surf, I'd hurt myself"
"We don't get waves that big brah, this ain't Hawaii or Cali" the guy chuckled. "I could teach ya?" He offered and it seemed good intentioned enough, but Caleb would rather do anything else. Strange isn't it then that he found himself nodding and when the guy offered his hand to help him stand he took it. The guy tossed his arm across Caleb's shoulders. "Names Brody by the way" he said. Of course it is, Caleb doesn't say as he allowed Brody to lead him to the bathrooms. "Can't surf like that tho brah, got a swim suit?" Brody asked.
"No, I don't swim often" Caleb said.
"Bummer, well I got a spare wetsuit, probably better to use that anyway, for body heat ya know?" Brody explains. No way, this guy was taller with a different body type, no way would it even fit. And the last thing Caleb would want to wear would be some sandy sweaty used wetsuit....so why did he follow Brody to his Jeep in the parking lot and just stand there as Brody pulled out a gray and black wetsuit then led him over to the bathroom building. Brody pushed Caleb into a stall and started to pull off his shoes and socks. Caleb should have struggled but felt so dizzy and confused as Brody pulled off his shirt and then yanked down his shorts and boxers. That snapped him out of it as he shook his head and covered his crotch which caused Brody to chuckle.
"We're both guys brah, ain't nothin I haven't seen before" he pushed Calebs hands out of the way and started to force the wetsuit on him. Pulling it up his legs Caleb felt a strange warmth as his legs started to swell with muscle and grow longer making him taller as light blond hair strarts to sprout all over them. Brody put Calebs arms in next they burnt up next as lean muscles grow, not as much as his legs but he clearly worked out. Then Broady zipped up the wetsuit causing Caleb to moan out loud as his cock elongated and his balls swell. His pudgy stomach sucked in quickly hardening to lean abs. His pecs pushed out slightly. The suit fit fine now and huged his muscles and bulge in a tight but comfy way. His skin took on a deep tan as his dark hair shortened to a buzz, just long enough to stick up when wet, his face itched as some blomd stubble grew. His face became more angular and manly as his eyes turned light blue and gained a empty stare. His mind hallowed out as a dumb grin formed on his face, reading, college, being inside all the time, IQ points, vocabulary, all falling into the growing void in his head. His feet, still bare in the wetsuit started to expand, growing longer and wider as the soles thickened and hardened for going barefoot all the time and he chuckled as sand got between the toes.
"Whats funny Cody?" Brody said as Cal....Cody looked at him.
"Our wetsuits are the same size BRO-dy, huhuhuh" Brody slapped his new surfer bro on the back as they left the bathroom to go catch some waves.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
The School Paper Part 2
Paul was running on the field. The weight of shoulder pads on his shoulders. The air easily swishing across his sweat sosked skin through the breathable material of the jersey he was wearing. His big, heavy feet pounding the ground as he ran. Head turned back eyes locked onto one target. The ball. It was thrown in his direction. Eyes on the ball. He had to catch it. He didn't know why. He didn't know a lot of things. Huhuhuh must he why his bros called him stupid. No focus on the ball no time to laugh. No time to flex and give a dumb face and prove those dumbfucks right. He could do that later. Eye on the ball. He was near the end zone. He catches it. Jogs the few more steps needed. Touchdown! He feels a vibration in his crotch. His jock, or maybe it was the cup inside the jock, vibrating. Giving him pleasure. Paul moaned groaping himself right there thinking of all the ass he could get. Guy or girl. Who the fuck cared. He was horny all the time. His reward for doing good. Helping the team. Makin Coach proud. Fuck yeah! He should have been horrified by the dumb animal he's becum but it felt too good!
Paul jolted upright in bed in his dorm room. Drenched with sweat. His heart pounding. A quick glance at his body. No thank god. He wasn't a dumb brute. He didn't have muscles. A quick look in his shorts, briefs good. No jock strap, no cup. A glance in the mirror. No jock cut. No helmet. Nothing. He looked like himself. Did he just dream all that? Seeing what happened to Max must have produced a nightmare. But then...where did reality start and the dream end? Had he really seen a faked football application for himself? Had he really broken into Coaches office? Had Max really been waiting there and force a helmet on his head? Did the helmet...did it do what? What happened after that? He was on the field as some brute. Based on his body that part was for sure a dream but he didn't remember going back to his room or getting changed or falling asleep. What happened after the helmet was put on? He couldn't remember. He wasn't a dumb jock. He was safe in his room. He knew that for sure. And if he did find some weird application, he sure didn't bother to take it with him or take a picture. His notes on his desk were just his various interviews. Nothing incriminating still. He sighed. He had nothing. Neither did anyone else. The September issue would be due to the Dean soon and they had nothing. Half of an investigation into...A former member changing interests? It was college, people change. Could spending all that time around the team just caused Max to realize he wanted to give it a try. Did he make a decidion to improve his health and find he really liked it? It was possible. You'd think Max would at least tell them that though. That he'd rather....keep his eyes on the ball....instead of do some lame investigation. Paul shook his head. Those thoughts threatened to bring him down the train of thought from his dream. But would that really be so bad? If there was nothing to it that fake application wouldn't exist. Paul sighed, he had no way to prove even to himself that it did. Maybe a interview with Max was in order. Paul went back to sleep and went about his day.
Later he caught Max in the cafateria. He tried to hold back his disgust as Max ate like a slob. "What happened yesterday?" He asked first testing what was even a dream.
"What you mean bro?"
"In Coach's office"
"The fuck you in there for?" This was going nowhere.
"You didn't meet me in there yesterday?"
"No, were you filling out a app or something?" So Max had no idea what he was talking about. He must have dreamed that part too.
"Do you remember who I am?" Paul changed the subject. He could see Max's face scrunch up as he seemed to think more than he had in a while.
"Sure bro, Paul, from that lame paper" he grunted. "Oh shit yeah forgot to tell you guys. Nothin weird goin on just Coach tryin to round the school out more. Told me to join the guys for a few weeks to see if I liked it and totally did bro. Guess I got too caught up to let you guys know I changed majors to exercise sci and with football don't really have time no more for writtin" Max explained. It certainly sounded plausible. But really Max saying this or some script Coach made him say? No way to know.
"So were you filling out a app?" Max asked again and for some reason the reason why he had been in Coach's office felt silly. 'No I was looking for evil plans' Paul didn't say.
"Uh yeah" Paul nodded and this caused Max to grin and toss his arm over his shoulder. "Awesome bro, main thing you need to know is keep your eye on the ball, always" those words made Paul feel dizzy and he barely noticed Max putting his arm over his shoulder and walking him over to the SAC.
He brings him into the locker room, then to Coaches office. Still kinda in a daze he sits there as the guys start to pull off his clothes. He can feel a warmth surge through his crotch and ass as they put a jockstrap on him. Its rather loose but only for a moment as his ass and thighs swell. Paul can't help but moan in pleasure as his balls swell and his cock grows longer and thicker. His legs itch and grow stronger muscles and dense hair as the jocks help him into a pair of football pants. They put pads over his shoulders as his back and shoulders broaden and strengthen. The slide a jersey on as his pecs fill out into a strong shelf and his clre strengthens into a muscule gut. His feet swell getting wider and longer and stronger as they slide socks on him and oversize shoes. His feey growing to size 12 to fill them in. Lastly they put a helmet on his head as it starts getting harder to think and he stands up grunting and flexing.
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He is shown the paperwork Coach Winters had and nods agreeing to sign up as the jocks chuckle and slap his back and ass.
The practice is blurry. Practicing tackling, running, and catching. Just when it feels like he's gonna remember all this is wrong the balm is thrown to him. Keep his eyes on the ball. And then hes distracted. He went to weight room next and lifts weights he couldn't have dreamt of before. Its there in the weightroom with most of that gear off that he's able to think again. He looks at himself in the mirror. Muscles, short jock cut, a tat on his arm. Fuck he looks like himself enough. Probably what he could look like if he worked out for months but this wasn't him this morning! His own testimony and apparence is really all the proof he'd need that something strange was going on. After he gets changed out of these clothes that are manipulating him he's gonna get straight back to the editorial board.
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muscletfloverbackup 3 years
Just wanted to say that your stories are all really hot, especially the skater and stoner ones! Those are always my favorite.. I also love the trope you write where someone puts on the shoes or shirt or underwear of someone else and becomes that archetype too, you always do it really well!
Glad you enjoy. Stuff belonging to someone else, like that used weed necklace a friend jokingly bought for you? It was some cheap plastic thing and you wouldn't ever wear it, not even as a joke. But one night just to have fun and pretend....you decide to. Especially after your friend complained about the $5 he spent on it just for you to never wear. He invites you to a party and you cave and wear it. It has little stones on it that make it shine in the lights. One is missing, there's scratches on it, it smells faintly of weed. This was definitely used before. However it does look funny, and gives you an odd comforting warmth across your chest. You get to the party feeling a slight headache come on and a craving for something. You can't explain it but as you walk in the sharp scent of weed and alcohol hits you and yes. Thats the smell of what you want. You find yourself wandering over to a group of guys in the back. All barefoot and some shirtless, chuckling and passing a blunt around. The smoke coming off it and that they exhale swirls in the air and catches the light in a oddly fascinating way. You can't seem to stop yourself as you walk over and ask for a hit. They pass it to you and even though you've never smoked in your life you bring it to your lips and take a puff. You should be coughing from inexperience but instead you hold it feeling light headed before you exhale. Your hair darkens and gets messy as some facial hair starts to sprout. Your too lazy to shave it you remember and you can't remember much as your face gets more angular as a tan spreads. Your muscles ache as they swell and expand. Your arms getting strong as your biceps bulge. Slim pecs forming as dark hair grows on your stomach. You suddenly feel hot and overwhelmingly itchy in your shirt as you pull it off in time to see your stomach harden into abs as the unmistakable v shape forms. Tats form on your arms as the necklace rests against your bare chest cooly. That necklace! Thats whats causing this! Its turning you into its previous own you've gotta do something you.....take another hit. And just like that intelligence dims as you chuckle. Your a hot stoner. Whats there to worry about? Maybe you and your bros will go skating after this party.
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