heartsacrosstime · 5 days
“i’ll keep you safe” prompts ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
⋆ “i can stay the night, y’know. if it’d make you feel better.”
⋆ “try and get some sleep. i’ll stay right here- i won’t let anything happen to you, i swear.”
⋆ “you should’ve told me this was going on. i would’ve put a stop to it the second i heard about it.”
⋆ “no one gets to treat you like that, you hear me? no one.”
⋆ “either go to bed and get some rest willingly, or i will drag your ass down the hall kicking and screaming. you know i’ll have no problem with either option.”
⋆ “you must be freezing- here, take my jacket.”
⋆ “this place is dicey at the best of times. just take my hand until we’re clear of it, yeah?”
⋆ “anyone touches you, says anything to you, so much as looks at you the wrong way- you come get me, and i’ll set them straight. understand?”
⋆ “i’m not jealous. i just know the intentions that someone like that has for you, even if you claim not to see them yourself.”
⋆ “stay behind me, no matter what.”
⋆ "i know you can't believe it yet, but i promise you can trust me. whenever you're ready to rely on me, i'll be here for you. i swear it."
⋆ “i like seeing you this way. so… at ease. makes me wonder how anyone could ever purposely put you under stress and live with themselves afterwards.”
⋆ “shut up and just let me take care of you!”
⋆ “this isn’t up for discussion. i know you’re used to looking out for yourself, but i need you to understand that you don’t have to live like that anymore. i’m here. for as long as i’m around, i’m going to come between you and anything that wants to hurt you.”
⋆ “no one’s ever going to hurt you again. i promise you that on everything i believe in.”
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heartsacrosstime · 12 days
!! @heartsacrosstime Kagome to Sinbad
𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 '!!' 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 @heartsacrosstime
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Their looks : "Looks alone Kagome would conquer the world. Tell me what man would not yield before her dazzling smile, what man would not fall under a trance from one look of those chestnut eyes? Or perhaps tell me who would not fall victim to her addictive laughter? I can picture what my life would be and I can promise you it would be empty without her."
Their personality : "There are layers to her personality and I'm blessed to have seen all of them. Her courage to follow her heart, her strength to forgive those who are wicked, The compassion within her kindness whenever she aids you in your tasks, or nurtures you to health and the rarest her wrath once you've harmed those she loves.
And who they are to my muse : "My wife, my best friend and my heart in more ways than one. Believe me when I say I am no easy man to love."
+ Etc! : "You might want to keep orphan young ones from her because she tends to adopt them rather quickly as if they're strays....hmmm then again technically speaking they would be strays."
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heartsacrosstime · 3 months
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"Is he...Is he ignoring me?!" Her internal frustration is accompanied by her fits curling inward. Kagome knew Seto Kaiba was a rude guy. She's known that since the day she met him. But considering the topic at hand as an important one, one pertaining to his family, you'd think he'd at least pretend to pay attention.
If she didn't grow a fondness for both of his younger brothers, then she surely would have quit this job by now. The money was nice, sure. She was paid well above any other job she could realistically get in this area, and she's been saving that money towards her future. What was more important to her at this point, though, was helping those two young boys, who clearly needed the love and support of their elder sibling, who was way too busy or stubborn to even give it.
Kagome then moves around the side of his desk, using her foot to attempt to swivel his chair so he'd have no choice but to look at her. And when he did, he'd be met with eyes that one could almost see flaming with pure rage.
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"Then why haven't you done anything about it, huh?! Because you're too prideful to admit that you did something wrong?" The teen pauses, letting her emphasis on that sink in for a moment before she continues. "I wouldn't have to stick my nose into this if you just acted like an adult and actually talked to your brothers, like I know Mokuba's been suggesting you do. This would all be solved if you all just communicated!"
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Whether it was difficult or easy was not the problem. A first-name basis hints at a familiarity that Kaiba simply does not want his classmate to assume. He had always kept others at an arms’ length, with the exception of his own brothers, and he saw no reason to stop that
“I pay you to babysit, Higurashi. If there’s a problem with one of my brothers’ well-being, I’ll be the one to attend to it.” Blatantly ignoring what the girl had just said, Seto turns his attention to his computer, silently dismissing Kagome from his office. As though he wasn’t aware of what was going on with Motoki; the elder twin was just stubbornly stuck in a never-ending tantrum. Eventually he would tire himself out, in the meantime Kaiba and Mokuba just had to give him space.
Obviously Motoki’s behavior was a point of concern, and Seto certainly wasn’t blind to the effects that his attitude was starting to have on Mokuba, but if Motoki insisted on continuing his childish behavior, Seto had no issue with continuing to treat him as though he was a child.
At any rate, it was a family matter, and none of Kagome’s concern. She was paid well above the average rate to show up, make sure his brothers finished their homework, ate their dinner, and went to bed on time, with an occasional trip on a weekend where Kaiba could not pull himself away from the business long enough to spend time with the twins. It was better than a job as a waitress, a store clerk, a cleaning lady, and Kagome was dangerously close to throwing it away if she didn’t keep out of the Kaiba family’s personal matters.
Not that he didn’t begrudgingly trust Kagome, but all it took was one wrong word to the wrong person for the entire world to know of the inner problems at Kaiba Corp.
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heartsacrosstime · 5 months
@tcthinecwnself Sent: A In Case You Didn't Know Prompt (Accepting!)
❝ i think i have a new purpose in my life. to be with you. ❞ (Hunter @ Kagome bc vibes!)
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With all the mushy talk she spouts, you'd think Kagome would have been prepared for it to be dished back to her. However, she was anything but prepared for what just came out of the grimwalker's mouth, her face flushing as pink as the flowers she often liked to grow. Was he saying...what she thinks he's saying?
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"H-Hunter..." The witch can barely speak a word of response. He truly left her speechless. "Do you...really...mean that...? I-I mean...there is so much...so much you can do with your life. You're amazing at magic, way better than I am! Am I really...your new purpose...?"
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heartsacrosstime · 5 months
@lcstsons (Seto)
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"...It's Kagome. Ka-Go-Me. Is it so hard to just call me by first name, Seto?"
At this point, he is just doing it to piss her off, a typical behavior for a guy like him. It was to get back at her for 'daring' to call him by his first name. Sure, he may be her 'boss' technically when it came to babysitting his brothers, but she was his classmate first before he decided to drop out of school to focus on running Kaiba Corporation. Whether or not he saw their relationship that way, she still considered him a friend, a sentiment she still held true to this day despite what horrible things he did in the past.
However, that doesn't mean her patience or tolerance to his attitude is infinite. No, she was getting rather tired of it. Perhaps he was still salty she actually managed to beat him in that duel, a duel he challenged her too cause he didn't 'trust her strength' to babysit Mokuba and Motoki. Regardless, her intentions by coming to Seto Kaiba's office after both of his brothers were asleep weren't for herself, but for someone else altogether because from what she's seen, she couldn't sit quiet about it any longer.
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"As to why I'm here, I came here to talk about Motoki. From what I can piece together, there's a...rift between him and you and Mokuba. I want to know why that is." That much was evident by the kid's behavior, yet the most telling sign is he wasn't wearing the card-shaped lockets Seto and Mokuba did. She then takes a step forward then, putting her hands on his desk as she leans over to get closer to his face.
"And before you try to tell me to stay out of your 'family business', remember that you're the one who hired me to watch after your brothers. Doing so requires more than just playing with them and making sure they're doing their homework. It also means I look out for their emotional well-being, and...it's pretty apparent Motoki's upset because you seemingly keep ignoring him."
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heartsacrosstime · 5 months
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For: @lcstsons Only the tagged blog may reblog!
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heartsacrosstime · 5 months
@infintasmal Sent: A In Case You Didn't Know Prompt (Accepting!)
❝ i don't like most people, but you're an exception. ❞ (to kagome from jfar)
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"Why I think it would be good for you to get along with more people, I'm happy I am someone you do like to be around, Ja'far." The queen smiles at him, a smile as warm and bright as the sun. It wasn't too often he said such sentimental things, but she appreciates it when he does. His smile, whenever it is seen, was a soft and warm one, like an open fire on a cold night.
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"And while I do get along with most people, you're always going to be special to me, as both my comrade and my other little brother." Kagome then waves her bow, conjuring up a flower for him that she places in his hair. "No matter what may happen in the future, never forget that, okay?"
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heartsacrosstime · 5 months
in case you didn't know
for muses who need to share some intimate thoughts with one another. can be platonic, romantic, familial ... works with any kind of dynamic really. feel free to change pronouns, descriptor words, whatever you may need!
❝ you know i love and care about you, right? ❞ ❝ ... i guess i'm just scared of losing you. ❞ ❝ i don't like most people, but you're an exception. ❞ ❝ you're not alone. you'll never be alone. not as long as i'm here. ❞ ❝ by your side is where i'm meant to be. ❞ ❝ not one person is more important to me than you. ❞ ❝ i don't know what it is about you, but, you just ... you're the only one who can make me feel like this. ❞ ❝ you're amazing, you know that? ❞ ❝ who has the greatest (friend/brother/sister/sibling/parent/etc) in the world? me, that's who! ❞ ❝ i'm only managing to stand here on my two feet because of you. i made it because of you. ❞ ❝ i don't know how i'm ever going to be able to repay you. ❞ ❝ i know for a fact that you're special. i can feel it. ❞ ❝ you've actually made me feel like a person again, like i'm ... normal. ... thank you. ❞ ❝ i used to think that everyone else was just evil and cynical, guided by their own self-interest. that is, until i met you. ❞ ❝ you truly are too good for this world. ❞ ❝ i'm always blown away by just how talented you are. ❞ ❝ you deserve so much more than what you were given. ❞ ❝ nobody i've ever met has been more gifted than you. ❞ ❝ if you ever need a place to stay, let me know, okay? ❞ ❝ you always feel really comfortable and safe to be around. ❞ ❝ i think i have a new purpose in my life. to be with you. ❞ ❝ you have a kind heart. i know you don't believe me, and you try to hide it behind a facade, but i know for a fact that you do, deep down. ❞ ❝ i think you're probably the only one who understands me. ❞ ❝ you're safe here with me. nobody's going to harm you ever again. ❞ ❝ i don't deserve someone as amazing as you. ❞ ❝ i was kind to you because you looked like you needed a friend. ❞ ❝ i'm never leaving you. you're stuck with me. ❞
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
a collection of prompts for bad situations that two muses might find themselves in together, ranging from minor inconveniences to life-or-death scenarios. change & alter as needed.
Send 🌧️ for our muses to get caught in the rain together
Send 🪢 for our muses to be handcuffed together without the key
Send 🏆 for our muses to compete against each other in a competition or contest
Send 💡 for our muses to wait out a power outage together
Send ✈️ for our muses to wait for a delayed flight together
Send 🚗 for our muses to get stuck on the side of the road together when the car breaks down
Send 🔒 for our muses to get locked in a closet together
Send 🔑 for our muses to get locked out of the house / car together
Send 🚪 for our muses to get stuck in an elevator together
Send 🌳 for our muses to get lost in the woods together Send 🐺 for our muses to face down a wild animal together
Send 😱 for our muses to be forced to face their greatest fears together
Send ⛵ for our muses to be shipwrecked together
Send 🔐 for our muses to be captured / imprisoned together
Send ⚔️ for our muses to be forced into a fight to the death
Send 🧳 for our muses to get stranded in a different country together
Send 🚁 for our muses to go on the run from the law together
Send 🏝️ for our muses to get stranded on a desert island together
Send 🏠 for our muses to get trapped in a haunted house together
Send 🗡️ for our muses to get attacked by a third party
Send ❄️ for our muses to get trapped outside in a blizzard / snowstorm together
Send 🔥 for our muses to be trapped in a burning building together
Send 🚀 for our muses to be stuck in outer space together
Send ✨ for our muses to be stranded on a different planet together
Send 🌐 for our muses to be stranded in a parallel universe together
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
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"Y-Yes, there was. L-Let's get going before we run out of time." Kagome says, simply following Ja'far's lead as they move away from the two guards. The princess can feel their animosity towards Ja'far without even needing to look to see their reactions. Honestly, if the conversation had gone on any longer, she might have done something she would regret later. That's just how upset she was at the entire thing.
Why could no one see Ja'far's change? See how hard he's been working to have a place in this country? See how much he has to put up with? It makes her so angry to see people, royal guards at that, acting with such animosity. She thought that her people were better than that, but that could be her naivety showing once again, the very trait her grandfather always warned would get Kagome into trouble.
After the two had managed to get a good distance away from the guards and anyone else for that matter, Kagome screams into her hands out of pure frustration. Covering her mouth was meant to muffle the noise, not wanting to start another situation. That's the last thing she needs right now when she's reached a boiling point.
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"Man, I can't stand those guys! How dare they talk to you like that!" She's so upset she's forgotten all about the new plant she wanted to show him. Guess it would have to wait till after she's calmed. "Why...Why didn't you stand up for yourself, Ja'far? I know you don't want to get into fights, but...you shouldn't be treated so rudely! You need to show them you're different so they can see what I and Sinbad see!"
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Ja'far's not sure any of them expected Kagome to yell so suddenly. She didn't tend toward outbursts unless she was truly pushed And Ja'far felt conflicted to be the source of her current frustrations. He doesn't want her to become upset over his treatment and while he appreciates the defense, the suspicion of the guards isn't entirely unwarranted.
Ja'far is used to being suspected and watched carefully at this point. He did intend to kill the princess when he first entered this country. He's an assassin, born and raised. Nothing about his past makes him worthy of any amount of trust. And yet Kagome has kindly reached her hand toward him and give him a home to belong to. If she only knew...
He tries not to think too deeply about it. He needs to diffuse the current situation, not because he feels any sort of way but because it's his job to keep Kagome happy. So he puts a hand on her arm and steps out from behind her. He meets the guard glares with a stern, brief look.
"That's enough. However you may feel about me, Her Highness has chosen me as her personal attendant. And it's inappropriate for you to question her decision in front of her. Your Princess has asked you to return to your posts, unless you intent to further disrespect her. Honestly, I would think that two esteemed members of the royal guard would have better manners."
He turns his attention back to Kagome and smiles. "Now, wasn't there something you wanted to show me? We had best hurry or we'll be late to your next lesson."
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
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"It is our duty to protect and safeguard the nobility of this kingdom, an honor and a privilege given to us by our king. Her Highness' safety is of the utmost importance, for she is to rule one day. One can never be too careful, even when in one's own home. Threats are everywhere, and are often, from the most unexpected of places."
Every word from the guard's mouth was making Kagome seethe. It wasn't for the content persay, but rather in their intentions. They aren't saying this out of concern for any threat that is going to come, animal or otherwise. They are saying this because she was alone with Ja'far, someone they don't trust despite all the growth and progress he's made. Kagome can see the contempt in their eyes, especially as they glare at the garnet she had gifted to him along with his citizenship.
"Now, please, allow us to escort you instead of him, Princess. We are much more qualified for such a task. Your favorite flowers were just watered as well, and there is-"
"Enough!" Kagome cries out, managing to break herself free of the grips of everyone as she positions herself to now be standing in front of Ja'far protectively. What she is to say next may be improper, but she honestly has had enough of people like them
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"You think I'm so weak that I can't take a walk outside with my attendant and citizen of Asteria without an escort? I'm more than capable of protecting myself if need be. So, I'd appreciate it if you two returned to your posts and allowed me and Ja'far to walk in peace."
"N-Not to doubt your strength, Princess Kagome, but we have every reason to be concerned when you are alone with someone who is very capable of killing you when you least expect it, citizen or otherwise. You can't trust him, not when the King doesn't."
The two guards glare at Ja'far even more, despite Kagome standing between them. She grits her teeth then. Why did her Grandfather have to spread his displaced paranoia to the royal guards too? Guess the princess would have to pay her gramps a visit at some point today because she has had it with this. Ja'far didn't deserve it, and it...made her hurt seeing him get attacked necessarily, even after becoming a citizen.
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A big sister, huh? He smiles softly, appreciative of the gesture. It's a nice idea; an older sister. But he's not entirely sure what that means, not anymore than what he's heard about, what he images families are like. He has no family, not since his parents died. Not since he killed them. After that, there was only Shaka standing over him. A family... he's not sure he's meant to have one. But for, it might be nice to pretend..
Ja'far turned with her to continue their walk. But they'd only taken a few steps when they were both stopped. They looked at Ja'far directly, sharp eyed. He's used to it. It was natural for them to be apprehensive about him. To most, he was still an enemy. He tried not to let it get to him. Instead, he learned to keep his head down, lest he cause trouble for Kagome.
The problem arises when one of them lays a hand on Kagome. Ja'far frowns, looking past the guard attempting to keep him away. If they want to hassle him, that's fine. He cares little for their opinion of him. But stepping over their own princess wasn't something he could readily ignore. A snake in the grass he might be, but that doesn't give them the right to trample the garden beds.
Ja'far narrowed his eyes and quickly ducked around the guard. He was faster than they and a few heads smaller. He stood in front of Kagome instead, between her and the guard. Ja'far put his hand on theirs, over where they were grabbing Kagome.
"Please remove your hands from Her Highness. It's rude to grab someone so suddenly," his words are pointed, an edged politeness. He smiles, tries to appear as nonthreatening as possible. "Actually, garden snakes are mostly harmless. So long as you keep your hands to yourself, they'll leave you alone. In fact, a snake in the garden can actually be beneficial. Helps with pest control."
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
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Her heart nearly stops at the sight before her, both husband and daughter covered in the crimson liquid of death. Kagome moves to instantly wrap them both in a warm embrace, tears forming from her eyes as soon as the contact is made. This...This shouldn't have happened, and she knows it's her fault for letting her daughter train before she was ready.
But...how could have denied her daughter of what she wanted more than anything? To become a hero like her parents and family? To make everyone...proud?
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"My little Firecracker...My sweet husband...I'm...I'm sorry I wasn't there...I'm sorry you both had to go through this alone...I should have...I should have sensed Moroha's change in demon energy, and yet..." Kagome needed to get out those words out before any other action was taken, her teary yet serious gaze shiting up to look at her husband. Now wasn't the time for sobs, not when her loved ones were injured.
"Inuyasha, I need you to bring Moroha to Lady Kaede to treat her and your wounds, quick. Make sure no one sees you with her like this. We don't need to make the village worried. I'll catch up. Just wait for me there. Okay?"
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@heartsacrosstime   ›    kagome !
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         ❛❛   Moroha,   She   ...   she lost control,   like me.   ❜❜        Inuyasha explains in a few words,   arms cradling his daughter's frame tightly,   garments soaked in crimson from wounds still healing.   It all happened so quickly,   their usual practice took an unexpected turn,   she couldn't block the wind scar and the next he knew she was   ...   did he rush her into a fight she wasn't fit to face just yet ?   No,   moroha was capable,   her strength preceded her few years,   with an extraordinary level of improvement her father in all his years couldn't achieve as quickly,   but she was still a child,   it's his fault for forgetting the fact.   The half demon frowned,   his heart aching for the terror she'd wake into,   monster,   how many times is she going to hear it in her lifetime ?        ❛❛   It's all my fault,   I should have listened,   I should've gone easy on her,   maybe then she wouldn't   ...   I'm sorry,   kagome.  ❜❜
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
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Her gaze, hues that were the same as her mother's, shift away from her father to instead gaze at the ground below. Moroha was...feeling a lot of things right now. Anger, frustration, fear, sadness, disgust...All of those emotions were tugging at her heart for control, just as her human blood did in an attempt to stop her demon blood that night. Even now, as she sits alone in the peaceful serenity of a feudal-era morning, she can't help but see flashes of that event over and over again as she moves to hug her arms around her knees.
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"Papa...Is...everyone going to...call me a...monster from now on? Will you or Mama...not want me anymore?"
The thoughts were extreme. She listed the unlikely worst-case scenarios, but what can one expect from an eight-year-old who just went through a traumatic experience? An experience that will be engraved into her mind no doubt for the worse.
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@heartsacrosstime   ›    Moroha !
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         ❛❛   How're you feeling,   pup ?   ❜❜        tone is light yet sombre,   he offers something of a smile as she turned to him,   a hand affectionately petting her hair before he sat down crossed legged beside her.   It might have been best to give her some space to think alone,   but inuyasha was aware of the severity of the situation,   for he had experienced the mental toll of his demon blood surging through,   that vicious desire for blood,   the twisted sense of glee that overwhelms his being when that inner monster is set free ;   a primal urge he can no longer deny but learned to control,   a journey she was yet to explore herself,   but not on her own.
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        ❛❛   Do   ...   you wanna talk about It ?   ❜❜        he asks,   unsure if it's the right thing to do,   having never been the one to talk so freely of such things,   but Moroha was an exception,   he'll talk to her in just about anything.
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
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"How unusual for ye to ask such a thing..." The old woman looks up from her work, another amulet talisman meant to protect the royal family during treks away from the palace, in order to stare at the half-demon. Inuyasha making any sort of small talk during his visits with her that wasn't complaining about something was rare already. However, him asking about this topic was... unheard of, so much to the point that she begins to be a bit suspicious of him and his intentions.
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"Before I attempt to answer such a question,I have one of my own. Why do ye seek such knowledge, Inuyasha? For what purpose would ye need to know such things? Is there someone ye are...interested in courting?"
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     @heartsacrosstime   ›     kaede !
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        ❛❛   What do girls like ?   ❜❜        the question comes abruptly,   spoken after a long while of meditation.   He had been sitting quietly by the old healer,   watching her as she worked as he often did as a child.   With no one to take him in after his mother but her he had grown used to her company,   and was of course at ease in being himself around her than the human form he was stuck to masquerade in.   Regardless of that estrangement he found in the human world,   inuyasha was a bit too involved to renounce that connection kept intact through a thin line,   human sentiments rouse so strongly whenever she was around,   too enamored by her grace and scent to realize the gravity of his growing admiration,   she wasn't meant for him,   perhaps never will be ;   and yet,   he believes it would suffice to bring a smile to her face,   at the very least.   The issue was however,   he hadn't a single idea how.   What would she like ?   good weapon ?   A freshly caught rabbit ?   A demon's claw ?   His gaze travels to kaede,   confusion reflected in golden hues and his knitted brows,   he needs help.
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
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The enchantress came into her chambers quietly, her demeanor graceful but still intimidating. She had to leave the castle today to attend a demon summit of sorts, a gathering of the highest-level demons. It was boring and unbearable to sit through, but was necessary to provide her valuable information on what is transpiring with her colleagues. If she as going to usurp them all once she gathers the objects she is seeking, then she needs to know what retaliation she might face, correct?
After taking her seat and sipping her tea as her dog directed her to, Kaguya sensed something was...off. Inuyasha had well learned how to prepare things for her by this point. She made sure of that. However, there was something different about him today, as if he was trying extra hard to be on her good side. And it only took her a moment after he started to speak to put the pieces together, Kaguya placing down her tea cup to ensure it won't be damaged in the potential show of power she might end up performing if what she suspects he will say next turns out to be accurate.
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"A priestess you say...The very humans who are specially trained to destroy demon kind? Tell me, pet, what did you do with this trespasser? Surely you wouldn't be so foolish as to let her roam free after learning of our home's secret location? Or...did you just so happen to clean up the smell of human blood before I returned, a smell that notoriously lingers?"
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@heartsacrosstime › kaguya !
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     All arrangements were made before her arrival,   the tea was slowly brewing to perfection,   the fire kindled anew,   her seat next to fireplace all clean and tidy.   Lady Kaguya had made her point clear about cleanliness,   and he made sure bare feet wouldn't leave a trail of mud as he went about the place ever since.        ❛❛   You're back !   ❜❜        the half demon greeted as keen ears caught her footfall upon the threshold,   a sort of gladness residing in a smile so solitary.   He ushered her to her seat and poured her a cup before finally settling in to his place next to her like a loyal dog,   yet didn't attempt to utter another word until the warm beverage had the effect to sooth her nerves ;   he had wanted to talk to her about   ...   a certain someone.
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        ❛❛   Today's been slow,   but I caught scent of of a human close to the gates.   ❜❜         he began carefully,   golden hues observing her every move.        ❛❛   it was a priestess,   she lost her way and stuck 'round my tail all day,   talkin' my ear out,   tch !   Are humans always this annoyin' ?   ❜❜
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
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"Moro..." If Firecracker had ears like her father, they certainly would have drooped upon hearing that statement. Ever since she as little, the pup has wanted nothing but to reunite with her sister. She even tried to sneak off to help with the search on multiple occasions, even if she continually got stopped by one of the many adults who looked after her. This entire situation was just...not fair. What did her family do to deserve this?!
Most of all, she's upset at just how stubbornly blind her sister is. The hesitation she has towards everyone is expected, considering what lies she had been fed growing up, but...she's made no effort to even try to hear them out despite everything they have done having been the opposite of the lies Moro had been fed. Guess the stubbornness trait really did run in their family.
But that fact meant Firecracker was also stubborn, refusing to give up on her sister despite what she continued to say. Though, even the youngest of the three children of Inuyasha and Kagome could see her words were not enough to change things. That meant a different approach was needed and she knew just what to try next.
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"You know what, sis? I'm sick and tired of this crap. If you won't see reason, I'll just have to go to the source of this and force them to reveal their true colors. Then you'll see who the real villain is."
Her fist is tightened as she approaches her sister, not hesitating to grab her by the red fabric of her robe. This approach was more like one her old man would do rather than her mother, Firecracker remembering the stories of her parent's adventures clearly. She tried this Mama's way and failed. It was time to try Papa's way, one that would lead her into danger she could care less about at this moment.
"Take me to Zero. Now."
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@heartsacrosstime asked: "I just want my sister back. Is that so hard to ask for?"
From @heartsacrosstime (Firecracker to Moro for Torn Apart Twins)
random asks || always accepting
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"Ya never had a sister t' begin with."
The twins hadn't even been born yet when Inuyasha and Kagome had made the deal to sacrifice their first-born to protect themselves. Moro may have grown up knowing she'd had a twin who'd been spared, but she'd never felt incomplete, like there was a gaping wound in her side, an emptiness that only her other half could have filled. She'd never felt like a twin, she'd never felt like a sister, she'd never felt like a daughter.
Cast out, tossed aside without a care, while her so-called parents got to live out their lives with their other two brats in peace. Moro was surprised they'd ever even given her a second thought, let alone actually talked about her to her twin.
Why did Firecracker even care so much? Surely Moro had made it more than clear by this point that she wanted nothing to do with the twin who had been chosen. It was easier to keep her distance, to hate her, than to dwell on the fact that Firecracker had very clearly been fed a different version of events, that if things had gone just a little differently, it would have been Firecracker who would have been given away and Moro left behind. Surely Firecracker wasn't so stupid that she couldn't see that?
"Sometimes we don't get what we want, but I bet ya'd never know what that's like, would ya, princess?"
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
@infintasmal Sent: A PROMPT FOR DEEP CONVERSATIONS (Accepting!)
do you remember the dream you had last night? (from Ja'far to Kagome)
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The question comes out of the blue as she watering her plants, but Kagome should have seen it coming. It was clear to anyone that had seen the queen today that she was...off. Her smile was still there, as radient and cheerful as ever, and yet the cracks in it could be noticed by those who knew her deeply. Ja'far, of course, was one of those people and never shied away showing his concern for her well being. It was rather sweet, so sweet in fact it makes her wonder how anyone would dare call him such mean things like 'snake' when he was one of the kindest people she's met.
She takes a deep breath as she sits down beside him. If she was going to tell him what was going on, something he had already well caught onto, then she had to prepare herself. Kagome usually wasn't the type of person who held back when it came to saying what bothered her. The problem more lie in getting her to actually talk about it, usually hiding her pain behind statements such as 'I'm fine' or 'Please don't worry about it' and a smile. Those same tactics were ones she's criticized Ja'far for funny enough. Not even Sindria's hopeful and pure-hearted queen was perfect, it seems.
"I wish I could forget it, to be honest." A small statement, but it speaks right away to what exactly her feelings on it were without any more context. Still, she decides to go into it, knowing Ja'far is going to press her until she does. He and her both shared that persistence when it came to helping others, another example of how they were more alike than one might expect.
"I saw...a battle, a huge conflict involving every major nation in the world, including us. I tried to stop it, but...nothing I did worked. And in the end...nothing was left..." She leaves it at that, her body shuddering from flashes of the intense imagery reappearing in her mind. Kagome had woken up from that dream so intensely that she nearly caused Sinbad to think she was dying of a heart attack.
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"It didn't feel like a normal dream, Ja'far. More like...a vision, a warning as to what is to come. Maybe it's my...magi powers trying to tell me something, but...it could also be my own paranoia. After all, Al Tharman's rather recent attacks on Balbadd and us have been weighing on me, and how...I wasn't of much help during either."
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