#*mr meow meow (iinuasha)*
heartsacrosstime · 1 year
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"Wow! You did such a good job on your test, Inu! Much better than your last one!" She speaks with pride as she sees the improved score. It wasn't a top mark, but she wasn't exactly the best in class either. Still, she was proud of him for all the hard work he put in and how that hard work paid off, especially since she helped him through this process with their study sessions.
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"Oh! We should celebrate! Why don't we go out for some food tonight? I hear a new place just opened up near campus that is supposed to have the best tonkatsu ramen!"
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
@iinuasha Sent:
It had become a habit to see her at such late hours, ever since he caught the scent of salt mixing with her fragrance, he worried she would be overcome by solitude and allow it to extinguish her light. And just as he would step in quietly to see her like a restless dog, content to sit there and guard her till day break, she would tag at his Kimono, offering space for him to rest. Tonight wasn't any different, he held her close to him, listening intently as she talked the night the night away. There was something in the crease of her brow that wasn't the result of struggle against sleep, but an inward annoyance she found with the treatment she had been receiving, he learned the details from Sota, how her beauty was the only feature that seemed worthy of praise, it makes him feel bad for being a part of it for a while. ❝ Y'need to stop listening to what they say. You're more than that ... to me at least, Sakura. ❞ he said in a tone so tender, and leaned to kiss her.
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She's aware of what she's doing. Kagome knows of just how many rules she is breaking by doing this, by asking her bodyguard to hold her tight and listen to her woes. If anyone was to find out about this, especially her wolf prince fiancé, then surely that would spell disaster. However, just this once, she doesn't even think about the consequences. She was just that desperate.
Kagome was a strong girl, a strong princess who always put her duties and the needs of her subjects first before her own happiness. It was the fate she was born into, the price for the life she's lived. No one could change it, not even the gods. Such tolls had weighed her down more and more as time passed, until eventually, she was at the point of no return, a broken glass doll beyond repair.
And that's when she finally decided to act selfishly, to ask for the one person she truly wanted to be at her side to try an help put her back together. This one night, this one moment, would be enough. She didn't need anything more. All she needed was...to be heard, to be seen, and to be reassured in her own feelings.
Luckily for her, that's exactly what Inuyasha had delivered. Brown hues widen as he leans forward, but doesn't shy away when he makes the move to kiss at her cheek. Such affection she had been desperately needing, selfishly wanting, and it made her heart both relax and break all the more. For such times...were not to last.
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"I...I...I just wish...I could freeze time...To stay like this...forever." She leans more into his hold, her desperation clear to see as her body shakes. "To not have to wake up and go back to a life I didn't choose for myself...To go back to putting on a show for everyone... To go back to smiling through the pain...To go back to where...you and I can't...can't be like this...Can't just...be ourselves."
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heartsacrosstime · 1 year
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As the crowd cheered for the beautiful song the mysterious singer 'Sakura' had sung, the old woman stands from her seat to grab the bottom of the club owner's white silky locks. No hesitation is shown as she drags him into his office, slamming the door behind them using her cane. Even with one of her eyes covered, the anger and disappointment Kaede had in that moment was clear to see.
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"Inuyasha! How...how could ye?! How could ye drag that innocent girl into this sinful hell of ye's own creation?!"
She knew she couldn't stop him from going down this path, only try to get him to diverge off of it, but...to think he'd drag Kagome Higurashi of all people down here...Maybe he was too far gone at this point if he is bringing people who shouldn't be here at all, and yet...she wanted to think he knew better.
That's the whole reason she dragged him back here, to give him a chance to explain his actions before she showed him why all the demons in his club were terrified of the former demon-hunting priestess.
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